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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Eric WK

Man, 'winning' a comp game because the (most) other team quits 3 rounds (it was 1 to 1) into the match sucks ass. Like, here's a paltry little bit of xp even though you guys played your heart out for 10 minutes. Unfair to the winners.

Yup, winners should get normal xp and the first leaver should take the brunt of the xp loss for the losing team.
What. The. Fuck.

I was playing Quick Play with randoms. Our team wins.

Next game I see at least one of the people who had been on my team is on the other team. Normal.

We lose. (I blame the level 20 Torb with hilarious turret placing "ability")

Then the screen 0 to 1 pops up......... Why the fuck am I in a competitive game??????

What? I certainly did not choose competitive at any point.

when they pushed the comp mode they made changes to the result screen for qp
So I wasn't in competitive mode?

Huge relief time I hope...

if team switching happened then it's not comp ;P only switch side that's about it.

but if anything for QP they left the top center status w/l/time/objective and all that the same. comp hud is a bit different for that.
if team switching happened then it's not comp ;P

but if anything for QP they left the top center status w/l/time/objective and all that the same. comp hud is a bit different for that.

OK, crisis averted, my score hadn't changed. That Torb had much of my attention, I thought most certainly he was trolling us. 😅


Even 2 per team is causing some issues in regards to balance.


Double lucio is just, bleh.

Yeah, it can be shitty, but no team comp can deal with a blind rush like we did (since you don't know what the other team is playing until they round the corner). If we had a second chance to come back to the point (or the match continued), maybe we could find a solution, but sudden death doesn't allow for that. So cheeseball assholes win.
Wow, had two comp matches two where my team absolutely destroyed the other one.

On both we were able to pretty much lock the team at spawn when defending (Numbani / Hollywood)

And on attack we pretty much steamrolled with the payload constantly moving. Numbani doesn't count since just getting the payload was a win.

I wish all my teams were this good.


If I want to gain ranks now then this is my plan. Make a group of 3 and don't invite anymore. So many games happened where my team has two groups of 3 and the enemy has all soloers. I don't know how that even makes sense but this is a thing that the matchmaking seems to do. I also get way more rank points than with a full group.
Ooh, I went from playing Overwatch to immediately playing Borderlands: the Pre Sequel.

Let me tell you, the difference in movement and jumping is incredibly jarring!


i don't care about rank tbh. just have fun and for some reason, people play harder in Comp so the matches can be intense. i just wish they didn't last so fucking long. sometimes a man needs to take a piss.
I'm not living or dying by it. Really, I've been having just as much fun when I'm losing.

Just seem like a weird little oversight with the ranking/match quit stuff.
Ooh, I went from playing Overwatch to immediately playing Borderlands: the Pre Sequel.

Let me tell you, the difference in movement and jumping is incredibly jarring!
Playing Halo 5 last week and over the weekend for firefight and I was like, "God...I'm so slow."

And Halo 5 dramatically increased movement speed from the previous games.


Well I'm almost lvl 54 after starting lvl 49 playing all solo queue. I'm having way more fun in ranked than I ever did in quick play.


I take back what I said. comp is fun but it needs major adjustments. Hopefully the community is giving the devs a lot of feedback in their forums. Probably are already.


Steamrolled everyone the last couple days, but lost my only one today. It was the first game in a long while where I lost not because my team did anything especially bad or dumb, just wasn't good enough. Wound up healing forty something percent of damage with Lucio, but they couldn't get kills so we just couldn't hang. Feels bad.


I've lost like 10 ten times on rank playing capture the point and it always ends the same damn way. Were nearing/at 99% perfect and the enemy team somehow takes over and we fight them back.

edit: The reason they were able to capture the point at 99% most of the time is because 2 or 3 people save their ultimate releases it on us at the same damn time.


