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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Slowly starting to get to grips with Genji and my God it feels good.

Managed to reflect McCree's High Noon right back at his stupid cowboy face the other day.

Coolest thing I've done in the game by far.


Basically practice here

omg I got a legendary, first time in like 30 leve- COINS NOo

Speaking of which, I wish we earned 25 coins when we level up and/or win the match. It's frustrating that I haven't gotten anything from the loot crates that I wanted, let alone cash needed to unlock the skins that I want.


Genji is a weird hero to me. I can pretty much suck with him the whole match but if I can time 2 ults well I can still "carry" the team to win. He has probably the best ult in the game.
I think at one point I was rank 44 before climbing up to rank 60. There is an ocean of difference in attitude and play quality between those two ranks.


Genji is a weird hero to me. I can pretty much suck with him the whole match but if I can time 2 ults well I can still "carry" the team to win. He has probably the best ult in the game.

Genji is so hot and cold it's not even funny. Either he will show up and be the biggest pain in the ass for them or I uess a pain for your own team lol.


Quick play is a mess nowadays isn't it

you are either on a team that's stomping or getting stomped, basically. If you are on the 'getting stomped' side, if you manage to get down to the last 60 seconds somehow your rag tag group gets it together to put up a valiant effort, enough to make you think you might win in some cases!
you are either on a team that's stomping or getting stomped, basically. If you are on the 'getting stomped' side, if you manage to get down to the last 60 seconds somehow your rag tag group gets it together to put up a valiant effort, enough to make you think you might win in some cases!

Quick play is so easy now that it's not even that useful for practicing characters.


you are either on a team that's stomping or getting stomped, basically. If you are on the 'getting stomped' side, if you manage to get down to the last 60 seconds somehow your rag tag group gets it together to put up a valiant effort, enough to make you think you might win in some cases!

So basically it's the same as comp. Stomp or get stomped I see no difference between these 2 modes. There's always idiots who are detrimental to the team.


So I've fallen in love with Zenyatta now. He was the last character I ever touched when I got the game but now he's my go to if I can. I've won 7 outta 10 competitive games with him too. I love the discord orb and I think it really helps the team. His ult is great when trying to capture or defend on the point. Also, I average 22 eliminations per game with him which I think is pretty good for a support character. So far I've put in 2 hours with him and have spent 52 minutes of it on fire.


An idea came to me lying in bed last night. Blizz should add an ult countdown timer to the communication menu wheel since so many people play w/o mics.

This would help so much if a team is struggling on KotH Attack. A Zenyatta could simply initiate a 10-second countdown, which his teammates could all somehow see, and pop his ult once it reaches zero for an organized push on the objective.


An idea came to me lying in bed last night. Blizz should add an ult countdown timer to the communication menu wheel since so many people play w/o mics.

This would help so much if a team is struggling on KotH Attack. A Zenyatta could simply initiate a 10-second countdown, which his teammates could all somehow see, and pop his ult once it reaches zero for an organized push on the objective.

That's a very inefficient ult though, only Lucio's should be used as a 'push' because it soaks damage for you (if at all), while Zens heals. You're going to get counter-ult'd hard. You also sometimes need it before the counter would end.

Game just needs to reach a point where people realize basic things like grouping up


Tbf Mercy is fairly trash vs zen+lucio now
So do people come up with strats on their own or is it mostly emulation of top tier (professional) players?

I had some comp games yesterday, most of them actually, where I found myself the only healer on the team. The other players even recognized that we were at a disadvantage to the currently typical Lucio+Zenyatta comps we were seeing but it only resulted in one other player going healer at the eleventh hour in one game.

Depending on team comp (and always on Control maps) I usually picked Lucio but Mercy still had her fair share of victories.


So do people cone up with strays on their own or is it mostly emulation of top tier (professional) players?

I had some comp games yesterday, most of them actually, where I found myself the only healer on the team. The other players even recognized that we were at a disadvantage to the currently typical Lucio+Zenyatta comps we were seeing but it only resulted in one other player going healer at the eleventh hour in one game.

Depending on team comp (and always on Control maps) I usually picked Lucio but Mercy still had her fair share of victories.

hmm..it's probably a mix. Lucio+Zen "generally" works, but Mercy on her own with another sub can work too. Zen+Mercy is where I question things heavily, since both are solo heals.
Defense heroes suck overall from personal experience- we don't do well with them on our team and we can maime them on the other team.

As for playstyle? Never emulate, self teach (using others for optimization if you must) or you run the risk of becoming a failure at adaptation. I've never seen high level reaper gameplay except for once where I got annoyed that he completely failed his ult like a 50 or something.

Console meta=/=pc meta
Don't use widow on console unless you're the 1% of the 1%. In that case, please go to PC where you can go pro. Also don't think Pharahs trash, since shes harder to shoot inherently on console.

Edit: other things to note- reaper is probably more efficient since his rid range counters have worse aim, and McCree isn't as OP of a sniper. I've run into two crazy McCrees so far, and yes, you can tell when they're great.
And competitive isn't?

Competitive is a different mess. Everyone might be competent but 80% of them only play DPS/Support. Top tier tanks are rare sadly.

