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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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My competitive stats are all screwed up. I had over a full day of playtime as Roadhog before. And now my 20 hours as Tracer are my top played.

It's even messed up on Overbuff. Although the W/L still says that I've played 3 times as many games as Roadhog.

Medals were a mistake anyway. There's really no point showing them during a game, they just lead to skewed assumptions and possibly toxicity.

Medals are an okay system, but I kind of want them to be expanded on.

Like, for instance, I'd love to see a medal for Time on Fire.

Medals can obviously be misleading, but the absence of medals is pretty straight forward.

If you're playing an offense character, and you don't have a medal in elims or damage done, you need to switch. You are not contributing.

If you're playing a healing character, and you don't have a gold or silver in healing, you need to switch. You are not contributing.

Well... switch or play your character better.

Basically, Medals should be guidlines, but not evidence/proof of anything specifically.

Like I said, I'd love to see an on fire medal, and maybe a damage blocked/mitigated medal. By blocked/mitigated I mean Rein's Shield, Zarya's Bubble, Ice Wall, Genji's reflect, etc...

I don't understand how people have played the game for that long. Like, this is basically all I've been playing everyday since it came out and I've already played it for an absurd amount of time. Props to that guy though, it's kinda impressive.

It's not that impressive when you realize they've just shared their account and/or are streaming all day everyday because that's their bread and butter.


Good Mercy players are scary because they can keep their entire team healed and buffed while maintaining excellent mobility. It's just hard to to find someone and a team that makes it work.

I'm not even talking comp but the actual players themselves. Mercy needs a group that moves much looser and can hold their own than Lucio because her mobility relies on them. That's in addition to knowing the correct movement patterns and positions in a firefight when flying isn't an option.

She definitely has a lot of potential, maybe the highest of the supports, but it's just hard to realize. I think Lucio is far easier to play for most but I think his potential contribution isn't nearly as high as the other supports.


Good Mercy players are scary because they can keep their entire team healed and buffed while maintaining excellent mobility. It's just hard to to find someone and a team that makes it work.

I'm not even talking comp but the actual players themselves. Mercy needs a group that moves much looser and can hold their own than Lucio because her mobility relies on them. That's in addition to knowing the correct movement patterns and positions in a firefight when flying isn't an option.

She definitely has a lot of potential, maybe the highest of the supports, but it's just hard to realize. I think Lucio is far easier to play for most but I think his potential contribution isn't nearly as high as the other supports.

It's not only the team movement but more importantly the map and if you are attacking or defending.


Good Mercy players are scary because they can keep their entire team healed and buffed while maintaining excellent mobility. It's just hard to to find someone and a team that makes it work.

I'm not even talking comp but the actual players themselves. Mercy needs a group that moves much looser and can hold their own than Lucio because her mobility relies on them. That's in addition to knowing the correct movement patterns and positions in a firefight when flying isn't an option.

She definitely has a lot of potential, maybe the highest of the supports, but it's just hard to realize. I think Lucio is far easier to play for most but I think his potential contribution isn't nearly as high as the other supports.

Pharmercy combo is still super deadly. Altho Zen has taken up her role for most games I've played, I always believe she's still viable and that rez is so clutch for OT in close games.


How can I improve my Roadhog play to help my team push into enemy territory? It seems like I'm always leading in kills and damage and taking out 3 or 4 enemies on the point with each push, but my team always gets mowed down by the other enemies I can't attack in time. It's really disheartening to feel like you're dismantling the enemy team like a crazed hook-surgeon only to have it not result in a cap.
Good Mercy players are scary because they can keep their entire team healed and buffed while maintaining excellent mobility. It's just hard to to find someone and a team that makes it work.

I'm not even talking comp but the actual players themselves. Mercy needs a group that moves much looser and can hold their own than Lucio because her mobility relies on them. That's in addition to knowing the correct movement patterns and positions in a firefight when flying isn't an option.

She definitely has a lot of potential, maybe the highest of the supports, but it's just hard to realize. I think Lucio is far easier to play for most but I think his potential contribution isn't nearly as high as the other supports.

It's not hard to spot a bad Mercy player. Look for a Mercy who is throwing heals on a fully healed tank instead of damage buffing literally anyone else.

It's like they're in MMO mode or something, and they're expecting the Tank to take a big hit any second now.




edit: And even with this cheat he is pretty bad when it comes to movement and positioning. Without the aimbot he would be a total noob.
yeah, this person sucks so much at placement, literally the textbook definition of a aimbot scrub
Uhm yeah, medals are team-based of course. I was talking about the competitive ranking system granting you a boost in your hidden MMR by comparing your performance against other players not in the same match as you :)


Medals are an okay system, but I kind of want them to be expanded on.

