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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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I've got an unpopular opinion. Why does my team need a healer? Doesn't Lucio and or Mercy being required actually speak to a failing on the games part? They shouldn't be any more viable than any other character.

They let more aggressive players take more risks, but you are right, they aren't necessary.

I played a comp game of attack on Gibralter the other day with a team average of 69 and we had 3 soldiers, 2 winstons and a Zarya.

We mowed the enemy team down so well that 4 of them left for their turn to attack.


I've got an unpopular opinion. Why does my team need a healer? Doesn't Lucio and or Mercy being required actually speak to a failing on the games part? They shouldn't be any more viable than any other character.

Depends whether or not your team wants/needs the ability to stay alive for longer, making you more durable. It's not a failing, I've won plenty of games in teams without a healer but generally it's better to have at least one, or at the very least a Soldier dropping heals. It's almost a requirement on the control game types, less so on the escorts.


I've got an unpopular opinion. Why does my team need a healer? Doesn't Lucio and or Mercy being required actually speak to a failing on the games part? They shouldn't be any more viable than any other character.

They aren't but they sure help in a lot of situations. Lots of games can come down to a single team wipe that might have not occured had you a healer on board.

I can't imagine why you'd want to try to hold down a control point without some sort of health regen hero around.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I've got an unpopular opinion. Why does my team need a healer? Doesn't Lucio and or Mercy being required actually speak to a failing on the games part? They shouldn't be any more viable than any other character.

I mean

you could make the argument that Reinhardt is even more important to have in a lot of cases and him not being there can really handicap a team.


They let more aggressive players take more risks, but you are right, they aren't necessary.

I played a comp game of attack on Gibralter the other day with a team average of 69 and we had 3 soldiers, 2 winstons and a Zarya.

We mowed the enemy team down so well that 4 of them left for their turn to attack.

your healer...

Depends whether or not your team wants/needs the ability to stay alive for longer, making you more durable. It's not a failing, I've won plenty of games in teams without a healer but generally it's better to have at least one, or at the very least a Soldier dropping heals. It's almost a requirement on the control game types, less so on the escorts.
There's just no other characters that would make people say WTF no *blank* when you start a game. If there's no Lucio or Mercy there is a 'you are already dead feeling'. Sure sometimes it works, but it's rare.

People will say 'healer is a role on the team just like DPS' okay, then there should be more choices. No one is coming out of the spawn with just a a Zenyatta (pre patch) and feeling like the healer role is being fulfilled.

Edit: people seem to be interpreting this as me saying that I don't want healers on my team. It's the complete opposite. It feels like a requirement to have a Lucio or Mercy and I don't think it should be.


My friend, TF2-GAF regular FatCatAttack made an excellent post that he wanted to share with GAF about his opinions on Hanzo, projectile hitboxes, and issues with balancing due to the tight range of damage values among other factors. It's long, but very much worth the read:

He'd love to hear what you think, and I think his points make for the basis of an interesting discussion.

This is a good read, very enlightening on how/why the balance of overwatch works. Someone else mentioned the effect of high risk reward characters being similar to gambling where you can easily go on a dry run or a killing spree, and the logic being that if you're actually trying to win gambling just isn't a good strategy.

The thing about Hanzo that I've always thought was his greatest strength is the sonic arrow. Wall hacks are fuckin OP, we all know this. A buff to sonic arrow could offset Hanzo's weakness without making him cancer like some kind of disable or DoT effect could. Maybe increase the duration of sonic arrow.

Another solution may be giving him a double jump. It doesn't directly address the issue, but its a simple yet highly underrated ability that would probably dramatically increase Hanzo's skill cap without really reducing the skill floor... which then might make the risk reward lean more towards reward at higher skill levels.


