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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Or maybe not be bastion when you're attacking?

There's very little gain in centering your strategy around a bastion if the other team knows what it's doing.

I've given up on metas and what is considered good or not for whatever sides. As long as they're not sucking or dying much, they can play whatever they want. It's like people saying people shouldn't play Hanzo in Attacking and yet, I can destroy the other team with him and do fine. If that random wants to keep dying as Bastion, then let him die.
I just had the weirdest behavior situation I've ever seen.

It was my first game of the morning.

Defense on Volskaya.

First pick is a Symmetra
Then Hanzo
Then Reinhart
Then a pause, people trying to figure out who is playing healer because Symmetra just isn't enough.
Then we get a Tracer
Then a Junkrat

Still no healer, so I decide to roll Zenyatta, since I'm best with him as a healer, and having the Reinhart will help with my survivability.

Pre-game starts, and everyone moves out.

Symmetra isn't putting shields on everyone, despite that we're all in a giant cluster together.

So I decide to toss out the pre-made "I need healing emote" because I know she'll see that as "I need shields".

It works, she turns around and starts giving out shields to everyone...

...except me.

She gives a shield to every player on our team except me. Naturally I assume this is just an accident because sometimes the way the targetting system works with shields is a little wonky, and she has gone back to placing her turrets.

So I wait a few seconds and drop the premade emote again.

She walks over to me, slowly, and then moves her camera back and forth left and right as if to say no. Then goes back to her turrets.

I'm a fucking Zenyatta, I'm literally asking for an 18% hp buff, but for some reason I've pissed off this Symmetra to the point she wont give it to me.

I nope'd right the fuck on out of there. I'll be damned if I'm going to play at my best when my teammate is going to be spiteful for no fucking reason.


Wow, that's sad. What a dumb Symm. I wouldn't waste time with teammates like that either. What else are you gonna do to request shields.
Don't know if this has been mentioned, but the Lockdown trophy/achievement glitch has been fixed. I just got the trophy on Hanamura. The platinum trophy is finally possible!!
Wow, that's sad. What a dumb Symm. I wouldn't waste time with teammates like that either. What else are you gonna do to request shields.

I think some people see the heal/armor/shields request as an insult, like you don't trust them to do the job themselves to the point you have to ask, and then they get spiteful.

It's a weird behavior to be sure, but I've seen it show up here and there over plenty of games.

You left the game because he wouldn't give you a 25 health shield?



You left the game because he wouldn't give you a 25 health shield?

He left because the guy was being a dick about it. The extra shaking head motion is asinine.

I think some people see the heal/armor/shields request as an insult, like you don't trust them to do the job themselves to the point you have to ask, and then they get spiteful.

It's a weird behavior to be sure, but I've seen it show up here and there over plenty of games.

I hear ya, I was a Symm and didn't get everyone from spawn with shields so some guy requested it and I gave it to him and he used the Thanks emote immediately. When playing Support, be the fucking Support.


I like to believe I'm a good Hanzo.

Love spitting out my ult from unexpected angles at crowded payloads or checkpoints. I love/hate the fact that they can go through walls.

Love when I'm doing it, hating it when everybody else does.


Is it just me or climbing ranks has become much easier now? Went from 49 to 53 then to 57, nearly 58 in 2 consecutive ranked sessions. The average rank seems to have gone up? I see a lot more people on my flist with ranks 60-70, which I thought would only be obtainable by tournament/pro players :S

Not for me. The people I play with are basically near their placement level (I'm way down, from 54 to 46 due to a bad night playing with randoms). I know forced 50 isn't a thing, but it sure feels like it is.
The guy was a dick no doubt. But why leave? It's like saying that he won the battle between you two, why let him get to you? Just don't give him your healing orb and play the game like normal. I assume it was just quick play (I hope) but it still gets you that much closer to a xp penalty. Don't give him the satisfaction.
The guy was a dick no doubt. But why leave? It's like saying that he won the battle between you two, why let him get to you? Just don't give him your healing orb and play the game like normal. I assume it was just quick play (I hope) but it still gets you that much closer to a xp penalty. Don't give him the satisfaction.

I play games to have fun, not stupid in-fighting with my teammates. I don't care who "won".

If I see a situation that would prevent me from having fun, I remove myself from the situation. Your eye for an eye mentality seems like all it would do is piss you off even further when you're just that much more likely to lose.

Furthermore, I've left so few games I can count them on 1 hand. I'm not really worried about the leave penalty, and since the game hadn't even officially started (the attackers weren't released yet) I'm not even sure if I would qualify for a penalty or not. It was quick play.


