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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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How can 2 Reapers not keep a Zarya in check? Holy fuck.

I finally switch to Rein and start killing her, then their team switches to double Reaper and forces me out of it, ugh.

I still don't understand why this matchmaking loves to put 6 randoms vs 2 teams of 3, why doesn't each side get a team? Mind numbing.
D.va is da bomb. Can hardly wait for that buff.
Looking at overbuff my hanzo's accuracy at 27% is apparently enough to put me into the top 15% in terms of aim accuracy.

Which is kinda... concerning?

You mean my 20% accuracy isn't that bad?

Though seriously, he has infinite ammo, so I mean there's really no penalty to firing wildly when necessary.


Last game of the night, everyone picks Hanzo/Genji on Dorado. First time I've ever quit in this game. What a fucking awful day I had playing this.


the holder of the trombone
D.va is da bomb. Can hardly wait for that buff.

You mean my 20% accuracy isn't that bad?

Though seriously, he has infinite ammo, so I mean there's really no penalty to firing wildly when necessary.

I probably should be spamming more I guess? I dunno though.

Is there a crosshair for Ana which better covers the hitbox of her darts? I feel like the default one is bad.

Some contrasting colour (green probably) small without bloom.


So after the last competitive game I played, where I locked Torb, two other people ALSO locked Torb, and yet I was the only one to build a turret that actually lasted more than thirty seconds, I have decided to write a very quick guide on how to actually play Torbjorn, because apparently nobody knows.

Here it is. Put your turret in the following place:

1) A little bit behind where your team is fighting, because the turret does not do enough damage to kill enemies on its own. You need enemies to be focused on something else when the turret is hitting them. That means the turret can't be on the point by itself while your whole team plays forward -- it needs to be overlooking your team while they fight. However, you can't set up the turret under fire, so you need to put it a little bit back so that when your team falls back the enemies will run past it chasing them.
2) Just inside a doorway, in a corner, or otherwise in a position where the enemy has no long-range line of sight to it. I see a huge number of Torbjorns put their turret in the center of something or on top of something. This is always wrong. I can only assume they do it because they main somebody like Tracer and they think the turret is a TF2 god-cannon. It is not. The ideal position for your turret is actually in a place where it will only start shooting when your enemies have run past it, which you can accomplish by angling its placement in a doorway to occlude more lines of sight.
3) Not in the same place it was when it got blown up. Easy one! Your enemy keeps losing vision and then coming onto the point assuming things haven't changed. So change things. If your turret died you should definitely move it so that they have to rearrange their attack pattern. Even if it doesn't die, if you have some time, it's worth considering just moving it somewhere else that follows rules 1 and 2.

That's it. Put the turret in the right place, don't try to heal it, just go click on people. Torbjorn is half turret and the turret is 75% location so don't be 5/8s of a character.

(Last pro tip: if you have ult, but your turret has been destroyed, you can place a turret, ult, switch to hammer and upgrade the turret at super speed. This is occasionally worth doing.)
Toblerone guide for pros
1. place turret
2. thwack turret
I probably should be spamming more I guess? I dunno though.

Sure! Although it helps if you can actually hit things. (I can't.)

Although, one time, I did headshot a guy right as he walked into my field of view, just as he activated his ult. I'm pretty sure he thought I was hacking. Was great!


People talking about Torb? Welp I just ran into a two Torb on Numbani on fucking attack. You would think that's an easy steamroll for defense right? Nope, we got rolled so hard it was crazy.


Neo Member
6 v 1 (my whole team quit) and I lose almost a full rank. I think it's because I quit (when they say you can) then came back. So do you actually take a ranking exp hit/penalty when you leave, even though it says you can with out a penalty?


Some assorted musings about Competitive Play.

On quick play, my symmetra has been in top 400 on ps4, had an almost 80% win rate whenever I played her. My other characters are slightly below 50%, my overall win rate is around 52%. So, fairly average, I guess, apart from my killer Symmetra. Got placed rank 50 on ranked. As I said, fairly average.

But I see people make weirder decisions on competitive play than quick play. I think people really want to stick with their best characters, even though the team composition/map/offense or defense role really doesn't suit them. Symmetra's on offense. A second symmetra when I've already selected one (i've had successes with his though). A zenyatta instead of any healer. Double hanzo's. (So many double hanso's on ps4). Roadhogs when we could've really used reinhardts... I don't know. The list goes on. Maybe it's because I've been on a few weeks hiatus and most of the people I play with are around level 25 and are still in their first week of Overwatch, dong their first matches on competitive.

And so many people leave as well. Sometimes you even go well as a team and they have to walk the dog or whatever. I think if there's an option for everyone to join empty spots on ranked games, without going up or down in ranked yourself, it would be so much better than having 5 vs 6. And if you don't want to fill spots, just don't check the option.

Oh well. Lost a bunch of matches in a row which didn't happen on quick play, so take this with a grain of salt :)


Mei Fun Fact: did you know that Mei's ice gun is powered by a chemical compound remarkably similar to Snowflake's, your old dead dog, blood and tears?


the holder of the trombone
The funky teams and leavers I'v experience are usually when I get grouped into a team averaging below 40 where I was the highest ranked one.

