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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Truthfully, I stopped caring about POTG months ago.

It's decisions of what are POTG and what are not are incredibly poor and for a game that hides a scoreboard to 'prevent toxic behavior' it's something that promotes kills above teamwork above all else. And usually not even skillful kills.

If a few people contributed to the POTG they should do it like an all out attack in Persona with shortened hero intros. I wanna see the whole sequence of how a point got taken switching between perspectives as it happens.

Ana's gonna be like "A-ha! Is this our chance?" and at the end Soldier says, "You see that, Shinji?"


Nah, I think if a Lucio is topping the kill charts, no matter how much damage he's laying out, the team is probably shit. There's simply no way he can get access to the amount of kills offensive characters do, cmon.

Nah. The way I read it is the lucio is good and his team is helping keep him alive. The majority of lucio elims are assists so that means his uptime is high if he can be tagging a large percentage of the team's kills.

I have 900 lucio eliminations between QP and comp 26 of them are solo kills. Let's be real. When I get 30+ elims I can realize that I'm not the reason that happened lol


I remember mentioning this before on this thread too. Totally agree that POTG needs to be reworked. Instead of individual play it should emphasize good team plays. Would make it so much more satisfying to see tean synergy working out well, and discourage individuals who want to just toot their own horns.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I remember mentioning this before on this thread too. Totally agree that POTG needs to be reworked. Instead of individual play it should emphasize good team plays. Would make it so much more satisfying to see tean synergy working out well, and discourage individuals who want to just toot their own horns.

Even the tooting their own horns isn't good. Like I had that run yesterday where I killed 4 people from the point as McCree in a succession. the POTG was Reinhardt hitting ult by himself, killing one guy and just hitting the other.


played with friends, we aren't as good anymore or something was off
down to 63- lowest in half a week, feels bad :/

So asking again for GAF- anyone on PS4 and want to just drag our ranks up whos around that rank?

Thinking tomorrow, ~6pm or 7pm CST or such?

I remember mentioning this before on this thread too. Totally agree that POTG needs to be reworked. Instead of individual play it should emphasize good team plays. Would make it so much more satisfying to see tean synergy working out well, and discourage individuals who want to just toot their own horns.

I got 4 more reaper POTGs in a row. Let me have my free ego points.
(If you ult and it kills 3-4 and you shoot someone it's all but guaranteed)


the holder of the trombone
That's kind of not the point of the ranking points though, no? Seems kind of meaningless if you're hoping to boost by relying on someone else.
PSA: If you got gold eliminations as Lucio it doesn't mean you are hot shit killing everyone while everyone else is fumbling. It means you tagged the enemy for 5dmg with one of your balls which is not hard to do since you spam it constantly.

Unless of course you also get gold/silver in damage.

Even the tooting their own horns isn't good. Like I had that run yesterday where I killed 4 people from the point as McCree in a succession. the POTG was Reinhardt hitting ult by himself, killing one guy and just hitting the other.

I had a triple kill as D.Va with my ult and the PotG went to a Widowmaker slowly sniping 2 people. :|


That's kind of not the point of the ranking points though, no? Seems kind of meaningless if you're hoping to boost by relying on someone else.

Not wanting to boost- wanting a good team in general. Didn't get to 67 on a boost, can say that much for sure.
Past 3 times I played ranked with friend groups they've invited an extra and that extras been between 41 and 49
And had a strong affinity to pre buff d va.

Stuffs not fun to sit through losing when your opponents are all 55-65, it might as well be a 5v6 with an occasional helper.


I remember mentioning this before on this thread too. Totally agree that POTG needs to be reworked. Instead of individual play it should emphasize good team plays. Would make it so much more satisfying to see tean synergy working out well, and discourage individuals who want to just toot their own horns.

