there's another one I just saw last week that was 80's. had a retro bike helmet and everything, dunno where I found it though
Holy shit this hanzo POTG in this compilation!
Yeah this is the shittiest I've seen quickplay been since I started Overwatch. People just want to play who they want to play, fuck team composition. I don't even know why they have those team compositions warnings anymore.
3v3 meta is awful
Lets just camp in spawn with a Mercy
Yeah, there always seems to be a Mercy and a Roadhog.
For fuck's sake, people. Have a bit of fun will ya? Do you have to win every single damn time?
They should do a 3v3 random heroes mode.
or just remove the loot box
You only get a loot box for your first win.
Use Mei or Winston and marvel at how he becomes useless
He has some of the hardest counters in the game.
He has been nerfed so much already. He's a shadow of what he used to be.
I know he's counterable with Mei and Winston, problem is that if the Genji player is good, he'll just dash away before you have time to get him. He's annoying and frustrating more than unstoppable.
Why when I play Zen there is always a Roadhog focusing on me :*(
"What's that? An enemy Lucio healing his allies? Well, we can't have none of that!"Why when I play Zen there is always a Roadhog focusing on me :*(
Guess what happens when Genji dashes away from Winston?
Yeah and if he crawls up a wall the second you get to him, or if you don't have your jump available.
My point is, that fighting Genji is boring because he'll be irritating you all the time unless you or someone on your team changes their whole playstyle to counter him.
I feel with most characters, there are a lot of ways to counter other players, especially with skill, but with Genji you have to go with Mei or Winston and hope that the Genji isn't a spazmatic tryhard.
Yeah and if he crawls up a wall the second you get to him, or if you don't have your jump available.
My point is, that fighting Genji is boring because he'll be irritating you all the time unless you or someone on your team changes their whole playstyle to counter him.
I feel with most characters, there are a lot of ways to counter other players, especially with skill, but with Genji you have to go with Mei or Winston and hope that the Genji isn't a spazmatic tryhard.
You are really underestimating the reach of the Tesla cannon.
A good Tracer is honestly a hundred times more annoying than Genji.
Did they manage to finish the NIP vs Complexity this morning? Who won?
is quickplay wonky or is it meant for lvl 16 me to go against lvl 70s and up?
I can't figure out who to use when defending Dorado.
It does. Any time I see someone below level 25 in one of my games, it's always a smurf. Or just a noob that plays like they have 500 hours of experience, but nah.I thought quick play uses your internal mmr to match make primarily as opposed to level
You know what I hate about e-sports (or at least Overwatch e-sports)? There's zero structure to it.
Is there a site out there that catalogs all of the upcoming events in a nice calendar to help keep track of all of it?
Thing is you kinda need a team to know to eat poke and get packs for her ult. So she's still free in solo Q pubs.
You know what I hate about e-sports (or at least Overwatch e-sports)? There's zero structure to it.
Is there a site out there that catalogs all of the upcoming events in a nice calendar to help keep track of all of it?