Tawney Bomb
If your team isn't in five different places at once it's not so bad.Playing Mercy is so frustrating holy shit.
If your team isn't in five different places at once it's not so bad.Playing Mercy is so frustrating holy shit.
Playing Mercy is so frustrating holy shit.
And prepare to be just as frustrated when you die really easily.
Yeah the worst part about playing mercy is that it gives you front row seats to finding out how awful your teammates are.
I only find his low health to be an issue when there is a competent widowmaker on the other team. .
A mediocre Widow should be able to take him out. Just needs a body shot
On the flip side you can really feel like you're the backbone of your team when you drag them through the objectives with your healing.Yeah the worst part about playing mercy is that it gives you front row seats to finding out how awful your teammates are.
Which there ALWAYS is on pc
It's so damn hard to deal with, show your face for a split second and BAM
That's why I always do a little dance when a torb gives me armor, because now I can actually survive a single bodyshot
All right. Fuck the achievements. 9 hours of Dva and no ult quad kill. I hate her and it is ruining the game for me.
How so? literally the only ults that you can kill are Symmetra and Junkrats. If you couldn't kill those they'd be OP as fuck. Mei's isa nnoying but it doesn't inherently do much compared to similar ults. I mean, a junkrat tire is literally a drivable/flankable mobile compressed dps reaper ult without any risk to the user.
All right. Fuck the achievements. 9 hours of Dva and no ult quad kill. I hate her and it is ruining the game for me.
If your team isn't in five different places at once it's not so bad.
Thanks. I thought so.
Achievements were a mistake. Nothing but trash.
Why even bother spending so much time for a silly spray
Love Lijiang Tower with Lucio. So far I've blasted an Ulting Bastion and an Ulting McCree into the endless pits on top of all the other blasts.
"It's high no- AHHHHHH!!"
Could wait for her buff and then go for it.
All right. Fuck the achievements. 9 hours of Dva and no ult quad kill. I hate her and it is ruining the game for me.
Stop playing for achievements?
Let's be honest with ourselves. D.Va is only played because she's waifubait.
I've never seen a D.Va have a large effect on the game.
Let's be honest with ourselves. D.Va is only played because she's waifubait.
I've never seen a D.Va have a large effect on the game.
Playing Mercy is so frustrating holy shit.
I really don't like Zenyetta except when I get a tank heavy team. I feel like everything kills you in one second without shielding. But with Reinhardt and Zarya Zen turns into a dps monster.
There needs to be a GOGOGO command. Even when most players wait outside of the combat area after spamming ULTIMATE READY it's pretty awkward to get everyone to jump in at the correct moment.There could definitely be some more voice commands.
I'm a weak, weak man. My computer is apparently going to be in the shop for a while (repair tech wouldn't even give me a timeframe), so I bought the game again on PS4. Taking a little bit to get used to using a controller instead of M/KB (how in the heck are you supposed to even USE Pharah with the jump/hover key bound to X, seriously?), but I guess the help of auto-aim has really improved my Soldier: 76 game, which was dire on PC. Plus since my rank is starting over, I get to play against a bunch of scrubs, so I get to feel pretty awesome, for a little while at least.![]()
Yup. I went up against a Tracer D.Va combo once, they were in group and it was so god damn frustratingly good. The D.Va would pop up behind you, pepper you, and when you were distracted with her, the Tracer popped in and melted you. When they where done, they both ran for the Hills to regroup and come back to flank someone else.like winston d.va's utility is more in distracting fools from weird corners of attack. unlike winston she can't take more than about 4 seconds of someone looking at her funny
I really don't like Zenyetta except when I get a tank heavy team. I feel like everything kills you in one second without shielding. But with Reinhardt and Zarya Zen turns into a dps monster.
I'm a weak, weak man. My computer is apparently going to be in the shop for a while (repair tech wouldn't even give me a timeframe), so I bought the game again on PS4. Taking a little bit to get used to using a controller instead of M/KB (how in the heck are you supposed to even USE Pharah with the jump/hover key bound to X, seriously?), but I guess the help of auto-aim has really improved my Soldier: 76 game, which was dire on PC. Plus since my rank is starting over, I get to play against a bunch of scrubs, so I get to feel pretty awesome, for a little while at least.![]()
play zenyatta. his damage output is really high for a support character and his ultimate is a pretty effective panic button and team heal.
alternatively play Lucio.
I gave up on Mercy early on because the people I was healing couldn't reliably win 1v1 fights while getting a constant stream of heals, so what is the point?