I like to believe I'm a good Hanzo.

Love spitting out my ult from unexpected angles at crowded payloads or checkpoints. I love/hate the fact that they can go through walls.

Love when I'm doing it, hating it when everybody else does.

I do well with him since I play aggressively and not hang back too much. His Ult can be a gamechanger, no doubt. But the best thing is his wallhack arrows. It's so useful in helping out my team especially in Payload maps. Love playing as him.

M.J. Doja

Cross post from the other thread. General musings but maybe some helpful advice for those who find themselves grouping up and playing competitive, but aren't organized.

Chat isn't so bad with randoms and in PUGs. Don't focus on chat, focus on yourself. You can ignore the one troll, and nobody really uses mic anyway. In the end, skill matters most unless you're playing premade vs. premade. However...

I've noticed playing with full "groups" (i.e. random friends of people on my friends list), I'm encountered with way more anxiety and frustration than playing solo, or duo. There's no communication and also less fun, surprisingly. My suggestions for anybody else who has this problem.

#1. Learn how to play more than one role, decently, and do it without saying anything.
Somebody picks support, you pick damage. Same thing goes for tank and vice-versa.
#2. Switch when something isn't working, do it without saying anything.
When you're losing, or constantly getting shut down on a map, it isn't ALWAYS because of the picks. It's a FPS, sometimes, other players are fragging harder than you.
To suggest it's always a composition issue would imply that everybody isn't trying hard enough, or that nobody ever gets outplayed, it's just the wrong picks.
#3. If you're not comfortable playing the standard top-tier picks, you're not any better than a random
Playing with friends rocks, losing because of one of your friends playing an average D.Va, Zenyatta, Widow(attack or KOTH)... SUCKS.
Learn which tank is good for which comp, which flankers, etc.

So many times, people can't handle a close match ending up in a loss. Two of those? Half the group goes on break, or complains about something and generally ruins the rest of the session because theyre trying too hard.
I don't need others to add their emotional baggage to my experience.
If you can't adapt and roll with the punches, I'm wasting my time with you as a teammate.

Some suggestions. Ignore trolls. Have fun. Git gud.

Never be afraid to blame randoms when you lose, then blame teammates, then maybe blame yourself.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
8-2 in placements ended up 57, quite pleased, last game took waayyy too long as neither side knew how to defend Hanamura, in the end we won the coinflip and attacked, probably not fair but ill take it.
I just got Pharahs Mechaqueen and Winstons explorer skins in the same box. Both characters I use a lot. And this is only a few boxes after I got Rescue Mei and Bastions Steambot in one box, and they are also characters I use a bit.

Luck flows through my veins.
8-2 in placements ended up 57, quite pleased, last game took waayyy too long as neither side knew how to defend Hanamura, in the end we won the coinflip and attacked, probably not fair but ill take it.

Best competitive match I played so far was on Volskaya. We attacked first and got both points with a little over 4 minutes left. Opponents attacked and steamrolled us and got both points with six and a half minutes left. Round two started, we attacked and got the first point but couldn't get the second before time. Then we had a balls-to-the-wall defense and ended up holding the other team off the first point for six and a half minutes to win the game. It was a lot of fun.

I like the overall setup of competitive because it makes things a little more interesting, but I'll be glad when they iron out all the kinks.
Rough morning. I was one game from 60 went all the back to 57 and now I'm at 58. Plus I had to play a +20 minute game on Volskaya Industries.


One thing I've been noticing since Comp came out is that among the core group of GAFers I play with, we are really strong on some game modes (Escort), weak on others (Assault & Hybrid) and average on the rest (KotH).


We had a Hanzo that basically helped us win a game yesterday. He got so many ults and used them well each time. There are good ones out there.

I have decided that a well played Hanzo is a huge asset. Wallhack vision, easy kills on squishy targets at range and an Ult that charges quickly and can clear a point or destroy a charge if used well.

Hanzo gets ragged on because there are alot of bad ones out there but the good ones really make you appreciate the class. So much so that I decided to play him a little bit in Quick Play last night and ended up getting 4 Gold medals in a Numbani defense match (Elims, Obj. Elims, Damage and something else ). Overall, he has more utility than Widowmaker and in my opinion is a lot more fun to actually play.


Finally got around to finishing placement matches. I was 3:2 the first night comp came out, and finished 7:3 last night. Played mostly tank characters since people seldom seem to want to.

My comp rank?


Had one of those half-hour, 5 round Anubis battles. I admit, I would have been a bit salty if we'd lost after all that time.


