First time properly playing Bastion. Of course I got POTG.
Yes the hanzo arrow hitbox and 20tic servers are hilarious.
I'm not the best aim in shooters as I rarely play them, but how the fuck good Widow players instantly snipe people in their heads as they fidget around is beyond me. I feel I get headshots by pure guesses where people will be going.
I don't play Bastion nearly as much as I did during the beta but there are definitely situations where you want a Bastion on your team. If you're pushing a payload and you can get a Bastion set up on it behind a Reinhardt shield you can really wreck the enemy's shit.
I don't play Bastion nearly as much as I did during the beta but there are definitely situations where you want a Bastion on your team. If you're pushing a payload and you can get a Bastion set up on it behind a Reinhardt shield you can really wreck the enemy's shit.
watching seagull play mei... I'm disgusted
i could only dream of being so cunty
Yeah I just haven't played as him because he just looks and feels so boring to me. He definitely wrecks shit though.I don't play Bastion nearly as much as I did during the beta but there are definitely situations where you want a Bastion on your team. If you're pushing a payload and you can get a Bastion set up on it behind a Reinhardt shield you can really wreck the enemy's shit.
It's beautiful.
I've started getting more long mid range headshots since watching him. It's hilarious how oppressive she can be in all ranges. The enemy team kept trying their damnedest to kill me.
yah im watching a lot of his vods now, i'm kinda amazed
overwatch is my first game playing with kb+m so the controls are still a little weird but seeing stuff like seagull constantly moving and jumping helps a lot with what I should be doing![]()
yah im watching a lot of his vods now, i'm kinda amazed
overwatch is my first game playing with kb+m so the controls are still a little weird but seeing stuff like seagull constantly moving and jumping helps a lot with what I should be doing![]()
This is just so cute to me, haha
Most valuable thing I've learnt that is if you get the jump on a 76 he's a dead soldier. Can't out dps your freeze.
Also started punching more. Her gloves make it look so adorable.
That said: there is no joy greater than killing a Bastion or Torb turrret right as they are setting up to wreck your team.
I did it like 5 - 6 time during my last match...
...The satisfaction was immense...
i mean, i only found out yesterday i could cancel my own ice walls.......................
but yeah, i hardly ever melee. usually i'm trying to focus on getting mei positioned favorably so that my ice walls don't deter from my team too much.
Yeah I just haven't played as him because he just looks and feels so boring to me. He definitely wrecks shit though.
I'm Lvl 66, 57 hours into this game (plus another 22 lvls from beta) and I just realized yesterday that Torbjorn and Roadhog have alternate fires.
I wish I wasn't so terrible at a keyboard and mouse for this game. Guess I'll double dip on PS4 eventually.
I'm Lvl 66, 57 hours into this game (plus another 22 lvls from beta) and I just realized yesterday that Torbjorn and Roadhog have alternate fires.
Game is pretty even across the board so if you manage 60 in any fight then it should hold 60 in rest of the situations too.What is the best way to stress test graphics for FPS drops? I'm messing with downsampling.
How do you not press Right Click at least once?
I'm Lvl 66, 57 hours into this game (plus another 22 lvls from beta) and I just realized yesterday that Torbjorn and Roadhog have alternate fires.
It took me 25 levels to realize Mercy has a handgun.
I think I might have to stop playing Mercy. I'll be sad to see her go, but in the games I've been playing in groups of three or four, my winrate with her is speaking for itself.
Maybe if we manage to put a full group of six together I'll pick her up again, but right now Lucio is a much safer bet with a 50/50 winrate (compared to my 30/70 winrate for Mercy).
she is fun to play though
Mercy need to be buff, she's pretty useless at healing and has no survivability compare to Lucio, what they need to do is to change the way Guardian Angel works, put a bigger cooldown to it but make it heal her when she's using it, each time she's flying towards a partner gives her X healing points... could be great.
she's pretty useless at healing
Angel_DvA said:Mercy need to be buff, she's pretty useless at healing
Prioritization do people usually play mercy? i tend to stick to someone like roadhog but fly about to help critical healmates. does mercy function best as a dedicated healer instead?
She is by far the best heal in the game.
Last night: 62% teamdamage healed(12k+)
With non retards as teammates I always get 40%+ healed. And most of the time this means a win for us.
And she has an okay mobility. If you know where your mates are, you will not get caught alone. Even when raodhog grabs me, 50% of the time I can do a 180° and SHIFT to my bros.
how do people usually play mercy? i tend to stick to someone like roadhog but fly about to help critical healmates. does mercy function best as a dedicated healer instead?
I agree, and we're not alone:
Unfortunately she's simultaneously the most popular and the least likely to win.
I hear Mercy is pretty popular in the competitive scene, but the stats definitely show that us regular scrubs aren't having much luck. Maybe there'll be a buff of some kind sometime down the line.
he can't heal as fast, his passive heal is slower than even Zenyatta's and there's a long cooldown to his boost.I'm not saying she can't heal but it's more difficult to achieve something with her than other healers, especially compare to Lucio who can heal everyone at the same time without even trying and I'm not speaking about what he brings to their mobility... You need to put more effort with Mercy for the same result.
maybe they could give us the possibility to heal two people with her laser gun instead of one or I don't konw, something...