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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Players not using their mic is probably the most annoying thing to me. Just simple things that would help so many times.

"Hey, that Phara that killed me has her Ult charged"

"Reaper just teleported above us"

"Teleporter behind the objective on the right"


tbh the biggest common sense thing is just communicating.

Which works great when I'm not playing with my brother.

Me: Widowmaker on the upper left.

Bro: Upper left from where? I'm looking all over the place!

Me: *facepalm* When you're facing the direction the enemy is coming from, UPPER LEFT FROM THERE!


Is it me or is Ana kinda... crap? Mercy and Lucio are way better at healing, her damage seems to be inferior to post-buff Zenyatta and while her ult is nice, I'd still probably rate it at Zenyatta's level at best, with Lucio's/Mercy's still being way better. So, while definitely fun to play, she seems to be neither good healer nor DPS/heal hybrid.

From what I've read, if you play her as a healer first, DPS second, she'll make a good secondary support. That's the thing, you don't play her as your main support, just like you don't play Zen as your main support.


Players not using their mic is probably the most annoying thing to me. Just simple things that would help so many times.

"Hey, that Phara that killed me has her Ult charged"

"Reaper just teleported above us"

"Teleporter behind the objective on the right"

I play without a mic and it's fine. Especially true when I'm in party chat and a ton of people are just randomly bullshitting about stuff. Also, kill feed is quite useful on who's killing who.

The characters usually just say it themselves like "behind you" etc.


Ana can be the main support, so can Zenyatta. It depends heavily on the team. I previously stubbornly believed that every team needs a good healer (Mercy/Lucio), in random match ups that's mostly true because you can't predict what your team will do, what their skill level is, etc, so it's best to be safe. But on a good offensive team who knows how to keep themselves alive, the auxiliary buffs/debuffs that Ana and Zen can provide help a lot more. This means you don't play as a healer who sits back though, but actively support the team on the frontlines with both attack and debuffs.


FFS, can't even play 2 consecutive games with the same lobby anymore. 3 minutes queue -> 1 game -> 3 minutes queue all the fucking time.


Man, it is almost impossible to even mount a challenge in competitive mode when it's 5 vs 6. Blizzard have to do something to balance it. My team absolutely dominated until someone disconnected or left. We got steam rolled after that. And I know our team man for man was better but we just couldn't do anything a man down against what was probably a party.

Now my placement matches are 6-3. Should really be 8-1 if it weren't for people dropping out of the game.

Anyway, I'm still doing pretty well with Reaper. Also improved a bit with Pharah but my accuracy is still a mess.


Make Junkrat's grenades like 10% bigger cause I somehow manage to miss 50% of my shots in close quarters
It's always like that, I could wreck two dudes in 3 secondes if my aim wasn't this terrible

Also, I was shooting a Roadhog who was healing, my grenades weren't fast enough to outspeed/damage his recovery. What the fuck? His heal is basically a free "Yeah fuck you" card when you're 1 vs 1.


Make Junkrat's grenades like 10% bigger cause I somehow manage to miss 50% of my shots in close quarters
It's always like that, I could wreck two dudes in 3 secondes if my aim wasn't this terrible

nah. Use your trap and bomb for those occasions. Junkrat does enough damage already. He would be too OP if his grenades hit easier.


nah. Use your trap and bomb for those occasions. Junkrat does enough damage already. He would be too OP if his grenades hit easier.

I'm just looking for excuses
I choke like a mofo whenever I've got some easy kills. And yet I manage to kill some flying Pharahs
Also, I was shooting a Roadhog who was healing, my grenades weren't fast enough to outspeed/damage his recovery. What the fuck? His heal is basically a free "Yeah fuck you" card when you're 1 vs 1.
Uummmm, because Junkrats not a DPS character? Any character that's actually about DPS will out damage his heal.

Also, he can't shoot you and he's an Immobile target when healing, so he's free ult charge for you.
Make Junkrat's grenades like 10% bigger cause I somehow manage to miss 50% of my shots in close quarters
It's always like that, I could wreck two dudes in 3 secondes if my aim wasn't this terrible

Also, I was shooting a Roadhog who was healing, my grenades weren't fast enough to outspeed/damage his recovery. What the fuck? His heal is basically a free "Yeah fuck you" card when you're 1 vs 1.

Junkrat is way closer to a nerf than a buff.


Junkrat is way closer to a nerf than a buff.

What's there to nerf? I think he's just right. Really I'm just being facetious cause I'm bad haha, I know he's a good character.

Only thing I think can be cool would be being able to save a teammate when he/she's trapped. Let us shoot the trap even if it's active.
What's there to nerf? I think he's just right. Really I'm just being facetious cause I'm bad haha, I know he's a good character.

Only thing I think can be cool would be being able to save a teammate when he/she's trapped. Let us shoot the trap even if it's active.