Had one of those half-hour, 5 round Anubis battles. I admit, I would have been a bit salty if we'd lost after all that time.

Shortly after you left last night, we had a similar experience on Volskaya. Made me wonder why Blizzard chose not to use this method on Escort and Hybrid matches. (I know they're looking into adding it in the next season)

It was an interesting mach. On the first round, they went with stacked Pharahs and completely wrecked us. Then in the 3rd round, I went Reinhardt and shielded Torb's turret and that helped a lot in keeping the Pharahs from swarming us again.


Even when someone rejoins after a DC and wins everyone on the winning team still gets 1/10th the xp. Nice system LUL


I guess Steam controller is the next closest solution.

That's still a controller at the end of the day, so that's an automatic no go for me.

I think the closest solution would be this Subpac that I've been hearing about. There's a thread on it right now and I know T-Pain was using one for his OW streams. Too bad it's not available in Canada though....And it costs 330 bucks.
I just had the weirdest behavior situation I've ever seen.

It was my first game of the morning.

Defense on Volskaya.

First pick is a Symmetra
Then Hanzo
Then Reinhart
Then a pause, people trying to figure out who is playing healer because Symmetra just isn't enough.
Then we get a Tracer
Then a Junkrat

Still no healer, so I decide to roll Zenyatta, since I'm best with him as a healer, and having the Reinhart will help with my survivability.

Pre-game starts, and everyone moves out.

Symmetra isn't putting shields on everyone, despite that we're all in a giant cluster together.

So I decide to toss out the pre-made "I need healing emote" because I know she'll see that as "I need shields".

It works, she turns around and starts giving out shields to everyone...

...except me.

She gives a shield to every player on our team except me. Naturally I assume this is just an accident because sometimes the way the targetting system works with shields is a little wonky, and she has gone back to placing her turrets.

So I wait a few seconds and drop the premade emote again.

She walks over to me, slowly, and then moves her camera back and forth left and right as if to say no. Then goes back to her turrets.

I'm a fucking Zenyatta, I'm literally asking for an 18% hp buff, but for some reason I've pissed off this Symmetra to the point she wont give it to me.

I nope'd right the fuck on out of there. I'll be damned if I'm going to play at my best when my teammate is going to be spiteful for no fucking reason.

Way to ruin it for the rest of your team because you had a petty argument that means nothing.
Jeez, Lv 90 players who only knows how to play hanzo, genji and tonborn and no one uses a tank or a healer is so damm confusing to me.

I usually pick Mercy or Lucio but is not enough to save them or hold an objetive for more than 5 seconds, and no one wants to switch for a tank in the entire match, even the other supports switchs to Mcgree or another hanzo


how do my PS4 sis & bros train-up on their aim? I'm trying to git güd as Tracer and I feel like I've got her blink + recall down quite well, but the shooting + aim I'm having trouble with. LOL >_<


how do my PS4 sis & bros train-up on their aim? I'm trying to git güd as Tracer and I feel like I've got her blink + recall down quite well, but the shooting + aim I'm having trouble with. LOL >_<

Mess with the sensitivity until it feels right. Use the Practice range.


how do my PS4 sis & bros train-up on their aim? I'm trying to git güd as Tracer and I feel like I've got her blink + recall down quite well, but the shooting + aim I'm having trouble with. LOL >_<

I suppose adjusting the sensitivity to something you feel more comfortable with might help. And then once you start doing well like that, increase the sensitivity a little more and start again.


What's the strategy on road hog vs road hog battles? Apparently the one that hooks first loses? Wtf is that.

Alt-Fire until opponent is low enough to hook and kill, or if he hooks first and can't one shot you get off a primary fire, hook, primary fire, melee should do it.


Jeez, Lv 90 players who only knows how to play hanzo, genji and tonborn and no one uses a tank or a healer is so damm confusing to me.

I usually pick Mercy or Lucio but is not enough to save them or hold an objetive for more than 5 seconds, and no one wants to switch for a tank in the entire match, even the other supports switchs to Mcgree or another hanzo

Levels don't matter in this game, especially when you can still level up if you lose a match.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
The one thing overtime/sudden death has taught me is that commitment can severly out trump individual skill levels, when people know there is a very small amount of time there is a real focus and often, very often (At the elo im at) it works. Makes you wonder why the fuck we spend most games dancing around not doing anything until it gets to that point.


The best compliment I received last night was from a teammate I play with often lately in a group. She said I play well with all the characters. Dawwwww

Not gonna lie, I will counter when needed.

And she hasn't seen my horrible Reinhardt XD
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