If I want to gain ranks now then this is my plan. Make a group of 3 and don't invite anymore. So many games happened where my team has two groups of 3 and the enemy has all soloers. I don't know how that even makes sense but this is a thing that the matchmaking seems to do. I also get way more rank points than with a full group.
This is the best way to do it

If u dont want to struggle against coordinated six stacks then queue three

My first game yesterday, my team was all solo and enemy team was two groups of three. it wasnt even close


It's so disappointing when someone on your team leaves even when the game isn't going that badly and you could still win


In quick play I'd believe this, but competitive feels different somehow. I like to think that I'm smart enough to do all these things (generalized to other characters as my Genji game is poor), but in competitive I rarely get more than one medal, it's rarely anything but bronze, and we rarely win. I'm clearly not carrying our team and our team keeps losing, therefore I have to assume I am in fact a waste of a slot.

Getting a max of one medal and only bronze is pretty bad. But what's the rest of the team doing in general? Maybe you can consider what the needs of the team are in a given composition, and try to fill the gaps instead of playing something specific?

Some general things to consider:

- If you're a support healer and you're not getting gold for healing at all times, it means you're a secondary healer. You might want to swap out of the role if you're not needed and add to damage or defense.

- If you are the secondary healer in a Mercy/Lucio combo, then you should be gunning for objective time and objective kills. This means staying in the objective zone and helping support the team push and contest, and landing extra hits on enemies in the zone. If you can't do that, swap out because it's not working for some reason.

- If you're an attacker and your damage and eliminations aren't even silver, maybe you should change to a defensive tank and help block damage instead.

Just some thoughts. I feel the game is really generous in making players feel valued as long as they put in some effort, you don't have to be super good.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Ooh, I went from playing Overwatch to immediately playing Borderlands: the Pre Sequel.

Let me tell you, the difference in movement and jumping is incredibly jarring!

Haha, I was doing that for a bit, but switching between Overwatch and Bioshock. I was taking on Big Daddies expecting to dodge as nimbly as Overwatch. Nope! =p


Had some decent games on comp today, including one match where both teams were onto it. The things I would do for all pub games to go like that lol.


Got carried hardcore in placements with a full GAF group. Placed at 59. Don't think I had a single card end game on any of the matches.


Getting a max of one medal and only bronze is pretty bad. But what's the rest of the team doing in general? Maybe you can consider what the needs of the team are in a given composition, and try to fill the gaps instead of playing something specific?

Some general things to consider:

- If you're a support healer and you're not getting gold for healing at all times, it means you're a secondary healer. You might want to swap out of the role if you're not needed and add to damage or defense.

- If you are the secondary healer in a Mercy/Lucio combo, then you should be gunning for objective time and objective kills. This means staying in the objective zone and helping support the team push and contest, and landing extra hits on enemies in the zone. If you can't do that, swap out because it's not working for some reason.

- If you're an attacker and your damage and eliminations aren't even silver, maybe you should change to a defensive tank and help block damage instead.

Just some thoughts. I feel the game is really generous in making players feel valued as long as they put in some effort, you don't have to be super good.

I disagree with your healer assessment and basing that on medals. Lucio consistently wins gold healing anytime he is selected because he grants up to 75 health per second base healing across the party and 240 health per second during "amp it up". But it will take Lucio 8 seconds to heal a measly 100 hitpoints off a Reinhart using his base healing. While Mercy can bust a tank like Reinhart from 1 hitpoint to full in 10 seconds.

Mercy will never win a gold healing medal vs Lucio but will absolutely demolish Lucio in single target healing ability, especially tanks. Lucio is great party regen as the game's bard, but the cleric is going to keep that beefy tank topped off much better.

edit - in fact, depending on the class, I would say basing your value to a team purely on medals is not necessarily accurate. Plenty of games where I didn't win silver or gold as Symmetra, but I can guarantee that I was a huge help on that team's defense. Medals should not be your barometer for contributions.


Just commit yourself more to the objective.

You'd die more, but I feel like whenever you are close to the objective you can't do much wrong. If you aren't a super skilled player you can still tribute to the team in so many ways. Overwatch is pretty forgiving in that way.

For example. If you commit to a checkpoint or payload and you keep getting hammered by a Bastion or Torbjorn and none of your teammates seem to do something about it, make that your task.



how does this happen? its so unfair to be paired against people with a much higher competitive level


I disagree with your healer assessment and basing that on medals. Lucio consistently wins gold healing anytime he is selected because he grants up to 75 health per second base healing across the party and 240 health per second during "amp it up". But it will take Lucio 8 seconds to heal a measly 100 hitpoints off a Reinhart using his base healing. While Mercy can bust a tank like Reinhart from 1 hitpoint to full in 10 seconds.

