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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Been spending time with flankers rather than going support all the time, and it is amazing the level of tunnel vision some players have. I'll go completely around them and they won't even notice that I'm shooting them in the back of the head. =O


Which character gets the win if I play as Symettra in the first half of the match and then Pharah in the second part? Pharah? Even if I only play Pharah for far less time than Sym?


the holder of the trombone
Looking at overbuff my hanzo's accuracy at 27% is apparently enough to put me into the top 15% in terms of aim accuracy.

Which is kinda... concerning?
Which character gets the win if I play as Symettra in the first half of the match and then Pharah in the second part? Pharah? Even if I only play Pharah for far less time than Sym?
I'm pretty sure the one who finishes the match gets the win/loss. So even if you played one character 99% of a match, but you switched in the last 1%, the character you switched to would get it.
I've lost a rank for every loss today, but 2 wins in a row haven't resulted in a rank up, lol. This system is complete shit.

Even match ups before anyone asks. Guess winning doesn't mean shit unless you're an underdog.

It really doesn't, At higher ranks you have to roll big win streaks to rank up while losing pretty much guarantees a loss of rank.

I really don't know why some people were so against the comp in beta. It was the system me and my friends loved. Now they won't touch comp at all.


Been spending time with flankers rather than going support all the time, and it is amazing the level of tunnel vision some players have. I'll go completely around them and they won't even notice that I'm shooting them in the back of the head. =O

That is really the UI's fault. I don't know how many times i've watched a killcam where I was getting shredded but nothing on my screen giving me a warning until it was too late.
Been spending time with flankers rather than going support all the time, and it is amazing the level of tunnel vision some players have. I'll go completely around them and they won't even notice that I'm shooting them in the back of the head. =O

I had a match as Tracer where I was constantly just running up behind people and shooting them in the back until they were dead, and they never turned around or even noticed I was there. You can get away with a lot of shit as a flanker.
I'm pretty sure the one who finishes the match gets the win/loss. So even if you played one character 99% of a match, but you switched in the last 1%, the character you switched to would get it.

Yeah, and that's why Symmetra has such an unusually high win percentage: when you're on Defense and stop the team at Point A, she gets credit for the win. But if you lose Point A, most players will switch to another character because her teleporter is less useful when Point B is so close to your spawn point, or you're defending a constantly moving payload, so that new character takes the win or loss.


It really doesn't, At higher ranks you have to roll big win streaks to rank up while losing pretty much guarantees a loss of rank.

I really don't know why some people were so against the comp in beta. It was the system me and my friends loved. Now they won't touch comp at all.

Could've swore it had a winstreak bonus that allowed you to rank up with sub 50% WR. I think once you made it into a tier, you could not drop out of that tier, you could only drop to a lower division IIRC.

But if those two things got removed or weren't an issue it would be 100x better than what we have now honestly, and I'd be playing multiple comp games daily rather than avoiding comp all together.


So just ended a game with two Dwarves using exploit on Dorado, geez this map is a mess with so many exploit here and there...

I've send a message saying that cheating is ridiculous and they ask me to fuck my grand dad, good, I can report them now ; )
So just ended a game with two Dwarves using exploit on Dorado, geez this map is a mess with so many exploit here and there...

I've send a message saying that cheating is ridiculous and they ask me to fuck my grand dad, good, I can report them now ; )
I thought they fixed that exploit on Dorado? Or did they only fix the Symmetra exploit where she puts her turrets inside that one bridge?


Jesus christ Envyus absolutely decimated every other team. There isn't a pro team out there that is even close to them at this point.
I thought they fixed that exploit on Dorado? Or did they only fix the Symmetra exploit where she puts her turrets inside that one bridge?
Someone on the other team was using the exploit on Dorado for me on PS4 in the last week. So it hasn't been completely fixed. They put it in the building with the safe. Assholes.

I love the high res screenshot thingy on PC. Perfect for making icons :)


Jesus christ Envyus absolutely decimated every other team. There isn't a pro team out there that is even close to them at this point.

