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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Symettra nerf is so dumb, she already can't heal people. Only thing good about her now is her teleporter and even then is it worth taking a slot for another hero? Rip the few Symettras on consoles


Blizzard may have stats showing they were more of a killing tool on consoles then.

Sure they were, when you could get 3 in a small area and harass people so they wouldn't turn around and blow them up. A 33% nerf means you're going to need 5 to achieve the same result, but putting 5 in a small area is silly since any explosive (Pharah, Junkrat) or Winston is a hard counter.

The only way that nerf would make sense is if they either reduced the turret cooldown, increased the number she could hold "in reserve" above 3, or let the turret damage increase her main gun damage (kind of a Zarya-esq thing).

Of course, I'm also a little ticked because I recently bought the Architech skin. I'd like a refund on those 1000 coins, Blizzard.
I sorta understand where they're coming from, but I think 30% may have been a bit too much. 20% would've sufficed I think - their damage isn't all that great, and actually good Symmetra players never put a huge bunch of sentries into one single point anyway (lest they get destroyed by a single rocket/bomb). You spread them out so the enemies have to aim everywhere to get them, and you have more vision of the map (since you see when they activate or get killed).

However, there's certain parts in maps where they can be absolutely deadly. Point A on Anubis has a shitload of hiding places for them, for instance, and I've easily held down chokepoints on Route 66, Hanamura and King's Row as well, while my teammates could cover the flanking routes.

That said, just about every tank can take them out easily, the only kills you generally get is from flankers who are low health and want to grab a health pack you put sentries on, or people that are already getting murdered otherwise by you/your teammates personally. They really are just peppering enemies. As someone said, they're mostly there to distract and slow down, as well as provide vision of enemy movement, rather than being actual defenses.


That's not really the point of symmetra's turrets though really. They're not meant to kill you, they're meant to distract and slow you down for others to kill you.
They were good in keeping Tracers and Genjis in check. Good Symmetra can make it hard for flankers to have their way.


the holder of the trombone
Stay on the point or watch flanks.

If noone is flanking, I like to stay on high ground near the point so I can get devastating headshots in. (especially on tracers who are trying to delay overtime)

Eh, he's kinda better going to the sides to pick them off when they arrive.

Also as someone who is very bad at FPS.

I can confirm that mccree is ridiculous.
How exactly do you be defensive as reaper?

I dunno, but I've definitely seen Reapers who hang back like a Hanzo and just kinda pick at the enemy from a distance, avoiding conflict until they get their ult and then charge in. It's weird and unnatural.

That's stupid. If you can't turn in time to take them out before you die, you weren't paying attention to the loud laser sounds in your face.

Also Symmetra turrets are a one and done, usually. Yeah, if I'm not watching where I'm going I may get fried once, but next time I go that way I'm aware and will take the turrets out first thing.

It's a completely different situation to Torb's turret, where even if you know where it is, sometimes enemy defenses will prevent you from getting to it again and again.
Played more Ana last night. I really want to get proficient with her, but she is far more difficult to play as than my usual Mercy. When you have a good Ana run it feels great. I haven't found her niche yet though.
Ugh... I'm afraid to go into Comp for a few days at least. I just played a match with 2 Anas and a Hanzo defending Numbani...

Who wants to guess how many times I hit my "I need healing" button?


Even in the upper 60s/low 70s on PC it's extremely hard to get double support going sometimes. Kind of needed in most comps these days.

Also I had no idea how bad Widow's console stats are until today. Feels bad to see.

What the fuck is a Widow? I play Overwatch on PS4. Haven't seen anything like that. Did you mean Hanzo?


I guess McCree needs a revamp. The combination of nerfs and rebuffs seems to have fucked him up.

I was playing with someone who was complaining how fucked up he is now.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The thing with Ana is... if you get a Defend job, and your team has Ana, Mercy(because Ana isn't that great for a healer job) and Symmetra, you get a "too many support" warning and always feel like the team is not well balanced because of this... but I just can't NOT use Symmetra on a Defend job, her portal is way too useful.


The thing with Ana is... if you get a Defend job, and your team has Ana, Mercy(because Ana isn't that great for a healer job) and Symmetra, you get a "too many support" warning and always feel like the team is not well balanced because of this... but I just can't NOT use Symmetra on a Defend job, her portal is way too useful.

Having three supports is fine. Last night, my group ran games where we had Ana + Zen + Mercy or Lucio and we won most of them.
The thing with Ana is... if you get a Defend job, and your team has Ana, Mercy(because Ana isn't that great for a healer job) and Symmetra, you get a "too many support" warning and always feel like the team is not well balanced because of this... but I just can't NOT use Symmetra on a Defend job, her portal is way too useful.

Sometimes you don't need the teleporter, though. A few times I've played defense as Symmetra and only ended up teleporting a max of two people the entire match because my team was so good at locking the other team down and surviving. If you already have an Ana and Mercy, between both's healing and Mercy's Rez, ideally there shouldn't be many times where your team is dead and needing a quick run back to the point.


Poor console Torb... Feel like 30% is too much.

And Sym's turrets, well....

