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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Wow I swear 9/10 players do not know the payload heals you. Stay on the payload ffs.

Ah I didnt know this. good thing I havent done ranked yet lol. But I always stick to the payload anyways cause yeah I want to win!

To be fair, you only need 3 people on the payload to move it at its top speed. The other three players should be flanking/clearing the path.

oh... dint know this either.


Wow this game. I've bought it on Saturday and have been playing non-stop. This game is so dependant on having a good team which since I'm playing solo is kinda hit-and-miss al the time, but when it all connects it is awesome. Maybe I should find a team?

Had my best game yet today while playing as Lucio on Gibraltar. My team was semi-useless and we were getting steadily getting pushed back until the cart was 5m from the end. At this moment I said 'fuck this' and started hugging the cart like mad to push it back. Queue me having to constantly fight of an enemy Roadhog, Lucio and a Reinhardt sometimes for over 4 minutes while only dying twice. Tactically spamming my beat and using the audio push ability saved my ass and the game.

Wow I swear 9/10 players do not know the payload heals you. Stay on the payload ffs.

Thanks didn't know, also doesn't get mentioned anywhere in the game that I've noticed.
With so many people playing flankers and snipers, getting 3 people on the point can be a challenge

Just spent a match as Lucio pretty much being the only one on the payload. But damned if I didn't push that thing all the way to the end, jumping and skating around the payload and using my speed boost to drive the enemy team fucking nuts trying to kill me, and giving them a nice shove if they tried to get in close. That gold medal for objective time was the least surprising end-of-match award I've ever seen.


Just spent a match as Lucio pretty much being the only one on the payload. But damned if I didn't push that thing all the way to the end, jumping and skating around the payload and using my speed boost to drive the enemy team fucking nuts trying to kill me, and giving them a nice shove if they tried to get in close. That gold medal for objective time was the least surprising end-of-match award I've ever seen.

I've been having a hard time doing that recently, because people are finally realizing that splash damage heroes are the best way to counter that strategy.


I swear I must have the worst luck with loot boxes, I feel like I am being taunted now. A bunch of boxes ago I had my first legendary for a while - Djinyatta. Cool. I already had a legendary for Zen but fine, I like it, I like him.

Just got my first legendary since then just a minute ago - same fucking skin. Not the first time I have gotten a duplicate legendary either, but it feels like the game is just taking the piss now.


that feel when you capture the point then 2-3 of your team run off into their spawn and die

I don't even understand. Tracer, Genji, etc to harass sure, but when the tanks do it I lose the will to keep playing ranked.


Great, now drop 10 more ranks so that you can be near the rest of us on the PS4 Overwatch crew. :)

I'm on pace for that today, hold tight.

I got 88 elims as zarya and lost on Lijiang.

I have died long ago.

Sounds about right. I had an offensive Torb on Route 66 that decided he'd finally switch with 20 seconds left. I also keep getting matched with a guy named Toon Link that only plays DVa. Decent DVa, but to me you are worthless as a player if you can't adapt to the other team.


I still don't feel Torb's damage output is the actual problem.

He's bad because of the stacking that's allowed. A single Torb isn't that much a problem.

He's bad is because his turret instantaneously locks onto you. It's ridiculous that it can instantly spin around and shoot you like it does.

He's bad because his ult is annoying and uncreative. It's just a supermode that undoes all the damage you put into him. It's not fun to fight against.

But his actual damage output is pretty okay and I'd rather not see him neutered to the point of absolute worthlessness. Change the above problems, but how he hits is perfectly fine.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Sounds about right. I had an offensive Torb on Route 66 that decided he'd finally switch with 20 seconds left. I also keep getting matched with a guy named Toon Link that only plays DVa. Decent DVa, but to me you are worthless as a player if you can't adapt to the other team.

Hah, sounded familiar.


Matched with the lets flyyyy guy two games in a row and he kept spamming thanks every time we lost a round. And this was the second match in a row with multiple stacks vs. all solo which is beyond frustrating.
I still don't feel Torb's damage output is the actual problem.

He's bad because of the stacking that's allowed. A single Torb isn't that much a problem.

He's bad is because his turret instantaneously locks onto you. It's ridiculous that it can instantly spin around and shoot you like it does.

He's bad because his ult is annoying and uncreative. It's just a supermode that undoes all the damage you put into him. It's not fun to fight against.

But his actual damage output is pretty okay and I'd rather not see him neutered to the point of absolute worthlessness. Change the above problems, but how he hits is perfectly fine.
I think Torb is probably dead on consoles tbh. Imo the rest of his stuff wasn't even that bad, it was purely a stacking & lock on issue for me. But now with no stacking and shitty damage he'll be pointless.


