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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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It's hard to tell without more context. I've gotten 50 elims before and when I talked to my teammates they all had like 45-48 so 50 wasn't even that impressive. With all the data it was apparent that we just played well together and it wasn't anyone's individual performance. Without more data you can't really come to any conclusions. I mean you could've had 15 bronze elims but 15 solo kills and that'd be a huge impact even if you didn't get gold elims. This is why I never blame teammates for anything. I can get a general sense of what they were doing during the match but without watching a replay I really don't know why we didn't win or how much they didn't contribute. I always just focus on what I did and how I could've played better. Maybe I did a lot and me doing more wouldn't have had an affect but it's really the only thing that I have control over so that's what I try to focus on.

Even things like gold damage can be incredibly misleading because you can cheese it by hitting mei ice walls, rein shields, etc.

Lol dude, I just want to assure myself that I'm not an automatic waste of a spot as a Genji, not that I'm the absolute best and that the team couldn't have won without me.

But thank you for the in-depth post!


I hope they improve the netcode/tickrate of the servers soon, I can't count the amount of times I hammered iceblock and still died.


Lol dude, I just want to assure myself that I'm not an automatic waste of a spot as a Genji, not that I'm the absolute best and that the team couldn't have won without me.

Instead of looking at medals, look at it from the perspective of contribution to the dynamic. Are you able to stay alive relatively long as Genji? Are enemy players wasting their time following you around trying to kill you on KotH? Do you often catch enemies by surprise from behind while teammates are engaging them? Does that result in their death? Are you deflecting shots from that camping piece of shit Bastion in the annoying corner? If you're doing at least SOME of these things, you're not a waste of a slot. If you're playing the game with an understanding of the objective of the game, even if you're not a great player you're not a waste of a slot. Every bit helps. If you feel that you're not able to achieve much of those points and you are willing to swap to another character, you're not a waste of a slot.

The Hanzo player who never talks, doesn't listen to anyone on the team, and stands in a corner taking pot shots at the enemy team as they are capturing the point without jumping in to contest even as the rest of the team is running to try and fight for overtime, is a waste of a slot.

El Sloth

Just played a ranked Nepal match as Mercy. We won 3-1 and I can definitely say it was because of me. 14k healing done and 2 round winning mass resurrections. Saved a soldier 76 numerous times when he ventured too far out.
0 votes after the match. I was like "Well fuck you too".
Dang. Healers get a lot of love on xbox. Rare to see a healer go without at least 2 votes. Especially for Mercy.


The Hanzo player who never talks, doesn't listen to anyone on the team, and stands in a corner taking pot shots at the enemy team as they are capturing the point without jumping in to contest even as the rest of the team is running to try and fight for overtime, is a waste of a slot.

So you mean every pug Hanzo player ever?


Joined into a defeat screen... blizzard pls

Did I get XP for that loss or did it just show me the XP from my last actual game?


So if someone on the other team leaves I get basically no skill rating for the win.

But if my ENTIRE team leaves the game, i still get a full skill rating hit?

I'm not usually a vulgar person.

But go fuck yourself Blizzard


So if someone on the other team leaves I get basically no skill rating for the win.

But if my ENTIRE team leaves the game, i still get a full skill rating hit?

I'm not usually a vulgar person.

But go fuck yourself Blizzard

The first part will be fixed on PC this week

second part idk


anyone know (aside from checking manually) which heroes have which type of crosshair? Or if they know of a site that has them listed?
weekly brawl is crap. fix this shit blizz

anyone know (aside from checking manually) which heroes have which type of crosshair? Or if they know of a site that has them listed?
i thought default was a circle with a dot in the center lol. that expands depending hero.
So if someone on the other team leaves I get basically no skill rating for the win.

But if my ENTIRE team leaves the game, i still get a full skill rating hit?

I'm not usually a vulgar person.

But go fuck yourself Blizzard

Yeah, it happened to me last game. We were pretty close to winning on Gibraltar, like less than a checkpoint away. Suddenly there is this huge lag spike for a few seconds and someone on our team disconnects. We end up losing, it sucked.
masteroverwatch is showing me at comp level 41. Either the game crucified me when the server crashed (as I was comp level 43, on the edge of 44) or it hasn't updated because the server is messed up.