Definitely feels like a whole different game. Usually ends up as a stomp from my team too.

From my experience there a real clear dividing line after around 42-45.


Those of you who lose a whole level on a lose and gain little on win, it will normalize the more games you play. I lose/gain the same amount of xp now after like 100 games.


She'll be used by some as a flex support in competition and show off the amazing things she can do. You'll never see that in the games you play because people will play her as dps

75 damage per second is garbage in Overwatch. Especially with zero headshot capability. But 75 healing per second and double that with grenade buff is holy shit incredible. If you have hurt teammates, especially tanks and you're shooting enemies instead of healing, you're compromising the thing that will help your team the most and also you're compromising your ult generation speed.


the holder of the trombone
I'm not afraid that people will play her as DPS because she's clearly not a DPS. They'll see their lack of kills and lack of damage and switch.

Her healing is pretty incredible in the right hands though.


Toblerone guide for pros
1. place turret
2. thwack turret

This is exactly why I needed to write this guide. 90% of Torbs play exactly like this. They put their turret in a dumb place, spend a bunch of time repairing it instead of shooting people and picking up scrap, and then they're like, why did we lose? Don't be that guy!


Some players are just fucking UNREAL. I swear to god, one roadhog went out of his way to avoid the payload and instead just went down narrow allies where his fat ass would be an easy target, constantly going up against another Roadhog and Reinhardt. There is no goddamn reason that I, as Mercy, should be the one capturing the objective by myself, holy crap. It's not like my teammates died along the way either, they were just off chasing their kills. Just...ugh....

Where's the PS4 gaf community list? I think I'm ready to join. I'm going to warn you now that I'm not the best player, but I'm just done playing with randoms who probably don't know how to hold the controller.
how the hell am I level 65? I feel thoroughly mediocre at the game and have felt like I've hit my max about 5 different times. I started at 50 and thought that was about right.

I fucking hate playing against 70+ Genji's and there's one a game now.
I had a fantastic set of rounds yesterday, only for it to end on a match with a Widowmaker that shut down the entire game. The kill-cam made it look so effortless, so I can't even be mad at being immensely outclassed.

Looking at overbuff my hanzo's accuracy at 27% is apparently enough to put me into the top 15% in terms of aim accuracy.

Which is kinda... concerning?
I think Hanzo accuracy might also be partially influenced by Sonic Arrows. I see even the most deliberate Hanzos fire those off into walls to try and tag people at every change it's off cooldown. If those count as a miss, the relatively low accuracy numbers seem ok.

Wow I swear 9/10 players do not know the payload heals you. Stay on the payload ffs.
Maybe it's because I usually play support on Payload maps, but I had no idea this was a thing. Is this for both attacking and defending teams?

This is exactly why I needed to write this guide. 90% of Torbs play exactly like this. They put their turret in a dumb place, spend a bunch of time repairing it instead of shooting people and picking up scrap, and then they're like, why did we lose? Don't be that guy!
Yeah, I see a lot of people play Torbjorn and Bastion pretty conservatively, which is way too easily countered. If no one is there to protect you, you should be moving spots every few kills. If no one knows where you are, you are way more effective. A good Bastion tip is to sneak behind your team's lines and get them from the back. It is not as viable for Torbjorns, since their turrets fire immediately, and so you can't catch them off guard as easily. A nice point for Torbjorn turrets is usually ontop of healthpacks, since they are often a little tucked away to the side, and turrets will use the healthpacks when they need healing.


Yesterday was the biggest shitshow I've ever seen from this game so far, dropped from rank 48 to 43. Win, Loss, Win, Loss for a couple of hours and then proceeded to be paired with a lot of noobs who would rather chase a fleeing Reaper than jump on the frigging objective to give the rest of us a chance in overtime.

Combine that with getting beat by underdogs for a couple of games made it a crappy night for me. That will be last time I play so many solo games, I'll just wait for my buddies to jump before I play for a couple of hours again, what a joke.


I had a fantastic set of rounds yesterday, only for it to end on a match with a Widowmaker that shut down the entire game. The kill-cam made it look so effortless, so I can't even be mad at being immensely outclassed.

I think Hanzo accuracy might also be partially influenced by Sonic Arrows. I see even the most deliberate Hanzos fire those off into walls to try and tag people at every change it's off cooldown. If those count as a miss, the relatively low accuracy numbers seem ok.

Maybe it's because I usually play support on Payload maps, but I had no idea this was a thing. Is this for both attacking and defending teams?

Only the attacking team.
Some players are just fucking UNREAL. I swear to god, one roadhog went out of his way to avoid the payload and instead just went down narrow allies where his fat ass would be an easy target, constantly going up against another Roadhog and Reinhardt. There is no goddamn reason that I, as Mercy, should be the one capturing the objective by myself, holy crap. It's not like my teammates died along the way either, they were just off chasing their kills. Just...ugh....

Where's the PS4 gaf community list? I think I'm ready to join. I'm going to warn you now that I'm not the best player, but I'm just done playing with randoms who probably don't know how to hold the controller.

