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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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If your Mercy has to trouble reaching you, your team probably has godawful positioning, it's the role you play and see how dumb everyone is. Like the soldiers that don't take the high ground, soldier is a LOT better on a elevated platform but most of course don't have the brain for that. If your team has bad positioning, you can't zap around, you die. You need people covering the flanks, you need some on main, mostly importantly you need some on high ground that are intelligent enough and get close to the edge.

Of course everyone only knows how to spam need healing and you have to get to them somehow, that's your problem they think, it's better to stay alive than to heal some braindead dps player that doesn't know how to position. playing mercy in pubs is suffering.

Responding to the bolded: oh wow, yes, yes completely yes! I wish I had a dollar for every time I wanted to "Guardian Angel" my Mercy to someone standing on a ledge only to have them be about a foot too far back and therefore the prompt never comes up and I either die or have to retreat somewhere else.

And I always try to dmg buff someone if I am not actively healing somebody. Soldier 76, Pharah and Junkrat are my favs but every once in a while Zarya or someone else will get the blue beam depending on what is going on.


I just played a game in comp where my team was mostly self sufficient and we had no dedicated healer but the enemy had a mercy and they couldn't even take first point of Kings Row

No Mercy >>>>> Mercy

Team comp was Zarya, Reaper, Symmetra, Mei, Soldier 76, Junkrat

ez stomp


Blizzard's Leaver Fix still isn't working? Wasn't t supposed to work on Wednesday?

Hope they can push it through before the day ends. I won't play Competitive until it's out. Not dealing with the 1/10th XP bullshit until then.


Is competitive still broken on consoles? I just won 2 matches where the losing team ended up rage quitting and my ranking barely moved up. Thought they said they fixed this on all platforms.

They said they fixed it but they didn't in actuality.


i had to unbind my emote key
Fat fingering when trying to tell people my ult is ready is the worst shit and has cost me too many deaths


Junior Member
How is this possible? See Veritas.

damageboost/health multiple people on the same kills.


I just played a game in comp where my team was mostly self sufficient and we had no dedicated healer but the enemy had a mercy and they couldn't even take first point of Kings Row

No Mercy >>>>> Mercy

Team comp was Zarya, Reaper, Symmetra, Mei, Soldier 76, Junkrat

ez stomp

That means nothing other than you played against some people who are bad at the game. Any single decent pharah + mercy will shit on that team comp with ease. What was the enemy team playing?


I feel you on waiting for skins. I'm not spending any of my gold because I feel like as soon as I do, they're going to add a ton of awesome skins that I wish I'd saved for.

Yeah, especially as Zarya had lucked out on getting some awesome alt. skins, and I hope they can rectify that in the future. Goth Zarya & her Syberian Soldier outfits do nothing for me. :,(

I don't think this is an economical plan. Over time as boxes are unlocked, you'll save more by letting the game unlock the cheap stuff for you instead of effectively earning less when those items unlock as duplicates and getting 1/5 the value of those unlocks back.

Given that I've had the worst luck with getting alt. colours and the Legendary costumes through the Loot Crates (my friend had treated me with buying 50 of them and I didn't get a single one, let alone enough to by one or two), I might as well get the cheaper unlocks for all the heroes and then I can focus on getting the ones that I want.

I would argue that not everyone is having a punishing experience and that any competitive play is going to be uneven sometimes. Even the best players have "off" days or "off" matches and with a 6 on 6 format in a game played for fun (we do remember that it is supposed to be for fun, right? Because reading this thread sometimes I am not so sure) you are going to have some absolutely highlight reel worthy games and then some games where you just shake your head and accept the loss.

Despite what the internet might try and tell you, Overwatch is really not serious business. (Unless you are an e-sports person and money is at stake, then, by all means, take it seriously) It's a video game and most folks are playing to have fun and enjoy the experience. For me personally, competitive is a chance to play the game with slightly higher stakes (a ranking and the chance to buy the golden guns someday) and even though I am ALWAYS trying to win and play the objective I am not about to let the game become a dominating force in my life to the point where it's making me angry, hateful, resentful or just plain mean. If it gets to that point, then it might be time to step back and think about what's really important.

Even in competitive, even bouncing around the mid 40's in rank for the past week, even solo que'ing most of the time, I am still enjoying myself. Even when a player last night suggested I "find a noose and just drop" because our team lost and evidently my Mercy play wasn't up to his standards I just shrugged it off and went on to the next game where I was on the cards with Mercy in a tight victory, I still had fun.

