Sunyatta is the best Zenyatta skin. Fight me IRL.
Atleast my screen isn't blocked with massive hand rings. ;_;
And yeah I think all of Sombra's are pretty ass. Noche is alright. I actually don't really like the character in general much at all tbh.
Lol I have all Zen's skins, but I keep him in his default. He's a monk! Humble. Pious. Simple. (Peace sign.)
Don't worry about who is and isn't popular in the meta right now, it's not important when you first start playing. Just keep playing the game and having fun and you'll start to pick up more of the minutia like who is a good counter to who etc by yourself.
PTR is the testing server on PC where they put up new features and balance changes for community testing.
Mercy is not the best support, but she is quite good still.
PTR is a test version of the game available only on PC. It's where all the new updates will hit first, before going live. So always keep an eye on it for the news, even if you don't have it.
Here's a cool resource I used starting out to learn about the characters and what they're good for, who they're bad against, etc:
I'm not wild about any of Sombra's skins. I think my favorites are probably the Team GB Tracer and the weightlifter Zarya.
I echo the sentiments about D.Va's skins though - they're all pretty unremarkable.
That's My issue with most of the mercies i have had honestly.
Like, mercy mains love complaining about their team not looking after them, but in reality they also aren't really playing her right either.
People would probably like Mercy more if most people knew how to hide when they have their ult and resurrect the team when they die. Most mercy's just go to the frontlines to die and never get a good ult off once the entire game. I think she does need an extra ability of some form though to be considered more viable. I do like how fast she recovers health now after taking damage.
McCree's primary still out damages Soldier, the problem is Soldier is more generous with aiming plus his helix rockets allow for a longer engagement range than McCree's stun/fan the hammer even if the latter obviously does more damage.Soldier is crazy now. Was watching my friend who's probably played about an hour of Overwatch play him and the damage - even with his limited game sense - was ridiculous.
McCree's primary still out damages Soldier, the problem is Soldier is more generous with aiming plus his helix rockets allow for a longer engagement range than McCree's stun/fan the hammer even if the latter obviously does more damage.
S76 also a sprint so he can engage/disengage easier and of course he's got the self healing going for him.
Annnnd his ult went from being one of the worst ones to one of the best ones after his damage buff, especially since now he's probably the go-to Ana boost character.
I wouldn't be mad if McCree got his 50% charge if he doesn't use High Noon back, especially with the ult charge nerf.
Vishkar/Architect are great skins IMO.
We need a Mondatta skin tho...
Why is this not a thing?
Hmm yeah I've still done well with McCree post-patch, I'm just shooting the shit. S76's utility is just so much better.McCree is fine, definitely doesn't need a buff. The ult charge nerf buffed him anyway, his left click is a real workhorse. Soldier is just a better solo carry because he can heal himself and has mobility, McCree still needs his team somewhat to provide him with necessary space. For example standing behind Reinhardt and being passively healed by Lucio means you can basically just aim freely, if the enemy lets me have that space I can easily mop up the team. It's actually DVA that I absolutely cannot stand post-patch.
Source: McCree 'main'.
It'd be kinda weird to have a skin where Zen transforms his body in to a different Omnic entirely, one that was his dead mentor too. The Griefhardt skins work because it's just armorWhy is this not a thing?
You take that backtoo busy making dumb witch waifu skins
too busy making dumb witch waifu skins
You mean too busy bringing money. Gotta move those lootboxes and unless they add some robo-boobs, Zen ain't gonna do that.
Omg I made enough to buy a golden wep but I'm hesitating for who... My mind is telling me Lucio but plz let him stay viable Blizzard. ;n;
I don't understand how people can even have fun playing with hacks.Good little video made it to the top of the Overwatch subreddit about subtle cheating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MXjPdXUZz8
Disclaimer: Not every person with good aim and a tendency to shoot like this is a hacker. I play McCree with 50%+ average accuracy and multiple crits. I make weird crosshair movements(people who've seen my potgs know this too well lol). I'm not a hacker. I have spotted these out in the wild though, the first time was against a Soldier that was p obvious, especially since he had the worst positioning known to man.
I'm always really curious about what is going on with hacks so I look into them and ask around every now and then. I like to be able to spot or just know things. I'm pretty sure some pretty nutty hacks are starting to get out there.
Lol I have all Zen's skins, but I keep him in his default. He's a monk! Humble. Pious. Simple. (Peace sign.)
I really like how Zenyatta plays, but I cannot stand his character. It drives me so crazy that I hate playing him, even though I enjoy playing him.
I really like how Zenyatta plays, but I cannot stand his character. It drives me so crazy that I hate playing him, even though I enjoy playing him.
can you set up Symm's shield generator in spawn? This could be super helpful ridiculous on maps like Hanamura & Anubis point B... xD
Zen's got the coolest design in the whole game
Tracer has a better one, but yeah Zen is up there.
Tracer has a better one, but yeah Zen is up there.