QP is just a "team A is screwing around and all ex 60+'s, team B is new to this. Team A goes all Ana as offense and wins in under 3 minutes on offense" levels of stupidity.


Decided to play a match of solo competitive in a long while. I get a team full of solo players against 2 groups of 3. Why did I even bother. I don't understand how Blizzard still hasn't fixed this.


I just came back from a comp assault match in anubis. I spent a good solid 30 secs alone contesting the A point against 3 to 4 opponent as Mei but where in the fuck is my teammates that came with me from the left flank? You mean to tell me 5 of my teammates can't even handle the other remainng opponents? Worst part is that they are chasing for kills which leads to nobody capping a point. I actually reminded them so many times not to chase for kills but they still do it.

Good god, I don't think I can ever reach rank 50 solo queuing as long I get random teammates like this.


Damn dude, there's nothing more stressful but satisfying than stalling the payload during Overtime as Lucio while waiting for your mates, and actually reaching the goal.

I was sliding and jumping on the car like a madman for like 10 to 15 seconds with 3 opponents trying to kill me


Damn dude, there's nothing more stressful but satisfying than stalling the payload during Overtime as Lucio while waiting for your mates, and actually reaching the goal.

I was sliding and jumping on the car like a madman for like 10 to 15 seconds with 3 opponents trying to kill me

I just did that today for the check point before last, satisfying but we didn't make the last one :\


Has a good game session today. Last game we had was a SUPER close match that we manage to win. It is nothing short of amazing how much better the game becomes when people communicate. Even something as simple as "We have to take care of X" is meaningful because then everyone can focus on taking care of a single problem. But even ignoring that, actually hearing and talking to other people just takes a lot of the stress off for the sheer fact that it is an acknowledgement that you aren't alone in the fight.

Btw, sorry I forgot which one of you is res1tvih. I couldn't join as I had my last session when you sent out the invite. I want to start playing with more gaffers, it was just bad timing.


Damn dude, there's nothing more stressful but satisfying than stalling the payload during Overtime as Lucio while waiting for your mates, and actually reaching the goal.

I was sliding and jumping on the car like a madman for like 10 to 15 seconds with 3 opponents trying to kill me

It's even better when you're fighting against another Lucio on it and just keep pushing each other off.


who do you pick?

i went tracer and did 90% of the work, got 20 elims + gold objective time and we still lost, because fuck me if i'm going to bother healing THAT team

bonus: "iFahadKM" spent the ENTIRE GAME passive aggressively spamming the "hello", "thanks" and "we need a healer" emotes

like we already have three snipers and literally another hanzo, do you really think it's someone else who needs to change? s m h




who do you pick?

i went tracer and did 90% of the work, got 20 elims + gold objective time and we still lost, because fuck me if i'm going to bother healing THAT team

bonus: "iFahadKM" spent the ENTIRE GAME passive aggressively spamming the "hello", "thanks" and "we need a healer" emotes

like we already have three snipers and literally another hanzo, do you really think it's someone else who needs to change? s m h

QP sucks now.


I tried QP in one of my games today. Other team stacked 4 junkrats. Which wasn't super hard to take care of, but jesus, bombs, bombs everywhere.


had a scary omen early where no one wanted to be a tank but intead all the DSP characters and junkrat

Im starting to believe I have better luck on this early in the day or late at night. ONly time I had strong games back to back with good teammates each time
who do you pick?

i went tracer and did 90% of the work, got 20 elims + gold objective time and we still lost, because fuck me if i'm going to bother healing THAT team

bonus: "iFahadKM" spent the ENTIRE GAME passive aggressively spamming the "hello", "thanks" and "we need a healer" emotes

like we already have three snipers and literally another hanzo, do you really think it's someone else who needs to change? s m h

First match in solo QP today, team had three Hanzos, one Widowmaker and D.Va and Soldier: 76 (me). Someone got on the chat and said, "Hey, we could probably use more snipers. D.Va and Soldier, could you switch?"

I just left. Call me Mr. No Fun, but if you want to do silly joke matches like that, get a damn group together and do it with your friends. Don't pull randoms into your bullshit.

That said, it was a good run on QP otherwise. Played a bit more Zenyatta and managed to earn my ult. just as an enemy Pharah hit her Barrage, saving my team and running out OT to win the match. Also had an Attack match on Hanamura where, despite one of the team starting as Torbjorn and switching to Widowmaker, we somehow managed to pull off. Yeah, there was a shitshow or two, but I guess I must have better luck than most folks playing QP, because I still manage to have more enjoyable matches than stomps either way.


If people pick two hanzos and a widow just leave the match before it starts and queue again. You don't get a leaver penalty for leaving in setup stage.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
My most recent box was 2 legends and 2 epics. As I saw the shower of gold and purple rain down... Skirmish started. Goddammit.


Coulda been someone else shooting at him and deflecting it on you. ;_;
Don't think so cos it was his kill cam. He was pretty close though so could have been lag or something

Anyway, nothing can hurt my mood right now cos I'm on a win streak of about 10 matches due to not having any leavers for a while (touch wood). Finally clawing my way out of the dregs...
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