I hope all of this doesn't come off as too preachy. That's not my intention. But I've seen this OW community thread get progressively more negative and that makes it less fun and less useful as a community space than it could and should be. That being said, we're all here because OW has a ton of potential and is an amazing experience out of the box and we care about where it is going.

So long as we didn't get steamrolled too badly and my teammates made a good effort, I don't mind losing at all. I try to make a point to compliment teammates on doing a good job anyway, even if we've lost. That is what makes this game fun for me.


Decided to go back to rank after seeing many posters actually climb up ranks, so on King's Row defend, I picked Sym.

Won the first round easily and the other team quits with just 1 guy left. Then.... I got disconnected and the menu wouldn't show up after reconnecting. :/ At least I didn't lose my crappy rank I guess.


I just played a game in comp where my team was mostly self sufficient and we had no dedicated healer but the enemy had a mercy and they couldn't even take first point of Kings Row

No Mercy >>>>> Mercy

Team comp was Zarya, Reaper, Symmetra, Mei, Soldier 76, Junkrat

ez stomp

A good Mercy can make or break a game. I once played defence on Hanamura and we lost the first point, then I decided to switch to Mercy and tried my best to keep my team alive. Needless to say that we won the match because the change made a difference.
How's your experience in competitive mode? Here in the South American region it's all sorts of screwed up. Managed to get up to 61, and then got matched with 75+ all the time (and they wrecked us)
Happened both in solo queue and full 6 man teams.
Then, if you do solo queue (or team up with a few friends, but not 6) you get matched with people who don't know how to play and don't care about the match's result (they just go chasing kills/trying to avoid deaths)

It's really turning me off the game. The way you gain/lose rank is also incredibly screwed up, if you lose against a team who has a ton more rank that you do, you still get screwed, if you were the only one in the losing team who did a good job you still get screwed, etc.

Eric WK


It's Volskaya on Attack, beat the enemy group hastily for both points. They all rage quit, this is the rank XP I get. I thought Blizzard fixed this shit.

Blizzard incorrectly diagnosed the problem so the fix did not work. They know it didn't work and are, presumably, addressing it.

It's Volskaya on Attack, beat the enemy group hastily for both points. They all rage quit, this is the rank XP I get. I thought Blizzard fixed this shit.

They "fixed" it so that the losing team loses a ton of xp as "normal" but the winning team gets a tiny bit.


I am 33-11 for 75% win rate in quick play solo over the last few days. Feels fucking good but also weird seeing as up until now pretty much every session I have ends up with wins/losses being very close.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
They "fixed" it so that the losing team loses a ton of xp as "normal" but the winning team gets a tiny bit.
Fix was supposed to fix the winning side getting crap xp.

Despite being more accurate, we received a lot of feedback that this recalculation just didn’t feel great and that it incentivized bad leaver behavior—which is last thing we want to do in Competitive Play. As a result, the game will no longer recalculate each team’s probability of winning whenever one or more people leave. This means that your Skill Rating will always be adjusted based on your team's odds at the beginning of the match, even if there are leavers on your or the enemy's team.

From a technical perspective, this will make Skill Rating adjustments a little less accurate for that specific match, but it should ultimately feel better for the players who stay and finish it out (plus, your Skill Rating will correct itself the next time you complete a match with no leavers). We also hope this will remove the incentive to “troll” a winning team by leaving, since it will no longer have an impact on anyone’s Skill Rating.


Was working fine on PC last night, but it doesnt seem like it's working properly on console though.
Fix was supposed to fix the winning side getting crap xp.

Was working fine on PC last night, but it doesnt seem like it's working properly on console though.

It never worked fine for me though (on PC) I lost a match due to a guy leaving at the beginning of the second round and lost a ton of rank. I won matches where people in the enemy team left, and got like a centimeter's worth of rank as a reward. All AFTER the big fix.


just utter shit games today. This game is losing it's fun and fast. Without dedicated servers i doubt I'll even play it past the Summer. Releasing a fucking FPS game in the year of our Lord 2016 without a server browser and dedicated server support
Being a part of a well coordinated team is a true joy.

"Get on the poi...oh, y'all are already there.'
"Need...wow thanks, Mercy."

It's the simple things.


I think their placement metrics need a bit of work. I've done nothing but lose every game but one since placing, have dropped 7 levels. The game also keeps putting me in teams where everybody is 5 or more levels lower than me which makes me feel like I'm supposed to carry the game but can't do it with any of the heroes I play.

