Who is your favorite tank?
I've been trying to learn how to use him more. I'm almost never tank
Pretty much jump to the back line and kill the squishy stuff. Your whole goal is to take one or two down and distracting the rest for a bit while your team pushes. I like landing right on unsuspecting people and that scares them enough to where you deal a decent amount of damage. Then as they run a way chase for the kill. If they turn around and shoot drop your shield.
The shield part is key. Learn the distance from the edge to the closest you can drop it next to an enemy so they are still outside. You don't know the amount of times I completely nullified McCree and Reaper damage. Usually when they blow their load and see they did nothing they run but by then they are dead. If they run inside your shield so they can hit you back out. It blocks their damage if you are outside of it and they are shooting from within.
Don't be afraid to run. Don't just use your jump to initiate, jump away to live as well. Learn the jump angles you need to look to get used to the distances you can jump. You will be surprised how far you can jump and how accurately you land to a target.
Be sneaky. Always aim for the healer if no one too strong is around. Symmetra turrets go down like they are made of paper if you show up. Watch out for Bastions, Reapers, fully charged Zaryas, and good Soldiers. Never be too prideful to dip of their whole team turns around.
It's all about that Monkey business.
There are a lot of little things I can't remember atm but the key is to play around your shield. It will help you stay alive for a ludicrous amount of time if you can bait their attacks and block all their damage with your shield.
Winston is my fav. Not for all situationsbut, I just like going Bananas.