Buying from the TF2 store is a bad idea, you can use a bot that will trade you every weapon in the game for less than 2 keys ($5).
I don't use a cell phone so that's not an option
Buying from the TF2 store is a bad idea, you can use a bot that will trade you every weapon in the game for less than 2 keys ($5).
I bought the pc version of Overwatch 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Ive never played a pc fps moving from ps4 to pc any tips?
Ive pretty much just turned off mouse acceleration.
Im excited to learn the game all over again after 270hours!
I bought the pc version of Overwatch ��������
Ive never played a pc fps moving from ps4 to pc any tips?
Ive pretty much just turned off mouse acceleration.
Im excited to learn the game all over again after 270hours!
I played it on PC around my cousins house yesterday and all I can say is it'll take a lot of practice without any prior PC FPS experience lol. I kept inputting the wrong keys to trigger my abilities lol. I'm probably gonna buy parts for a PC tomorrow so may also be hopping on the PC train![]()
Generally, DPI should be around 800 and in game sensitivity at around 7. But go into the practice range and just try to track the moving bots with your mouse. If you're overshooting, tone it down, if you can't keep up, up the sens.
I think movement is going to be the biggest barrier initially. It's really difficult going from analog to WASD. Plus you'll probably mishit keys from time to time until you're adjusted. And just be ready for Widows and Hanzos to actually be good on PC.
It's took me around a month to get used to the controls but the game is far superior on PC so it's definitely worth investing your time.
Set the in-game sensitivity to 4. Set the DPI of the mouse to 1600. (If you don't have a gaming mouse, I recommend DeathAdder Chroma. It has two thumb buttons and a tactile scroll wheel; you can map up to 4 keys.)
Ignore the temptation to use a console controller. Practice with m/kb, it'll feel natural in 1-2 weeks.
I bought the pc version of Overwatch 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Ive never played a pc fps moving from ps4 to pc any tips?
Ive pretty much just turned off mouse acceleration.
Im excited to learn the game all over again after 270hours!
LVL 1800 REACHED ! World First without account sharing ? EU/US/KR First ! 6 months of intensive rush... THANKS EVERYONE !
But why though?
TabGuys whats the button on keyboard to bring up the stat screen ingame
Ive been trying to figure this out since i started now :///
Damn thanks
Anyone up? Need to step up my friends list game.
I play on both US and EU servers. don't use a cell phone so that's not an option
Seagull streams conditioned me to hit tab nonstop
god I miss Seagull
Is it me or is Numbani much easier to defend than to attack? Often the attackers don't even get the payload moving. I'm pretty new but a lot of matches I've had this has been the case.
I'll add you. I've got nobody on my friends list. My tag is FlameBeaver by the way.
EDIT: Are you Level 78 or 76? I'm getting two results when I search for you for some reason.
Apparently 16 hours of OW a day.
Apparently 16 hours of OW a day.
Apparently 16 hours of OW a day.
Weird. Forgot to mention it was on PC (I'm 79 now). Can't find you either, what's your battlenet#?
I'm sure there's people on reddit or or wherever defending thatApparently 16 hours of OW a day.
Apparently 16 hours of OW a day.
Sounds more like 8 hours a day of the overbuff stats on hours are accurate. Still ridiculous
One of the top posts on Reddit this morning is a joke about Sombra being bad :x
Blizzard pls don't buff her rn ;~;
Nah. Don't hesitate to go lower. Plenty of Ana, McCree etc are slower. Personally, I use 600 DPI and 3.15 in game.Generally, DPI should be around 800 and in game sensitivity at around 7.
This game is a total mess right now. Everybody picks shit and no one cares about winning.