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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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Players still don't blow up Symmetry turrets, they think the next person behind them got it covered

I go out of my way, even to burn my Ultimate say as Reaper to remove a death room from certain maps if it helps get closer to the objective
The most Symmetry can place back up is 3, yet people get buzzed and run forward, give her free Ultimate power, netting her a new Teleporter

Thank Fuck in Competitive people at least understand that to destroy turrets most of the time

Yeah I've noticed I have to be a lot more creative when I place my turrets as Symmetra in competitive, because as soon as the enemy team knows where they are they make a beeline to destroy them.

In QP I can rack up death room kills no problem, and I also feel like I'm the only person actively hunting down teleporters/turrets when I face an enemy Symmetra.

I play on PS4 and of my 6 wins today 5 had leavers on the enemy team. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Huh. Yeah I guess I just must be getting lucky. My experiences in Overwatch have been mostly positive and I've run into very few of the problems most of GAF have been having issues with.

Except Torb stacking. I've run into that and Torb stacking can go to hell.
Symm is situational and McCree became obsolete once he was hit with the nerf hammer.

I play Symmetra in QuickPlay on CP maps only because it seems people are still a little too slow / stupid to get rid of my sentries immediately and the centralized choke points make her devastating.

In competitive, the few Symmetras I run into, just get destroyed because the vast majority of players are just too smart / take out sentries immediately and after awhile, her cool down to have at least 3 sentries out is long enough that she becomes a liability.


Achieved rank 63 today on PS4. Last match was KotH and it felt like it will never end. 70 eliminations and 60 objective kills as Zarya... We won 3-2.
Finally got the Anubis armor for Pharah.
I really hope they release a 'clean' or 'new' version of this skin, as it's all scratched up and worn.


Best Torb nerf that doesn't kill him off completely: reduction of range from 40m to 30m, increase time to earn molten core by 10%.

I'd also buff him by having his turret auto build itself to level 2, to promote not babysitting it. If it takes damage it just pauses upgrading until it has been out of 'combat' for a few seconds.


No point in arguing with people who take advantage of exploits in maps. They know what they're doing and if it helps them win, they will use it.
So I was just on Gibraltar on the top of that ship in the middle of the map with Pharah (I was Mercy) and I was in the middle, fully surrounded by the "floor" and out of nowhere comes Roadhog's hook. Right up through the middle of the floor. I was just standing there, had just gotten there in fact. It was so weird. Had to have been a glitch or something. Maybe he'd hooked Pharah and the game got confused. Either way, it was super weird.


I've put in 40+ hours into this game, but I'm just now discovering the beauty of Reaper. I had NO IDEA he gets health orbs when enemies die. I can pretty easily flank behind an enemy team, kill off two of them before the other realize I'm there, and then smoke-mode my ass back to safety. It's so fun. He's gotta be the easiest offense character to play.
I've put in 40+ hours into this game, but I'm just now discovering the beauty of Reaper. I had NO IDEA he gets health orbs when enemies die. I can pretty easily flank behind an enemy team, kill off two of them before the other realize I'm there, and then smoke-mode my ass back to safety. It's so fun. He's gotta be the easiest offense character to play.

With the nerf to McCree Reaper has really started to shine even more now. He is a lot of fun to play if you are smart about your flanking routes. Against pubs he goes unchecked quite often and can wreck whole teams.

Eric WK

I've put in 40+ hours into this game, but I'm just now discovering the beauty of Reaper. I had NO IDEA he gets health orbs when enemies die. I can pretty easily flank behind an enemy team, kill off two of them before the other realize I'm there, and then smoke-mode my ass back to safety. It's so fun. He's gotta be the easiest offense character to play.

Yeah, on console he and Pharah are the two strongest offense characters right now.
I had a pair of Torb's do this with their turrets a few days ago.

I PM'd them that they were scum bags.

They then so politely explained to me that they were basically doing god's work because Blizzard is a shitty dev and should have fixed the problem, so by using the problem, they were letting everyone know that the problem was there, and that blizzard is horrible for not having fixed it yet.

Like, no matter how many times I said, "You are part of the problem, not part of the solution." They just didn't hear me.
Fucking wow lmao. That sucks though :/
I've put in 40+ hours into this game, but I'm just now discovering the beauty of Reaper. I had NO IDEA he gets health orbs when enemies die. I can pretty easily flank behind an enemy team, kill off two of them before the other realize I'm there, and then smoke-mode my ass back to safety. It's so fun. He's gotta be the easiest offense character to play.

I've been saying since the open beta he needs a nerf, not even anything crazy, change his ammo count from 8 to 6.

