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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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I can't imagine having to heal Genjis and Tracers who are all over the place with Ana. Wow.

None of the supports really shine at getting heals around to those quick flankers. Those guys have extreme mobility anyway. They can get their own health packs and tracer can rewind damage. Neither of those classes should be spamming "heal plz"
I'm not worried about the sleep grenade thing, it little says any damage will wake you up. You would have to get killed in a single blow for that to be an issue (or get hit when surrounded by enemies and no abilities to escape).


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I'm not worried about the sleep grenade thing, it little says any damage will wake you up. You would have to get killed in a single blow for that to be an issue (or get hit when surrounded by enemies and no abilities to escape).

I'm basically wondering if ana can sleep you then get a headshot on your sleeping body for a kill.


I'm not worried about the sleep grenade thing, it little says any damage will wake you up. You would have to get killed in a single blow for that to be an issue (or get hit when surrounded by enemies and no abilities to escape).
Combo is pretty much the same as mccree/mei/junkrat combos
A six-second sleep will definitely get nerfed. But that skill will punish over-extenders.

Considering her damage and healing skills (both at the same time with her grenade) I think this is really going to hurt Zenyatta in just about every way, even with his incoming buffs.

I like the D.Va and Mercy changes. I wish they'd come back to McCree and make him viable again for console players. And I still think Reaper's ult needs a delay between when he announces it and when it starts firing.



2 new hero teasers? The part where it shows the old picture.

I'm not worried about the sleep grenade thing, it little says any damage will wake you up. You would have to get killed in a single blow for that to be an issue (or get hit when surrounded by enemies and no abilities to escape).

Still sounds pretty powerful considering you can disable one enemy off the fight for a short while. Like disabling Zarya or Reinhardt so they can't put up shields etc.


A six-second sleep will definitely get nerfed. But that skill will punish over-extenders.
It's a dart projectile though. Not sure how easy it will be to hit or how forgiving it'll be.

Putting tanks to sleep will probably be the easiest. Not sure if it really counters flankers unless you have godlike aim
Still sounds pretty powerful considering you can disable one enemy off the fight for a short while. Like disabling Zarya or Reinhardt so they can't put up shields etc.
I suspect the range is short. Useful for interrupting ults or giving yourself some breathing room if you're focused by a flanker, but you're not going to shut teams down with it.

I'm guessing it counts as a projectile and Zarya/Reinhardt shields stop the sleep dart. So will Genji's deflect, D.Va's defense matrix, etc.
not even half a day.


i'm sure the fanart thread will soon be flooded if it's not already.
It's a dart projectile though. Not sure how easy it will be to hit or how forgiving it'll be.

Putting tanks to sleep will probably be the easiest. Not sure if it really counters flankers unless you have godlike aim

True. It definitely remains to be seen.

I play D.Va really aggressively and I think this skill will be a nightmare for that. Fly in to skirmish so my team can break through behind me, get sleeped, team backs off, dead.

I'm not worried about the sleep grenade thing, it little says any damage will wake you up. You would have to get killed in a single blow for that to be an issue (or get hit when surrounded by enemies and no abilities to escape).

Think of what happens right now when a Mei extends too far and then pops her Ice Block. 3 or 4 players just sit there licking their lips, waiting for it to end, and when she finally thaws, there isn't enough bunny-hopping in the world that can save her.

This will work similarly to that.

The character looks super cool and I can't wait to see what she'll do to the meta.


it probably won't. the comp mode during PTR wasn't long enough to realize some issues when they released it.

I mean, the whole development time + beta + release and they're just now saying they're looking at Overtime, so it kinda varies based on the problem I guess :p
Hold up, did Reinhardt (w/Ana's ult) just one shot Zarya? Was she low on health, or is it a super buff (more than Mercy's 30% damage buff)?

Also, I knew her ultimate wasn't going to be some kind of AoE heal/revive. I thought she herself was going to do damage but that's not the case, she just damage boosts.


Mercy's damage boost getting a buff? Sign me up. Damage boosting a good Soldier/Pharah/Junkrat is already ridiculously strong, so a buff to that is going to work nicely with how I play Mercy.
what's interesting is that you have to communicate with your team if you going to boost a player. can't just randomly shoot someone expecting them to know what to do.
what's interesting is that you have to communicate with your team if you going to boost a player. can't just randomly shoot someone expecting them to know what to do.
Not really, they should have visual cues to know they are boosted, like Mercy boost, Zen heal and Zarya shield.

It's all about ulting someone at the right time as opposed to ulting someone aloof and expecting them to get to work lol
I bet if I randomly boost a Winston with ult, it probably works out

but will it make his ult stronger? for all we know it'll only boost non ulted people.

Not really, they should have visual cues to know they are boosted, like Mercy boost, Zen heal and Zarya shield.

It's all about ulting someone at the right time as opposed to ulting someone aloof and expecting them to get to work lol
i mean yeah but they have to alert someone they about to boost them. so that player can go in to do damage. like above zarya throws a shield bubble. most players i see just stand there or hide (and i don't mean because they are low HP)


Changes to Zen seem kinda lame, tbh. hope more shields help but I would've liked if his base speed was faster and not just during his Ult. dude is slow as shit.

yeah, instead of giving him a shield buff they should have just tweaked his movement a bit... increase his speed + he can hover (when you hold jump) like Pharah.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Say this though, if you thought life as Mercy was hard?

A sniper with only a sleep CD as an escape and your position has to be decent enough to see your team and your team isn't with you at all? Prepare for Reaper and Winston on your balls 24/7


Damage stacking with Mercy's new buff and Ana's Ult tho

Winston would actually kill people
Soldier 76 would erase people even faster
Bastion will cause even more salt in low level play
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