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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
still terrible with hanzo's ult. i should learn which direction would make them run the wrong way or something. i wasted so many and haven't even touched them. awkward.

These days, you're not going to kill that many non-Bastion people with it outside of some rare circumstances. Like shooting the roof from your spawn on the final point on Gibraltar for example. It's pretty much just used to scatter a group off the point in a second. So it's like D Va's ult... Was. Now D Va's ult is better at doing that and killing people.

Buff Hanzo


still terrible with hanzo's ult. i should learn which direction would make them run the wrong way or something. i wasted so many and haven't even touched them. awkward.

A) Find Wall next to point that's close to the payload or the point being attacked/defended
B) Get behind said wall
C) Make sure enemies are on said point
I doubt DVa will get nerfed, as I said before her ult's previous form did nothing but get people off the objective for 4 seconds - and if you need an ult like that, Mei provides a much better (and longer) one. At least this version has a chance to do something meaningful.


Of course. I'm not refuting your point. But you just flat out said "remove this character entirely from the game in situation X". I am just trying to tell you that this character can do well in situation X, and you having a bad or stubborn player is not to be blamed on the character.
Well, it was an hyperbole. I didn't mean it literally, heh.

You say "unneeded", but I couldn't disagree any further with you. Each and every character can do well, even in situations that they generally aren't exceeding at - for instance, the other day I was playing against a Symmetra on attack on Route 66, and her teleporter and ruthless chasing down of our Tracer and healer was what basically carried that team to victory.
It mostly depends on what the player using that character does. If your Symmetra is good at being Symmetra, let her be Symmetra and don't yell at her to switch to a character they might be worse at playing. Even in competitive play, I'd rather have a competent Symmetra on a map that's not favouring her than her switching to Pharah and just doing fuck all or worse, feeding.

Now if the Symmetra was shit, sure, feel free to complain. But there's a good chance they might've done just as badly or worse with a different hero.
I often pick Symmetra in specific maps and I play her very aggressively, so much that I usually have her ult charged up in less than 1 minute, but I know when it's time to switch if things aren't working out. If you still have her on point B and the enemy team is constantly contesting the point, you're pretty much useless. It's an open space with 4-5-6 enemies, pretty much any other character would be more useful in that situation. Symmetra's offensive strength relies on peeking out of corners with her alt fire and sneaking up near a singled out enemy and killing him with her beam. If you can effectively use her in that way it means the rest of the team is solid enough to let you keep staying low and do your thing. If the team can't do that and they can't reliably hold the point so that any enemy push almost results in a loss, they clearly need someone else to stay with them and push back the enemy team.
It's easy to go full "wow, my team is shit, they're making me lose" but you should always try to see what's wrong with it and see if you can improve it by changing something yourself.

Also, this should be obvious, but if you can't play at least one character per role, you shouldn't play competitive at all. You can't always pick your favorite.

Oh and btw, I never yell at anyone, even when they're being toxic. Not being polite just makes the game worse for the whole team.

how is he annoying? its practically a free win if youre up against him
i mean his main escape is a gl jump that gets completely owned by any mcree thats not awful, junk always commits to a spot thats easy to get around with the new buffs
His whole kit is annoying. I guess you didn't find a lot of good Junkrats yet, because you'd know how much of a pain in the ass he can be.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I love the new Dva, she's at least useful as a tank now, and her ult can easily kill more than 1 player now.


It's basically the logic that if they're not being protected from fire 24/7 it's not a tank. Same people also think Symmetra isn't a support hero because she can't heal teammates.
The role designations for several heroes are pretty debatable. Symmetra could be classified as defense and no one would bat an eye.

I actually wish she was just so it didn't affect the "No Support Player" warning (or they should change it to "No Healer"). It should be big flashing red like the "Low Team Damage" one too.
The role designations for several heroes are pretty debatable. Symmetra could be classified as defense and no one would bat an eye.

I actually wish she was just so it didn't affect the "No Support Player" warning (or they should change it to "No Healer"). It should be big flashing red like the "Low Team Damage" one too.

I've thought that the team comp tips needed some overhaul for a while now. If Zenyatta or Symmetra are the only support, keep the "not enough supports" warning, pretty please?
Also can we remove the "no builders" and "no snipers" tags out of the Defend team comp suggestions?