The only thing that needs to be changed about Junkrat, imo, is the hitbox of his wheel. Either make hitbox the size of the blast, or make the blast the size of the hitbox. The hitbox extending like 5 meters further than the explosion's outer edge is fucking dumb. The other day a Junkrat got PotG with his tire, and you could see the entire blast on the cam. I wasn't even NEAR the blast, still got caught and oneshot by it.
What's there to nerf? I think he's just right. Really I'm just being facetious cause I'm bad haha, I know he's a good character.

Only thing I think can be cool would be being able to save a teammate when he/she's trapped. Let us shoot the trap even if it's active.
I don't think he's saying they should nerf Junkrat, he's just saying that if they were to balance him, a nerf would make more sense than a buff. Like on a scale of 1-10, a 1 being that he needs to be buffed, and a 10 being that he needs to be nerfed, Junkrat is at like a 5 or a 6. A 5 would mean he's pretty much balanced.


Which works great when I'm not playing with my brother.

Me: Widowmaker on the upper left.

Bro: Upper left from where? I'm looking all over the place!

Me: *facepalm* When you're facing the direction the enemy is coming from, UPPER LEFT FROM THERE!

Infinitely better than:

Me: Widowmaker on the upper left.

Team: ...

Me: Hello?

Team: ...

Me: Okay, well I'm dead, widowmaker's still there. Okay now two more of you are dead from widowmaker. Yep she's still in the same spot. Phara? Throw a rocket or two maybe, make her at least switch posi-- okay now you're dead too.

Team Chat: Shut up F**
The only thing that needs to be changed about Junkrat, imo, is the hitbox of his wheel. Either make hitbox the size of the blast, or make the blast the size of the hitbox. The hitbox extending like 5 meters further than the explosion's outer edge is fucking dumb. The other day a Junkrat got PotG with his tire, and you could see the entire blast on the cam. I wasn't even NEAR the blast, still got caught and oneshot by it.

Yeah, this is a pet peeve of mine, for sure. I don't really mind the size of the hitbox... maybe a slight reduction?... but it makes it really makes it spotty judging how far away you can be when you start adding in varying degrees of altitude to the level.

Junkrat is in a pretty good place. Roadhog, Soldier and Winston (once you get the feel for his playstyle) are all really well-designed, well-balanced characters, too.


The only thing that needs to be changed about Junkrat, imo, is the hitbox of his wheel. Either make hitbox the size of the blast, or make the blast the size of the hitbox. The hitbox extending like 5 meters further than the explosion's outer edge is fucking dumb. The other day a Junkrat got PotG with his tire, and you could see the entire blast on the cam. I wasn't even NEAR the blast, still got caught and oneshot by it.

I ignore the visual cue, I just treat Dva's self-destruct and the Rip-tire as the same thing - if you're out in the open and you can see the explosion, you're dead. So instead of trying to run for range, which is futile, when you hear the Ult, get behind a wall.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Make Junkrat's grenades like 10% bigger cause I somehow manage to miss 50% of my shots in close quarters
It's always like that, I could wreck two dudes in 3 secondes if my aim wasn't this terrible

Also, I was shooting a Roadhog who was healing, my grenades weren't fast enough to outspeed/damage his recovery. What the fuck? His heal is basically a free "Yeah fuck you" card when you're 1 vs 1.

Better radius would be spammer heaven for some of those useless Junkrat players who just lob and build meter for Rip Tire

You're not suppose to 1 v 1 a Roadhog, your suppose to be a deterrence and keep the enemy team at bay

Also Road you use as your Ultimate battery
Keep firing near him, let him eat up your grenades, get Rip Tire and destroy his teammates
Every time a Roadhog is in play your meter builds up so fucking fast, he keeps feeding your Ult


So I played King's Row last night
Someone picked Junkrat

He goes on to say:
"Remember, Remember, Something or other, I forget"
Something like that, that's new to me
What's there to nerf? I think he's just right. Really I'm just being facetious cause I'm bad haha, I know he's a good character.

Only thing I think can be cool would be being able to save a teammate when he/she's trapped. Let us shoot the trap even if it's active.
His trap is certain death to anything squishy. He does tons of damage, and can decimate tanks. His mine is great for mobility, escapability, and finishing off enemies. His ult does 600 damage with a great blast radius. He can be unseen just spamming grenades over walls and around corners and still be very effective. In fact I'd say I get a gold medal for damage 90% of the time I play him.

He's one of my favorites and I hope they don't change him. But you said you wanted a buff and I'm just saying that the opposite is more likely.


I ignore the visual cue, I just treat Dva's self-destruct and the Rip-tire as the same thing - if you're out in the open and you can see the explosion, you're dead. So instead of trying to run for range, which is futile, when you hear the Ult, get behind a wall.