Like, for instance, I'd love to see a medal for Time on Fire.

Medals can obviously be misleading, but the absence of medals is pretty straight forward.

If you're playing an offense character, and you don't have a medal in elims or damage done, you need to switch. You are not contributing.

If you're playing a healing character, and you don't have a gold or silver in healing, you need to switch. You are not contributing.

Well... switch or play your character better.

Basically, Medals should be guidlines, but not evidence/proof of anything specifically.

Like I said, I'd love to see an on fire medal, and maybe a damage blocked/mitigated medal. By blocked/mitigated I mean Rein's Shield, Zarya's Bubble, Ice Wall, Genji's reflect, etc...
You can have gold medals and still be a detriment to the team because your character is not what your comp needs. Having them update in real time is not helpful at all, they might even be the reason why some people don't switch at all since they might be thinking they're the best in the team and clearly not the reason why they're losing.
How can I improve my Roadhog play to help my team push into enemy territory? It seems like I'm always leading in kills and damage and taking out 3 or 4 enemies on the point with each push, but my team always gets mowed down by the other enemies I can't attack in time. It's really disheartening to feel like you're dismantling the enemy team like a crazed hook-surgeon only to have it not result in a cap.

Make sure you aren't playing him as a flanker, which is really easy to do.

Go by the rule of 2. When you've successfully hooked and killed two enemies, push forward. Make a mental note of when supers should be up. If you know that enemy Genji is going to be Ulting any second now, try to keep your hook ready for him. Same with Reaper or anyone else with a threatening Ult.

The idea is you should be pulling enemies not just into you, but into your whole team. This way you can actually hook things like Zarya or other Roadhogs and kill them as well. When your teammates start getting those assist eliminations, they'll naturally try to move forward as well.


Pharmercy combo is still super deadly. Altho Zen has taken up her role for most games I've played, I always believe she's still viable and that rez is so clutch for OT in close games.

heal/buffing pharah during clutch moments feels so good. won a game last night by keeping pharah alive through rocket barage as the attackers were trying to bring the payload in with <30 secs left. she died after that, res'd her & buffed to clean up the rest.

mercy is the most fun support for me to play because of how active you have to be to really contribute.

plus Imp skin & its res line are just the best.


the holder of the trombone
Speaking of hooks, I've had one roadhog hook me recently just as I was activating my DVA ult.

That was truly delicious.


How can I improve my Roadhog play to help my team push into enemy territory? It seems like I'm always leading in kills and damage and taking out 3 or 4 enemies on the point with each push, but my team always gets mowed down by the other enemies I can't attack in time. It's really disheartening to feel like you're dismantling the enemy team like a crazed hook-surgeon only to have it not result in a cap.

Roadhog has huge survivability so you should really be in the middle of the fight and take away the attention from your team. Not sure of how you play but Roadhog should be in the frontlines so the rest of the team can do their own thing while the enemy team tries to take you down.
You can have gold medals and still be a detriment to the team because your character is not what your comp needs. Having them update in real time is not helpful at all, they might even be the reason why some people don't switch at all since they might be thinking they're the best in the team and clearly not the reason why they're losing.

Like I said, they're a guideline.

If I'm playing Roadhog and I have gold for healing, I know there is something wrong with my healers. Now, that doesn't mean my healers are shit. It could mean that the enemy Genji or Tracer is keeping my healer on constant respawn or something. Either way, it means the situation needs to be reevaluated.

In the scheme of things, a player with several gold medals not contributing to the team is like a first world problem of Overwatch. As in, it's one of the last modifications you would use to min/max your setup.

Since I assume we're talking about playing with Randoms here, having a random on your team getting gold medals is far from the worst thing to "go wrong" for your team.
I'd like to see that too although I do think some characters have an easier time of it than others. I'm usually on fire as Zenyatta but maybe I'm just good with the character. >_>

Sure, but some medals are going to be biased towards certain characters or archetypes anyway.

Just like you're never going to see a Rein with a medal in healing. Or a Pharah with a medal in Objective Time.


the holder of the trombone
Roadhog has huge survivability so you should really be in the middle of the fight and take away the attention from your team. Not sure of how you play but Roadhog should be in the frontlines so the rest of the team can do their own thing while the enemy team tries to take you down.

