Picked my usual Pharah in a pub game (Attack on King's Row), and then somebody else immediately does as well. For once I don't switch, and as I watch, everyone else in the group picks Pharah too, except for one hold-out with an inch of sanity who picked Mercy (and later switched to Lucio, and who was probably the only reason this whole insane scheme went as far as it did).
And we actually won. I couldn't believe it worked, even after the other team started switching to Soldier 76 and Bastion, we still pushed that payload all the way to the end.
Next match after that we switch to defense, same map, and everybody in the group except me picks Torbjorn (I stick with my usual defense Symmetra pick). And damned if we didn't win that one too. Helped that the opposing team just kept trying to duck into that doorway to your left as you pass the wall, and damned if I didn't just keep putting my turrets back there and catching them every damn time.
Utter silliness, but after a run of really bad pub matches (including one where I had the gold medals in kills and objective kills... at 2 and 1 respectively), it was just what I needed.