How would that work from a viewpoint factor? Would it be a third person camera or single camera view of the action. The problem with wanting a team centric potg is that it's hard to capture the action all at once and make it look good.
I hate that the only way to get better with Genji is to play him in live matches. I'm a detriment to my team I tells ya. Practice range and bots don't do enough for his playstyle to set in. Tracer is easier to get the hang of in the practice range, but deflect and setting up good ultis mean that time in the fields is the only way to be decent with him.


Got a good amount of wins last night and climbed up to 48, things are starting to look up. I refuse to play solo queue any more, it's too much of a gamble, it might not have been so bad if other use mics but I rarely had games with randoms that did.

Worse still are the ones who cough or you can hear they have a mic but don't even communicate.


I just won a game against 3 76's and a 73, and didn't rank up from 69 to 70. Shit makes no sense to me. Bet your ass I woulda ranked down if I lost though, lol.


How would that work from a viewpoint factor? Would it be a third person camera or single camera view of the action. The problem with wanting a team centric potg is that it's hard to capture the action all at once and make it look good.

How I imagine such a system working would be that the algorithm tracks for the most interesting play where multiple members of the team performed well in a given moment (the same way it tracks for individual POTGs now, but it then further overlays such plays to find a moment with the most team interactions which result in success). The intro screen would have intro animations of all the characters involved doing their poses simultaneously for effect, and the actual viewpoint would follow the character who did the most direct damage or ult contribution to the play. It doesn't really have to change much from what it is now, but the importance is in how it encourages team play. We already have tons of POTGs with shit camera as it is, or capturing totally uneventful shit. We also have POTGs which look great and clearly capture a team effort, but currently only "rewards" one player. The suggestion here is to simply recognize team efforts over one man shows.
Please, Blizzard, I'm begging you. Let me have just one game where I'm put into a team who actually wants to play as a team. Just one game, that's all I ask. One!

From 57 to 40. I went from 41 to 40 (obviously) and won my very next game and yet I'm still at 40. They added a line. Sneaky fucks!


Merciful, Shrike or the cyan recolour.

They should add a breakdown of your rating adjustment, like they do for XP. Might get people trying to exploit it though ...

What sucks is that it was the first time I've beaten that group. I run into them usually once a night and they're a damn good group of 3-4 people. Demoralizing when you beat them, pretty handily I might add, and don't even see a level out of it.

But damn, our team was amazing, the Mercy was healing like a boss, Reaper was handling the tanks like he should, my Roadhog was on point. It's immediately evident when you start a game if people understand their roles or not, and 99% of the time on console, random groups do not. I got 2 messages and friend requests for my play afterwards, so hell, maybe I have found me a nice small competitive group. I'm sure they will turn out to be dicks. ;P


This is pretty obvious but I have so much more fun in this game when there's at least one other person in my team who is willing to stick around for more than 1 game, use the in-game voice commands to help organise ourselves and - gasp - actually communicate plans and enemy locations to the team.

I've just started friend requesting anyone else who'll do this. Losses are so much less salty when there's at least a couple of you actively trying to work around the enemy team's current approach and execute a plan.

shrike is my favourite ana skin, hands down, not so keen on the legendaries. i feel the same about genji, i like his carbon fiber skin best despite having 2 legendaries.


They should implement the temp group feature they mentioned previously asap. Kaplan mentioned something about a potential feature where you can form temp groups with people you like in a game and keep playing with them if both sides agree, without adding to friendlist.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This is pretty obvious but I have so much more fun in this game when there's at least one other person in my team who is willing to stick around for more than 1 game, use the in-game voice commands to help organise ourselves and - gasp - actually communicate plans and enemy locations to the team.

I've just started friend requesting anyone else who'll do this. Losses are so much less salty when there's at least a couple of you actively trying to work around the enemy team's current approach and execute a plan.

shrike is my favourite ana skin, hands down, not so keen on the legendaries. i feel the same about genji, i like his carbon fiber skin best despite having 2 legendaries.