Alright, the Xbox One servers came back on, still showing me at 43 - so it's not clear if it counted as a loss, but if it did, it didn't punish me horribly.


weekly brawl is crap. fix this shit blizz

i thought default was a circle with a dot in the center lol. that expands depending hero.

naw, like hanzo has his weird 3 line distance thing, soldier has big ass crosshairs, there are others too. most have the circle and dot


Ugh I spent too much time away from ranked... jump in for the first time in like a week and start off good on a neutral CP as Genji but eventually other team switches to stuff I blow against.

By the time we were down 2-1 I had had enough and had to back out after dying like 8 straight times on 8 different heroes. Frustrating. Not gonna spend like 20-30 minutes on unending unfun stalemates dying over and over. Even in ranked.


No idea what just happened. Had a game of Defend/Hollywood and the attacking team took the point super quick. They proceeded to barely escort the car at all, mostly just running into the side alleys and dying. They tried to rally at the last minute with a Zen ult, but they never even made it to the first checkpoint.



every bastion is an idiot until proven differently. fuck these people that won;t get out of turret mode to touch a point


Instead of looking at medals, look at it from the perspective of contribution to the dynamic. Are you able to stay alive relatively long as Genji? Are enemy players wasting their time following you around trying to kill you on KotH? Do you often catch enemies by surprise from behind while teammates are engaging them? Does that result in their death? Are you deflecting shots from that camping piece of shit Bastion in the annoying corner? If you're doing at least SOME of these things, you're not a waste of a slot. If you're playing the game with an understanding of the objective of the game, even if you're not a great player you're not a waste of a slot. Every bit helps. If you feel that you're not able to achieve much of those points and you are willing to swap to another character, you're not a waste of a slot.

The Hanzo player who never talks, doesn't listen to anyone on the team, and stands in a corner taking pot shots at the enemy team as they are capturing the point without jumping in to contest even as the rest of the team is running to try and fight for overtime, is a waste of a slot.

Well on KOTH I usually hang out near the objective and pick off targets that are busy shooting my teammates. I also ding the point for overtime for ages until my team gets back.

Mostly I'm just tired of feeling I have to justify wanting to play one of my favourite characters. I'm not awful.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
did you win botH?
No the first one no one contested the payload and when we got sudden death no one paid attention to the flankers. The second one a teammate chose Bastion on Attack and did not switch off it so we only got it through the first checkpoint.


Random match turned into a Hanzo V Widowmaker then we went all Mercy and got bodied these random matches have been so good today.


Won big time with Play of the Match and got that really hard Junkrat trophy as well. Good game even tho my group lost a lot earlier.


Why is blizzard punishing the winning team when members of the other team leave by giving so little exp towards the next rank? not fair
No the first one no one contested the payload and when we got sudden death no one paid attention to the flankers. The second one a teammate chose Bastion on Attack and did not switch off it so we only got it through the first checkpoint.

in other news. played my first rank for tonight. killed it on both attack/defense at Volksaya.

S76 is so fun to hold down lmb and track them and let they get sprayed with bullets. lol

got POTM riding on the moving platform. while team was on the point for the win.

but one thing i wonder is do people not look at the whole screen or aware of their surrounding or even have their kill feed up. there was a reaper waiting for our doors to open. it was me and lucio at first but i followed reaper to take him out but he ended up getting me because there was a healthpack where he was going. lucio didn't even come to at least chip him before i died. (i should have killed him tbh but i jumped passed him lol. but anyway. while i was waiting to spawn i had a feeling they didn't kill him.so after i spawned i didn't see him on the kill feed up top. and im like. shit. you guys going to kill him or not. luckily their team didn't do so well. once rein decided to charge into us and missed we killed him. took out symmetra's gun and gunning people down. poor Torb idk how he actually got his ult so quick. but luckily S76 gun can shoot long distance and torb's turrent didn't catch me. took it out quick. the most satisfying thing is s76's helix rocket. it's one of those spray all the bullets until ammo is gone and them shoot the helix for maximum damage.

