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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Has anyone toggled with the auto aim sensitivity on the console version?

I'm doing way better with Pharah since lowering her value to 0. In the past her aggressive auto aim was always screwing my aim. Now I'm getting way more consistent kills with her.

This is probably a viable option for Junk Rat too.
-Don't have to deal with hero stacking
-Players generally play the point a lot more and "group up" better
-you will never be stuck with a team of 3 Genjis on defense
-teams are generally balanced around the meta, we usually get 2 dps, 2 tanks, 2 healers

I can't really find any negatives other then maybe there being more stress do to it being more important, but man, isn't that stress and the eventual struggle to win part of why we enjoy competition?

Less salt.
People try just as hard (which is to say that I haven't found people in comp to try that much harder - they just complain more).
More variety in team comps - it's not all meta all the time.
Quitters get replaced.
It's just more "fun," and that's really why I play.


Lucio's awesome when you have people grouping up and getting shit done, but damn, people loooove to spread out in QP. :/


Just wanted to say it feels good to the bottom of my heart to see you playing ranked. I know you felt forced into it due to hero stacking

Try hard not to worry bout the rank # you are at if you can help it. Most of us dont care if you're rank 80 or rank 10. Just keep having fun and squeeze every ounce out of it

I still havent played ranked yet myself but I think I'd like to try it soon for same reasons you have (escape hero stacking).

Honestly, I'm more or less happy I bit the bullet on it.

The primary issue that I was worried about was the toxicity level. I run into it occasionally, but less so than when QP was the only mode anyone could play. There was often a lot of anger at players who did poorly (which was inevitable since I was a beginner at the time). For the most part, people are surprisingly chill and polite and earnestly helpful, calling out good tactics. And it really is fun. I've had a lot of good games in ranked. And yeah, you have no idea how much the game is improved by removing stacking.

I still have my criticisms of it, but I'm happy to say that it really is overall a better mode.


Honestly, I'm more or less happy I bit the bullet on it.

The primary issue that I was worried about was the toxicity level. I run into it occasionally, but less so than when QP was the only mode anyone could play. There was often a lot of anger at players who did poorly (which was inevitable since I was a beginner at the time). For the most part, people are surprisingly chill and polite and earnestly helpful, calling out good tactics. And it really is fun. I've had a lot of good games in ranked. And yeah, you have no idea how much the game is improved by removing stacking.

I still have my criticisms of it, but I'm happy to say that it really is overall a better mode.

Good I always thought you might enjoy much more then getting cheesed in QP
Please stop bringing your low ass friend with you. Twice in a row I got the same duel players on my team. A 68 and a 48. The 48 is completely being outclassed at this level of play. He went Torb lol. Of course I lost both games. I'm not going to solely blame it all on him. However, there are ranks for a reason, so stop bringing your friends that obviously don't belong there.



D.Va Happy!

(my comp D.Va stats are way more tame, I actually play her as intended there and don't try to start a carry)


Want to learn Symmetra. Tips?
Her turrets got nerfed a bit so shes not as good as she was before.

-place teleporter in smart place. It gives off a distinct noise to the enemy team so keep that in mind when placing. If they walk by it they'll here it so put it in a place where not a lot of dudes walk by.

-Put turrets on higher arches, away from sight. Use plants to cover them up id possible.

-try and get around the enemy team before engaging. Her beam is powerful, but she's frail. Always keep them in sight, but jump around so they can;t hit you. Let off a bit when destroying a dva mech so you can get dva when she pops out.
-Always shield bros.

Hang out near the entrance and fire your giant death balls at check points.

-Sym is good fro some KOTH matches and payload defenses.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Her turrets got nerfed a bit so shes not as good as she was before.

-place teleporter in smart place. It gives off a distinct noise to the enemy team so keep that in mind when placing. If they walk by it they'll here it so put it in a place where not a lot of dudes walk by.

-Put turrets on higher arches, away from sight. Use plants to cover them up id possible.

-try and get around the enemy team before engaging. Her beam is powerful, but she's frail. Always keep them in sight, but jump around so they can;t hit you. Let off a bit when destroying a dva mech so you can get dva when she pops out.
-Always shield bros.

Hang out near the entrance and fire your giant death balls at check points.

-Sym is good fro some KOTH matches and payload defenses.


They were only nerfed on consoles
Want to learn Symmetra. Tips?

Only use her in 1st Point defense in CP and Hybrids. If you can't get a TP up in less than a minute switch off immediately. If you die before getting TP up switch instantly, if the point falls switch immediately.

Basically if you're not being efficient and getting that TP up, the team and you are much better off with you selecting another hero.

Again I can't stress this enough don't be that Symmetra Main that just gimps your team because you stubbornly stuck with Sym when shit hits the fan.


Her turrets got nerfed a bit so shes not as good as she was before.

Note: She was only nerfed on the console version.