But that's not true at all for the tire. Lost count of how many times I've exploded the tire in a room of people only to somehow miss everyone. Would be nice to have a better indicator of how big the explosion is, or at least feel better about seeing the explosion miss and thinking, yeah ok that's my own fault. As it is now, it feels like guessing and doesn't feel fair when you miss, or when you die to it when you think you're far.
Is McCree's FTH damage really that bad of a nerf aka useless? I always take 1 or 2 shots at the enemy to lower health before doing the stun FTH combo, if still alive I will roll and finish the enemy off. Is it that really big of a deal just because his FTH couldn't finish off a 200-250hp character without lowering health first?

I pretty much never FTH anymore. My flashbang -> FTH has evolved into flashbang -> headshot. Only time I FTH is basically against Reinhart shields from safety.


I ignore the visual cue, I just treat Dva's self-destruct and the Rip-tire as the same thing - if you're out in the open and you can see the explosion, you're dead. So instead of trying to run for range, which is futile, when you hear the Ult, get behind a wall.

Or try to get very far away when it come to Junkrat's ult.


the holder of the trombone
Junkrat is the one hero that i think is pretty well balanced in the game for what he does and yet find incredibly infuriating to play against.


Neo Member
But that's not true at all for the tire. Lost count of how many times I've exploded the tire in a room of people only to somehow miss everyone. Would be nice to have a better indicator of how big the explosion is, or at least feel better about seeing the explosion miss and thinking, yeah ok that's my own fault. As it is now, it feels like guessing and doesn't feel fair when you miss, or when you die to it when you think you're far.

What if the visual explosion size was the size of his damage radius but the current damage radius was switched to a concussion/push radius?

Seems like a better option because even if Rein has his shield up (at full health) he would still survive but he would get pushed back.
Junkrat is the one hero that i think it's pretty well balanced in the game for what he does and yet find incredibly infuriating to play against.

Pharah's got a pretty balanced skillset. It's just that her natural counters are less effective on console, so she's in this place where she kind of needs a nerf there.

Her presence is really going to be felt once the Tjorb damage nerf goes into effect.


I think Junkrat is fine, I feel most of the heroes are fairly well balanced except for McCree, Zen and maybe Ana. And with McCree and Zen the way they are now, Pharah might need some buffs, even if they get nerfed slightly.


What if the visual explosion size was the size of his damage radius but the current damage radius was switched to a concussion/push radius?

Seems like a better option because even if Rein has his shield up (at full health) he would still survive but he would get pushed back.

Yeah sure, I wouldn't mind that as much. The push is like a nice bonus so that's not necessary to see the visual feedback... but it's more about the visual aspect of the kills feeling fair on both sides. It's like shooting invisible bullets at people, you couldn't be sure that you actually did anything without the visual confirmation. It like the interview w blizz recently where they talk about skill level ratings FEELING fair even if they're tuned correctly. You want to feel good about what you're doing otherwise it's frustrating and not fun.


I think Junkrat is fine, I feel most of the heroes are fairly well balanced except for McCree, Zen and maybe Ana. And with McCree and Zen the way they are now, Pharah might need some buffs, even if they get nerfed slightly.
I personally want slightly less cool down on her concussive blast and super jump. She is fine otherwise.


the holder of the trombone
I think most of the defense heroes are kinda fucked actually, not in they're overpowered, but in that they struggle to find a place in the upper level of play where constant, high dps is more desirable even on defense.


You want a real Benny Hill moment? I just ran away as Lucio (Speed Boost + Amp) when a Rein got Ana's ult on him. Hilarious


I think most of the defense heroes are kinda fucked actually, not in they're overpowered, but in that they struggle to find a place in the upper level of play where constant, high dps is more desirable even on defense.

Defense heroes should have pretty good armor or high health. Doesn't seem like they're all that less squishy than others.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
From someone who plays mostly support, most flankers do not put themselves in good position to be healed. If you want my healing either stay near me long enough to be healed (Lucio) or don't put obstacles and barriers between me and you (Ana or Mercy) because neither heal without LoS.

I am completely fine with a notification (I need healing!) I will always do my best to get you healed but the flanker has to take some responsibility here as well.

Right. Which is why I'm saying to play flankers because flankers rely heavily on medkits.

Where as I was playing a sniper right next to an Ana and she couldn't be bothered to throw me a heal while I stood behind cover, hoping, thinking, 'maybe she'll stop shooting them and shoot me'

It never happened.


I actually got a PoTG (maybe two?) as DPS. According to overbuff I am one of the most aggressive Zen players so it makes sense. I like to play with him with the mindset of dps, always firing but also using shift + e every time. I managed to get 9400 damage and 10300 healing in one game (I think it was defense, and we lost!).
The most difficult part is not getting killed, I still have to try him now with more life, and Ana which could be similar...