I think Torb is probably dead on consoles tbh. Imo the rest of his stuff wasn't even that bad, it was purely a stacking & lock on issue for me. But now with no stacking and shitty damage he'll be pointless.

Yeah as long as the hero limit in Comp sticks, I expect Torb's usage on consoles to drop by a wide margin.


Hah, sounded familiar.

Matched with the lets flyyyy guy two games in a row and he kept spamming thanks every time we lost a round. And this was the second match in a row with multiple stacks vs. all solo which is beyond frustrating.

Yes! I play with those 2 all the time. Toon spammed thanks today despite never going after the Torb turrets as DVa, fuck off dude, lol.
I think Torb is probably dead on consoles tbh. Imo the rest of his stuff wasn't even that bad, it was purely a stacking & lock on issue for me. But now with no stacking and shitty damage he'll be pointless.

I'd get rid of his shotgun blast and give him a Wrangler-style ability to direct his turret, maybe with way more distance fall-off or limited range though.
Yeah as long as the hero limit in Comp sticks, I expect Torb's usage on consoles to drop by a wide margin.
Yup. I guess they'll just buff him a bit if he drops too far tho.
I'd get rid of his shotgun blast and give him a Wrangler-style ability to direct his turret, maybe with way more distance fall-off or limited range though.
I feel like the shotgun was designed to be a sort of last resort thing to protect your turret from a close range attacker but it does have a lot of offensive power. Do we know how the turret currently prioritises targets?


High skill ceiling isn't an excuse. By following that logic, everyone should switch to Tracer and Zarya eventually. Genji is a high skill ceiling as well and he flat out doesn't have the tricks or damage the Tracer has. He can't pick his fights near as well and can't flat out avoid his hard counters like Tracer can. And he'll only be worse with the head hitbox update.

Zarya's abilities give her complete control over target calling and give her some of the highest damage in the game. Some people say' 'stop shooting' but that's not the option for most teams and not what most higher level teams do. They try to wipe her out quickly if her shields are up. The fact that she can continue to melt peoples face at high energy while soaking spray damage and splash damage for teammates and arguably the best ult in the game as well as passive HP regen through the first half of her hp.

Doubles being removed will help but you're still going to see Tracer and Zarya in almost every competitive game.

Sounds like you need to get good at aiming. Neither Zarya nor Tracer is some uncounterable god in this game. Soldier easily wrecks both, Pharah will wreck both. Reaper will easily kill Zarya.Try playing one of those. You do not see Tracer and Zarya in every comp game, far from it.

Again I am not saying "get gud" dismissively. You really need to get better if those characters are completely shutting you down or play enough and find your skill bracket where you start having more even games.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Sounds like you need to get good at aiming. Neither Zarya nor Tracer is some uncounterable god in this game. Soldier easily wrecks both, Pharah will wreck both. Reaper will easily kill Zarya.Try playing one of those. You do not see Tracer and Zarya in every comp game, far from it.

Again I am not saying "get gud" dismissively. You really need to get better if those characters are completely shutting you down or play enough and find your skill bracket where you start having more even games.

I can speak just as dismissively that Zarya and Tracer easily wreck Soldier 76 with good aim. That doesn't make it true. The whole issue with the Reaper comment around Zarya is that Zarya is NEVER alone. It doesn't fit her role at all to be alone.


Neo Member
Almost every character is viable depending on the team and situation. I play as Mercy so I end up watching who's where and doing what. From what I've seen the highest ceiling characters are: Tracer, Reaper, Rein, Genji, Pharah and Winston because each completely take over games. Pharah is the least common to completely control a game but I've seen her completely dominate matches.

Lucio, Zara, Zen, McCree, Hanzo, Solider, Roadhog, Dva, Mei and Symmetra when in skilled hands can flip the tide of the game but they can't single handedly carry a team.

Bastion, Torb and Widow are the lowest ceiling to me. It's mostly because they have to be too stationary.

*This is all assuming non-stacking.


the holder of the trombone
I can speak just as dismissively that Zarya and Tracer easily wreck Soldier 76 with good aim. That doesn't make it true. The whole issue with the Reaper comment around Zarya is that Zarya is NEVER alone. It doesn't fit her role at all to be alone.

Thing is reaper should never engage a group alone anyway. His best utility is skulking around the sides, see a fight going on and going "SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS" from the sides or behind.

I'm really enjoying reaper nowadays. He's a real easy-going character to play.


I can speak just as dismissively that Zarya and Tracer easily wreck Soldier 76 with good aim. That doesn't make it true. The whole issue with the Reaper comment around Zarya is that Zarya is NEVER alone. It doesn't fit her role at all to be alone.

That's why winning in this game comes down to team play and how well you coordinate with your team.