Eh, not all the time, because if you're not getting picks you're just feeding ults.
After playing competitive only in a group of 2-4 until now, I decided to try out solo queueing to climb the last lvls to 65 (currently 62). That was an interesting experience. The first game was a group of me with 5 other solo queuers against 2 groups of 3. To make matters worse, 2 of my teammates apparently were in opposite teams before and now hated each other so much that one of them intentionally wanted to lose the game to spite the other... Map was Gibraltar and to no surprise we got steamrolled the first round while we were on defence. On attack, those 2 guys picked Bastion and Symmetra (the guy that wanted to lose). We somehow managed to win the round despite Symmetra's efforts to lose so it was down to coinflip. We were defending so I thought for sure it was game over now but by some miracle we won the game. Turns out the Bastion was pretty good and the 2 groups of 3 we were playing against couldn't coordinate to take him out I guess.
2 games later it's again me with 5 randoms against 2 groups of 3... Luckily my team coordinated and was on voice chat so we still managed to win, but I had enough of these unfair team distributions. From now on I stick to my regular group :p


Map is important but I feel like the only one that she's at a slight disadvantage at is KoTH maps because of the nature of the game type. Anything else she's fine.

Pharmercy combo is still super deadly. Altho Zen has taken up her role for most games I've played, I always believe she's still viable and that rez is so clutch for OT in close games.

Even without Pharah, a timely sneak around by the offense chars or having a char keep back a bit helps so much for Mercy. Forcing enemies to break formation to catch her is so good.

Also following a Pharah into thr air can be bad if the enemy had a competent S76 or Sniper but it does help having the option.


Make sure you aren't playing him as a flanker, which is really easy to do.

Go by the rule of 2. When you've successfully hooked and killed two enemies, push forward. Make a mental note of when supers should be up. If you know that enemy Genji is going to be Ulting any second now, try to keep your hook ready for him. Same with Reaper or anyone else with a threatening Ult.

The idea is you should be pulling enemies not just into you, but into your whole team. This way you can actually hook things like Zarya or other Roadhogs and kill them as well. When your teammates start getting those assist eliminations, they'll naturally try to move forward as well.

Hmm, thanks. I'll try to remember that. I do have a tendency to start flanking, looking for out-of-position enemies. I'll try to position myself to where I can hook things towards my DPS teammates more.


Map is important but I feel like the only one that she's at a slight disadvantage at is KoTH maps because of the nature of the game type. Anything else she's fine.

Those are my favorite "play Mercy like your hair is on fire" games though, heh


How can I improve my Roadhog play to help my team push into enemy territory? It seems like I'm always leading in kills and damage and taking out 3 or 4 enemies on the point with each push, but my team always gets mowed down by the other enemies I can't attack in time. It's really disheartening to feel like you're dismantling the enemy team like a crazed hook-surgeon only to have it not result in a cap.

Depends if you're solo queue. I play him as a flanker, after I've thinned the back lines I get on the objective, it's really easy to get 5 medals per game. On comp I usually make it my job to kill the healers and anyone with high mobility (i.e. Tracer, Genji, and the Lucio dancing on the payload).


I was a level 53 and dropped to 36. Every other game someone either leaves or I'm stuck with people that never want to adapt and keep doing what their doing. Playing with randoms is the worst.


Hmm, thanks. I'll try to remember that. I do have a tendency to start flanking, looking for out-of-position enemies. I'll try to position myself to where I can hook things towards my DPS teammates more.

Yeah stop doing that, the only good roadhogs I've seen are either supplementing a main tank or always focused on the main fray.

Terrible ones are constantly whiffing hooks, afraid to die hiding and taking a breather. Ones who are okay but team is screwing them over are roadhogs that are in the fray while the rest if their team is scattered in flank areas taking pot shots.


Like I said, they're a guideline.

If I'm playing Roadhog and I have gold for healing, I know there is something wrong with my healers. Now, that doesn't mean my healers are shit. It could mean that the enemy Genji or Tracer is keeping my healer on constant respawn or something. Either way, it means the situation needs to be reevaluated.

In the scheme of things, a player with several gold medals not contributing to the team is like a first world problem of Overwatch. As in, it's one of the last modifications you would use to min/max your setup.

Since I assume we're talking about playing with Randoms here, having a random on your team getting gold medals is far from the worst thing to "go wrong" for your team.
I don't agree at all, it's another element that adds to the shitshow that is playing with randoms (because, yes, I am talking about randoms, you don't have premades fighting over team comps). On a losing match it's extremely easy to get gold medals because a lot of times you're simply not able to do that much if the enemy's constantly on you and knowing that you're the best in something in a joke team is completely and utterly pointless. If a "guideline" is leading a Hanzo with gold medals to not switch because, well, he has gold medals, when he has the role of a DPS on our fucked up comp, it's clearly poor design leading to worse teams and not a first world problem. When I play Lucio I often have a gold/silver medal on eliminations but that doesn't mean I'm better than our DPSs, I'm just hitting a lot of people while I'm supporting my team. Just showing a stat with no medal would be incredibly more helpful because no one would make wrong assumptions and would most likely swap characters more often since the game's not telling them they're the "best" in the team and they'd try something else if they're losing.


