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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Fairly certain they did, I'm pretty sure a body shot no longer kills Tracer.

I don't play Widow much anymore outside of a random quickplay, so I can't speak with certainty. I'm actually fairly good with Widow, but as I said, I just always feel anyone could be doing that plus so much more on console with another character, lol.

They reduced the base damage from 15 to 12, so a fully charged body shot deals 120 damage, but her headshot damage remains the same (as they changed the critical hit multipliers accordingly).


McCree's damage doesn't start dropping off till about 35m. Mei's alt fire used to out-range him by a country mile, not anymore.
Also the aim assist on PS4 is pumped up by a million percent or something.
Guess it's to be expected with day one of a new character and a lot of the quick play matches I was in were mostly fucking around, but MAN the random Ana players I saw just completely lacked any game sense. Ignoring healing to keep shooting at the enemy, ignoring callouts for ults being ready as genji just to give it to a dva for the third time that match, or popping it when nobody is even nearby, lol.

Still, she has a super fun kit. Dva and Zen changes are also great and I'm having a blast with them right now.

Clearly, she saw my amazing D.Va play and realized she had to be my pocket booster.

Plus you got a quad kill without her so I guess it worked out in the end?

Actually got a quintuple kill with it which was wonderful.

And no, i didn't emote like an asshole.

Then you were doing it wrong.


I am trying VERY hard to be understanding that Ana's the new hot shit and people want to play around with the class. But it gets just....stupid when there are 3 snipers hanging back, and we're all on offense. I mean, fine, people are trying to have their fun, I need to go to Comp if I actually want to play with anything resembling competency. Because it's a dichotomy apparently. Either I play with people who don't know or don't care about which end of the controller to hold, or I play with Reinhardts that crush my testicles under their hammers. Either I deal with people who make a match impossible to win or I deal with mode that kills atleast 30% of the fun of the game for me.

This isn't, obviously, how it literally goes down. I'm not ALWAYs matched with team of people who stack and I'm not completely helpless in comp, but it is basically an exaggerated version of the dilemma I feel. There was a Genji that was just SUPER better than my Genji, and a pharah that simply could not be shut down. And I'm not evne placed yet, but I have played seven of the 10 placement matches and I see that stupid fucking bar pop up that tells me I lost 5 of the seven matches. I'm not walking away from matches thinking "Oh, that was fun". It's either "holy shit, thank god we won, that was close" or "Fuck, we just got destroyed" or very rarely "Wow, these guys had no chance" which accounts for atleast one of the wins I have. Of those 7 matches, only 2 I would say were ones in which I just enjoyed myself.

Honestly, by all accounts, the match I just played wasn't even a bad match. It was close, we lost by a narrow margin. But the fact remains, Comp just makes me angry. It demands high level play, and that's great, but when I'm constantly being shut down fairly constantly, it's not fun, it's stressful. Even if I had won the match we just did, I don't think I'd walk away saying I enjoyed it, just relieved that we made it.

I just a casual setting where team composition isn't utterly and completely fucked. Is that so much to ask?
Is competitive unplayable now because of Mei's fuckery with her ice walls? I want to play comp because quick play is 4 Ana's per team, which works but gets a bit boring. It's really bad when a new character comes out and now overwatch becomes "Reinhardt, Pharah and 4x Ana the game" or "Mei's ice age the game"
I should probably mention I am one of those Anas lol

The Mei bug has already been fixed.

Hmm... Impressive. Good job blizzard.


I just a casual setting where team composition isn't utterly and completely fucked. Is that so much to ask?

Based on most video games with online multiplayer and character abilities, yes.

Is competitive unplayable now because of Mei's fuckery with her ice walls? I want to play comp because quick play is 4 Ana's per team, which works but gets a bit boring. It's really bad when a new character comes out and now overwatch becomes "Reinhardt, Pharah and 4x Ana the game" or "Mei's ice age the game"
I should probably mention I am one of those Anas lol

The Mei bug has already been fixed.


these past 3 matches have made me accept that im just not meant to play competitive, at least solo q

first match: 2 people being super toxic and saying they were carrying the team and calling other people fucktards for their hero choice. didn't even get a card at the end of the game LOL

second match: people not playing objectively and feeding the enemy team. playing as rein. ask for a healer. "you switch" ? ? ? ? ?

third match: i swear, people didn't even know what their hero does. the zarya on my team didn't pop a shield one. solider barely attacking the enemy team. widow on attack on route 66 ? ? ? ? ? ?

i'm only rank 38 so I know i'm not amazing but ohhhhh myyy goddddd how can people be so terrible, or not open to feedback? SIGH


even from playing the game yesterday, I hope people get Ana outta their systems soon. Too many double or triple Anas in QP. wish people just went into Brawl for their Ana practice.