I always get tripped up with how many of y'all are on console over PC. Just not what I expected with this game.
Tracer was amazing today. When you are 'on' with her there is nothing better. The decision of who's golden gun to pick gets harder every day.

Also, anecdotal but Genji is less of a problem lately. It seems like people are finally wising up to how devastating his ult can be and aren't letting him get away with it. As soon as he pops it the whole team is just focusing him until he dies. I'm not sure that means he's not still OP. But he is definitely wiping my team less often.
Note: She was only nerfed on the console version.

I always get tripped up with how many of y'all are on console over PC. Just not what I expected with this game.

Earlier today I watched a friend of mine play OW on his ps4 while over at his place. It's a completely different game. Everything is literally in slow motion.


Tracer was amazing today. When you are 'on' with her there is nothing better. The decision of who's golden gun to pick gets harder every day.

Also, anecdotal but Genji is less of a problem lately. It seems like people are finally wising up to how devastating his ult can be and aren't letting him get away with it. As soon as he pops it the whole team is just focusing him until he dies. I'm not sure that means he's not still OP. But he is definitely wiping my team less often.

Genjis were targeting my Junkrat all night. Same thing against three different teams. It was annoying as hell. For Lijiang, the one where someone left, I switched to Winston and was destroying that Genji and we were finally winning. I think I will switch to Winston if a Genji is really annoying the shit outta me and no one else is playing Winston.
Genjis were targeting my Junkrat all night. Same thing. against three different teams. It was annoying as hell. For Lijiang, the one where someone left, I switched to Winston and was destroying that Genji and we were finally winning. I think I will switch to Winston if a Genji is really annoying the shit outta me and no one else is playing Winston.

I noticed that switch to Winston definitely changed the tide. I liked our chances after that if that dude didn't leave.


I noticed that switch to Winston definitely changed the tide. I liked our chances after that if that dude didn't leave.

Yea, seems to be the best counter pick if it's a good Genji. I feel like we keep getting matched up against good Genjis and we don't get one in our teams, lol. He's always the enemy.


Has anyone toggled with the auto aim sensitivity on the console version?

I'm doing way better with Pharah since lowering her value to 0. In the past her aggressive auto aim was always screwing my aim. Now I'm getting way more consistent kills with her.

This is probably a viable option for Junk Rat too.

holy crap, literally just did this and it feels so much better aiming w/ Tracer & D.Va! :O #revelation

Want to learn Symmetra. Tips?

Symm is very trial & error, but one tip I can give you (that I never knew, and learned through experience) is that the longer your beam gun is on someone the stronger it gets, so if at all possible go after big fish like Rein, Roadhog, and D.Va especially... Pretty much once you kill a tank from there you can single-handedly wipe an entire team (in quick succession if they're near) in a murderous rampage. :D I personally target D.Va - try and get behind her, and BOOM. It's super-empowering to melt a team as Symm.


holy crap, literally just did this and it feels so much better aiming w/ Tracer & D.Va! :O #revelation

Yea, make sure to change the settings until it feels good for you. I used to be average with default settings. Now I kill and win more than when I first started.

Also, I'm gonna keep playing Comp until deadline. I wanna see if I can reach 70. The games haven't been awful as long as I play with 3-4 Gaffers. We hold our own even if the randoms aren't doing well.


Any XB1 gaffers up for some comp? I'm 61 and trying to hit 65 for that golden gun. I main D.Va. Add me, gamertag: EteRnal PAL
I had to sell my Xbox for rent money because I'm fucking b r o k e, but I'll be picking up another one in a month or so. I peaked at 63 before and usually played Lucio. My GT is psyfi!


Want to learn Symmetra. Tips?

I'm not the best Symmetra player buuuuuuuuut:

Try and place her turrets in uniquely annoying ways. Clumping them all together might focus their damage and net more kills, but they're also more easily cleared out. Winston is particularly effective at this with his shield and cone attack.

Turrets can make wonderful sensors. Placed inconspicuously an enemy will 'trip' the turret and you'll know someone's flanking or coming down the left corridor instead of the right. If seen, the enemy may avoid it and not destroy it as that would also notify you.

Your opponents will see them as red, not blue. Just a nice little reminder when trying to camouflage them.

The backs of signs, road signs, banners, undercarriages all make wonderful hiding spots. But don't hide them too well. Placing turrets in crevices can also limit their line of sight, which sometimes works to your advantage.

They slow enemies down. (Genji and Tracer!)

On PC you can hide turrets inside cardboard boxes and other objects. This debris and clutter makes good concealment but is rather scarce.

Symmetra's right-click can be fired at less than full charge. Spamming not as potent as full charge but harder to dodge all of them at bottlenecks. Spam full charge shots too.

There's more of course but play styles are different. These are just things I've found useful.


Her turrets got nerfed a bit so shes not as good as she was before.