In the meantime, Zenyatta does not change the "low team damage" warning, which makes me scratch my head cause he does good damage and increases everybody's damage output as well. Like, why?


What's up with matchmaking on PS4 today. Getting grouped with only randoms against 2-3 teams consisting of 2-3 players each.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Haven't played comp much yet, just did my 3rd placement match where 2 people kept throwing insults worthy of a CoD kid at everyone. If this is how comp usually is, I think i'll stick to quick play lol. At least people aren't raging that easily in there.


Haven't played comp much yet, just did my 3rd placement match where 2 people kept throwing insults worthy of a CoD kid at everyone. If this is how comp usually is, I think i'll stick to quick play lol. At least people don't say aren't raging that easily in there.

/hidechat. You'll do better.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Haven't played comp much yet, just did my 3rd placement match where 2 people kept throwing insults worthy of a CoD kid at everyone. If this is how comp usually is, I think i'll stick to quick play lol. At least people don't say aren't raging that easily in there.


It sucks that I have to suggest that for competitive but there's such a toxic community in Overwatch

and I've never found anyone using strats in the text chat. I would like an option that only shows the voice prompts though.


Not sure I should've played with a completely new group in Comp esp without the hero stacking now. Was interesting to see what can happen if some random takes your guy and they suck with them. And of course, a full group means super hard mode.

It sucks that I have to suggest that for competitive but there's such a toxic community in Overwatch

and I've never found anyone using strats in the text chat. I would like an option that only shows the voice prompts though.
There is, I believe

Go to social -> turn off text chat for your group

Unless that's gone? It was there before the most recent update, it was what I did to hide chat before /hidechat


His whole kit is annoying. I guess you didn't find a lot of good Junkrats yet, because you'd know how much of a pain in the ass he can be.

Well, we'll see, I'm betting that there will be about 0 junks in actual competitive games, and that's the best indicator of how good a hero is.


Man, changed jump for Genji and Lucio to L1 and it's weird. I still keep pressing X for jump from muscle memory.
I've seen people use text chat a little bit to point out sniper locations or where an enemy has gone to, but yeah, generally it seems you're better off just turning it off.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Roadhog is about as close as I've ever felt in this game of being able to carry a team by himself. I've held Volskaya B & Anubis B front lines down so good before. That's why I weep every time I play support and see a Roadhog cross over to their side of the choke point and get melted as they just stampede over the rest of us. ;(

Agreed. Also like him on Hanamura A, he's just really good in spots where people funnel into a choke since he forces a 6v5 by taking picks, and/or forces a retreat if you get a value target like Mercy. His ult has grown on me a lot too, so many clutch situations where a team is about to do a final push into overtime with all their ults up and you just stall them off until the timer ends.

Seeing people overextend is the absolute worst feeling in the game to me. Seeing a player or two get damn near in the person's spawn makes me think we already lost sometimes. The defense needs to be grouped up to stand a chance against a real push, and if you try to defend aggressively in their face, you're wide open to someone like tracer or genji getting a stealth cap, which divides everyone's attention...dunno why that always seems so hard to grasp for randoms. ;_;

Damn dude, albeit a limited sample size your Pharah and Roadhog in competitive are amazing. You should play more often. 60 ranking is really high too.

Thanks! And yeah, I'll probably cut down on quick play more and see how it goes.
I've played a few games in the weekly brawl yesterday and I've reflected a bit on them, because I actually used the opportunity to play mostly Zarya (because there were already 3 D.Vas on every team, didn't want to add a fourth :B).

I think I'm actually really solid with using the shield bubble on allies - like whenever I saw a Rein tackle a teammate, I'd bubble them just in time -, and I do wanna think that most of the time I use my own bubble fairly decently, but... I have a really hard time utilizing her beam haha. I have gotten the hang of the grenades a bit (not much mind you, but I know at which targets generally to lunge them...), but the beam is this mystery to me. I wish I could get my ult super fast like good Zaryas do.

I also one time fatfingered an Ult right against a wall near the spawn once. That was very embarrassing. :(
I still found silly Ana's healing shots , I mean she is a sniper why her shoots heals people and do crap of damage on enemies.

