D.Va. forever. AlwaysI can't figure out who to use when defending Dorado.
D.Va. forever. AlwaysI can't figure out who to use when defending Dorado.
Could I please get an invite to the PC discord?
I can't figure out who to use when defending Dorado.
Overbuff really likes to add random losses for no reason. Hard to take win rate stats seriously. It was really 5-2 with Mercy and 1-0 with Winston.
Did you switch off during you playing time? It gives me a lost if I switch off during a match.
jesus, no one for eu pc gaming?
disco aint quite working
I can't figure out who to use when defending Dorado.
Could I please get an invite to the PC discord?
I can't figure out who to use when defending Dorado.
Competitive is on off-season right now lolOk, I got to lvl25.
Should I move to competitive or play only QP?
Right now it seems like everyone's QP picks are just based on what gold weapon they just bought at the end of the season.![]()
Maybe you should contact Blizzard support.
Competitive is on off-season right now lol
It comes back in a few days. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, I only bought this game after season 2 had already started. Part of me wants to play comp the day it comes back but my friend on PC said that's when all the super good tryhards come out and it's no fun. Idk if there's a gaf group going I guess I'll play comp then to boost my placement rank![]()
So my brother-in-law did some Googling and came up with this:
After disabling the service my in-game ping went from 250-300 to 25-40.
I still suck with mouse & keyboard, but what a difference. Had a good push on Zarya and felt like I was at maybe....60% comfort level compared to PS4. Felt great.
Can confirm. PC > PS4 even if I'm worse, but the game feels a lot better with kb/m and it's nice being able to use certain characters that were impossible to use on consoleEveryone who has transitioned from console to PC here reported that they're enjoying the game much more. It will take at least 1 month to get used to it, but then you'll understand why the controls matter so much.
Competitive is on off-season right now lol
It comes back in a few days. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, I only bought this game after season 2 had already started. Part of me wants to play comp the day it comes back but my friend on PC said that's when all the super good tryhards come out and it's no fun. Idk if there's a gaf group going I guess I'll play comp then to boost my placement rank![]()
so many new players with their high level friends in qp now. find it funny that the stereotypes of new players is still prevalent and accurate.
As a new player, what's the stereotype?
bastion pickers
hanzon/widow "i'm pro sniper in cod i can be pro here", generally not helpful
I dont understand. Comp is working right now right? It just wont count points towards season 3.
I guess I will play a couple of games just to test the waters. Thanks.
Recently got back into it. I was mostly a Tracer, Zaria, Zenyatta, Lucio, Roadhog, D. Va, Winston, Reaper, and Genji, and McCree player (with defensive heroes here and there).
I tried out Sombra and I felt I was doing decent with her. Though her abilities, ultimate, and play style makes it seem like I'm not doing much besides picking off people and proving to be a distracting mosquito. Are there any other tips you guys could lend me?
My brother noted than in every situation, he felt Tracer would've been superior.
Edit: I remember going 30-1 (with 4 gold medals) on a game that I joined late but I still feel like something is missing since that's not that good compared to my other picks.
Sombra isn't as much as a killer. She seems to be more of a flow manipulator.
Need to have the team be able to hold or gain ground better, hack some health packs
Need to keep a player from ulting, hack them.
Have some pesky healers to deal with before a push? Cloak/Teleport to the enemy backline.
Instead of killing the enemies directly, she can specifically cripple certain aspects of the enemy and keep it crippled. If played right, she can probably do a ton of damage to the enemy while not even killing anything.
As a new player, what's the stereotype?
As a new player, what's the stereotype?
every fucking game, hanzo widow
wtf, and i could possibly forgive them if they weren't just the worst peopleon the team. I have no idea how these people get into the 200 levels playing like this and it's their "main"
Ok, this sombra strat seems pretty ridiculous. She builds ult absurdly fast with this strat.
every fucking game, hanzo widow
wtf, and i could possibly forgive them if they weren't just the worst peopleon the team. I have no idea how these people get into the 200 levels playing like this and it's their "main"
every fucking game, hanzo widow
wtf, and i could possibly forgive them if they weren't just the worst peopleon the team. I have no idea how these people get into the 200 levels playing like this and it's their "main"
It's quick play y'all, odds are the enemy team also has shitty composition and either way there's pretty much no penalty for losing.