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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Console players complaining about how hard it is to aim and deal with characters like Genji and Torb on console will just face the same frustration on PC against Tracers and Widows because you CAN aim on PC. -_-

we need a tablet version of OW. see who's good there.


Console players complaining about how hard it is to aim and deal with characters like Genji and Torb on console will just face the same frustration on PC against Tracers and Widows because you CAN aim on PC. -_-

I complain but
I know reapers probably better on trash players :p
Mccrees oh man no thanks


Maybe it's my internet, but Genji would be easier to deal with if it didn't look like he was warping/stuttering while jumping.

Hit detection/feedback in this game is really poor overall. Like I said maybe it's on my end, but I don't think so.


the holder of the trombone
That's why I don't get why people still complain about Pharah post-patch. McCree is in nearly every match I play.

The thing is there are a lot of mccrees.

It's just that a lot of those mccrees suck, because he's one of the dps with the highest skill ceiling.

So you get a lot of mccrees running around who can barely body shot consistently let alone headshot.


semen stains the mountaintops
I grew up playing FPS games on consoles, so my aim has always been better with a pad than with a mouse. I would sell my soul to be proficient on PC.


Jesus, playing Pharah when there's a McCree on the other team is torture.

Yep. People don't really even use her that much in the high levels. Not as much at the least. But the real issue on console is aim because.

The thing is there are a lot of mccrees.

It's just that a lot of those mccrees suck, because he's one of the dps with the highest skill ceiling.

So you get a lot of mccrees running around who can barely body shot consistently let alone headshot.

This. A silly amount of McCrees can't aim for their life. I know people will say "you just need me, I can", but this doesn't solve the general issue that most people don't kill her.

You have to view it relative to kb/m. Nobody can achieve zhe precision of a mouse with a controller, so characters naturally have different power levels on pc and console.

Yeep. Pharahs a lot better on console. I'm sure you don't even see her top 500 on PC vs console, and good, she's annoying to kill, I usually just take her as reaper since teammates don't.
The thing is there are a lot of mccrees.

It's just that a lot of those mccrees suck, because he's one of the dps with the highest skill ceiling.

So you get a lot of mccrees running around who can barely body shot consistently let alone headshot.


Most of the McCrees around my rank are pretty competent though so Pharah isn't an issue. Not that I have to worry about that since D.Va nullifies Pharah anyway :p Only thing that annoys me occasionally is the Pharah+Mercy combo.
60s are so much better when it comes to games for me. Seriously, as soon as I got back into them. Everything goes so smoothly again. It's so weird to see that a few levels make a dramatic change when it comes to my enjoyment of the game and the quality of the players.


I finally got my ranking. I've been so busy that I never had time to finish my placement matches until now. The final placement game was something else.

It was on Hanumura (which is a map I don't really like) and we both managed to get to sudden death. I'm sure this one game was almost an hour. We'd run through attack twice and defence twice lol. Anyway, the other team was clearly better than us. They'd captured both points with 4 mins to spare vs our 2. But we got really lucky with the coin flip and we were attacking on sudden death. It's like a 70/30 advantage at least if you are attacking.

I think I might stick with Reaper on Hanumura. I managed to constantly get behind the opposition forcing them back allowing the rest of the team to push up.

Anyway, after 7 wins and 3 losses (2 of them because of a player leaving early I might add), I got rank 56. That seems pretty low lol.


Lost a string of matches yesterday and got ranked down into Rank 40s Hell. God damn. Team sets up with three tanks on attack. I'm playing Support. I say "Hey guys I think we have too many tanks." So the Reinhardt switches. To Hanzo.

Just had a match on Anubis. We're attacking the second point, struggling quite a bit. Our Reinhardt changes to Symmettra. What? OK, I think, maybe the teleporter will give us that push we need. This could work.

"My teleporter is online" is announced, she then dies almost immediately after, the teleporter has not been seen by the enemy.

Symmetra decides to change to Winston. Not one single person got to use that teleporter.

Why? Why would you do this?

Anyway, we fail to get that last point and somebody leaves the moment we have to defend. I've been noticing this a lot recently. Attack the first round then leave when they have to defend. Stupid. Absolutely stupid.


Fuck this fucking game and its dumb ass ranking system. Went from mid-50s to BARELY 49.