Sure, but some medals are going to be biased towards certain characters or archetypes anyway.

Just like you're never going to see a Rein with a medal in healing. Or a Pharah with a medal in Objective Time.

Well, yeah, of course. But isn't fire above that? I don't know the specifics but isn't it a measure of your activity?
Got lucky and nabbed the tracer sprinter skin from a lootbox. Decided to try her out on hanamura defence and did really well. Even got potg where i took out both enemy tanks in the last minute to shut the enemy team down.


The physics with genji are just ****ed. I was trying to deal with one as McCree and I saw everything under the sun. Saw him tank a flashbang I threw to his side, even in the camera it the flash took up about 40% of his screen before he killed me. Other times he dashes so the flash launches him in stun animation before I can do anything.

Luckily my aim has been improving with Cree so I'm usually 45%-60% accurate. So sometimes I can kill the bastard with headshots as hes ulting. Got a play of the gaming killing three of the enemy team and finishing off with a headshot on an ulting genji coming at me for revenge lol.


medals, fire and cards are a fun easy way to show how we you're doing in a match. instead of detailed numbers, it's just a graphical interpretation for how well you're doing. i don't believe they should be ignored but they're also not the end all. just my two cents.
Hmm, thanks. I'll try to remember that. I do have a tendency to start flanking, looking for out-of-position enemies. I'll try to position myself to where I can hook things towards my DPS teammates more.

Other general Roadhog tips:

  • User your self heal all the time. Even if it's only for 50hp. It's cooldown is insanely fast, and that's free Ult charge.
  • Reload all the time. Even if you are at 3/4 shots. That 4th shot could be crucial.
  • Roadhog is a hard counter to Mei. If you can familiarize yourself with the timing of an iceblock, you can Primary+Melee Mei to death instantly, as soon as she pops out. Just stare at the block of Ice point blank and wait.
  • Your Alt fire does more damage than you think it would at long distances. Put that pressure on Pharah, she'll hate you for it.
  • If your Ult is charged, and you can afford to let your healer heal you, do that instead. Let them build up their Ult since you've already got yours. Make sure to read the situation, though.
Roadhog strategy:
Flank, hook one squishy (preferably support) kill. Run to the fray using alt fire and hooking when possible. win the 6v5 team fight.

Running full on into the team actually doesn't work at all. Because he has no armor, no shields, and no way to block damage like other tanks. Along with a huge hit box. His huge health bar is most helpful at times when you are pushing the payload and all the defense can really do is poke damage, or if you are battling a Soldier or something you can hold out while your hook recharges.

If I had to run onto a point to contest against five players for as long as possible he's honestly the last tank id want.


medals, fire and cards are a fun easy way to show how we you're doing in a match. instead of detailed numbers, it's just a graphical interpretation for how well you're doing. i don't believe they should be ignored but they're also not the end all. just my two cents.
Then why don't show the other stuff they purposely not included to keep the toxicity down and incentivize team play? It's clearly a poory designed choice that doesn't fit with their intent.

The fire stuff is not only just for you since the other team can see it as well and can decide to focus on the people that are performing well, and the cards are post-match, they're not influencing anything during the game.


One thing I liked about double heros (make no mistake I hate the cheese) was being able to switch to a hero if you realized the other player sucked with them or was not doing their job, a lot if times I would stealth stack a 76 or Pharah, actually take out a turret or bastion and run and switch back because the other person wasnt optimizing the character.

Better to do that than tell the player they suck in chat and lower morale.


Then why don't show the other stuff they purposely not included to keep the toxicity down and incentivize team play? It's clearly a poory designed choice that doesn't fit with their intent.