Her healing bottles reminds me of TF2 sniper piss jars


I still found silly Ana's healing shots , I mean she is a sniper why her shoots heals people and do crap of damage on enemies
Because even if the game defaults to her health dart (since it can't know who you're going to shoot at) she's actually using different darts.

I still found silly Ana's healing shots , I mean she is a sniper why her shoots heals people and do crap of damage on enemies.

Basically, she's shooting darts with medical nano robots in her healing darts, and poison in her damage darts. You can see her holding those in her fingers in the latest Overwatch lore comic (Old Soldiers; Edit: Well there's the panel). Essentially, lore-wise, it's implied that she knows whom she is going to hit with her shots before making them, thus loading the correct darts.


I like ana. I like her kit.

but no more fucking snipers for awhile blizzard. I honestly wish she wasn't the first new character because snipers were starting to slow down a bit on console in terms of use....kinda

but now? holy shit



My QP stats suck since I mess around and practice in it more than I try to be competitive. My comp stats are good so far though (y)

I need to play comp more too, I spent the first couple weeks comp was out in custom games instead, then work, now my gf is in town and I can't play for a few more days. All of my comp friends are upper 60s/70s now and I'm just left behind.


I like ana. I like her kit.

but no more fucking snipers for awhile blizzard. I honestly wish she wasn't the first new character because snipers were starting to slow down a bit on console in terms of use....kinda

but now? holy shit
Well, they just killed Hanzo.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I like ana. I like her kit.

but no more fucking snipers for awhile blizzard. I honestly wish she wasn't the first new character because snipers were starting to slow down a bit on console in terms of use....kinda

but now? holy shit

She's new. She'll probably be the least popular support other than Symmetra by the time the newness wears off. You don't see Widowmakers near as often as you used to since the bodyshot nerf, for example.

Hanzo will never die. The phenomenon can't be explained. He's my fourth most played character and no one can explain the allure.

It's probably the nipple.


Went 3-7 and got placed at 43. Solo competitive has been abysmal for me. I play with more "competitive" players in quick play than I did in those 10 placement matches. So many quitters too. I'd say at least 4 of those matches we played a player or two down. Was a bad idea rolling through these with Ana freshly released. I can't believe people were actually trying out a new character in competitive. Foolish.
Hanzo will never die. The phenomenon can't be explained. He's my fourth most played character and no one can explain the allure.

I can.
Japanese samurai dudes are cool.
Stoic warrior personalities are cool.
Bows are cool.
Shiny arrows are cool.
Dragons are cool.
Wolves are cool too.
Doing high damage is cool.
Headshotting people you're not even aiming at is cool (though of course, not really an argument anymore).

His allure is similar to that of Genji or Reaper, and those characters mostly appeal to one big chunk of the player base, which are young adults and teens.

Also people think sniping is easy, because in most games, you can just stay in the backline safely, not die (people are fucking SCARED of dying in shooters) and still contribute somehow. Of course they don't understand the different dynamics Overwatch has. And Hanzo just happened to be the easiest and most straight forward sniper type who also didn't need much accuracy like Widow.
You also will see a LOT of Widows in lower levels/rankings.


Holy shit the quality of quick play has gone down the drain.

I don't mind 4 people playing Ana but if that's the case I shouldn't have to beg for healing. Don't think any of them even used their ults the whole time even though I kept trying to get them combo it with my Genji ult.
I can.
Japanese samurai dudes are cool.
Stoic warrior personalities are cool.
Bows are cool.
Shiny arrows are cool.
Dragons are cool.
Wolves are cool too.
Doing high damage is cool.
Headshotting people you're not even aiming at is cool (though of course, not really an argument anymore).

Also people think sniping is easy, because in most games, you can just stay in the backline safely, not die (people are fucking SCARED of dying in shooters) and still contribute somehow. Of course they don't understand the different dynamics Overwatch has. And Hanzo just happened to be the easiest and most straight forward sniper type who also didn't need much accuracy like Widow.

You also will see a LOT of Widows in lower levels/rankings.
all of that is wrong.

the real reason to play hanzo - nipple play
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