If you're up close, you can kill every single hero if you land all the shots. Most heroes only take 4-5 to kill completely from 100% health.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
Man. I got this game like, last week or something. Day after ranked went live. Sunk 20 hours into it so far, calibrated to 54 and quickly dropped to 50. Lately though I've just been winning, and winning... and winning. Up to rank 66 now. Having total imposter syndrome getting matched up with 73+ ranked guys while I'm still relatively new.


Welcome to overwatch ranked, where you win with all golds and get a fraction of exp because someone left, then you gold with everything as a tank and still lose because your team can't kill a Pharah!

And then you lose more exp then the past 2 matches you won!

Overwatch PSN player make me question my sanity sometimes.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
So is Bastion going to get a nerf? He is ridiculously OP. Started using him last night and have done the best I have ever done.


So is Bastion going to get a nerf? He is ridiculously OP. Started using him last night and have done the best I have ever done.

He's so easily countered any nerf to him would render the hero unplayable. Probably a combo of you being good with him and a dumb team who has no idea how to counter him.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I like the idea that I am just good with him, and everyone else just sucks as a narrative better than him being OP. Still a blast to play. Also just got this game last week. Most fun I have had in a competitive multiplayer game in a long time.
Ok, starting to understand Reaper, now I just need to lose some matches trying to make Genji fucking work and I can finally play all offense characters


I like the idea that I am just good with him, and everyone else just sucks as a narrative better than him being OP. Still a blast to play. Also just got this game last week. Most fun I have had in a competitive multiplayer game in a long time.

No really. People barely play him now cuz he's really not that strong against a good team who knows how to counter. And if you can survive and kill a lot, you're good with him. Bastion really is quite weak defensively. He can die quicker than Torb's turret.


It is fun to watch those tournament streams when one of the top players in the world will bust out a Bastion or Torbjorn for a specific scenario and see where they setup.


Most players have wised up to Bastion. A Reinheart charge or Roadhog hook is enough to counter him, and that's just a couple of the many counters.

Easiest way for me is a soldier.

You go at it with range, helix rockets a couple of hits and thats it.

If you are behind a reinhart even better
I like the idea that I am just good with him, and everyone else just sucks as a narrative better than him being OP. Still a blast to play. Also just got this game last week. Most fun I have had in a competitive multiplayer game in a long time.

Well that makes sense. If you just got the game you're being matched up with other new comers who might not be wise to Bastion yet. The game changes a lot once you reach level 25.
I still see a lot of people that constantly ignore sentries completely. Like, come on, they aren't hard to destroy!

Seriously. I had a match yesterday where everyone ignored Bastion and I had to take him out as fucking Lucio. People care more about their precious KD than winning.

Yeah, on console he and Pharah are the two strongest offense characters right now.

I just realized how great Pharah was recently. Probably my favorite offense character.


Most players have wised up to Bastion. A Reinheart charge or Roadhog hook is enough to counter him, and that's just a couple of the many counters.

I don't know about Reinhardt's charge being a good counter to Bastion. Sure, it will work against a bad Bastion, but a good Bastion will have enough situational awareness to mow down Reinhardt mid charge.
Someone in my team went AFK but never got disconnected somehow so we had to play through all fucking 3 rounds of Illios to avoid the leaver penalty. Fucking kill me.
It's too bad there's no way to track your stats for each map. I'd be very interested in my per-map performance. There's definitely a couple that I am terrible at.


People still thinking Bastion is OP,

What is this, May 2016? Only characters that get on my nerves are Tracer cause I can never hit her, and Mei because you can destroy her ult.


Neo Member
On Defense, Mercy + Basition at a distance from the choke point, is powerful. Buff then heal, repeat. It's a strong opening combo. Get Torb to setup his turret opposite then stand in the middle. Then the other 3 can tank (or really whatever) up front. If someone needs health just wheel back to Mercy.

You have 3 lanes of fire from distance and your healer is still working. That's a lot of support for the half of the team trying to hold the choke point line. I've seen it quite a bit and it works good to great. The only time it goes wrong is when Basition decides not to deal with the flankers that come through.


Just had the most frustratingly intense game of escort of Gibraltar.

We were up against 2 Bastions, 2 Reinhardt, a Mercy and Junkrat. I was Reinhardt leading the cargo. We got to the last checkpoint, which is farther than I thought we would. With a bit of communication, we probably could've had it.

But that's QP solo queue for ya.


People still thinking Bastion is OP,

What is this, May 2016? Only characters that get on my nerves are Tracer cause I can never hit her, and Mei because you can destroy her ult.

Don't be surprised. The other day we had someone claiming that Mercy's ult charge rate was OP.


I hate that reaper ultimate has zero start up. I was pushing a payload and he jump on top of me and before I could even react he used his ultimate and killed me. Isn't he the only character that has zero start up for his ultimate?
People still thinking Bastion is OP,

What is this, May 2016? Only characters that get on my nerves are Tracer cause I can never hit her, and Mei because you can destroy her ult.

Wow I've never knew that.
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