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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Just play competitive, hero stack solved.

I know, but goddammit, it shouldn't be that way. I shouldn't have to play a mode I find psychologically unappealing and is probably out of my skill range to play effectively just to get away from this utter horseshit mechanic.


I know, but goddammit, it shouldn't be that way. I shouldn't have to play a mode I find psychologically unappealing and is probably out of my skill range to play effectively just to get away from this utter horseshit mechanic.

It wont be out of your skill range, thats the purpose lf match making and elo rank.


I know, but goddammit, it shouldn't be that way. I shouldn't have to play a mode I find psychologically unappealing and is probably out of my skill range to play effectively just to get away from this utter horseshit mechanic.

So how about the easier solution? Play with friends.
So when are they going to nerf Hanzo's scatter arrow to the feet. It can one shot a tank, Mcree was immediately nerfed for being able to take down tanks so quick.
It's not like hanzos players can aim
Like I saw on kill cam I was stuck nn junkrats trap and a hanzos missed a non moving target. He tried again and didn't try for a headshot so he did a body shot. Like I couldn't move lmao


It's not like hanzos players can aim
Like I saw on kill cam I was stuck nn junkrats trap and a hanzos missed a non moving target. He tried again and didn't try for a headshot so he did a body shot. Like I couldn't move lmao

Players who can aim just play widow instead. :p


So Symmetra sentries on PS4/XB1 got nerfed just like Torb but I don't see why people is making a big deal?

I mean if players can't take out Torb's prenerf turret due to controller aiming how can they take out Sym's 3 to 6 even smaller hitbox sentries fast enough that it doesn't kill them because of controller aiming?


So Symmetra sentries on PS4/XB1 got nerfed just like Torb but I don't see why people is making a big deal?

I mean if players can't take out Torb's prenerf turret due to controller aiming how can they take out Sym's 3 to 6 even smaller hitbox sentries fast enough that it doesn't kill them because of controller aiming?

They have 1hp bro.


So Symmetra sentries on PS4/XB1 got nerfed just like Torb but I don't see why people is making a big deal?

I mean if players can't take out Torb's prenerf turret due to controller aiming how can they take out Sym's 3 to 6 even smaller hitbox sentries fast enough that it doesn't kill them because of controller aiming?

Just played a few more matches.

Four....I repeat, FOUR, Ana's on Kings Row.

I quit. I'll give it like 3 days and hopefully people will have calmed down by then.

It makes no sense. Like, even if you're just fucking around...what do you think you're going to accomplish with 3 other Ana's on your side? Ana is a support character in every concievable fashion. She is NOTHING without an actual team both protecting her and her protecting them. You can't fuck around with her in a setting where the ENTIRE team is fucking around with her.

And maybe I'm just being crazy here, but I swear to god this game is conspiring to give me a losing streak, because somehow, it's always ME that gets stuck with stackers. No, the other team is balanced and knows what their doing and doesn't do 4 fucking ana's, so they just steamroll mine.

Dude, a new character just got released. Just have some fun. I played like three games tonight with either an all Ana team or 3-4 Anas. Yes we lost but it's quick play, people are having fun. Take a few Ls for fun, Overwatch is a game after all. If you're serious about winning, try competitive!

So Symmetra sentries on PS4/XB1 got nerfed just like Torb but I don't see why people is making a big deal?

I mean if players can't take out Torb's prenerf turret due to controller aiming how can they take out Sym's 3 to 6 even smaller hitbox sentries fast enough that it doesn't kill them because of controller aiming?

As a Symmetra player, it's already gotten increasingly difficult since launch to get kills with her. People know how to counter her, know where turrets are likely to be - you have to be ultra clever to even use her turrets effectively. She's barely used at all in the pro meta. Nerfing her damage makes absolutely no sense.


After starting competitive at 47 then falling to 35 and now i'm at 44 feels great. I haven't lost a competitive match in a while too.
Yes I play with randoms


to compensate for Symm's turret nerf all 6 turrets should be available immediately and you can set them up easier; like you aim at the wall w/ ur reticule, throw up a turret and donzo.

as for Torb: Molten Core should charge quicker...

So Symmetra sentries on PS4/XB1 got nerfed just like Torb but I don't see why people is making a big deal?

I mean if players can't take out Torb's prenerf turret due to controller aiming how can they take out Sym's 3 to 6 even smaller hitbox sentries fast enough that it doesn't kill them because of controller aiming?

all you have to do is spit on them and they blow up... it's totes different.
I was having a great game on Zarya then it came to overtime and the person playing support the whole time decides to go Roadhog (and who would have guess he sucked at it). Nobody else will switch, so I end up playing support and we lose. I don’t know why you’d change the comp if it was working well. Good job team, you guys are the best!



"Why don't you just play Comp, Veelk. It's where good games are, Veelk"

*plays, gets annihilated, couldn't even capture the first point*

Mmhm. Bout what I expected.