Despite ranking top 8% for Lucio, fuck off.
I want to chip in on the discussion about Symmetra a few pages back
since I was asleep when it started

Symmetra needs to be changed significantly, a whole kit rework is in order in my opinion. She is great fun to play, but her utility is quite limited. She provides the following utility:
* A little more survivability for the entire team.
* Turrets that provide vision and slow down enemies.
* A weaker version of Mercy's ultimate.
* A decent mid-range fighter who can deal strong damage and counter mobile flankers (due to her lock-on beam) and Reinhardt (due to her weapons penetrating his shield).

What she lacks in comparison to other support characters:
* A way to heal allies.
* A more substantial way to buff/debuff.
* A more versatile ultimate.
* Utility that makes her viable on attack or for KotH maps.

Basically, Symmetra fills a very narrow niche (defense side on certain maps), and while Symmetra can shine in that niche, she brings too little to the table to be capable of doing things that benefit the team composition. Why have Symmetra if you could have Zenyatta, Lucio or even Ana instead? All of these characters bring more utility than Symmetra does, even on defense.

Let's start with her ultimate. As mentioned, it is a much weaker Mercy ult, and that's for various reasons. It doesn't instantly bring back allies, it is destructible, and while the teleporter is active, you can kill 50 people and you won't get a single % ult charge for a next teleporter.

One obvious solution would be to give Symmetra some ult charge back for every person that uses the teleporter, so that she can have it up more quickly and easily. Alternatively, have her be able to get ultimate charge while the teleporter is up, just don't let her place down a second one before the first one is destroyed or used up. I would also let Symmetra pass through her teleporter without taking up a charge (and thus not refunding any % either) to increase her mobility and let her take more risky plays. However, I think that would just be a bandaid fix to it, because the ultimate inherently is flawed.

Unlike Mercy's ult, Symmetra's teleporter does not help your team out in clutch fights or push/defend when it comes to team fights. Symmetra generally will be a passive character in most fights, staying at mid range to shoot her energy balls and occasionally picking off low health targets with her beam. The teleporter is good, but it just lacks the utility of the resurrection. Symmetra's teleporter only benefits the team and Symmetra if they die. When nobody dies, Symmetra gains nothing out of it, and neither does the team. Additionally, the fact that it can be used up by 6 people passing through, and then Symmetra will have to fully recharge the ult again from 0 means that she has the slowest building ult in the entire game, especially if the team does well(!), despite the fact it is a lot worse than any other support ult. Basically, Symmetra and her team get punished for doing well, and are down one ult.

What would the solution be, though? The teleporter is a solid ult, but what can we do to give Symmetra more utility?
The solution is simple: Give her a second ult. One that she can only use while her teleporter is live.
The best idea would probably be to make it a CC ultimate much like the other supports have. For instance, Symmetra could cast an AoE ability that silences nearby enemies (i.e. stops them from using their skills) for a few seconds. Or, since she uses light-bending, she could cast an AoE buff that makes all allies immune to headshots and "blur" them, so that attacks fired at them have a chance to miss them entirely, for a few seconds. This would give her, much like all the other supports, the ability to support in team fights or pushes, and make her ultimate(s) more viable. It also rewards the team and the Symmetra player for not dying because the less people use the teleporter, the more often will Symmetra have access to her secondary ultimate. This would also lead to possible strategies of not placing the teleporter outside of the spawn so that she can have indefinite access to the secondary ult, which would be very useful in attack or KotH.

The second thing we're going to have to address is the shielding. There's a few problems there, in my opinion. First, 25 shields is basically nothing except for super low health flanking heroes like Tracer or Genji. Bandaids have already been suggested, such as automatically applying the shield to anyone using the porter or making its strength based off of health (so that Tracer still only gets 25, but a Roadhog gets more out of it). There's also the argument to be made that it should count as ult-charge pre-match, because right now, shielding an ally does not give you the support points while setting up defense/attack, so if you want to be thorough before the match begins, you lose out on ult charge points.
But just like the teleporter, I believe that the shield ability is inherently flawed. It isn't a very engaging ability to use since all you do is spam E on anyone around you and then forget about it for the rest of the match unless you notice someone having show up the E on their markers.
So I would do the following: Make the shield ability passive. Anyone who walks near Symmetra automatically gains 25 shields (which means everyone starts with them). That takes away the Symmetra player having to worry about whether they shielded somebody or not, especially while Symmetra is engaged in a team fight.
To replace the lost ability, since Symmetra lacks the ability to heal, give her one of the following abilities, instead:
* The ability to throw out a health kit for allies. Give the ability a cooldown charge so if she waits a few seconds longer, she drops the 250 health kit instead of the 75 health kit.
* The ability to build a "dispenser" that heals allies nearby. This would give her team a place to retreat to, and if she sets it up near choke points, gives them a lot more sustain, which heavily increases her utility for attack/KotH maps. This dispenser of course would also be destructible much like her turrets and teleporter. I believe this would fit her more thematically as well.

