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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Same here. I'm at a 36% win rate in competitive. And I'm doing pretty damn good in most of my matches. Sure, sometimes I find ways I could improve or I simply didn't know how to approach the situation, but more often than not I feel like I just don't have a team to back me up.

It's killed all my enthusiasm for the game. I almost want to shelve it until the new hero comes out.

Its just been absolute dysfunction. I climbed to 57 fairly easily. Then suddenly I've just hit this wall of horrible teams that are just dysfunctional. So many times have I had king of the hill maps where we win 2 and then we end up losing because the other team counter picks and our teams sticks to the same team comp even though its clearly not working. Or teams that won't pick tanks or healers. Like what hell did i suddenly step into?


Hooker Fats is just so fun to play as. Love him, bobbing and weaving in and out out battle, healing, surprising the shit out of people.



Any chance that McCree will get a buff in the next update? He's definitely my weakest attack hero and I'm seeing him less and less on teams. Pharah on the other hand seems to be everywhere lately.


Any chance that McCree will get a buff in the next update? He's definitely my weakest attack hero and I'm seeing him less and less on teams. Pharah on the other hand seems to be everywhere lately.
Considering he was just nerfed, I highly doubt so. That's why people stopped playing him.


So today in rank was full of cheese...........................

Playing attack on Temple of Anubis and the enemy team decided on the final point to use two bastions and a torb. They called it a easy win...... Then on Defend they used two reinharts to push...


4 - 4 Anubis with sudden death is the worst hell this games can offer. Play for days just to lose a coin flip and your ranks xD
Same here. I'm at a 36% win rate in competitive. And I'm doing pretty damn good in most of my matches. Sure, sometimes I find ways I could improve or I simply didn't know how to approach the situation, but more often than not I feel like I just don't have a team to back me up.

It's killed all my enthusiasm for the game. I almost want to shelve it until the new hero comes out.

Yeah, I've gotten to the point where I usually only play Quick Play, but every so often someone on my friends list invites me to Competitive... and it is always a loss. Every single time. I keep thinking that maybe it's me, but I keep seeing terrible picks and people getting steamrolled on Attack by double Bastions and Torbjorns, refusing to switch from characters that are getting massacred again and again. I should just resign myself to being a casual and just stick with Quick Play, I suppose, because when I lose there I don't have the constantly dropping rating to drive me nuts, at least.
I do not enjoy competitive at all, if even 1 asshole drops on your team mid match, pretty much a loss since there's no auto replace. Just going to stick to quick play.


They really need to put in blacklisting of maps. I hate volskya, i am now just leaving it instantly when i get it in quick play., that maps sucks

Eric WK

Is there a reason so many of you solo queue only to become frustrated? There are multiple tools to find groups, not the least of which is this thread.
Is there a reason so many of you solo queue only to become frustrated? There are multiple tools to find groups, not the least of which is this thread.

Honestly, my experience with groups haven't been much better. Even had a match a couple of nights ago where almost everyone was on mics and communicating with each other, and we still got creamed. And I'm not the kind of person to say, "Sorry, guys, you just suck at this too much, so I'm going to find different friends who are better," mostly because I secretly suspect I'm probably just a slightly higher caliber of suck than the rest of the team, so I've decided to just throw up my hands and accept my lot as someone who will never earn one of those gaudy gold weapons, and will spend my time screwing around in Quick Play.


anyone around rank 50 wanna get some games in, was 48 lost 5 in a row now dropping quickly with randoms solo queue isnt helping


So today in rank was full of cheese...........................

Playing attack on Temple of Anubis and the enemy team decided on the final point to use two bastions and a torb. They called it a easy win...... Then on Defend they used two reinharts to push...

Yeah, I've gotten to the point where I usually only play Quick Play, but every so often someone on my friends list invites me to Competitive... and it is always a loss. Every single time. I keep thinking that maybe it's me, but I keep seeing terrible picks and people getting steamrolled on Attack by double Bastions and Torbjorns, refusing to switch from characters that are getting massacred again and again. I should just resign myself to being a casual and just stick with Quick Play, I suppose, because when I lose there I don't have the constantly dropping rating to drive me nuts, at least.


Oh hey dude sorry about that match... We were thinking of not doing a competitive match since it usually ends with us raging but this time it was pretty awful...

I honestly think I done with rank for a while.

Oh hey dude sorry about that match... We were thinking of not doing a competitive match since it usually ends with us raging but this time it was pretty awful...

I honestly think I done with rank for a while.

Ah, yeah, I read your post above and realized that you were talking about the same match. :) No worries, I was glad for the invite. I honestly thought we had them held down pretty well at Objective A in Round 2, until my teleporter ran out of charges just as they made their big push. Then they pushed Objective B so damn fast I didn't have time to switch off Symmetra to someone better for holding things down.

And see, matches like that are why, for all the complaining I do about my teammates, I'm pretty sure that in the end I'm just as bad. Mentally, I know there are plenty of counters for a double Bastion team, but in the heat of the match I just never seem to get things together, and end up getting shredded as I try to sneak around as Reaper. So don't take my griping to say, "It's all my teammates' fault, and I'm blameless!" We did all we could, I suppose.