Nomad is pretty cool


the holder of the trombone
They should implement the temp group feature they mentioned previously asap. Kaplan mentioned something about a potential feature where you can form temp groups with people you like in a game and keep playing with them if both sides agree, without adding to friendlist.

At that point though.

Might as well just send a friend invite.


At that point though.

Might as well just send a friend invite.

Not really. You might not want someone you don't know to be on your friend list all the time, but at that moment you were having a good time playing with them and you don't want to lose them through a reinstance or if everyone gets booted because there weren't enough players. Having a quick way to group up for a few games without additional commitment would be cool.


Speaking of POTG, me and a friend were playing a bunch last night and saw some utterly baffling POTGs. Ones where nothing much happend. Like, not a shutdown, not a sharp shooter, not a clutch heal or good kill, just things like a Dva flying about a bit after killing a guy or a Hanzo missing shot after shot and getting lucky with a ricochet arrow and finishing off a near dead guy.

Some just really unremarkable single kills. I mean, the game might not have had many cool or clutch moments, but hell, I had double kills and someone probably did better, why not pick one of those moments?


I had an interesting POTG on Zen last night. Hit someone in Zyara's ult for 34 dmg and then pressed Q and kinda healed one person for a few seconds and that was it.

Considering my friend got a triple kill with Genji and allowed us to take a point it didn't seem like a POTG. I'll take all the POTGs I can get though as I get them very rarely.

I enjoy having the strange POTGs though, far more interesting than continually seeing double-triple kills at the end of each game. It's such a minor part of the game as well though I don't know how some people can get so salty about it.


This complaining about PLOG reminds me about last night. As Winston I breached the first point on Hanamura clearing it out, 5 eliminations. PLOG? Enemy Mercy reviving one team member and healing their Reinhardt. Other guy on our team got 4 kills in quick succession and even he wasn't selected, true be told they won though.
They should implement the temp group feature they mentioned previously asap. Kaplan mentioned something about a potential feature where you can form temp groups with people you like in a game and keep playing with them if both sides agree, without adding to friendlist.

Temp group would be a god send esp on console


They should implement the temp group feature they mentioned previously asap. Kaplan mentioned something about a potential feature where you can form temp groups with people you like in a game and keep playing with them if both sides agree, without adding to friendlist.

I wonder if temp groups would get matched up with real groups of 6 if they decided to stay together, lol.

I'm all for it though, finding a really good team on console is so far and few between, I'd at least stick it out with randoms until we lost.


Just switched sides in a comp game and noticed our team suddenly having 7 people at hero select.

Then the server kicked us lol.
I can't see McCree getting touched unless D Va and Zenyatta get touched as well

While D.Va and Zenyatta might be arguable, McCree without a doubt was overbuffed - especially given the nerf to Soldier 76.
He's a better DPS than anybody else right now, he's a better sniper than Widowmaker/Ana/Hanzo, he can take down Reinhardt/Winston's shields easily, he can interrupt enemy ults, he can fill various roles beyond just flanking.

D.Va and Zenyatta are nowhere near as good as McCree is right now.


Just switched sides in a comp game and noticed our team suddenly having 7 people at hero select.

Then the server kicked us lol.

I just completed a comp game and instead of getting a rank screen i saw my placement matches and after that just a black screen, something's up i guess.

PS4 side
McCree's effective range is pretty damn far. Taking him to 25m would have been a pretty nice buff. 35m is basically Widow territory. In a lot of other games that's still fairly mid-ish range but Overwatch is heavily biased towards the mid-short range. Him being one of few hitscan characters doesn't help either. He's practically a sniper now.


the holder of the trombone
It's amazing what a range buff can do.

Also further illustrates my point that defense heroes need a serious retool.
Just finished a competitive game where one of our teammates made intentionally bad character picks the entire time, and when called out about it, decided he would rather jump around spawn instead of playing, costing us the match.

I don't understand what compels people to do this shit, especially in competitive.
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