Always cool to meet a fellow Zen enthusiast. I've hovered around a 60% win rate, topping out at 65%, with him ever since launch, so I think that's pretty good seeing as how many people claim matchmaking tries to keep you at 50%! :)

He's been one of my favorites since launch and the new buff only makes him better. I play him pretty aggressively too, nothing feels better than melting tanks...


the holder of the trombone
Right. Which is why I'm saying to play flankers because flankers rely heavily on medkits.

Where as I was playing a sniper right next to an Ana and she couldn't be bothered to throw me a heal while I stood behind cover, hoping, thinking, 'maybe she'll stop shooting them and shoot me'

It never happened.

Hey if you play me I'll heal you. :p

I think those players will get weeded out because she's very obviously not going to be a dps or elims machine.


Infinitely better than:

Me: Widowmaker on the upper left.

Team: ...

Me: Hello?

Team: ...

Me: Okay, well I'm dead, widowmaker's still there. Okay now two more of you are dead from widowmaker. Yep she's still in the same spot. Phara? Throw a rocket or two maybe, make her at least switch posi-- okay now you're dead too.

Team Chat: Shut up F**

For sure. I just wanted to throw a little shade at my brother. He's a goddamn woodchipper when you point him at the enemy...it's pointing him that's the problem. ;-)

And yeah, I'm never solo queuing again. People are idiots and try to play this team game like they're some kind of one man army. Just pick Genji or whoever else looks badass and run full tilt at the enemy's front line's like we're on the Western Front. The only way you take a win off that is if the other team is as dysfunctional as yours.
Where as I was playing a sniper right next to an Ana and she couldn't be bothered to throw me a heal while I stood behind cover, hoping, thinking, 'maybe she'll stop shooting them and shoot me'

I was playing D.Va earlier, managed to squeeze out of a tight spot with 15 health (out of armour). I jumped in front of our Ana, pressing X like a madman... I literally obscured her sight and she ignored me. So I went and got a health pack. :s


I really wish Blizzard would add in an "overall" tab for Career stats. Like I've grown attached to my Quick Play stats screen and don't want to watch my career profile wiped everytime a new season comes out.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Pharah's got a pretty balanced skillset. It's just that her natural counters are less effective on console, so she's in this place where she kind of needs a nerf there.

Her presence is really going to be felt once the Tjorb damage nerf goes into effect.

I think McCree will fare pretty well actually. Soldier on console vs. her is mostly annoying as he needs to maintain his shots on her which relies on predicting her movement which is harder to react to without a mouse, and his only burst on her is helix which is hard to hit on her unless she's ulting. But McCree will chunk her with single hitscan shots without the huge dropoff.

Also depends on if Zen is picked a lot on console post buff, since he's going to make it easier to shoot her down.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Low sensitivity settings have been going well mostly. I've been averaging 15 kill streaks fairly regularly now with multiple characters (Genji, Hanzo, Hog, Torbjorn, Junkrat, Bastion and McCree in particular) and it's all well and good when you're running forward and aiming.

But as Genji in particular, it feels like I'm never going to have the speed I need to whip around when I feel a Reaper shooting at me and defend myself that I had with high sensitivity.

I was playing D.Va earlier, managed to squeeze out of a tight spot with 15 health (out of armour). I jumped in front of our Ana, pressing X like a madman... I literally obscured her sight and she ignored me. So I went and got a health pack. :s

I usually try to leave medpaks for nearby healers if I'm playing a non-flanker.

I have not been doing that for most Anas.

though I have had some pretty good ones. I had one on Hollywood as Hog and one on King's Row as D-Va where I was basically an unkillable murderous god with Ana behind me.
I usually try to leave medpaks for nearby healers if I'm playing a non-flanker.

I have not been doing that for most Anas.

though I have had some pretty good ones. I had one on Hollywood as Hog and one on King's Row as D-Va where I was basically an unkillable murderous god with Ana behind me.

I specifically went back further to a health pack that was a bit out of the way (it was on Numbani) so nobody would likely miss it. I wasn't gonna be at the frontlines with Zero Suit D.Va at 15 health, no Siree.

One thing I've noticed with Ana players is that they're really bad with picking their targets for their Q. I've gotten nanoboosted as Symmetra thrice (by 3 different Anas, I shit you not), once as Zero Suit D.Va and once as Zenyatta.
So they either misclicked, or immediately wanted to use their ult on the first ally they saw, I have no idea why they would target me in those cases though.

I got boosted on Hanamura as Reinhardt once but that was when I was like 20% away from getting my ult and literally in the process of retreating to regen my shield. I had to turn back around and walk back and already half of the ult was gone. The timing really was unfortunate for that one lol.

Whenever I played Ana I specifically targeted either the tanks or the offense characters.
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