At 31 hours, I'm really enjoying the game.
My breakdown is probably like 50% solo, 30% with one friend, and 20% with a party of 3 or 4.
But I gotta say, long term, I think it will be the random players that force me to turn away. I really do love everything about this game, but just the list of things pissing me off is growing each time I play, and it's almost always because of the team.
- I don't think I've ever started a game without at least one sniper on the team, regardless of map or mode.
- Teammates selecting a SECOND sniper when we already have one
- No one ever seems to pick a healer. I play support 90% of the time when no one else will... but some nights I'll start with "I'm just gonna play who I want" and I'll play 8 games in a row without a healer. It's absurd.
- IF A BASTION IS ON THE OTHER TEAM, that should be PRIORITY ONE, Genji. Jeez.
- Why stay on the payload? Why stay on the point? I swear, nobody gives a shit about the objective unless it's overtime.
etc, etc.
Sorry... I know I'm ranting. But I just had a blast playing with my friend for the last four hours. But I can tell I'm getting better. I'm not great. Neither is he. But we're good. We're competent. We understand and respect the principles of the game. But holy shit, every single other person seems to treat the game like TDM. Makes me sad.
EDIT: Also, since OT3 went up, I've bought 11 boxes and earned four or five. Holy shit, like almost all of them are truly white, white, blue, white. Every time. Without fail.
In 34 levels or so, I have gotten ONE legendary...and I bought one other with coins.
Holy shit... this.
I can't count the number of times I've noticed our sniper is focusing entirely on the enemy sniper. Don't get me wrong - I want the enemy Widow or Hanzo taken out. Absolutely. But there are times I'm confident our sniper got less than five or six kills on other players the entire game. Infuriating.
Interesting. I suppose I can see how one could feel that way, but I actually feel the exact opposite. I think it's really fun to mess with established rules and enjoy the chaos that ensues.
When you win on offense as symmetra and your teammates say to you " Those were some awesome teleporters man"
I've only played a couple hours but I don't see why people are getting so upset over pubs. It doesn't seem very competitive yet.
Mcree is starting to piss me off.
Is the only one that i get mad if I get killed by the flash Hammer combo.
I play Genji and sometimes I'm curious just how much my team want Bastion out of the fight. I seem to get blamed when he gets back in again.
What would you want me to do? Would you want your Genji to go to his spawn and kill him over and over until he switches characters? That works on the first objective and as a Genji I can hold 2 Bastion's/Torbs in their spawn at any one time. I think it's a decent strategy, but you can't do it at the second defensive point anymore.
Sometimes it's not Genji's fault. On objective two, Bastion pops out and sits down almost as soon as he comes out of spawn.
I've only played a couple hours but I don't see why people are getting so upset over pubs. It doesn't seem very competitive yet.
I play Genji and sometimes I'm curious just how much my team want Bastion out of the fight. I seem to get blamed when he gets back in again.
What would you want me to do? Would you want your Genji to go to his spawn and kill him over and over until he switches characters? That works on the first objective and as a Genji I can hold 2 Bastion's/Torbs in their spawn at any one time. I think it's a decent strategy, but you can't do it at the second defensive point anymore.
Sometimes it's not Genji's fault. On objective two, Bastion pops out and sits down almost as soon as he comes out of spawn.
I've only played a couple hours but I don't see why people are getting so upset over pubs. It doesn't seem very competitive yet.
If you are a Reaper and you are not on their on side doing some chaos back there you are playing it wrong.
Do I just suck or is Route 66 bad for Winston? Just wondering since I basically felt useless there and kept dying, so switched to Soldier and did some good work. We still lost though.
If you are a Reaper and you are not on their on side doing some chaos back there you are playing it wrong.
I have a MUCH easier time against Winstons at Route 66 than I do on a map like the Shrine in Nepal. I think wide open spaces force the bubble to be less effective and the movement advantages are lessened somewhat as well, with long sight lines you can even get hammered mid jump by a good Pharah or Widow.
Man, just thinking of it now Winston seriously wrecks shop in Nepal.
Is the one character that can reach with ease their side undetected and wreck havoc, in anubis on attack you can teleport to their side bypassing all turrets and bastions.I always feel terrified when I play Reaper, I can't aim for shit and I feel super fragile. :/
Not my style but I'd love to practice him next.
Is the one character that can reach with ease their side undetected and wreck havoc, in anubis on attack you can teleport to their side bypassing all turrets and bastions.
It's not really that bad. If people think it's bad now, they aren't ready for the salt ranked will produce.
any tips?![]()
any tips?![]()
IM SO BAD i hate myself
It's a bit tough cause it is so open but at the same time it is amazing cause it is so open. Jumping across the map to weird spots is super easy on 66.Do I just suck or is Route 66 bad for Winston? Just wondering since I basically felt useless there and kept dying, so switched to Soldier and did some good work. We still lost though.
Teleport to the back rooms,wreak havoc for a bit, wraith out when you're low on health to get health packs, rinse repeat.