Mercy will never win a gold healing medal vs Lucio but will absolutely demolish Lucio in single target healing ability, especially tanks. Lucio is great party regen as the game's bard, but the cleric is going to keep that beefy tank topped off much better.

Sure, but I'm not the one who feels inadequate based on medals here. If a player feels that he's not getting medals AND he's not contributing to the team much, these are tips to consider the player's role in the party dynamic. Keep in mind that a Mercy who sticks with the Rein, keeps him topped up, and stays alive, will also be getting tons of Objective Time. Plus, I doubt such a player will feel inadequate in the team. My point is that if someone really wants to look at their lack of medals and go "what am I doing wrong" (not the best idea but you know, a metric is a metric, some people can't help but look at it), if you're not healing enough AND you're failing to successfully get objective time, there's a flaw in how you're working with the team or the team is working with you, changing it up could help. Sometimes I've found that if two healers aren't helping the game losing the extra heals for another set of hands could change things around if the other team isn't expecting it.

The point isn't to get more medals for the individual or using it to compare who is more useful, but to consider what the team needs and how you can help contribute to that. If a player isn't able to easily tell where the gaps are in the team and keeps looking at the medals, even though it's not the most useful metric, it could inform them of a few things.

edit - in fact, depending on the class, I would say basing your value to a team purely on medals is not necessarily accurate. Plenty of games where I didn't win silver or gold as Symmetra, but I can guarantee that I was a huge help on that team's defense. Medals should not be your barometer for contributions.

Well I already said all that the first time. But he felt that he was doing really poorly in Competitive in particular, and isn't pulling his weight. Someone playing Symmetra right can have zero medals and still be a huge help if your sentries block off access points limiting enemy movement, and a well placed teleporter helps the team regroup and overwhelm the enemy. But these are very obvious things to the player. If you're doing that and you win, you're not going to be bothered by the lack of medals.


the holder of the trombone
If you're mercy please don't just keep focusing on topping up rein. It's more useful for you to be damage boosting the dps behind his shield.


If you're mercy please don't just keep focusing on topping up rein. It's more useful for you to be damage boosting the dps behind his shield.

In my experience, the most important thing is for the Mercy to focus on staying alive as well, especially when her ult is full. Knowing when to hide rather than commit to healing a doomed team (especially when the enemies pull their ults) can turn the entire game around. I'm still not great at this, because I really love keeping everyone alive or damage boosting the DPS hero of the team who is on a kill streak, but knowing when to wait and bring everyone back after the storm is what good Mercies always do. I loooooove it when that happens.


In my experience, the most important thing is for the Mercy to focus on staying alive as well, especially when her ult is full. Knowing when to hide rather than commit to healing a doomed team (especially when the enemies pull their ults) can turn the entire game around. I'm still not great at this, because I really love keeping everyone alive or damage boosting the DPS hero of the team who is on a kill streak, but knowing when to wait and bring everyone back after the storm is what good Mercies always do. I loooooove it when that happens.

I played max two half games as Mercy and I can understand that feeling. That mass revive I had after an enemy ult to save the team was amazig. Also won us the game as it was at the final meters of Dorado defense.

But it's basically the only thing I like when playing as Mercy. I can't commit to others. I'll get to frustrated if they ain't good.


In my experience, the most important thing is for the Mercy to focus on staying alive as well, especially when her ult is full. Knowing when to hide rather than commit to healing a doomed team (especially when the enemies pull their ults) can turn the entire game around. I'm still not great at this, because I really love keeping everyone alive or damage boosting the DPS hero of the team who is on a kill streak, but knowing when to wait and bring everyone back after the storm is what good Mercies always do. I loooooove it when that happens.

Yes. Knowing when to back off and stay out of sight is very important. Positioning overall is one of the most important qualifications of being a good support, and Mercy more so even than others.

For KotH maps especially, staying in the most obvious safe areas can be fatal, because it's likely the first place a flanking Reaper will look towards.

