Reinhardt is a DPS character? Really? D. Va and Zarya, I'll grant you, but literally Reinhardt's whole Hat is standing in front of the push and taking hits.
Three swings of his hammer and he kills most Offense/Defense characters.75 damage a swing, 1 swing per second = 225 in 3 seconds. Compare that to Genji who does 28 per star, which would be 252 in 3 seconds. He's able to output nearly the same damage in the same amount of time as a DPS oriented hero.
I'd agree that he's more balanced than D.Va / Zarya / Roadhog for sure, but considering how big the hitbox is on his hammer and how most every character has the same speed, he can do pretty serious damage if he's not just standing around with his shield up. There's a reason Reinhardt was one of the main choices to be nano-boosted by Ana.