I've been picking Widow a lot lately. And losing a lot too lol.
I don't get it though. I am getting a couple of medals every game and I am proactively pushing payloads and defending points. I don't just hang back and snipe all the time.
EDIT: Just picked Widow again. Of course the game where I get no medal at all, we steamroll them. WTF
I didn't know that shooting someone's head doubles damage. Either the tutorial didn't mention this or I forgot.
tied game
in overtime
point is contested
both teams are skirmishing for it
opposing team has point 80% captured
... but I've been playing a ton of Zenyatta lately.
with a nerf gun.
The leave penalty should probably be a little altered. Perhaps allow for more leaves but a harsher penalty once you pass that threshold.Dammit, it disconnected me from the server twice in a row and I've already got the leavers penalty warning. I've played dozens of full games and only two "leaves" and I'm on the list.
Got teabagged by a McCree after I chased down the Mercy and killed her as Zarya. Alright.
There is, kind of... I mean, it's more gentle, but it's there.Wish there was a "Get on the fucking objective!" voice command.
Wish there was a "Get on the fucking objective!" voice command.
I would cry.
I've been tea bagged once in is game. And yep it was by a McCree after I had killed his team a few times with bastion.
I never talk but when I get frustrated enough to I always take a passive aggressive approach. Lol
"Why am I the only one on point?"
"Payload would go faster if it just wasn't me"
"Why is the healer(me) the only one pushing the payload?"
I need to do some practice matches with McCree, Hanzo, and Tracer. I feel like they are the only characters I don't know how to play effectively. Also I need to learn better symmetra turret placement.
Any tips for how I should play these characters?
Hanzo is a mystery for me, but McSkill is easy:I need to do some practice matches with McCree, Hanzo, and Tracer. I feel like they are the only characters I don't know how to play effectively. Also I need to learn better symmetra turret placement.
Any tips for how I should play these characters?
I wish there were player hosted dedicated servers. The game would be so much better with a GAF server where people could come and go, with team shuffle so games are as balanced as possible, and where certain maps can be banned, maybe a class limit, and so on. You know, like most online FPS games released on PC nowadays.
I never talk but when I get frustrated enough to I always take a passive aggressive approach. Lol
"Why am I the only one on point?"
"Payload would go faster if it just wasn't me"
"Why is the healer(me) the only one pushing the payload?"
i always expect to get teabagged when i get killed by either a bastion or soldier 76
I love it when I'm playing Mercy and nobody is pushing the cart so I have to. Yeah thanks team make the hero with charged res ult be the first target to enemies...
I need to do some practice matches with McCree, Hanzo, and Tracer. I feel like they are the only characters I don't know how to play effectively. Also I need to learn better symmetra turret placement.
Any tips for how I should play these characters?
It is so satisfying to ride the payload as Reinhardt with your shields up. Half the time, the opposing team is completely clueless about what to do - it's like we activated some sort of cheat code and they all just stand there and look.
I agree. It's a bummer, and I feel that this game won't have as much longevity with me personally because of this.
Anyone on Xbox want to play? Sick of having random teammates who run 2 Torbjorns while on offense.
Playing Mercy is so frustrating holy shit.
There could definitely be some more voice commands.Wish there was a "Get on the fucking objective!" voice command.
Zenyetta is just so much fun to play, Offense or Defense. I'm on PS4 so I'm sure the lack of [good] Widow's help too.
Any buff to him will be wonderful as well.
play zenyatta.
Is there a delay after Mercy revives you where you can't fire off your Ultimate?