QP is an excersize in frustration because you often see bad play on your side and SOMETIMES good team you can't do much about going solo. But as of now, half of my Comp games are against players that are just so out of my or my teams league that we couldn't do anything about.
Omg Roadhogs hook works perfectly now. Nothing holding him back now, he's fucking amazing. And his ult is up constantly with that self heal. If people ever catch on they'll be two in every game.

He's too good now. Please don't nerf :(
Over a large sample (300 games), I'm finding an irritating trend.

All the heroes I dislike playing most, generate the highest win percentage. Bastion, Reinhardt, Widomaker, Symmetra, Mei.

All the heroes I like playing most, and have the best elimination totals and K/D with, barely crack 50%. Genji, Hanzo, McCree, DVa, Winston, Mercy.

The only exceptions are Soldier and Pharrah, who I both love and win a lot with.

Its so weird.


Just played a few more matches.

Four....I repeat, FOUR, Ana's on Kings Row.

I quit. I'll give it like 3 days and hopefully people will have calmed down by then.

It makes no sense. Like, even if you're just fucking around...what do you think you're going to accomplish with 3 other Ana's on your side? Ana is a support character in every concievable fashion. She is NOTHING without an actual team both protecting her and her protecting them. You can't fuck around with her in a setting where the ENTIRE team is fucking around with her.

Maybe... and I'm going out on a limb here... people are really curious to try out the new character that was just released.

Seriously, I cannot even fathom being upset over this. Let people have fun! It's the same in fighting games when new characters come out. Everybody's curious about them but just playing around with them in training really doesn't tell you anything. You want to get into games, use them, see what you think, and just get to experience the joy of something new being in the game.

And, by the way, I was on teams with 3~4 Anas today—against teams with 3~4 Anas. And some of the teams I was on did very well.


"Why don't you just play Comp, Veelk. It's where good games are, Veelk"

*plays, gets annihilated, couldn't even capture the first point*

Mmhm. Bout what I expected.

QP is an excersize in frustration because you often see bad play on your side and SOMETIMES good team you can't do much about going solo. But as of now, half of my Comp games are against players that are just so out of my or my teams league that we couldn't do anything about.

Do you do anything other than complain? Lol.



much better :)
only went 6-3 today though, in my group of 2 static friends we might just go queue for 3, we don't have good luck with friends, even when we know they're competent :<

as in
went 3-0
first friend who only plays reinhardt joins, got 2 more wins
next friend joins, 1-3



Maybe... and I'm going out on a limb here... people are really curious to try out the new character that was just released.

Seriously, I cannot even fathom being upset over this. Let people have fun! It's the same in fighting games when new characters come out. Everybody's curious about them but just playing around with them in training really doesn't tell you anything. You want to get into games, use them, see what you think, and just get to experience the joy of something new being in the game.

And, by the way, I was on teams with 3~4 Anas today&#8212;against teams with 3~4 Anas. And some of the teams I was on did very well.

Look, I get it, people want to try out Ana and all that and that's fine. I guess I made myself sound worse than I actually feel...sort of. I'm not happy about the match, but it is just a match and I'll have hundreds of others.

Still, stacked heroes is NOT fun for me. It's not fun for me whether it's torbs, bastians, reinhardts, or Ana's. It's not fun whether it's on my side or the other.

So I get wanting to play Ana. I do not get wanting to play Ana when the team already has an Ana, let alone 3 Ana's. But clearly, I mind stacking more than most here, apparently.

Do you do anything other than complain? Lol.

Is there another form of self expression?


Hey guys.

Double Torb.

Torb gets POTG.

This nerf really did so much.

Thnx Blizz.

This nerf did a ton. Torbs are a ton weaker. Torb stacking by that extent is weakened- torb stacked is 1.4x the old damge of two torbs- the drop off is noticable there.
Regardless, comp isn't allowing stacking sooo

I know, but goddammit, it shouldn't be that way. I shouldn't have to play a mode I find psychologically unappealing and is probably out of my skill range to play effectively just to get away from this utter horseshit mechanic.

Also- see comp.
You're talking about a new character just released. People are playing QP to learn her and try her for comp.
This nerf did a ton. Torbs are a ton weaker. Torb stacking by that extent is weakened- torb stacked is 1.4x the old damge of two torbs- the drop off is noticable there.
Regardless, comp isn't allowing stacking sooo
I understand that it did a lot. In fact, I think it actually over-compensated and destroyed single-Torb's viability.

I still think stacked Torb is going to be an annoying piece of shit, and my last game did nothing to assuage my fears.


Over a large sample (300 games), I'm finding an irritating trend.

All the heroes I dislike playing most, generate the highest win percentage. Bastion, Reinhardt, Widomaker, Symmetra, Mei.

All the heroes I like playing most, and have the best elimination totals and K/D with, barely crack 50%. Genji, Hanzo, McCree, DVa, Winston, Mercy.

The only exceptions are Soldier and Pharrah, who I both love and win a lot with.

Its so weird.