Had 4 games a few minutes ago with 4 friends and 2 randoms from the previous match, won all of them, even as underdogs. It feels so good when you play with a good competent team, we were so synced it wasn't even funny. Got back up to a 44 and starting to see the light, back in in 40 mins and hopefully we keep the train rolling..
lol I'm done caring about my rank anymore. I've gone from 66 to 60 over the past few days because of leavers and Sudden Death coin clips. The more I play the more comp just feels like Russian Roulette. I'm going to keep playing comp because of the golden weapons. However, other than that idc.


lol I'm done caring about my rank anymore. I've gone from 66 to 60 over the past few days because of leavers and Sudden Death coin clips. The more I play the more comp just feels like Russian Roulette. I'm going to keep playing comp because of the golden weapons. However, other than that idc.

True, I wonder if the Comp points given at end of season is for season high or current rank? Hope it's the former.
One thing I did get to enjoy before being kicked: all of those new, cocky D.Va players with their toggled Defense Matrix getting a face full of my Zarya barreling towards them with 100% charge. They melt just the same as they used to.
This is going to be so fun. I'm excited. Haven't played Overwatch in a week (I was on vacation), and now there's a patch.


So main support players (like me), what are your expectations about Ana/new Zen? Do you think any of them will become your new standard supp instead of Lucio/Mercy?

I will play Zen alot. He's a nice change of pace from my normal Lucio pick when a support is needed and he will still stack well with another support.

I've got an unpopular opinion. Why does my team need a healer? Doesn't Lucio and or Mercy being required actually speak to a failing on the games part? They shouldn't be any more viable than any other character.

Yeah, I agree with this. You shouldn't NEED a Mercy or Rein every single match to be at 100% effectiveness and if you do, then there's a balance failure somewhere. This is a legitimate gripe I have with Overwatch at the moment.


I'm not sure if any one has pointed it out yet but at the very end of the new developer update video there is something really odd. At the very end of the video there are some old TV style test color bars and some static as well as a loud boop sound. I don't remember if the other videos had it but I have a strong feeling that they didn't. Could this be some kind of hidden message maybe? Some kind of ARG to find of out more about the next new hero or something? I wouldn't know where to start with this kind of thing so I hope someone here can spearhead the investigation. What do you guys think?


Zenyatta and Ana are sucking the fun out of the game for me right now.

Playing a tank is meaningless since they just get orb of discord and die in a second.

And Ana's boost means the entire other team is dead
These D.Va buffs... I'm just crying tears of malicious joy.

Yeah, having played a few more matches before my ping started getting ridiculous: the D.Va buff is pretty substantial. Played her once in the 3-4 games I did and got PotG in that one match, and there was always one, at least two of them on each team (along with the obligatory one Ana per team). For all the talk of McCree having his damage buffed back up, I played him on my first match and felt useless because the D.Va just kept blocking all my higher powered shots. Definitely think she's going to see a lot more use going forward.

I will play Zen alot. He's a nice change of pace from my normal Lucio pick when a support is needed and he will still stack well with another support.

The one problem I saw: I played three KotH matches, and on each one our team had a Ana and Zenyatta, but no Lucio. Seems like the new/buffed supports are making players forget how important that speed boost is to getting an advantage on Control maps. Looking forward to when the new luster on Ana goes away, because in only one match I played did she seem to make an actual difference (used her ult. on my Zarya and I popped my own ult. to wipe four enemies; thanks for the PotG assist, Ana, but I still don't like your character.)
Zenyatta and Ana are sucking the fun out of the game for me right now.

Playing a tank is meaningless since they just get orb of discord and die in a second.

And Ana's boost means the entire other team is dead

Cant wait for a new tank/offensive heroe and see everyone sticking on him/her


I honestly hate people who do this. It's not fun or funny, it's just being a dick and ruining the experience of people who want to play the game properly, ugh. So glad it's going to be over soon.

This wasn't even the first time it's happened to me on Hanamura.


This wasn't even the first time it's happened to me on Hanamura.

Yea, I had my entire team pick Hanzo/Genji the other night on Dorado Attack, left the match, regretted nothing.