Whats your current rank by the way?
I've never been more pissed at the game than today. I've just had a 30-ish minutes, 5 rounds match on Hanamura and nobody was writing in the chat, fucking NOBODY. I was the only one and I didn't get a single reply on what we were gonna do. Of course, we lost.
I legit have better matches on Quick Play, constantly.

38. I'm stuck in solo queue hell.

I just had my first 30 minutes match right now after more than 100 comp matches. Too bad it was cancer.

Rank 38 I know that feel. Started at 43 went as low as 29 then crawled my way back to 37 before I said enough. I did all of this alone too.



I've lost a rank for every loss today, but 2 wins in a row haven't resulted in a rank up, lol. This system is complete shit.

Even match ups before anyone asks. Guess winning doesn't mean shit unless you're an underdog.


the holder of the trombone
I've lost a rank for every loss today, but 2 wins in a row haven't resulted in a rank up, lol. This system is complete shit.

Even match ups before anyone asks. Guess winning doesn't mean shit unless you're an underdog.

That's the thing that I don't understand about this system sometimes. I lost 3 times yesterday with even matches and maybe 1 underdog, lost 1 rank, won 2 and gained back what I lost. It seems real inconsistent, or at least the metrics for rank gain is not very transparent or obvious.


just played with a full party and that game is soooo much fun. the other team were a party of 5 and it came down to the last push on anubis.
we were all on the objective defending, other team pushed as a group, they dropped their ults, we dropped ours, then our reaper who hid on the top pillar actived his, die die die, from behind, and it was over :D

also a nice combo is zaryas ult and hanzos :D
High skill ceiling isn't an excuse. By following that logic, everyone should switch to Tracer and Zarya eventually. Genji is a high skill ceiling as well and he flat out doesn't have the tricks or damage the Tracer has. He can't pick his fights near as well and can't flat out avoid his hard counters like Tracer can. And he'll only be worse with the head hitbox update.

Zarya's abilities give her complete control over target calling and give her some of the highest damage in the game. Some people say' 'stop shooting' but that's not the option for most teams and not what most higher level teams do. They try to wipe her out quickly if her shields are up. The fact that she can continue to melt peoples face at high energy while soaking spray damage and splash damage for teammates and arguably the best ult in the game as well as passive HP regen through the first half of her hp.

Doubles being removed will help but you're still going to see Tracer and Zarya in almost every competitive game.
Zarya is amazing, and this post is amazing to read as I remember when she was one of the least played heroes in the game along with Sym and Zen. But I think you're overselling her a bit much here. Arguably the best ult in the game? Yes, that's very arguable.


Zarya is amazing, and this post is amazing to read as I remember when she was one of the least played heroes in the game along with Sym and Zen. But I think you're overselling her a bit much here. Arguably the best ult in the game? Yes, that's very arguable.
Definitely the best in the game when combined with another ult (Hanzo's, Genji's, Pharah's... shit just about all of them) or maximum charge.

That said I agree, I don't think she's OP to the point that poster is suggesting.


the holder of the trombone
Maybe not the best, but it's very arguable that it is one of the best in the game. There's a reason why pro teams use her to break first point, and it's because there's no other ult as good as securing team wipes consistently.

Had some beastly games as her yesterday in ranked. I don't think she's OP but she's super fun.


I've lost a rank for every loss today, but 2 wins in a row haven't resulted in a rank up, lol. This system is complete shit.

Even match ups before anyone asks. Guess winning doesn't mean shit unless you're an underdog.

Yup, complete horseshit. Also when one of your teammates decides to quit you're stuck in a game you cant win and no matter if you stay or not, you lose the same fuckton ranking because someone decided to screw you over after 1 minute of gameplay.

This needs to be adressed
Got into a decidedly losing defense game in King's Row on Quick Play, so I picked Genji to get a feel for him. After I died I noticed two of my teammates switched to Mei, so I decided to follow as well, despite never using Mei before.

Although we were mostly joking around and throwing out random walls...we actually nearly won. It actually got really fun trying to win with a team of 3 Meis, 2 Tracers and a Mercy lol.

...And then I picked Mei for the next games and played some of my best matches ever, despite not caring about winning. Did...did I find my spirit character?


the holder of the trombone
Got into a decidedly losing defense game in King's Row on Quick Play, so I picked Genji to get a feel for him. After I died I noticed two of my teammates switched to Mei, so I decided to follow as well, despite never using Mei before.

Although we were mostly joking around and throwing out random walls...we actually nearly won. It actually got really fun trying to win with a team of 3 Meis, 2 Tracers and a Mercy lol.

...And then I picked Mei for the next games and played some of my best matches ever, despite not caring about winning. Did...did I find my spirit character?

Welcome to the mei is bae club.

I never use mei in ranked because I'm such a tryhard in rank.
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