Well I'm donw for the night just had a match where I went gold damage as road hog the only tank
we had 5 dps characters and no ducking healers!!!!
So 6 DPS.
Well I'm donw for the night just had a match where I went gold damage as road hog the only tank
we had 5 dps characters and no ducking healers!!!!
I feel dirty saying this.
I think Sym is now too good. I'm fucking WRECKING shit now in PTR.
I just can't play Tracer. It makes me sad, I love everything about her, but her toolkit just doesn't mesh with my play style. I'm a bully, but she's too squishy to be a bully in the way I want.
The glitch to make Sym's barrier stand still should be a feature for the sake of Bastion
The glitch to make Sym's barrier stand still should be a feature for the sake of Bastion
At that point why not be a reinhardt though?
I feel dirty saying this.
I think Sym is now too good. I'm fucking WRECKING shit now in PTR.
The glitch to make Sym's barrier stand still should be a feature for the sake of Bastion
The Soldier buff is so duuuuumb.
Like I have said before, Blizzard has no finesse with buffing and nerfing. They heavy hand all the changes.if you don't have reinhardt the new 76 ult is more devastating than dragon blade pre-nerf
i'd rather fight buffed Soldier over McCree, tbh. lol
if you don't have reinhardt the new 76 ult is more devastating than dragon blade pre-nerf
Symmetra was already one of my most effective heroes in terms of win percentage and K/D, so this is sounding pretty great.
.if you don't have reinhardt the new 76 ult is more devastating than dragon blade pre-nerf
May as well get the ball rolling here: Symm's shield ult sounds kindaaa OP. I feel it overlaps with heroes like Torb, who gives out armour...
And I dont know, facing teams who have like 75-100 extra health sounds extremely annoying if the shields regenerate
And the ult must be destroyed to cancel it, so it could prove very difficult on some maps.
..not sure how balanced a shielded Tracer would be, for example
Need 80s Lucio
So apparently Genji cant edgeboost in the ptr now Blizzard stop it plz.
Oh wait, you didn't know? Haha.
Yup, goneso.
Also I still think torb ain't that great? His turret still honestly sucks.
So apparently Genji cant edgeboost in the ptr now Blizzard stop it plz.
Not that I've seen people do it on consoles, but still any nerf to Genji is always welcome.
Fuck Genji, no other character gives me more trouble. I run into these 2 genji mains on a daily basis. I lose a 1v1 90% of the time no matter who I pick, it's endlessly annoying. And it's pretty much always a potg from them.
Also fuck Zarya. So happy with her nerfs.
Zarya was buffed secretly lol. Her shield reduction means almost nothing when you consider how death star accurate her beam is now. Any one who was good with zarya's left click before is now going to be a god. Super consistent hitbox hooking with her beam compared to before.
Attacks that deal damage to both a barrier and the target of a barrier (such as Reinhardt's Fire Strike, Hanzos Dragonstrike, etc.), no longer deal damage to the barrier twice
sounds like you're a Tank guy.
I play tanks in pretty much every game. I just want to be good with something else :'(
remember when the ult charge reduction was going to make individual micro more importantThis patches meta is buttcheeks tier so far ;~;
remember when the ult charge reduction was going to make individual micro more important
Yes, although in a very broken state rn.So, the Symmetra changes are on the PTR right now?
I thought she was nerfed further?
I mean, she gets less charge off certain things, but the bigger implication of certain abilities not being able to break shield as easily is huge for her. Genji requiring two sword swings to break a barrier is kinda nutty. At higher level the charge she gets off interactions like that is negligible usually because most players can juggle charge pretty well. So now all they've really done is make it harder to kill bubbles.
Huh, alright, that's fair enough.
Though I'm kinda not mad at them making the tanking part of her kit stronger, but yeah, probably not while keeping her damage output.
Who knows though, she kinda of seem to fallen out of favour now that she doesn't insta delete dva.
Yeah, she's weaker now due to meta stuff. I would be okay with the bubble change if she dealt less damage with charge myself. I don't think lowering available charge to her is a viable balance solution when she outputs this much damage.
Doesn't Genji's Dragonbalde do like 120 damage per strike? Number wise it should of always taken 2 strikes to break the bubble.
yeah you're rightI mean it does.
Problem is that they didn't account for the street pig and old man that can delete you from mid to long range
Nor the metal bunny whose own individual micro is nullifying other people's individual micro.