Also, when playing QP against groups last night, it seems some teams like to use Ana's Ult with Genji's Ult. Seems effective but I think I encountered two separate teams who did that. Must be some meta shit.


Man, that Symmetra nerf is sad. I can't remember the last time my turrets survived any push past a choke point since everyone knows to spin around and blow them up. 1 hp man, 1 hp.
Should he be able to one shot a tank though? Scattershot is annoying as fuck, you can be using the payload for cover and get shot in the big toe and die.
Hanzo just got nerfed from the hitbox changes, he doesn't need another nerf. He is already in Bastion and Mei tier of usefulness in comp., he gets another nerf, he will be even more useless than them.


30% less turret damage.

very weird to lump her with torbjorn on consoles. i'm guessing blizzard provided no commentary on the nerf? 1hp turrets and now doing 30% less damage for a character that is already chosen very situationally seems really off.


Junior Member
So I'm thinking about double dipping and buy the game also for PC (already have it for PS4) to play while I'm on holidays back home. My laptop is a bit old: i5-4200M, GTX765M, 8GB RAM. Do you think I'd be able to reach 60 FPS on min-med settings at 720p?
Yes. 720p on mid should do 60fps on this. Can also set Texture Filter to 8x and SMAA to high. If you go low settings for super stable framerate, dont forget to set render scale to 100% because otherwise it's blurry af in 720p.
Think I'm going to stay away from rank until ana settles down and at least give them time to get decent with her

With that I need to work on my ult with hanzo. Got to work on how to set up and where to shoot it


very weird to lump her with torbjorn on consoles. i'm guessing blizzard provided no commentary on the nerf? 1hp turrets and now doing 30% less damage for a character that is already chosen very situationally seems really off.

Right? Makes zero sense. You also never die to them unless you're dumb and just sit there and let them laser you to death. They don't have any range like Torb's turrets.


Right? Makes zero sense. You also never die to them unless you're dumb and just sit there and let them laser you to death. They don't have any range like Torb's turrets.

her turrets are only ever really effective for hyper mobile characters like genji and tracer, but this nerf practically removes her viability on consoles. the path is closed. :(


I'm just gonna take a short break from Overwatch because they're working on phones lines in my area and the Ping is in the thousands ugh.

Although I hope the Ana craze will slow down by the time they fix it.


When I first started playing Overwatch: "wtf Reinhardt sucks, has no guns"
Now: "Reinhardt is god."

Think I'm going to stay away from rank until ana settles down and at least give them time to get decent with her

With that I need to work on my ult with hanzo. Got to work on how to set up and where to shoot it
She's a sniper whose kit relies on coordination. ETA on most people getting decent with her = never.


her turrets are only ever really effective for hyper mobile characters like genji and tracer, but this nerf practically removes her viability on consoles. the path is closed. :(
They really need to fix that Winston achievement for destroying 10 deployables in one life and change it to a single game because I don't see how that is even possible now if no one is going to use Symmetra (who was in my top 5 most played characters).
So tried being more aggressive to meis

Shoutout to all of you who informed me to stop wimping out as Reaper, Mei's don't really stand a chance :D

Being aggressive as Reaper is so much fun. I had a match attacking on Hollywood last night where I went 17-0 as Reaper and just kept utterly annihilating the enemy team. Our Ana nanoboosted me right as I teleported up to deal with a Bastion - he was dead before he could switch to turret form. It was one of those matches where the enemy team must have hated me because even I felt like I was everywhere at the exact right time.

Reaper is one of the few characters I play in-your-face with and actually succeed. Most of the time I'll hang back and escort the payload, but with Tracer, Reaper, and now D.Va, I love just getting right in the middle of the enemy team and just wrecking shit.


Wait, 76 got nerfed?

In a tiny way.

Heavy Pulse Rifle
Spread recovery will begin after a short delay (rather than instantly)
Tactical Visor
Ultimate cost increased by 10%

To balance out the ultimate cost, self-healing also adds to the ultimate charge now.


the holder of the trombone
That's not really the point of symmetra's turrets though really. They're not meant to kill you, they're meant to distract and slow you down for others to kill you.
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