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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Played a few games before the servers crash. Seeing a lot Ana and Zenyatta, even though most people will switch off the longer the games goes on. I'm also seeing D.Va take Reinhardt spot now and a lot more McCree.

Meta shake ups are always nice and make the game seem more lively. People are more likely to try different things.


I'm glad Hanzo arrow hurtbox got nerfed.Trash Hanzo players deserve a trash hero. Even his one shot rng scatter arrows can't save him from his mediocrity.
My friend, TF2-GAF regular FatCatAttack made an excellent post that he wanted to share with GAF about his opinions on Hanzo, projectile hitboxes, and issues with balancing due to the tight range of damage values among other factors. It's long, but very much worth the read:

He'd love to hear what you think, and I think his points make for the basis of an interesting discussion.

So looking at this, the main counter argument I have is this:

Imagine each character as a SIN wave. They have peaks and valleys. Peaks are when the player is performing well, valleys when they're dead or not really participating.

Some players have very little variance to their peaks and valleys. Lucio for example is almost always healing something somewhere and providing an aid to his team.

Other characters have much steeper peaks and valleys. These are high risk high reward characters. Bastion is a great example. When he works, he works, and he'll land a triple or quad kill. Except then he'll die and his lack of movement abilities means he'll be out of the match for 15-25 seconds. This is why you don't see Bastion a lot in Comp games. While it's great when he works, it's horrible when he doesn't.

Hanzo is the same way. When he works, it's great, but when he doesn't he's the equivalent of being down a full player. Hanamura defense feels like a 5v6 to start with, then a critical damage dealer is gone, and now it feels like a 4v6 because Hanzo isn't on his A game, and the enemy team knows it. So they push, and you've lost A before you can get back to spawn.

All High risk high reward characters are like this, and because of the risk, pro players tend to avoid them because they don't like to gamble, they'd rather rely on their skills than a roll of the dice. That way they can lay blame on something tangible when something goes wrong.


The majority of Ana's I've seen so far have been in sniper perches trying to snipe like they're Widowmaker. Absolute jokers.
One thing I did get to enjoy before being kicked: all of those new, cocky D.Va players with their toggled Defense Matrix getting a face full of my Zarya barreling towards them with 100% charge. They melt just the same as they used to.



Never gets any less disappointing. :(


Even with my losses in Comp last night, I got double purples twice in loot boxes so that was cool. Emotes and poses and intros


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
He'd love to hear what you think, and I think his points make for the basis of an interesting discussion.

I read this entire thing and I can't really think of anything else to add. It's pretty exhaustive in covering not only the problem of Hanzo but Overwatch in general. League had a similar problem where making champs and items too similar (within the roles) makes balancing too difficult. If everything is just a slight variation on each other, then there's no reason not to mathematically maximize every role. When LoL vs Dota threads crop up many people cite the unnecessary complexity of Dota heroes, but they don't realize that it's specifically this complexity, that two similar heroes who occupy the same roles (say, Dazzle and and Earth Spirit) can offer completely different team strategies, is paramount to the balance work. And when IceFrog overbuffs or overnerfs or even remakes a hero, the balance isn't thrown out of whack, because what's holding up the glass house of balance is the relative strength of team comps, of which there are countless; very rarely are individual heroes problematic. Trends and macrobalance rule Dota.

Hearthstone suffers from the same problem. Really, any game that touts the "easy to learn, hard to master" motto will be vulnerable in this area. Complexity itself is a balance tool.

So what's Blizzard to do? I'm leaning towards the utility option for Hanzo. Pushback could work. Bleed? With movement causing extra damage, like Rupture in Dota or Puncture in Path of Exile. As a Dota player I'm not opposed CC but CC is probably even more rage inducing than Hanzo's old hitbox for your average player. Ana is at risk of becoming the new Hanzo, and will only held back by her extremely high skill floor and her lack of weeb appeal.

I also agree that the pro scene, for all their mechanical competence, is underdeveloped. I would've expected that some team would, by now, be able to figure out ult timings and whatnot. I've also considered the idea that an optimal strategy might be to not damage the opposing team at all until ults are ready. The pro scene's microstrategy is pretty good (there's room for improvement of course) but the macrostrategy leaves a lot to be desired.

Also your friend touches on one of the reasons Mercy was such a problem before the Ana patch. Sometimes she could rez twice in a protracted fight, all because of the damage flying everywhere (that never kills outright) she gets to heal. I think Blizzard is aware of this but are choosing to ignore it, like they did the problem of hero stacking. They have backed themselves into a balancing corner and are delaying addressing it directly, clinging onto the notion that they can manage it with minor balance tweaks, rather than going after the more fundamental problems.

I think in between the Zen buff, the Mercy change, and Ana, we'll start to see the cracks of Blizzard's adherence to the "120 damage per second, 200 hp" baseline they use for non-tank heroes. There's a lot of damage flying around right now, and the TTK is going to be higher than it ever was before.
Also this is actually one of the reasons Mercy was such a problem before the Ana patch. Sometimes she could rez twice in a protracted fight, all because of the damage flying everywhere (that never kills outright) she gets to heal. I think Blizzard is aware of this but are choosing to ignore it, like they did the problem of hero stacking. They have backed themselves into a balancing corner and are delaying addressing it directly, clinging onto the notion that they can manage it with minor balance tweaks, rather than going after the more fundamental problems.

I think in between the Zen buff, the Mercy change, and Ana, we'll start to see the cracks of Blizzard's adherence to the "120 damage per second, 200 hp" baseline they seem to use for many of the heroes. There's a lot of damage flying around right now.

Didn't they just nerf the rate that Mercy gets Ult?
Ground Pharah is fine especially behind friendly Reinhardt. Spam rockets through his shield during a push and boost into sky when needed to rain justice.