This is probably the most frustrating thing about playing a support; the whole team just fucking about and leaving you to capture a point/move a payload by yourself. Newsflash: it isn't fucking happening.


Third time that I saw Torb on an attack map in one night



Where's the PS4 gaf community list? I think I'm ready to join. I'm going to warn you now that I'm not the best player, but I'm just done playing with randoms who probably don't know how to hold the controller.

Guys, I wasn't kidding. I'm done with the headache that is solo queuing.

Also, I keep being matched up against ridiculously high level players. I'm almost at level 54. Why in the hell am I going up against players in the 100's, 200's, or even 300's one time? I'm getting steamrolled more and more often just because those players are clearly either in party chat or else SO much better at the game that me and my team can't do much about it


the holder of the trombone
Level isn't really indicative of MMR, but I think with the rank/QP split right now the MM probably will have more difficulty matching people together.


how the hell am I level 65? I feel thoroughly mediocre at the game and have felt like I've hit my max about 5 different times. I started at 50 and thought that was about right.

I fucking hate playing against 70+ Genji's and there's one a game now.

Yeah, I still don't know how I managed to reach rank 60 lol I was placed at 48 and I honestly thought that it was where I should be taking into account my skill, maybe 50, but then I started to climb up and gain ranks pretty fast. I think that maining supp/tank also helps, as most people usually main attack heroes.

Guys, I wasn't kidding. I'm done with the headache that is solo queuing.

Also, I keep being matched up against ridiculously high level players. I'm almost at level 54. Why in the hell am I going up against players in the 100's, 200's, or even 300's one time? I'm getting steamrolled more and more often just because those players are clearly either in party chat or else SO much better at the game that me and my team can't do much about it

Quote to see GAF ID list. Feel free to add me, you can find my PSN ID in my profile (although I won't be playing for a few weeks due to vacations)

I think i'm giving up on comp for this season at least. Hovered around 62-58 for a while now and can't seem to get any higher. Maybe i just need to find a team instead of rocking solo.


Neo Member
I know this has been said numerous times, but I can't wait for the newest patch to go live. I was playing D.va in the PTR and I got play of the game every single time. Not that POTG means anything, but I would get triple and quadruple kills. She was already really fun to play, but now she just seems faster and tons more fun to play.

Btw, when the new ranked season starts, do we get a new placement rank? I would like to forget about my score rn asap.


the holder of the trombone
I think i'm giving up on comp for this season at least. Hovered around 62-58 for a while now and can't seem to get any higher. Maybe i just need to find a team instead of rocking solo.

Just play for competitive points and for the fun of it dude.


Mei fun fact #2: Did you know Mei was born in the 9th circle of hell? That is why she dedicated her life to cryotechnology. It reminds her of home.


Third time that I saw Torb on an attack map in one night


It's mostly my first reaction. It's not as bad as a symmetra on offense. But some players have quite good tactics, and while I vastly prefer pushing, it's sometimes okay to prevent the defending team from wreaking havoc behind enemy lines as well.
Mei Fact #4: She's able to walk on her ice because the salt she collected from the other team.

I was torb yesterday on lijiang (PTR).rein decided to charge at someone. i heard i was trying to kill him before he flew up with one of the team but as i was making my way around the corner he edged me and i flew up and back off the stage. but i managed to kill him before he died.

also tried out symmetra again on hanamura. not so great with her.
Could be worse. Could be a Widowmaker or Hanzo that never gets to the capture point.

Had a Hanzo on my team yesterday who was right near the point in Overtime, I was dead, the others were either dead or just respawned. Hanzo walks backwards AWAY from the point to fire off more arrows at nothing. Despite being RIGHT THERE! Just put your foot in the square for a split second!

So frustrating.

And fuck Reinhardts who have their entire team behind them but decide to charge into Bastion. Let us shoot him!


Mei fun fact #3: Did you know that the ammunition in her primary weapon is made from tears extracted from the corpses of her enemies?

This fun fact is not innacurate, but it is vague. Who are her enemies? Refer to Mei fun fact #1

Mei Fun Fact: did you know that Mei's ice gun is powered by a chemical compound remarkably similar to Snowflake's, your old dead dog, blood and tears?

In addition to childhood pets, Mei's enemies include the Red Team, America, and the virtue of kindness and generousity itself.


the holder of the trombone
Had a Hanzo on my team yesterday who was right near the point in Overtime, I was dead, the others were either dead or just respawned. Hanzo walks backwards AWAY from the point to fire off more arrows at nothing. Despite being RIGHT THERE! Just put your foot in the square for a split second!

So frustrating.

And fuck Reinhardts who have their entire team behind them but decide to charge into Bastion. Let us shoot him!

To be fair is not just Hanzos that do it. I've seen way too many junkrats walking backwards shooting their dumb grenades and not stepping foot into the point.


Third time that I saw Torb on an attack map in one night


This reminds me of a KOTH comp game I had a few days ago. We won 3-2. Those two rounds we lost (we got destroyed in fact) someone picked a Torb. In the ones where he changed character, we steamrolled the enemy team. Coincidence? Hardly think so
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