-place teleporter in smart place. It gives off a distinct noise to the enemy team so keep that in mind when placing. If they walk by it they'll here it so put it in a place where not a lot of dudes walk by.

-Put turrets on higher arches, away from sight. Use plants to cover them up id possible.

-try and get around the enemy team before engaging. Her beam is powerful, but she's frail. Always keep them in sight, but jump around so they can;t hit you. Let off a bit when destroying a dva mech so you can get dva when she pops out.
-Always shield bros.

Hang out near the entrance and fire your giant death balls at check points.

-Sym is good fro some KOTH matches and payload defenses.


Only use her in 1st Point defense in CP and Hybrids. If you can't get a TP up in less than a minute switch off immediately. If you die before getting TP up switch instantly, if the point falls switch immediately.

Basically if you're not being efficient and getting that TP up, the team and you are much better off with you selecting another hero.

Again I can't stress this enough don't be that Symmetra Main that just gimps your team because you stubbornly stuck with Sym when shit hits the fan.

Gotcha. Thanks, guys!


I'd pretty much consider myself a tank main now, and seeing him in every game is painful.

It's not fun at all. This meta in general right now just sucks dick on console, IMO.

Playing defense is no fun at all right now, you pretty much have to be absolutely perfect to stop people if they're half way competent as a team. Never thought I'd say this, but I miss the old Torb meta to the current offensive steam roll.
Being accused of cheating/aimbotting as Widow is fantastic. I hope they report me, Blizzard looks into it, and they all go "daaaamn". Yes, I did headshot a Genji, Tracer, and Lucio one after another in the span of ~6 seconds without wallhack ult. This is why I play this game.

Also I don't know how exactly this works, but I have the Mario Kart effect with this game where the more inebriated I am, the better I perform.
It's not fun at all. This meta in general right now just sucks dick on console, IMO.

Playing defense is no fun at all right now, you pretty much have to be absolutely perfect to stop people if they're half way competent as a team. Never thought I'd say this, but I miss the old Torb meta to the current offensive steam roll.

I disagree. Genji and Zen may be annoying but at least they take a skill. Torb took no skill at all.

And I honestly haven't noticed some huge discrepancy in offense and defense (except for sudden death which is a whole different issue) especially with the new 4:00 to capture point A on double capture maps. Although I acknowledge that you are playing on a whole different battleground up there in the 70's
Want to learn Symmetra. Tips?

Spread your turrets out, only build 2 or 3 at most in one area. Your turrets are mostly there to provide vision for you (and your team since you can relay that information) and slow down/distract enemies. Do not build "nests"!
Place your turrets in flanking routes, where health packs are, and maybe one or two on the objective (if it's a point).

Try to pick off low health enemies with your beam gun. If the enemies have a Reinhardt, your ball secondary fire goes through his shield, so make use of that to put pressure on Reinhardt. Don't be scared of engaging non-DPS characters, you're pretty powerful and easy to underestimate.

Check out all of the maps first to see where there's secluded spots that aren't either on main nor common flanking routes. Just about every map has a corner like that. That's where you'll place your teleporter.

Keep an eye on the kill feed so you know which of your teammates you'll want to shield. Also note that D.Va going into or out of her mech needs extra shielding for each of her "forms".

Only use her in 1st Point defense in CP and Hybrids.

First point defense on Payload is very good with her too, especially Dorado. Route 66 and Gibraltar she's ok on first point as well, and she also can do really well on last point.

If you can't get a TP up in less than a minute switch off immediately. If you die before getting TP up switch instantly, if the point falls switch immediately.

That's really only good advice at super high level play. In Quick Play/lower level play, you can do just as fine not having the teleporter up within the first minute, especially while you're learning how to handle the character.
If I took that advice of yours, I would have maybe 30 minutes of playtime on Symmetra.

Basically if you're not being efficient and getting that TP up, the team and you are much better off with you selecting another hero.

Again I can't stress this enough don't be that Symmetra Main that just gimps your team because you stubbornly stuck with Sym when shit hits the fan.

While I agree that swapping off of Symmetra once the first point is lost generally, I still really hate this attitude you're presenting here, because I'm sure you're the kind of guy who yells at your team mates in-game and especially at players who pick characters you personally might not think are a good choice in that particular situation.
I've held last point on Route 66 solely with my turrets and my beam gun. If I had swapped off of Symmetra, we would've lost that game.


It's not fun at all. This meta in general right now just sucks dick on console, IMO.

Playing defense is no fun at all right now, you pretty much have to be absolutely perfect to stop people if they're half way competent as a team. Never thought I'd say this, but I miss the old Torb meta to the current offensive steam roll.

Torbs old damage was absolutely fine when it was just one of him. He only got stupid when he was stacked. In comp, that's not a problem, so he was just left pretty nuetered.

I wonder if it'd be too much to ask for QP Torb and Comp Torb damage settings to be different.
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