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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Mr Nash

square pies = communism
What class do you wish you were better at but you really aren't great with them?

For me, it would be Reaper.

Tracer and Widowmaker. My aim is generally pretty bad, so sniping is out of the question, and Tracer's speed throws my aim off. Would actually like to get to the point where I hit folks consistently with these two.


Anyone on PS4 want to play or add me for competitive? I was 63 yesterday and now I'm 58 Holy fuck has it been an abomination of awful games in a row. It's like all of a sudden everyone turned into morons. Guess I just just lucky. My PSN is Roubjon btw.


Zenyatta to be rendered even more worthless by Sombra!

yea... this is my concern too.... isn't zen basically a sniping healer already? How do they differentiate them without making zen useless? I think they either have to limit the new supports damage or ultimate ability to be not as good as zenyattas.

It seems like the most nail on the head brute force solution to the problem of: "Everyone wants to play sniper, no body wants to play support".

they should just patch in Zenyatta pulling out a damn healing rifle during his Ult lol

New hero is just called "Zenyatta 2.0" and he's done floating and being peacfull, now he's just got a sniper rifle and kills everything.


Hah, must have downloaded that at lightning speed and not noticed it!

Nothing up on the announcements / patch notes page yet. Super curious to know what's new given the comment from Kaplan earlier this week.
Hah, must have downloaded that at lightning speed and not noticed it!

Nothing up on the announcements / patch notes page yet. Super curious to know what's new given the comment from Kaplan earlier this week.

I've been looking through the forums and don't see anything on there. Last one is from July 1st when they added the patch to PS4.


I can play Winston better but man, Reinhardt really boggles my mind. I was in a Comp game where a Reinhardt destroyed our team constantly. he was aggressive as fuck. I wonder if that's the magic.

Instill fear in the other team by ramming their tank to death.
Tracer and Widowmaker. My aim is generally pretty bad, so sniping is out of the question, and Tracer's speed throws my aim off. Would actually like to get to the point where I hit folks consistently with these two.

i can't aim for Widow either. I even lower my sensitivity and see how that goes. but nope. Tracer i have her set at 6 in-game. forget what my mouse DPI is but it's pretty good. slow enough to aim but fast enough to 360 turn when i blink.


New hero!?





Sombra is supposed to be a villain along with Reaper right? Possibly with Talon? I don't think she's going to be a healing sniper if that's the case. The classified note here is Torb sending specs to Reaper and Soldier 76 while they were all still at Overwatch, so it's likely very old. Mercy's concerns about it is that she fears they will weaponize her biotics... which seems like what Talon would do.

So what if Sombra's sniper has the opposite of Mercy's beam? Sniper range, enemy target only, primary is a damage beam like Symmetra, but possibly with different properties, secondary is a debuff beam that weakens them somehow. Since all the sniper heroes have a wallhack skill, maybe Sombra's beam can "tag" enemies she hits, making them visible to the team until they die?


Sombra is supposed to be a villain along with Reaper right? Possibly with Talon? I don't think she's going to be a healing sniper if that's the case. The classified note here is Torb sending specs to Reaper and Soldier 76 while they were all still at Overwatch, so it's likely very old. Mercy's concerns about it is that she fears they will weaponize her biotics... which seems like what Talon would do.

So what if Sombra's sniper has the opposite of Mercy's beam? Sniper range, enemy target only, primary is a damage beam like Symmetra, but possibly with different properties, secondary is a debuff beam that weakens them somehow. Since all the sniper heroes have a wallhack skill, maybe Sombra's beam can "tag" enemies she hits, making them visible to the team until they die?

That would be awful, the game doesn't need more snipers that can (help) kill stuff and def no more wallhacks.


Sombra is supposed to be a villain along with Reaper right? Possibly with Talon? I don't think she's going to be a healing sniper if that's the case. The classified note here is Torb sending specs to Reaper and Soldier 76 while they were all still at Overwatch, so it's likely very old. Mercy's concerns about it is that she fears they will weaponize her biotics... which seems like what Talon would do.