Also, and this doesn't just go for Mercy or supports, but having a mental note of what ultimates the enemy team has available, and when they should be up can be crucial. For instance, Zarya's ult can be devastating, and it's part of your responsibility as Mercy to know when that is coming, keeping a safe enough distance to avoid getting caught in it, and possibly quickly revive afterwards.

Jumping towards an isolated dying teammate, or into the fray is often tempting, but in many cases not worth the risk.

Additionally, you should be taking advantage of Mercy's eye-sight free healing to look around as much as possible for enemy positioning and flanking. And finally, I think a very important part of Mercy is knowing how to defend yourself. You can't just rely on running away or jumping always. Sometimes you will have to stand and fight, often catching your opponent off-guard. I don't know how many times I've soloed Reapers, Soldiers, Genjis, or Tracers who think of Mercy as a free target. Her weapon does a lot of damage, and it's fairly easy to get in some headshots.

EDIT: Something I forgot to add that I think is important about reviving: It's good to have a sense of your team's momentum in a push. Sometimes reviving just the one tank or other player that was making that possible is worth it.
Went 7-3 in my placement matches and got ranked 58. Haven't won since then and am down to 55. Not sure what the difference is between then and now. Guess I just got placed too high to begin with but what's the point of placement matches if they're going to start you at the wrong level


how does this happen? its so unfair to be paired against people with a much higher competitive level

They sit in queue for like 5 mins and then matchmaking gives up on trying to find them a same level team and gives them a lower one. It's pretty much why you have to win 100+ games straight to get to SR100 because you more rarely match with people your same level when you go over 70 lol


Went 7-3 in my placement matches and got ranked 58. Haven't won since then and am down to 55. Not sure what the difference is between then and now. Guess I just got placed too high to begin with but what's the point of placement matches if they're going to start you at the wrong level

Placement matches are to put your somewhere close to where you're supposed to be. Obviously 10 matches isn't enough of a sample size to determine this precisely.
Placement matches are to put your somewhere close to where you're supposed to be. Obviously 10 matches isn't enough of a sample size to determine this precisely.

Yeah it can't be perfect I suppose. I was just on such a high coming out of those first 10 matches to be smashed back down to earth right after.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
We'll have to do 10 placement matches each season to get ranked right?

Possibly, but it could also be a soft reset where it takes your mmr into account and starts you from a lower/higher baseline than the average, thats what Lol does. That being said the seasons are really short and, frankly, alot of people enjoy hard resets more because they feel they are "stuck" in their elo bracket otherwise.


For you.
did Nvidia new drivers broke Widowed mode for anyone else? It now only displays on a tiny tiny window no matter the resolution...


Possibly, but it could also be a soft reset where it takes your mmr into account and starts you from a lower/higher baseline than the average, thats what Lol does. That being said the seasons are really short and, frankly, alot of people enjoy hard resets more because they feel they are "stuck" in their elo bracket otherwise.

I think they will have placement for every season just so it becomes easier to dish out the rewards for "participating" in a season. If they don't reset the rank entirely but require you to play at least 10 matches to get the rewards, that's basically the same as 10 placements anyway, so they might as well take advantage of the data to set a more accurate current rank.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I think they will have placement for every season just so it becomes easier to dish out the rewards for "participating" in a season. If they don't reset the rank entirely but require you to play at least 10 matches to get the rewards, that's basically the same as 10 placements anyway, so they might as well take advantage of the data to set a more accurate current rank.

Well the issue with hard resets is you have a bunch of people complaining about good players ruining their games by solo carrying, whereas with a soft one it kind of just continues as the season before but gives you a little more leeway to move up quicker.
Having a hard time finding GAF teammates these days... Maybe the google doc list could be added to the OT?

Here it is for future reference (quote to see).



Having a hard time finding GAF teammates these days... Maybe the google doc list could be added to the OT?

Here it is for future reference (quote to see).

Would be fun to get a GAF custom game going sometime, 6v6 with some rule set, I want to try out 60hz lol. Would also be a nice way to add some more friends.


Trash talkers in this game lie so much. Someone crying about our team claims they have the most kills and are doing the most damage yet I have 4 gold, including gold for damage and kills. Ok.
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