Definitely a fan of no more hero stacking though, every loss today felt fair.
After a couple of nights with Ana, I can safely say she's my favorite hero and my new main. I've felt conflicted about supports ever since the open beta, because while I normally love supporting roles, I really didn't get much enjoyment out of Lucio or Mercy. Lucio's healing is just so passive, and Mercy feels far less interesting than TF2's medic. Ana's super active playstyle that generates more healing the more engaged you are is exactly what I've been waiting for.

I also think she's far better than a lot of the community has given her credit for (the Blizzard forums seem to be full of people raging about Anas who don't heal). If your aim, positioning, and awareness are all on point, then it's not unreasonable to outheal a Mercy. Even better, since her healing comes in bursts, you can often rescue teammates who would normally have died with any other healer. I'm not actually sure I believe the "she can't solo heal" stuff either. I mean, if you're not running two supports, then you probably aren't playing super serious to begin with, but she's felt more than adequate for me so far. (I'm averaging ~740 healing/min, better than my average with Mercy, and not that much worse than my Lucio average).

She shines best when you can find some crazy long angle to heal teammates from. When our Reaper got into the enemy spawn on Hanamura, I sat in the back spamming heals (and eventually a Nanoboost) onto him. He was able to rampage around for half a minute or so before going down. Another game we managed a complete shutdown on Route 66 defense because our Roadhog, with an Orb of Harmony and my healspam, managed to run around outside the enemy spawn for the entire match without dying.

I still need to practice a lot though, especially against Winston, who is the bane of my existence. I've had a ton of moments where a Winston leaps on me, so I instinctively back up and try to shoot the sleep dart, only to have the shield block it. I think I need to start going against my instincts and walk towards Winston to make sure the dart won't be impeded. There's pretty much no chance of surviving the encounter otherwise. The dart in general is really tricky to use well. It's tough to land, and you have to choose your targets well or a teammate is just going to wake them back up instantly.


One new feature that caught me off guard was the "Join Group" option. Makes it a easier to rejoin a group when you get DC'd.

It's a godsend. I was happy to see that too. Tired of sending messages asking for invites. Shame you can't join individual people like in Destiny. They should just include open or closed join option.


the holder of the trombone
Problem with mccree getting buffed, is that he's played by some people who should absolutely not touch mccree (including me!)

Why are you mccree when you can't snipe down a goddamn pharah?

And why did you change to bastion?



Yes. 720p on mid should do 60fps on this. Can also set Texture Filter to 8x and SMAA to high. If you go low settings for super stable framerate, dont forget to set render scale to 100% because otherwise it's blurry af in 720p.

Thank you mate, just bought the PC version. I'll play with the settings once it's installed

I'm also curious to see how different the experience is on PC coming from PS4


McCree is a mess

if they do any significant redesigns to characters, I have a feeling he will be one of them.

I feel like him and Bastion both need almost complete reworks. McCree because Blizzard clearly has no idea what the want to do with him (give him tools to be an anti-flanker, make his gun the best long-midrange gun in the game), and with Bastion he just doesn't work as a character competitively, but you can't buff him or else pubs get up in arms. They need to pick one or the other for McCree (preferably the anti-flanker one) and I don't know what to do about Bastion.

Everyone else feels pretty good right about now. I wouldn't mind significant changes to Symmetra so it wouldn't raise as many eyebrows for you to pick her for offense/KOTH occasionally, but if Blizzard just wants her as a purely defensive character then I think she's in a good place for that.


Bwahahaha, who's your god now Torb?
I feel like him and Bastion both need almost complete reworks. McCree because Blizzard clearly has no idea what the want to do with him (give him tools to be an anti-flanker, make his gun the best long-midrange gun in the game), and with Bastion he just doesn't work as a character competitively, but you can't buff him or else pubs get up in arms. They need to pick one or the other for McCree (preferably the anti-flanker one) and I don't know what to do about Bastion.

Everyone else feels pretty good right about now. I wouldn't mind significant changes to Symmetra so it wouldn't raise as many eyebrows for you to pick her for offense/KOTH occasionally, but if Blizzard just wants her as a purely defensive character then I think she's in a good place for that.
I've been saying since the beta that I think Bastion's self-heal should be swapped for something more interesting that encourages him to be more proactive.

And yeah, Symmetra is just a weird kind of character all around. I adore using her in specific spots (defending point A, usually), but she's perhaps the most situational hero in the whole game.

None of these three needs "nerfs" or "buffs" as such; Blizzard just need to figure out ways to make them fit into the puzzle better.


For a tank heavy team, I think Ana is straight up the best healer, hands down. No one can heal a Reinhardt or D.Va to full as fast as a biotic grenade + darts. Hell, even Ana dumping a clip into Rein's back is faster than Mercy, Zen, and Lucio.


Bwahahaha, who's your god now Torb?

So nice. For some reason torb's molten core makes me almost as angry as Meis. Like that stupid little dwarf is just standing there with his overpowered turret and it means I can't even step into it's vicinity, and he goes into god mode and does a shitton of damage.

It makes me tilt hard.
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