I like using Ground Pharah to bait enemies as well. Like I was walking with a payload and I baited a Genji into using his ult to try and take me out along with the rest of my team, but I just jumped as soon as he started and took him out from above before he could kill anyone.

My philosophy with Pharah is don't take to the air unless you can see the whites of the enemy's eyes. A well timed boost can do things like avoid a Junkrat tire or black hole and put you in a position to counter them at little to no risk.


Ugh quick play is pretty much ruined for the day it seems.

Hey if you wanna do your stupid Ana spam at least use your fucking heals sometimes.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Didn't they just nerf the rate that Mercy gets Ult?

She gets self healing ult charge now, and she gets to supply more buff damage so I think it evens out. It being slightly nerfed doesn't solve the fundamental problem. Her ult change would need to be completely sent to the floor to do so. I predict she'll still be able to get off two ults regularly.

However Ana is an unknown quantity here. She seems built around suppressing threatening squishies like Mercy. If teams can bring forth Anas that can regularly counter Mercy, we might start seeing a shift in strategy. Or, perhaps, every game will now have Ana + Mercy instead of just Mercy.
My friend, TF2-GAF regular FatCatAttack made an excellent post that he wanted to share with GAF about his opinions on Hanzo, projectile hitboxes, and issues with balancing due to the tight range of damage values among other factors. It's long, but very much worth the read:

He'd love to hear what you think, and I think his points make for the basis of an interesting discussion.

The points about the value of burst damage and why alternate strengths for hanzo upset the game balance are really good. As a supporter of the hitbox changes, I hadn't thought of that. Still, I think making hitboxes larger than they appear to be is a bad solution, and creates a worse situation than simply hanzo being really bad.

The blizzard gameplay designers have been smart so far, and I'm sure they can come up with a buff for hanzo that makes him useful without fudging what is appearing on the screen. If nothing else, I'd be ok with them reverting the hitbox change but also scaling up the arrow models to match the hitbox size. It'd look stupid, but at least I would know what to expect. Until then, I'm fine with hanzo being dumpster tier.
Duplicate legendaries shouldn't even be a thing, it's pretty stupid. Or duplicate player icons, since you can't even buy them them.
If they are gonna have legendary duplicates, you should get around 500 currency, imo.

But it would be much easier if they were just removed.


So main support players (like me), what are your expectations about Ana/new Zen? Do you think any of them will become your new standard supp instead of Lucio/Mercy?


I found this thread on reddit interesting. Basically a guy that only plays Torb, no matter what, hit rank 80. But there's a post that looked into his profile more, specifically compared to other high ranks, and he seems to have a much worse win rate on average (~10% lower) compared to the people around him. It made it seem like he got a huge benefit from getting contributions to fight with essentially an aimbot turret even if he didn't actually help that much, which would make him lose a lot less points than other players while making his wins climb a lot.

Which is fucking stupid.

Especially if the inverse is really happening with supports.

There's an argument presented in this thread (which is a good read) that supports gain less rank on a win and loose more on a loss than dps classes do but there's not enough evidence given to support that claim. I've always thought (and someone in the thread mentioned this) that your elo was, in large part, based on your performance versus the "average" performance of whatever character you chose. We need more testing and more evidence here although the rank 80 Torb player is certainly interesting.

Bold claims and terrible news if true.

My friend, TF2-GAF regular FatCatAttack made an excellent post that he wanted to share with GAF about his opinions on Hanzo, projectile hitboxes, and issues with balancing due to the tight range of damage values among other factors. It's long, but very much worth the read:

He'd love to hear what you think, and I think his points make for the basis of an interesting discussion.

It's a good read with a lot of good points. Kudos to you friend for making it. Here's what I think:

I think there's room to buff Hanzo (if he even needs it - I'm not convinced he does) without messing with the magic numbers. Make it so hit ult activates and travels quicker or has a wider area of effect. This would make it easier for him to catch folks in it, similar to how they made D.Va's Meka explosion activate quicker.

You could also give him quicker cooldowns on his Sonic and Scatter arrows (I personally find the wallhack arrow to be a huge benefit) so that he can use them more often. Neither of those options messes with the magic 120 damage number or anyone's HP pool but would buff Hanzo.

Right now, I find Hanzo to be a good addition to a team if the person plays him well. He can reliably kill squishy heroes, keep his wallhack arrow up for the rest of us (which helps everyone) and has an Ult that is good at area denial. He's a little bit situational and better on some maps/ parts of maps than others, but many other characters share that trait.

If anything, I would vote for Symmetra as the character who next needs some tweaking. She is TOO situational and smart players are learning that there are only so many viable spots to place that teleporter. But that's a topic for another post.
So main support players (like me), what are your expectations about Ana/new Zen? Do you think any of them will become your new standard supp instead of Lucio/Mercy?

Zen will absolutely be my new main over Lucio, who will move to second place. I don't see myself ever playing Ana, to be honest.


Neo Member
If Ana shoots a teammate who is at full health, do they still stop the bullet?

Most likely, since the effect still shows up on targeted character.

Considering waking up early and going to the nearest pc bang to play. Of course the patch goes live when I'm busy for once.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So main support players (like me), what are your expectations about Ana/new Zen? Do you think any of them will become your new standard supp instead of Lucio/Mercy?

I've always enjoyed playing Zen more than Lucio and Mercy but they didn't change his healing so I can't imagine, as a solo queuer, ever getting to play him the way you want. Because Lucio and Mercy are always going to outshine him as a healer. Same for Ana.
I've got an unpopular opinion. Why does my team need a healer? Doesn't Lucio and or Mercy being required actually speak to a failing on the games part? They shouldn't be any more viable than any other character.
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