Any chance that McCree will get a buff in the next update? He's definitely my weakest attack hero and I'm seeing him less and less on teams. Pharah on the other hand seems to be everywhere lately.

yup. Pharah & Junkrat (as well as Lúcio) are def. go-to characters in ranked. I'm so glad I'm decent-to-good w/ them both. LOL

i'm trying to learn Symm, Lúcio, and Tracer (Tracer first, because I read somewhere if you can git güd w/ tracer learning Lúcio would be 'easier' somewhat)
My biggest problem with ranked is the steepness of the bell curve distribution in rankings. I believe over 60% of the community is between 44-56, right? So what this tells me is that the skill difference between a 49 and a 51 is likely actually quite high. And even a 52 and a 51 could be very different - hell, two 52s could be quite different if once is at the upper end of 52 and one at the lower end.

And the best players in the world are pushing the boundaries at 86?


One of the following needs to happen:

1) If the community really is that bunched up around rank 50, the matchmaking should be able to do a better job of pairing up teams with the same rank when you queue at that rank. None of this "52s/53s" pairing up against "49s/57s" bullshit.

2) Alternately, the bell curve needs to be squished. The algorithm they're using to flatten your "real" ranking into this 0-100 range needs to be adjusted to use more of the range. Hell, you don't get out of the 10% percentile until you get to something like rank 41. Squish the bell curve, use more of the range, and get a better view of what players actual rank is.

Ultimately, what I want out of ranked matchmaking more than anything is just to give me players who care, and a quality match. I'm tired of being matched into roflstomp after roflstomp, no matter which side I'm on.


Great games with PS4 GAF today. This is how I keep my self sane, only doing solo comp matches 2-3 times a day and the rest with GAF.


I haven't had a chance to play a game in Ranked, but aside from the Gold Gun skins, why are people going through the trouble with playing a round or 20? Especially with hearing that it's been an incredibly uneven/punishing experience?


Mercy stans are so bad yall like omg they literally have an excuse for everything and cant even play lucio like why even waste peoples time


the holder of the trombone
I haven't had a chance to play a game in Ranked, but aside from the Gold Gun skins, why are people going through the trouble with playing a round or 20? Especially with hearing that it's been an incredibly uneven/punishing experience?

Because not everyone experiences the same?

Personally, though I've dropped from where i was, ranked is still super fun in the extra intensity from most players. You get clunkers here and there but far less than quick play imo.


My biggest problem with ranked is the steepness of the bell curve distribution in rankings. I believe over 60% of the community is between 44-56, right? So what this tells me is that the skill difference between a 49 and a 51 is likely actually quite high. And even a 52 and a 51 could be very different - hell, two 52s could be quite different if once is at the upper end of 52 and one at the lower end.

You cant really judge the difference in people's skill when they are 1 or 2 points apart, there are too many variables; it's so easy to lose matches because of leavers or bad team mates, and those make a huge impact. The system isn't good and refined.

10 points difference between 2 people? Sure. 1-5? You really can't say who is actually better.

Anyway, the obsession with those numbers is making people forget to have fun.
I haven't had a chance to play a game in Ranked, but aside from the Gold Gun skins, why are people going through the trouble with playing a round or 20? Especially with hearing that it's been an incredibly uneven/punishing experience?

Because the majority of my matches are actually fun and competitive. The players in my skill bracket might not always be the best, but for the most part they understand this is a team game and my games so far have reflected that. I have no desire ever to play Quick Play again because all you're going to get is five Hanzos or some other shit.


10 straight losses in quick play. GG im done

I should've stopped at the first game that had double bastion on koth. I don't mind losses if it's a balanced fight, but my team just gets steamrolled every time, it's over in 2-3 minutes and I got to do nothing. Most of the time, it's down to composition. No one wants to play tank/healer, Naruto brothers, double sniper, but if I left every time these were selected, I wouldn't get to play at all.

Suggestion to Blizzard: automate character class selection. Every team must have 2x offence 2x tank 1x healer 1x anything (as an example - will vary on mode). 1 in 6 games you can choose anything, the rest you must choose from your allocated class.


Junkrat POTG: firing onto the point from the other side of the map and getting one kill ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I had a potg with widow maker where two shots were impotently trying to wear down a reinhardt's shields, then turning around and headshotting a stationary Mei who was trying to kill and ally Bastion. The rest of the team didn't have voice chat on, but I think I could still hear their 'Oh come ON' though the screen.
Competitive matchmaking is really starting to do my head in.

My team's competitive score will be around 54-57. Our ranks will be no higher than 60. The opposition's competitive score will be 52-55, but their ranks will be in the 90s or they'll have those stars in their portrait. And yet they get classed as the underdogs.

Last night I was up against a team where two group members had the two stars portrait, 3 had one and the other was ranked 87.
The highest ranked player on my team was 90.

And this was going on all night. Loss after loss after loss. I was constantly being teamed up with lower ranked players and yet being classed as the favourite. Just because in those first 10 placement matches I did a little better.

These people are out of my fucking league. Give me a break!


Mercy stans are so bad yall like omg they literally have an excuse for everything and cant even play lucio like why even waste peoples time

Mercy mains/Shayed stans acting like they're god's gift to overwatch when in reality most of them just feed the other teams Tracer.


I calibrated at 53, went up to 55, then went down and my lowest was 42

But after a week of hard work and determination i am officially back to 50

Pharah, Zarya, Lucio, Symmetra were my mainstays thru these hard times... thank u for being u

why the fuck does it do the coin flip when my team beats the other team's by 4mins? and they get the attacking and win? how does that even make sense? fuck this game


Feels good to deliver a finishing blow to D.va with a Mercy pistol to the face. Great ending to a pew pew pistol fight.
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