So what if Sombra's sniper has the opposite of Mercy's beam? Sniper range, enemy target only, primary is a damage beam like Symmetra, but possibly with different properties, secondary is a debuff beam that weakens them somehow. Since all the sniper heroes have a wallhack skill, maybe Sombra's beam can "tag" enemies she hits, making them visible to the team until they die?

Is she really supposed to be a bad guy?

The mercy note had me thinking that this is the design they used to make widow makers kit.

Like it got sent to reaper and 76, reaper used it to make widow maker and 76 used it to make sombra...

My theory is that sombra can't snipe the enemy team at all.

Primary fire: big burst heal, double for head shots

Healing mine the does a small aoe heal over time, like the exact opposite of widows poison mine

Then like secondary fire is an SMg similar to widows

And maybe she has a mobility or disable ability to help with flankers

And I don't know what her ultimate is.... It must be crazy because I feel like all the obvious choices are taken. Like it can't really be a revive or big aoe heal or shields
Sombra is supposed to be a villain along with Reaper right? Possibly with Talon? I don't think she's going to be a healing sniper if that's the case. The classified note here is Torb sending specs to Reaper and Soldier 76 while they were all still at Overwatch, so it's likely very old. Mercy's concerns about it is that she fears they will weaponize her biotics... which seems like what Talon would do.
Bad guys need healing too! If I had to speculate, her primary fire will snipe healing (maybe AoE?) over time from the backline, but she'll also have a (cooldown?) damage-over-time "weaponized" biotic.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
So I guess the patch helps people who lost their connection then come back so that they aren't dinged with a loss on competitive. Doesn't look like it does anything to rectify when someone leaves on purpose and doesn't care about coming back. That's one I'm sure they'll be mulling over a while longer before taking action on.
That is not what I was expecting for sudden death changes. Seems like that'll just raise more complaints? actually the timing changes are relatively minimal, so I expect the same amount of complaints as before.

This is a skilled based rank. Your not supose to se progression unless your skill improve.

If you keep falling in rank, it means your still playing against people above your level.

I started at 48, went up to 49, then fell down to 42. The sooner you realise your not as good as you thought, the better.

I stopped caring about the ranks now, and just play as well as i can, and try to improve every game. Im winning more games than im losing now, and having just as much fun regardless of the number next to my name. If i get back up again, great, if not i will improve and do better next season.

This can be 100% true and still not be the right way to do things. For example, if the game decides you're playing below the skill rating it gives you, what's a better strategy?

1) gradually lower the rating until the player finally starts winning games consistently, and in the meantime have fun losing two-thirds of your matches or more;
2) lower the rating drastically, get placed with morons, outperform everyone, jump back up a few ranks; repeat until equilibrium is reached

Because I got hit hard with the first option and it really goddamned sucks.
Unless I've missed something, they haven't done anything to remedy winning teams suffering as a result of rage- or spite-quitting.

Aaannnd there's no mention of the persistent bug with score counting on KotH maps in Quick Play.


Incredibly happy that they fixed the rejoin issue this quickly. That was breaking the back of at least one member of my group after it happened twice in one evening.

Although no change to the reduced competitive rank exp earned when a member of the same/opposing team leaves the game?
That is not what I was expecting for sudden death changes. Seems like that'll just raise more complaints? actually the timing changes are relatively minimal, so I expect the same amount of complaints as before.
I assume they're just tinkering with timings to try to get the results as close to 50/50 as possible on a map per map basis.

Kaplan explained what they're planning to do to dramatically reduce the incidence of sudden death in future (it's already a very rare event on 2CP maps), but it won't be ready for this season.


They might have stealth fixed winning XP?


Just had a leaver on the enemy team near the end of the game because it was an impending loss for them. We all complained but then... we all got full XP for winning!