I've really liked playing as Mccree lately but my teams in comp have been so bad that I have had to switch to Soldier to try to carry them more and get wins. It sucks because I would like to play other characters but randoms fucking suck most of the time. Don't get me wrong, I love Soldier but picking other characters and losing fucking sucks.
I was having a great game on Zarya then it came to overtime and the person playing support the whole time decides to go Roadhog (and who would have guess he sucked at it). Nobody else will switch, so I end up playing support and we lose. I don’t know why you’d change the comp if it was working well. Good job team, you guys are the best!
I know that feeling bro. It pisses me off so much haha. Earlier there was somebody using Lucio then changed to Hanzo...fucking Hanzo and didn't bother communicating to the team if somebody would switch to a support role. I ended up switching to support but it was too late. Suffice to say we lost that match.


With the Solider and Torb nerfs, what counters Pharah on console? The vaaaaast majority of people can't hit her in the air so she is just ignored in most games I play. The idea of console players sniping her down with McCree is laughable.


I was having a great game on Zarya then it came to overtime and the person playing support the whole time decides to go Roadhog (and who would have guess he sucked at it). Nobody else will switch, so I end up playing support and we lose. I don’t know why you’d change the comp if it was working well. Good job team, you guys are the best!

This has happened a couple of times to me the past few days. If you're playing support why would you switch up in the middle of the game? People are expecting heals and don't get them. It's like throwing the match.
Sometimes I feel like the average Overwatch player is so fucking dumb, they need an option for the game to autopilot them towards the objective if they spawn in proximity of at least 2 other players, and remove their ability to move if they try to rush out of the base alone like a farm animal on a single-file slaughter line.


This has happened a couple of times to me the past few days. If you're playing support why would you switch up in the middle of the game? People are expecting heals and don't get them. It's like throwing the match.

I don't know, but nothing hurts more than wondering why suddenly the team feels like cardboard on a KotH match, only to realize your Lucio switched to some random other character.
This nerf did a ton. Torbs are a ton weaker. Torb stacking by that extent is weakened- torb stacked is 1.4x the old damge of two torbs- the drop off is noticable there.
Regardless, comp isn't allowing stacking sooo

Also- see comp.
You're talking about a new character just released. People are playing QP to learn her and try her for comp.

Its amazing how comp manages to ruin Overwatch for everybody, even the people who don't hate themselves enough to play it.


Sometimes I feel like the average Overwatch player is so fucking dumb, they need an option for the game to autopilot them towards the objective if they spawn in proximity of at least 2 other players, and remove their ability to move if they try to rush out of the base alone like a farm animal on a single-file slaughter line.


you realize this thread has many average players right? :x

Chill. Just a game.

Its amazing how comp manages to ruin Overwatch for everybody, even the people who don't hate themselves enough to play it.

I'm only a 65, not much to note about 'hate themselves enough to play it' because it's very fun, even when you're losing. Fell hard to get to where I am now, I'm sure I'll hit 70 without too much trouble
seriously cheer up pessimist/being angry at a game means you should go play something else


Re: Pharah nerf

I don't think she needs a full nerf on console necessarily. 25 less HP might go a long way or something (though I doubt it), but it's not the real issue. The issue is no one can counter her at all on console- it's not something a nerf can change. She fundamentally is very obnoxious to deal with on consoles.
Sometimes I feel like the average Overwatch player is so fucking dumb, they need an option for the game to autopilot them towards the objective if they spawn in proximity of at least 2 other players, and remove their ability to move if they try to rush out of the base alone like a farm animal on a single-file slaughter line.

I wouldn't say dumb. However, I will say a lot of players lack situational awareness and in a game like this where it is faster pace and there is no radar as a clutch. Most players aren't going to do good.


Re: Pharah nerf

I don't think she needs a full nerf on console necessarily. 25 less HP might go a long way or something, but it's not the real issue. The issue is no one can counter her at all on console- it's not something a nerf can change. She fundamentally is very obnoxious to deal with on consoles.

Don't fucking touch my Pharah. Soldier and McCree are good counters to Pharah. I've been killed by them if they're good. Nerf your Reaper cuz he does too much damage and his Ult is instant. He just jumps in Die Die Die.


With the Solider and Torb nerfs, what counters Pharah on console? The vaaaaast majority of people can't hit her in the air so she is just ignored in most games I play. The idea of console players sniping her down with McCree is laughable.

Soldier nerf wasn't even that bad. It mostly hurts people that macro'd on PC and people at the very high end of the skill ceiling because their spread would never bloom. For most people soldier is still really good.

The thing with mccree is it only takes 2 shots if you land a head shot. Three if you do all body shots. If you're hitting any kind of accuracy then pharah is not going to be in the sky for long.

Dva can also annoy pharah now since she can more effective uptime on her def matrix if you pepper them in with good timing. It really makes pharah a lot more ineffective.


I wouldn't say dumb. However, I will say a lot of players lack situational awareness and in a game like this where it is faster pace and there is no radar as a clutch. Most players aren't going to do good.

I still don't understand the need for a radar. How hard is it? The maps are fucking small, and mostly linear. The things I have the most trouble with is the vertical routes and knowing where to best flank. A radar or map won't help with that at all because of layering.
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