The beam gun is fine for the most part. The only thing I would change is perhaps making the energy ball's travel speed a bit faster, and increasing the beam's range and effect width to be the same as Winston's tesla gun. I feel like she lacks a bit in range and has to be able to very accurately predict where the enemies are going to use her beam gun effectively.

Finally, the turrets. The turrets are in my opinion the least problematic of her abilities. For what they're supposed to do, I think they're doing it very well, though the main issue I have is that the additional slow effect of the beam discourages spreading out the turrets. So here's what I would do:
* Give Symmetra 6 turrets at the start of a map so she can set up everything right at the start.
* Have the turret slowdown effect applied in full even with only one turret hitting the enemy. If it's too much slow, just reduce it a bit. This encourages spreading out turrets and placing them in strategically valuable places to provide vision and slow down flankers, instead of having "nests" that are easily taken out with one explosive or a couple of gunshots.
* Give the turrets a goddamn number on their map indicators. That way, a Symmetra player knows exactly which path an enemy is taking instead of guessing where the markers are in relation to her position in the map geometry. Furthermore, it allows the Symmetra to place and replace turrets strategically (so if she has 6 turrets out, she knows exactly that turret #1 is getting replaced now).

All of these changes also would make flanker characters more vested into finding Symmetra's placed constructions. Taking out the teleporter will have Symmetra lose her utility ult. Taking out the dispenser will take away her sustain. Taking out the sentry turrets will take away her vision/awareness of the map.

Symmetra needs a big rework of her kit.


the holder of the trombone
Give symmetra stealth abilities.

Her utility is going to the backlines, placing turrets in innocuous places, hiding in the shadows to photon beam strays, and put teleporters sneakily in the backlines for surprise attacks.

I feel like that would take away from what she's supposed to do, and completely take her out of the support role, and push her into the Offense category, becoming an additional flanker.

I don't believe that's what Blizzard wants her to be, though.


the holder of the trombone
I feel like that would take away from what she's supposed to do, and completely take her out of the support role, and push her into the Offense category, becoming an additional flanker.

I don't believe that's what Blizzard wants her to be, though.

But that sounds really fun though!

I've actually seen some symmetras trying that strat out with varying success.
But that sounds really fun though!

I've actually seen some symmetras trying that strat out with varying success.

It does sound absolutely fun, and I'd seriously love if Blizzard came up with a character who does exactly that (Sombra perhaps?), but I think that Symmetra should be kept in the support role, and just given more capability to fulfill that role.

A stealth builder sounds incredibly unique, though. Get to it, Kaplan!


Honestly if this game gets any slower Sym would be pretty good as is.

Should be arguing more along the lines of "delete Lucio" if you want to use Sym imo.
I disagree that she is fine as she is. Again, her major problem is that, in comparison to the other 4 supports, she lacks the utility and actual... well... support capabilities. If she is given more utility, then she can finally fit into the Support category, and still fulfill her designated specific role perfectly fine.

As mentioned in my big post, she only fills one specific niche, and that niche is very small, and to top it off, other characters fill that niche just as well if not better.

She doesn't need to be buffed per se, because she is very strong, but she needs to be changed so that she comes out of that one dimensional niche she is trapped in.
I like the suggestions, Red. Symm's core problem right now is simple utility; like you said, she's wildly suboptimal under most any case compared to the other supports. Basically all she's really got going for her is the ability to set up a strong defensive line/nest with the turrets, which means that the team is effectively down between 1-2 abilities, depending on if they need to use her teleporter. Heartily agree that changing out the shields for a dispenser would be a good step, though coupling it with a passive shield is probably a bit much.

Fundamentally, the character is punished for success. If you're on offense, doing well means your turrets become obsolete, and your teleporter gets (partially) refunded periodically. Something's gotta be done to fix that.

(I still think Sym is fine or close to fine as is)

Reallllly not.
I like the suggestions, Red. Symm's core problem right now is simple utility; like you said, she's wildly suboptimal under most any case compared to the other supports. Basically all she's really got going for her is the ability to set up a strong defensive line/nest with the turrets, which means that the team is effectively down between 1-2 abilities, depending on if they need to use her teleporter. Heartily agree that changing out the shields for a dispenser would be a good step, though coupling it with a passive shield is probably a bit much.