I'm assuming this is part of the patch that was just released. If not then it was an awesome bug and it made me happy momentarily.

Hard to tell if troll or not. Can anyone confirm?

Edit, nvm, bullshit still in:

Uhhh not so sure...

Just had the same thing happen. We won first round and it was extremely close one of the most fun holds I've had. Then someone on the enemy team leaves after the first point in the second round. Soon after 3 more of their players left cuz hey why not? We all got like 1/20th of a bar for the win. So it's still here and still ruining matches.


I assume they're just tinkering with timings to try to get the results as close to 50/50 as possible on a map per map basis.

Kaplan explained what they're planning to do to dramatically reduce the incidence of sudden death in future (it's already a very rare event on 2CP maps), but it won't be ready for this season.

Hopefully they do the logical thing and implement Stopwatch Rules when playing Payload maps. Sudden Death is such a BS way to end those matches.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
She'll still be useless on KOTH though. Only a fraction of the KOTH maps are sniper friendly.


Someone in a game was trolling me yesterday by constantly switching to the same character I was. Like I picked Mercy, they did too. So I switched off to Junkrat. They immediately followed, leaving us with no healer. So I switched back. Then they did the same thing. This was all during setup. Even in the match whenever they died and I had switched they'd switch to follow me. This continued for the whole match.

I'm annoyed at how effective this was at annoying me.


This can be 100% true and still not be the right way to do things. For example, if the game decides you're playing below the skill rating it gives you, what's a better strategy?

1) gradually lower the rating until the player finally starts winning games consistently, and in the meantime have fun losing two-thirds of your matches or more;
2) lower the rating drastically, get placed with morons, outperform everyone, jump back up a few ranks; repeat until equilibrium is reached

Because I got hit hard with the first option and it really goddamned sucks.

The game doesn't suddenly "decide" you're not in your appropriate skill bracket, the matchmaker collects data and adjusts its evaluation of your skill level accordingly. That data is you playing matches.
Hopefully they do the logical thing and implement Stopwatch Rules when playing Payload maps. Sudden Death is such a BS way to end those matches.

[...] because we’ve received a lot of positive feedback on the new Assault map format, we’re going to try to apply the same “time bank” system to Escort and Hybrid maps.

What this means is that, if both teams push the payload all the way to the end of the map with time leftover, you’ll go into a second round on the same map. We’ll remember how much time was on the clock for each team, and then you’ll have that amount of time to push the payload as far as possible. At the end of this second round, we’ll also look at how far your team pushed the payload vs. how far the enemy team pushed their payload. Push it farther than the other team and you win.

The only ties that you’ll encounter in the “time bank” system are if a) neither team pushes the payload at all (an exceedingly rare edge case!), b) neither team manages to “capture” the payload (this is limited to Hybrid maps), or c) both teams manage to push their payloads all the way to end of the map in overtime. If we’re seeing ties happen less than 9% of the time in Assault right now, we should see even fewer Hybrids and Escorts resulting in a tie using this format.

[...] we’re looking at a variety of different, longer-term solutions that involve removing the coin flip and Sudden Death completely. For example, right now we’re exploring ways to allow for matches that would otherwise result in Sudden Death to instead resolve in a draw where neither team wins or loses. In that situation, our goal would be to make sure the match still felt rewarding for both teams, and that players could walk away feeling like it was time well invested. It’s important to remember that the removal of Sudden Death/the addition of draws would accompany the format changes to Escort and Hybrid maps, which means that draws should be VERY rare overall.
The more I play competitive the more disenchanted I am with it. Just had a group who all went 3 junkrats the entire game. Seriously if you're going to dick around with friends keep that in quick play so other people aren't affected by it. Asked politely for two of them to change and was quickly told to fuck off and that I'm an idiot. Not like this is a isolated incident either, I can count on one hand how many "good" games I've had where both teams where evenly balanced and felt like it was a fun game win or lose.
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