It's a bit tough cause it is so open but at the same time it is amazing cause it is so open. Jumping across the map to weird spots is super easy on 66.
On this map though I recommend having a second tank if you run Winston. Rein is good at drawing all attention to him if he sits on the payload so its much easier to jump around unnoticed.
Let them know to stay on Rein. Many people see you pick a second tank and they switch off.I will try it out once I play some more Winston.
Yeah it's tough in pubs, I guess I'll try Winston if someone else plays Rein.
any tips?![]()
It's a bit tough cause it is so open but at the same time it is amazing cause it is so open. Jumping across the map to weird spots is super easy on 66.
On this map though I recommend having a second tank if you run Winston. Rein is good at drawing all attention to him if he sits on the payload so its much easier to jump around unnoticed.
The teleport skill is always ignored for some reason, use it relegiosly to get into their side since you have shotguns and they are letal at clase range, nobody can counter you at close range not even tanks, reaper is the natural counter to mcree aswell since you can bypass the flash with the ghost skill forgot the name.any tips?![]()
any tips?![]()
It's not really that bad. If people think it's bad now, they aren't ready for the salt ranked will produce.
You know how turrets are so annoying because they usuallly finish you off? Like a turret wont kill you from full health usually, its just you were walking around in half health and all of a sudden bang youre dead because you werent expecting a turret around the corner.
Now imagine a turret that walks around, thats Reaper (and Tracer). Youre minding your business and all of a sudden you're shot in the back. Then you panic, and you fight back and maybe even get the upper hand, and he turns invulneravle and floats away. Now you have to decide if you will chase him or stick with your team knowing he's out there.
Hes an annoying fucker.I love Reaper.
The teleport skill is always ignored for some reason, use it relegiosly to get into their side since you have shotguns and they are letal at clase range, nobody can counter you at close range not even tanks, reaper is the natural counter to mcree aswell since you can bypass the flash with the ghost skill forgot the name.
Basically Reaper is a flanker same as trace, their job is to go and cause disconfort on their side.
Also the Ultimate use it after you teleport into the middle of their group, teleport press Ultimate and kill them all.
Oh my...
- Only teleport when out of the enemy's sights, to mislead or evade the enemy. Otherwise ur ded.
- Attack from above, behind, or the sides--never let them see you coming. The teleport is key. Or ur ded.
- Save wraith form for escaping if at all possible, or else you'll be caught (there is no movespeed boost and he's fully visible while using it). And ur ded.
- Reaper's ult is best used when the enemy team is grouped together and distracted. If you can get it off even a second before anyone thinks to target you, it will all but kill any non-tanks. If there's any stuns ur ded.
- Reaper's passive--giving 50 health from a fallen hero's soul-- is an easy way to heal when behind enemy lines. It can turn a 1v2 situation into a fair fight with very little risk, provided you get the drop on them. This can even work on tanks, whom Reaper shreds.
Consider this and you may spread ded.
The teleport skill is always ignored for some reason, use it relegiosly to get into their side since you have shotguns and they are letal at clase range, nobody can counter you at close range not even tanks, reaper is the natural counter to mcree aswell since you can bypass the flash with the ghost skill forgot the name.
Basically Reaper is a flanker same as trace, their job is to go and cause disconfort on their side.
Also the Ultimate use it after you teleport into the middle of their group, teleport press Ultimate and kill them all.
Oh my...
Yeah it's tough in pubs, I guess I'll try Winston if someone else plays Rein.
My favorite are the people saying "I CAN'T WAIT FOR RANKED, SO TIRED OF THESE TEAMMATES THAT WON'T SWITCH OFF OF WIDOW"... seriously? Have any of these people played MOBAs before? Ranked or not people think they're the greatest anything ever and will continue to be shitheads in any mode. Don't delude yourself.
I have avoided been flashed by use the wraith at the moment of impact, if I get it from behind well of course i cant see it lol.You CANNOT "bypass" the flashbang as Reaper, what does that even mean? Like if you use wraith form you cant be flashbanged? Sure but what mcree would flashbang you then? You cant use it when youre stunned and no mcree flashbangs you after youve seen him, its always from the side or some shit.
In a sense yeah. Both D.Va and Winston are backline disruption types while Zarya and Roadhog can be forward offensive types.I feel like this is the same advice for nearly every tank haha.
"As long as you have a rein every tank is good."
I have 1000 hours of both Dota 2 and Hots played and while there are also idiots in the ranked modes, it's far less then in quick match.
The ratio of people who actually care about winning does rise a lot. I firmly believe the same will be the case for Overwatch.
Woah there. Let's not get crazy.That feeling when you get 6 votes as Mercy. Sniff. I love you too, random peoples.
EDIT: I'm going to change into only the 3rd avatar I've ever had.
If the enemy protects the bastion then there's not much one Genji can do unless everyone rushes together. Pretty much impossible in public games.
That feeling when you block 30k damage as Rein and they commend Mercy. Feels so bad man.That feeling when you get 6 votes as Mercy. Sniff. I love you too, random peoples.
EDIT: I'm going to change into only the 3rd avatar I've ever had.