Yeah, I definitely concede that it might make her a tad too powerful, but that's fine-tuning. :)
Take or leave the shields. The main thing is that she needs a secondary ult (or scrap the teleporter entirely, though that would be a bit of a shame), and some way of healing to make her more viable in team fights and as a support beyond just what she does right now.

Fundamentally, the character is punished for success. If you're on offense, doing well means your turrets become obsolete, and your teleporter gets (partially) refunded periodically. Something's gotta be done to fix that.

That is one of my biggest issues with her, yeah. She also is punished for overall success of her team since teammates not dying means she can't charge her ult further.


Stop treating her like a healing support first off (she's really a defense character). Second off, she actually does her job pretty well on a coordinated team when it comes to first point defense.

Despite the current offense picks being against her, top tier teams are still using her for the job she's intended to do. That's a sign there is something redeeming about the character there.

That all assumes people are playing "meta" strats though. If the game is being played with structured engagements and teamfights, she actually does something. If people are running around while not being grouped and she's forced into fights, yeah she's bad. That only really happens at low/mid level though. She could probably use some small buff to be less risky of a pick, or the game can slow down enough that she can have a higher consistent impact. Other than that though, a lot of Sym's problems really come from people flat out being just not great at playing as a team.
Anne, this is a character who is ONLY picked in ONE certain scenario: First point defense. Every other character can be viable on any other map. Symmetra is confined to be played in one specific situation, and as soon as the enemy take first point, she is swapped away from because she isn't good any longer.

She is not viable on attack.
She is not viable on KotH.
She is not viable on (most) second point defenses.
She is not viable on payload defenses.

The character is inherently flawed. She needs to be reworked.


I'm of the opinion that it's fine to have a character that niche in a game about switching often. Torb is in the same boat btw.

You basically see somebody switch off a character at every segment change as is anyways. I think that's how Blizz wants the game to work.

Also she is viable on payload defense, usually first point. I think the map I see her picked most often on these days is actually Dorado.


Also, if you want to go into viability of defensive heroes designed around immobile set ups, there is a lot more to point to and talk about anyways. Again, if the game were slower by a decent margin you might see Sym/Torb/etc flex a bit more or have way higher early game impact. Atm though it's basically:

get pick out of poke, get damage, get some type of advantage
put a shield up or hit Q
Lucio hits E

and then defense loses an entire checkpoint and all that set up is wasted. The only real chance characters like that have at high impact is early game where there's more to gain and fights are a bit more even.

So you got 2 options:

Buff those defensive characters to fit the current meta and design the game around that, which is basically an entire rework of the game


delete Lucio (I'm being snarky, what I mean by this is slow the game down with some more minor adjustments, though Lucio is the most obvious thing to point to)

Edit: I don't mean to come as super in your face and "NO YOU'RE WRONG DO IT MY WAY" all the time. I just heavily disagree with the opinions around here on Sym and think it's more worth looking at the pacing problem the game has before changing those types of characters. I don't want to brag but it is literally my job to write about esports so I've been following different ones for a long time (although I specialize in fighting games admittedly) and this has been a very common design failing. High level players tend to find these insane strats that break the intended game pacing which invalidates other aspects of the game. It's better to figure out what is actually breaking the pacing rather than design into it. If you just design into it, you get the first two years of Hearthstone which NOBODY wants ever.

edit edit: also I know I'm a writer and I use hella run ons and whatnot but fuck it it's a forum


So...cross hairs.

I notice a lot of higher level players change them into the + and make it green.

I've changed Widowmaker's cross hairs into the + and made it purple (it feels like it's more her color), but does it provide a measurable improvement for other characters or is it just an aesthetic thing?


So...cross hairs.

I notice a lot of higher level players change them into the + and make it green.

I've changed Widowmaker's cross hairs into the + and made it purple (it feels like it's more her color), but does it provide a measurable improvement for other characters or is it just an aesthetic thing?

Aesthetics, whatever it is you prefer. The colors kind of matter because certain ones are less likely to blend into any effects/backgrounds (green, pink), but like that's not a huge deal if you prefer something else.

the short crosshair is just something that is super common in other FPS games so you see it gets used a lot by older players.


*on attack* Volskya

Someone says, "Why have we got a Torb on attack?"

*I send in level 3 turret on moving platform, win game*

Me: "That's why."


I've been playing a lot of Symmetra lately and oh my god for the love of christ Blizzard need to patch this weapon to not lock on to Mei's wall. The amount of times I've tired to kill Mei only for the stupid fucking thing to lock on to the wall instead is infuriating.
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