the holder of the trombone
Pharah being a throw pick now more than ever. ;_;
The freeze buildup kind of just slowly fades away though instead of being a total cleanse like zarya's bubble.
Also, gone are the days of Zarya? What happened to the queen of Overwatch?
OW needs a rocket jumping hero
not pharah or 76 but an actual one
OW needs a rocket jumping hero
not pharah or 76 but an actual one
Something like this?Every time I see mariachi Reaper I get some mariachi music playing in my head.
Being always behind him and seeing the guitar doesn't help.
One of the Pros saying D.Va is a must pick in this meta on the Dreamhack stream, indicating that she takes away Zarya's spot. Very interesting.
OW needs a rocket jumping hero
not pharah or 76 but an actual one
Wouldn't mind seeing a hero that can use something like the shock rifle from Unreal Tournament.
Also need someone who can use a chainsaw.
Is there an SRK equivalent for following Overwatch competitive scene?
Lucio is another character who seems take forever to build his ult now after the nerf.
Thanks.Gosugamers is pretty good.
Eh, Winston and D.Va eat Widow alive, I'm ok with her being around now.
When she's on your team?
And a golden gun widow is less likely to switch off than a pro genji. at least hanzo will switch to genji.
I do this too. It's only kinda effective but more importantly it's boring as shit.I stealth to a backline / sideline health pack as Sombra, hack the Health Pack, then make the Health Pack my home with a translocator before going out to cause mischief and hopefully pick off some healers or squishy snipers on the backline. As soon as it begins to head south, I boop back to my hacked healthpack, wait the 6 seconds for the translocator to refresh, then repeat.
Soldier 76 is a walking bastion now
maybe they should just remove Bastion
Matchmaking for 1V1 is non existstant. I was rank 2500 last season but consistently get matched with people 3500+. Just had one guy who was 4500. Such a joke.
I'm level ~160 and got matched with a 500 and I beat them 5-0.
It felt nice.