then we got on defense. thinking they might get this. i figured reaper would actually be coming from the left side because i saw how he played.

so i walked over and there he was trying to sneak in. it was him at first then tracer decided to get in on the action but it was fun taking them out and reaper trying to sneak behind to ult us lol. i don't even think he managed to ult because i didn't hear it go off. they never got point A. so easy win. almost ranked up but tonight was poo in QP so i'm not going to take a chance. playing all these QP makes you understand how people play or learn different things to counter them. like you can predict what they are going to do.
Instead of looking at medals, look at it from the perspective of contribution to the dynamic. Are you able to stay alive relatively long as Genji? Are enemy players wasting their time following you around trying to kill you on KotH? Do you often catch enemies by surprise from behind while teammates are engaging them? Does that result in their death? Are you deflecting shots from that camping piece of shit Bastion in the annoying corner? If you're doing at least SOME of these things, you're not a waste of a slot. If you're playing the game with an understanding of the objective of the game, even if you're not a great player you're not a waste of a slot. Every bit helps. If you feel that you're not able to achieve much of those points and you are willing to swap to another character, you're not a waste of a slot.

The Hanzo player who never talks, doesn't listen to anyone on the team, and stands in a corner taking pot shots at the enemy team as they are capturing the point without jumping in to contest even as the rest of the team is running to try and fight for overtime, is a waste of a slot.

In quick play I'd believe this, but competitive feels different somehow. I like to think that I'm smart enough to do all these things (generalized to other characters as my Genji game is poor), but in competitive I rarely get more than one medal, it's rarely anything but bronze, and we rarely win. I'm clearly not carrying our team and our team keeps losing, therefore I have to assume I am in fact a waste of a slot.


yea, Comp is only fun with a full group. even when you lose, it's not horrible if the group is having fun and in good spirit.

but they really need to fix the penalty for enemy team leaving. the hell is that shit.


Other team just attacked the first point on Numbani during the tiebreaker (competitive) with five Winstons and a Lucio. Needless to say, none of us could even remotely get back in time to even attempt stopping them.

Tough to fight hard during a match and have the win cheesed in about 10 seconds. Blizz doesn't need to force unique heroes necessarily, but maybe limit it to 2 per team?


NeoGAF's smiling token!


the holder of the trombone
Other team just attacked the first point on Numbani during the tiebreaker (competitive) with five Winstons and a Lucio. Needless to say, none of us could even remotely get back in time to even attempt stopping them.

Tough to fight hard during a match and have the win cheesed in about 10 seconds. Blizz doesn't need to force unique heroes necessarily, but maybe limit it to 2 per team?

Even 2 per team is causing some issues in regards to balance.


Double lucio is just, bleh.


also, in our last match, our Reinhardt actually got Legendary. that other team respected us which was cool.


Man, 'winning' a comp game because the (most) other team quits 3 rounds (it was 1 to 1) into the match sucks ass. Like, here's a paltry little bit of xp even though you guys played your heart out for 10 minutes. Unfair to the winners.
Don't know why I keep doing this to myself. 5 competitive matches in solo tonight, 5 straight losses, down to 46 rank. And as I plunge down I'm sure it's only going to get worse. Nobody on voice chat (except one Reaper repeatedly saying "Don't run ahead on your own, group up!" which tells you the caliber of the teams I'm playing with), and bad picks a-plenty. Going to have to finally find a group or resolve myself to hitting rock bottom soon, I guess.


i don't care about rank tbh. just have fun and for some reason, people play harder in Comp so the matches can be intense. i just wish they didn't last so fucking long. sometimes a man needs to take a piss.
What. The. Fuck.

I was playing Quick Play with randoms. Our team wins.

Next game I see at least one of the people who had been on my team is on the other team. Normal.

We lose. (I blame the level 20 Torb with hilarious turret placing "ability")

Then the screen 0 to 1 pops up......... Why the fuck am I in a competitive game??????

What? I certainly did not choose competitive at any point.
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