Oh, and had a game today where the Mercy on our team never switched beams. Everybody sitting at full health, still getting heal beam. Is there some sort of exploit where that helps with your ranking or something?
I've given up on competitive play. The matchmaking is just as shit as in QP, but you get a ton of extra salt. It's just not worth it.

Honestly, I don't care all that much about the specific number next to my name (I'd obviously like it to be higher rather than lower of course, but it's really not that important). I just want the games themselves to be good. I like the idea of symmetrical matches and an extra emphasis on playing the game "for real," but as it stands right now, Season One is a gigantic piece of shit for someone like me who just wants to play for an hour here or there.

If they'd implement a solo queue, I'd be all for it. I saw a Roadhog/Zarya/Lucio combo who were obviously on mike together and synchronizing attacks just chew through our team of randos. It was kind of embarrassing, but at the same time it really shows the power that you get through coordination. Organized team beats individual skill any day of the week - it just really doesn't make sense to play comp if you're solo.
I swear, the people I get matched with in Competitive are even laggier than the people I get matched with in quick play. Crazy hooks, crazy deaths, can't hit certain people for shit. It's a nightmare.
I was 56 playing with a 57 and 58 in a group. We got into a game with three 70+ between the teams, the average rank was like 66. We held our own okay. Won 3-0. The 72 Genji on our team was fucking Seagull level. Amazing.


lol i can confirm the leaver thing for winners is still in the pc version of the game

just got nothing for a win cuz of it xd


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
You want us to capture the point in Hanamura at Sudden Death in 1:35

Are you shitting me?

That is complete bullshit
Just need 2+ Torbs to lockout the flanking points or Mei's ice walling
Its not fair to ask Attack team to go at such a disadvantage

Either time extended to at least 3 minutes or Ultimate gain is 50% in our favor or Defend takes longer to spawn 15-20 sec
We all had like maybe 75%+ full ultimate after 2 deaths, yet the enemies had full after 1 death cause they can stall way longer than Attack can

You almost have to go full on tank mode x6 which defeats the purpose


I actually won 4/5 ranked matches today but none of the games were even really close, one team had a rank 39 when everyone else was 52+, it was stomp or be stomped all night. I feel like if you can stop a team pushing the payload the whole way then they aren't too great and that happened in all but two games, and we won the coin flip match (on defence, on King's Row, so they couldn't have been too great anyway). In Quick Play I get matched up/against people rank 62-72 or so and the difference in skill is huge. Snipers that actually hit shots consistently, Genji's that are a right pain in the ass and stuff.


Got to rank 60. I can go back to relaxing quick play now and feel happy about my rank. There's many people in the 50's that should honestly be about rank 30 cus they are garbage. Mostly the level 20's that get carried through placement and shit up the higher ranks.


Game got a lot easier to enjoy for me today. Wanted to play Genji and Zenyatta a lot but wasn't having much luck. Getting hooked and picked off a lot but y'know what? Fuck it.

I like playing the heroes I have fun with and people can cry on forums about it. Or voice chat but I'm permanently left on that, ranked or quick find. The leave button is right there if you want it, I know I make good use of it. The game's supposed to be fun.
2 rounds to 0. For some reason our 6th guy quits. We now have to suffer 3 full fucking rounds down one man and lose.

JUST FUCKING END THE MATCH since you won't fill that spot anyway for fucks sake.

These placement matches have been nothing but he'll. SINCETHE NO PENELTY MESSAGE IS A LIE


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Pharah was OK in my hands, I would say I was Decent with her
Needed more practice and to figure out how to adjust to her and gain more skill with the Rockets and placing them

Then Pharmercy Weekly brawl appeared, I played the living shit out of it
Now my skills have become very good...
This my stats in Competitive:





They need an emote for KILL THAT FUCKING PHARAH since no one on console ever even bothers to fucking shoot at her. Jesus christ. I don't know why people even fucking pick Soldier if they're going to just ignore her the entire goddamn game.


I'll just stop playing till they fix this leaver XP shit. It's incredibly stupid and is getting on my nerves. Pretty much impossible for me to gain points with this. I hope the next "fix" actually changes it.


I think one cool thing they could add to the game is a separate map that exists between matches, sort of like a 3D version of the main menu, for those that want it. And it could also be a place to just chill with a particular character, look for groups etc.
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