I'm kinda confused as to why Ana's ult gives damage reduction too, seems overkill and broken from everything I've read?
lol I'm done caring about my rank anymore. I've gone from 66 to 60 over the past few days because of leavers and Sudden Death coin clips. The more I play the more comp just feels like Russian Roulette. I'm going to keep playing comp because of the golden weapons. However, other than that idc.

I did some solo queue last night, both games I had a leaver on my team. The worst part is they leave at the end of the first half, it pisses me off so much because I can't count the times where my team has clutched out a win that started off where we got steamrolled the first round/half. There are times that the outcome looks so grim but somehow we pulled it off, and you know what... those are the wins that make me feel accomplished. With my friends, Route 66, we had a game where we made it close to the first checkpoint (just a bit passed the gas station). That's bleak as shit (morale was down in voice chat), how easy is it for the team that just easily held it down to just pass that spot? Well, they couldn't even get past the gas station... In solo queue last night, we barely made it past the first checkpoint (not even halfway to the second checkpoint), a guy straight up quits before our defense round starts, I'm never solo queuing again.
True, I wonder if the Comp points given at end of season is for season high or current rank? Hope it's the former.

I'd hope it would count your season high. I'm currently around 90 wins atm, so I should at least be able to get 150-200 wins by the end of the season depending on how much I play. I'm hoping the bonus or whatever at the end will be enough to get me enough points for one weapon.


my new favorite thing to do is to wait till the enemy roadhog hooks someone and put him to sleep before he can fire. It creates so much salt in chat :D
Yeah, the leaver penalty bullshit is still there on console smh. Just beat down this other team real bad, all 6 of them left in the second round and my rank gain was minimal despite getting 3 gold medals.


why. because they get dmg from a hook. what if your team is one shot and you let them die? ;P

I will take the risk :D

it is also awesome to see a tank slowly coming from their spawn trying to rush the point and you put him to sleep across the map and have him lose 6 seconds. We won a couple matches thanks to that earlier because the tanks couldn't make it in time.

Ana is too much fun :)

Yeah, the leaver penalty bullshit is still there on console smh. Just beat down this other team real bad and all 6 of them left in the second round and my rank gain was minimal despite getting 3 gold medals.

You getting gold medals do not mean anything. Your xp gain is based on how well you did in that map within your rank range with the character(s) you were playing compared to the playerbase. Getting gold has no effect in the outcome. Gold medals do not mean shit other than a round end pat in the back.


Not sure I enjoy the game after the patch. Mccree 2-3 shots almost everybody now and defending against someone who got nano boosted is almost impossible. Time to get stupid I guess.
I've got an unpopular opinion. Why does my team need a healer? Doesn't Lucio and or Mercy being required actually speak to a failing on the games part? They shouldn't be any more viable than any other character.

You don't need one but it makes your job easier, same with any other character like Reinhardt for example.


Yeah, having played a few more matches before my ping started getting ridiculous: the D.Va buff is pretty substantial. Played her once in the 3-4 games I did and got PotG in that one match, and there was always one, at least two of them on each team (along with the obligatory one Ana per team). For all the talk of McCree having his damage buffed back up, I played him on my first match and felt useless because the D.Va just kept blocking all my higher powered shots. Definitely think she's going to see a lot more use going forward.

The one problem I saw: I played three KotH matches, and on each one our team had a Ana and Zenyatta, but no Lucio. Seems like the new/buffed supports are making players forget how important that speed boost is to getting an advantage on Control maps. Looking forward to when the new luster on Ana goes away, because in only one match I played did she seem to make an actual difference (used her ult. on my Zarya and I popped my own ult. to wipe four enemies; thanks for the PotG assist, Ana, but I still don't like your character.)

Yeah, Lucio is too good on KotH. I wouldn't NOT pick Lucio just to use a weaker support on a KotH map.
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