Every other team has a weak link or two or three but Envy doesn't. Cloud9 should try and pick up Seagull for Reaver even if it's very unlikely he'd leave LG. At some point they'll drop their standard because that's just what happens all the time when one team is on top for a while.
Just had a really uneven competitive match where my team was only one average comp rank above the other team, but my entire team was prestige while nobody on the other team was above level 50ish. We walloped them pretty bad - kept them from getting the first point on Dorado and then just steamrolled on attack without stopping.


Is there sometimes an audio delay for D.Va's Ult?
Sometimes her mech exploded 1s after I heard "nerf this" making it impossible to escape, sometimes I hear it the moment the Ult starts so I have time to duck for cover.


Neo Member
Is there sometimes an audio delay for D.Va's Ult?
Sometimes her mech exploded 1s after I heard "nerf this" making it impossible to escape, sometimes I hear it the moment the Ult starts so I have time to duck for cover.

I've noticed this too. I think she says it right before it goes off. Then there's the red exclamation point when she first drops it.


Every other team has a weak link or two or three but Envy doesn't. Cloud9 should try and pick up Seagull for Reaver even if it's very unlikely he'd leave LG. At some point they'll drop their standard because that's just what happens all the time when one team is on top for a while.

Yea their entire team works as one perfect unit with hardly any missteps. On the dps side Taimou and Talespin are pretty much the best in the world. Talespin was shutting down surefour so hard I almost felt bad for him. Like the game before surefour alone shut down Luminosity completely with his Pharah and Envy made Cloud9 look like practice bots.


Yea their entire team works as one perfect unit with hardly any missteps. On the dps side Taimou and Talespin are pretty much the best in the world. Talespin was shutting down surefour so hard I almost felt bad for him. Like the game before surefour alone shut down Luminosity completely with his Pharah and Envy made Cloud9 look like practice bots.

Is there a replay link I can watch?
I can't stop playing PTR even though I'm not earning skins. New Zenyatta is so pimp! There's no way he's making it to live like this, is there? I would be so happy!
People in this game are so stupid. There was this Reaper on our team that would constantly charge in solo all that time instead of grouping, and our other DPS decides to go Reaper also; even though the other team has this really annoying Pharah, and we couldn’t do shit about it because our other two DPS was a Tracer and Pharah. Those two stay on Reaper the whole time even though the other team never had more than one tank. Luckily, our Roadhog was good and we won 3-1. These are also +60 ranked players, so yeah people are clueless no matter the rank.


D.va on the ptr cannot go live. It is not fun playing a gainst good D.va's, the fact that she can't get hurt from her ult is just dumb ,uses it and instantly in a new one and now you need to fight through the matrix again. She shouldn't be able to use it as shes exiting her mech and she should not get a free one for using her ult


the holder of the trombone
D.va on the ptr cannot go live. It is not fun playing a gainst good D.va's, the fact that she can't get hurt from her ult is just dumb ,uses it and instantly in a new one and now you need to fight through the matrix again. She shouldn't be able to use it as shes exiting her mech and she should not get a free one for using her ult

It's no fun to play against good players of characters.

Doesn't mean they shouldn't go live.

Do people just like the status quo? She wasn't great before, now she has a use, oh no let's not try to figure this out.

Matrix is good, but consider this:

1) She can't attack with it up.

2) Her offensive capabilities is still pretty crippled.

3) It's long but it is not wide, so it has less full on tanking potential then rein and requires more strategic use.

Her ult I can take it or leave it. Toss straight up ult is good but other than that people still has enough time to escape.

Also PTR is so useless to test out how the actual meta will be because no one is really going to try proper comps.

Prevalence of zen too would make tank use a more careful consideration.
PTR D.va is fine. Zen might be too good. McCree might be as well. Ana is not as good as I had hoped - it's shockingly hard to actually hit the targets you want to hit since your darts hit friendlies and enemies alike.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I always love when a team plays the exact same character and just wins so easy. This has happened multiple times.


Quick question about D.Va's Defense Matrix

When you use her boosters and then activate her ult, the boosters stay on until they run out of juice.

Is it the same with Defense Matrix? If she activate bother her boosters and DM and then bail out of the mech using her ult, the DM stays on, right?


the holder of the trombone
I don't know actually, but what would be the point? You can't destroy the exploding mech and everyone in the team is getting the fuck outta dodge.


