I don't think it does, that's why I said the match making is non existent. You could go up against people 2000 SR below you in 1v1.I didn't know 1v1 matchmaking even take your SR into account.
Edit: Again? Dafuq Blizzard.
There's so many golden guns in QP
maybe I should play more comp
Do you want to stop having fun playing this game?
The 2nd one didn't have any blizzards though...?
The 2nd one didn't have any blizzards though...?
The 2nd one didn't have any blizzards though...?
I mean I'm already forced to tank or heal in most qp games as it is so we're long past that point
Weird, if this was an issue surely people would have ran into it before already?
Or does it have something to do with being on LAN.
Maybe now they'll actually delete Mei
There were some players from the World Cup who reported Mei being able to freeze faster because of superior tick rates, but that didn't break the game.Seems Sombra might have something to do with it. There was also some LAN issue with Mei's Blizzard last big tournament I think? Something about the tickrate being higher affecting freezing speed on Blizzard.
Pretty messy stuff though.
Maybe I'll delete you.
Though for real, if it's a mei specific issue just ban her for this series until blizzard fixes it.
Multiple times today I've had Anas ult me when I'm in Primal Rage mode instead of lightning gun mode
stop it
There were some players from the World Cup who reported Mei being able to freeze faster because of superior tick rates, but that didn't break the game.
Maybe Blizzard tried to fix that and caused these issues accidentally?
Wouldn't the gore and stuff from said chainsaw kill will bump up the games rating? However, I think a weapon that functions like anything from the UT arsenal would be pretty sweet.