55.5% now. I notice that anytime I play with a group of six and go above 56% my solo queue turns to absolute shit. Teammates have 47% win rate and opponents average a 54%.
I noticed this as well.
55.5% now. I notice that anytime I play with a group of six and go above 56% my solo queue turns to absolute shit. Teammates have 47% win rate and opponents average a 54%.
Stats don't matter at all. Wins don't either, this is all quick play anyway. If it were Ranked then sure but it isn't.
I'm surprised at the amount of people who pick genji considering he is actually the most unfun character to play unless you have an idea of what you're doing / how the maps work / how the enemy team is playing.
If you ask me, next to the high accuracy dependent heroes genji is probably one of the hardest to play.
Wait, nothing wrong with Winston and zarya.
I'm surprised at the amount of people who pick genji considering he is actually the most unfun character to play unless you have an idea of what you're doing / how the maps work / how the enemy team is playing.
If you ask me, next to the high accuracy dependent heroes genji is probably one of the hardest to play.
But he's a cool ninja.
Imo Genji is harder to play than anyone anyway, cause not only do you require accuracy but also very high situational awareness and a knack for timing.
Ranked will use the same matchmaking as quick play.
Completely agreed. But when you pick her, nobody ever picks a healer... and I'd rather have a Lucio or Mercy. As for Winston, he's really great if you have no tanks... but I like the other tanks more.
But no McCree bullshit. No Widow stealing. Etc.
Make McCree look strong.
Pulled off this juicy wombo combo with EU GAF today. Based on the url even gfycat knows what's up.
I have 14 hours on Genji (more than any other hero) and I agree it's one of the hardest heroes to play but once you manage to wreck shit with him, it feels a hell of a lot more rewarding than with any other hero.
Also knowing the map layout and health pack locations is essential. If the enemy team has several heroes which use beam weapons I usually switch though![]()
OK, I'm getting real fed up with McCree's flashbangs, especially on last stage of Route 66. Reminds me of the first version of the sandman in TF2 before they realized being completely immobilized wasn't fun.
I really don't understand the stigma pubs towards having more than 1 Tank/Support. You see it all in high level matches. Rein and Winston/Roadhog combo, Mercy/Lucio is a devastating combination of support.
But in pubs as soon you see 1 Tank/1 Support the others automatically switch to *insert DPS here* so you have a comp of 1T 1H and 4 randomly assorted DPS.
No way....
I got a 25 kill streak, but since I was in the weekly brawl, the trophy didn't pop.
I'll never play that well again![]()
No way....
I got a 25 kill streak, but since I was in the weekly brawl, the trophy didn't pop.
I'll never play that well again![]()
Stats don't matter at all. Wins don't either, this is all quick play anyway. If it were Ranked then sure but it isn't.
Amazing things about this game:
I'm level 94 and still discovering stuff.
There are characters I haven't tried cause I have so much fun with others but as soon as I try a new character I fall in love all over again.
How'd they make so many fun to play characters?
Best character design since Street Fighter 2
Totally agree. The art is fantastic. The comics and the art book are top notch.
But Roadhog....
Wanna lose a match fast, get on a team with 4 widowmakers
Totally agree. The art is fantastic. The comics and the art book are top notch.
But Roadhog....
Do weekly brawls factor into your win/loss record?
Ranked will use the same matchmaking as quick play.
Totally agree. The art is fantastic. The comics and the art book are top notch.
But Roadhog....
Nope! None of the stats or W/L counts towards anything.
Totally agree. The art is fantastic. The comics and the art book are top notch.
But Roadhog....
Toa Roadhog is like top 5 skins in the game breh.
All my favorite heroes are defensive. I really should try to branch out, I just like characters that involve being able to use interesting tactical planning, like Mei and Junkrat.
Ya me too. Bastion and Tjorborn are my favourite. They are tough to master but with a high skill ceiling I always feel like I'm improving.