The fire stuff is not only just for you since the other team can see it as well and can decide to focus on the people that are performing well, and the cards are post-match, they're not influencing anything during the game.

i don't believe Blizzard thought they would be as taken as seriously as some people do. probably why they keep all the detailed numbers out. maybe they can rework it altho who knows if they even care enough to change what we have now.
I don't agree at all, it's another element that adds to the shitshow that is playing with randoms (because, yes, I am talking about randoms, you don't have premades fighting over team comps). On a losing match it's extremely easy to get gold medals because a lot of times you're simply not able to do that much if the enemy's constantly on you and knowing that you're the best in something in a joke team is completely and utterly pointless. If a "guideline" is leading a Hanzo with gold medals to not switch because, well, he has gold medals, when he has the role of a DPS on our fucked up comp, it's clearly poor design leading to worse teams and not a first world problem. When I play Lucio I often have a gold/silver medal on eliminations but that doesn't mean I'm better than our DPSs, I'm just hitting a lot of people while I'm supporting my team. Just showing a stat with no medal would be incredibly more helpful because no one would make wrong assumptions and would most likely swap characters more often since the game's not telling them they're the "best" in the team and they'd try something else if they're losing.
Then we're just going to have to agree to disagree.

In my experience, which is about 125 Comp games with randoms, who has the Gold medals is hardly an issue. And I've never seen any sort of toxicity come from it. But again, I'm saying that in my experience.

On a list of all the things that are negatively impacting my team, this would be the very last thing I would ever bother looking into.

Well, yeah, of course. But isn't fire above that? I don't know the specifics but isn't it a measure of your activity?

Fire is a combination of Eliminations, Healing, and Blocking. It's a number you see pop up on your screen. Once you hit like 200 or something, you're ON FIRE. But the fire meter constantly deteriorates unless you keep putting more into it.


The physics with genji are just ****ed. I was trying to deal with one as McCree and I saw everything under the sun. Saw him tank a flashbang I threw to his side, even in the camera it the flash took up about 40% of his screen before he killed me. Other times he dashes so the flash launches him in stun animation before I can do anything.

the thing with his dash during flashbang is actually so fucking annoying

when i play pharah and use my booster and get flashbanged i stop right where i am but of course gengu can go flying if he pushed his dash button already


Then we're just going to have to agree to disagree.

In my experience, which is about 125 Comp games with randoms, who has the Gold medals is hardly an issue. And I've never seen any sort of toxicity come from it. But again, I'm saying that in my experience.

On a list of all the things that are negatively impacting my team, this would be the very last thing I would ever bother looking into.
Are you playing on PC? And you never had a teammate that uses that as an excuse as to why they shouldn't swap their useless character?


Here's hoping that with the next round of competitive, we get some change of rank loss when someone leaves. Rank 63, then I get put into attack on Volskya, and someone on my team instantly leaves. match goes on, and my team trickles out until it's me and one other person on my team. Ended up with 4 gold medals and one silver, and I still lost a full rank at the end of that match. Seriously?
Are you playing on PC? And you never had a teammate that uses that as an excuse as to why they shouldn't swap their useless character?

I'm playing on PS4, and 9 times out of 10, if there is any unpleasantness going on, it's because of really bad picks at the beginning. Players who pick Hanzo, Torb, or Ana are often criticized heavily during setup.

Even then, I've seen other people sort of stand up for them, and say "Hey, let him try it, maybe he's Hanzo Jesus and we just don't know any better. As long as he knows to switch if it isn't working out, it's fine."

Keep in mind this is also in the 60s and 70s of Comp.


anybody main/play Junkrat got any advice about survivability? I used to play him loads because I found him super interesting/different and his damage output is ameeezing, but moved on to D.Va a while ago. I'm wanting to get back into him to use as my 'defensive' main, and remembering why I stopped... I'm just real bad at living my best Junkrat life. Halp? T__T


anybody main/play Junkrat got any advice about survivability? I used to play him loads because I found him super interesting/different and his damage output is ameeezing, but moved on to D.Va a while ago. I'm wanting to get back into him to use as my 'defensive' main, and remembering why I stopped... I'm just real bad at living my best Junkrat life. Halp? T__T

i main him in Comp and i just jump around a lot and utilize his traps/concussion nades for close quarters encounters. the traps are amazing at locking up people who might wanna flank you or charge you. most players will try to avoid your nades so always use them to keep them at bay and don't be afraid to retreat and shoot from afar to keep the pressure on. i play him like a maniac as most Gaffers here who play with me would know, heh.

i can pretty much survive against most heroes these days. only Genji and Zen gives me trouble in Comp. everyone else ain't so bad.


Well, I can see why, then. It's way harder to communicate on ps4.

yeah it's a very common excuse on PC

they dont realize that SOMEBODY has to have gold medals on a losing team. having gold with 4 elims doesnt make you immune to the criticism, and someone else on the team might even be tied with you. they use the medals as an annoying crutch in those situations


Had a nice series of matches today. Won some, lost some. Quick Play can still be really fun if you're matched as a group of 6 against another group of 6. :)

Ended the night with.... the Korea Dva Summer skin in a lootbox. <3 <3 <3
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