I can't remember the last time I saw Hanamura without a Mei.
This is my first time really watching pro after the patch. Is she obsolete now?
Her ult charge was nerfed heavily, shes more of a preference pick than a must pick now.
I can't remember the last time I saw Hanamura without a Mei.
This is my first time really watching pro after the patch. Is she obsolete now?
Her ult charge was nerfed heavily, shes more of a preference pick than a must pick now.
Her ult charge was nerfed heavily, shes more of a preference pick than a must pick now.
Half her kit is stopped with almost minimal effort. I agree her kit is good but, it can't do anything that another character can do by just shooting their way through.Sombra has this issue going on atm where everything she does isn't enough into the popular teams. It's kind of weird because she has a really strong kit, but like what does she bring into fighting against the major teams right now? Hacking a single person is eh. She can't kill tanks. She can't kill Ana. EMP has to hit Ana plus the tanks or it's not very good.
I wouldn't want her buffed because she still is really scary, she's just not good in a meta where tanks and Ana are going insane.
Also Envy did win with Reaper on their strats, but I will say he had low impact. Reaper in general had pretty low impact, Soldier might have been better. He's definitely usable though!
Her ult charge was nerfed heavily, shes more of a preference pick than a must pick now.
? Didn't she basically get a practical buff by having her charge reduced by only 15% instead of the 25% everyone else got? She fills up much faster than most of the rooster.
Half her kit is stopped with almost minimal effort. I agree her kit is good but, it can't do anything that another character can do by just shooting their way through.
Well, in a situation where she can just murder people out of invis she's not bad tbh. Like hacking can be stopped by shooting, but hacking is kind of really good and she doesn't need to hack to be effective. Just like, who's she going to jump on or play around this patch? The Roadhog? lol
Edit: Yeah, Mei ult charge was nerfed by 40% and you still get it too often lmao
As someone who plays a lot of Winston, I now know how Reapers feel when they see Winston when I see Reinahrdt
juke city.
Like, not that much though.
She still gets it a lot earlier than other character. Before nerf I was able to get ult even before ana.
Her ult buildup is still one of the best. Far better than like a Zarya.
? Didn't she basically get a practical buff by having her charge reduced by only 15% instead of the 25% everyone else got? She fills up much faster than most of the rooster.
Its relatively quick but she used to have it literally every fight. Not really worth taking up a Roadhog/dva or Zarya slot a lot of the time and I don't agree that her ult is more impactful than zaryas the frequency isn't nearly enough anymore.I mean, you could definitely argue for torb over mei on 2nd point anubis right now.
She works well in quick play because nobody plays healer so everyone relies on health packs lmaoI don't get Sombra. She seems kind of.. bad? She's squishy as hell, can't hack while she's invisible/getting damaged and doesn't really seem to do much. Am I missing something? :s
I don't get Sombra. She seems kind of.. bad? She's squishy as hell, can't hack while she's invisible/getting damaged and doesn't really seem to do much. Am I missing something? :s
also in his current state NO close range people are having a good time right now because of Soldier 76
and Sombra's gun is best at close range.
LH vs KDU Esca practically won them a point during the third phase when they had only 1 min in the timebank because he was able to build up ult during the first fight. That's still really fast.
They fucked up in a lot of ways but esca switching to mei was pretty the most impactful change in the game. Won them B during first round, nearly held B during 2nd round, and won them A during third. Could have held if they didn't waste ults because the ult charge nerf really hurts that. You can't just blow 4 ults at the same time anymore if you know that the enemy team still has their ults building up.
I'm kinda debating if sombra should have her hack be interruptable.
Mei can get her freeze on without being interrupted and to me stun still > silence.
It's much easier for sombra to get into the backlines though so I dunno.
Esca basically only plays McCree and Mei and pulled off some clutch hs on that round with Mei. He kept them in the fight but tbh they deserved to lose there. Pretty hard to think of many other examples where a Mei carried the game this patch.
I'm kinda debating if Sombra should have her hack be interruptable.
the only thing that negates damage that stops freeze is zaryas bubble
And Rein/Winston's shields.
I don't get Sombra. She seems kind of.. bad? She's squishy as hell, can't hack while she's invisible/getting damaged and doesn't really seem to do much. Am I missing something? :s
I think so definitely and I bet its going to be one of her first changes. Considering she will never be picked as a pure DPS character, they should at least make it so that her utility is reliable enough to do what she is intended for.
I'd rather have no countdown on her relocater. Having her hack be uninterruptible is too OP imo.