I don't know actually, but what would be the point? You can't destroy the exploding mech and everyone in the team is getting the fuck outta dodge.

Ult stoppage. D.Va's DM is great at shutting down Pharah's, for example, but if all I do is shoot the Meka at her, that doesn't stop her rocket barrage. So, Boost + DM the rockets so none hit me or my team while we're on the ground in front, but simultaneously initiate the ult so if it so happens that the enemy team is under her, which would be the case in a few instances where a team is coordinating under the assumption that Pharah's ult will protect them while they try and outshoot us.


Yeah, and that's why Symmetra has such an unusually high win percentage: when you're on Defense and stop the team at Point A, she gets credit for the win. But if you lose Point A, most players will switch to another character because her teleporter is less useful when Point B is so close to your spawn point, or you're defending a constantly moving payload, so that new character takes the win or loss.

oh... yeah symmetra has a high win rate for me. that makes sense


the holder of the trombone
Ult stoppage. D.Va's DM is great at shutting down Pharah's, for example, but if all I do is shoot the Meka at her, that doesn't stop her rocket barrage. So, Boost + DM the rockets so none hit me or my team while we're on the ground in front, but simultaneously initiate the ult so if it so happens that the enemy team is under her, which would be the case in a few instances where a team is coordinating under the assumption that Pharah's ult will protect them while they try and outshoot us.

Hmmm, guess so. You could just boost to her with dm and then ult once you absorbed all of her barrage but doing it your way could catch people out more if it's possible.


PTR D.va is fine. Zen might be too good. McCree might be as well. Ana is not as good as I had hoped - it's shockingly hard to actually hit the targets you want to hit since your darts hit friendlies and enemies alike.

Ana is good. Her ult charges up really quickly and she can easily be a game changer on a open map. She is a high skill character though so, if you're not good with her you suck basically.


Defending: enemy team has two Hanzos leaping in cheesing point blank head shots, they still lose

Attacking: I pick Hanzo and play him "properly", they lose again

feels pretty good :)


the holder of the trombone
I would say that I've lost an equal amount, if not more, by grouping up than I have going solo.

Sometimes you just get outplayed really.
Lmao double Torb and Sym.

Nothing worse than seeing the enemy team playing a build that you know is garbage, and yet your team just keeps dying to it over and over again.

Just finished a KotH match as Lucio, where the enemy team had a Symmetra. Now, I love Symmetra, don't get me wrong, but on KotH? And yet we came dangerously close to losing that match because my team just kept pushing too far forward after claiming the objective, and getting wiped out. Hell, we lost one round because I was the only one on the point and a Genji with a pocket Mercy ulted me and claimed it, with no one else around to dispute it. Ugh, solo play.


Ana is good. Her ult charges up really quickly and she can easily be a game changer on a open map. She is a high skill character though so, if you're not good with her you suck basically.

She'll be used by some as a flex support in competition and show off the amazing things she can do. You'll never see that in the games you play because people will play her as dps


Looking at overbuff my hanzo's accuracy at 27% is apparently enough to put me into the top 15% in terms of aim accuracy.

Which is kinda... concerning?

Well part of his gameplay style is spamming the arrow so I doubt even pro players have that high accuracy with him.


I have dropped from 76 to 69 today. Don't even care anymore at this point, going down with the ship, and shitty randoms.

I've basically given up on this season. I'll still play Comp, but I no longer care about my ranking because I know when Season 2 starts, I'll never play with randoms again. I can only play support when playing Comp, meaning I'm at the mercy of my teammates when it comes to DPS.


I figured it out. Do what I did and drink ~3/4 a bottle of Cab Sauv and suddenly you become aimbot Widow/Hanzo and get like 60 kills as Tracer in a KOTH. Alcohol makes everything better!
I've lost a rank for every loss today, but 2 wins in a row haven't resulted in a rank up, lol. This system is complete shit.

Even match ups before anyone asks. Guess winning doesn't mean shit unless you're an underdog.

Game makes no sense. Got matched up against the same team twice, they stomped us twice, but we lost more rank the second time even though, logically, we were lower level than the first time and they were higher level than the first time.
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