Was D.Va's self destruct shortened recently? It feels like it goes off superfast now.
Not recently. It was the same patch that changed her defense matrix.
Was D.Va's self destruct shortened recently? It feels like it goes off superfast now.
My problem is my preferred heroes are all over the map. I don't have a set role I can clearly fill.
I overwhelmingly play Zarya in comp, but I can also do Genji/Zenyatta/Ana, maybe a little Winston, maybe one of the other DPS (but usually less optimally than someone else, and there's almost never a shortage of DPS). I'm good at Junkrat, too, but it's honestly been more than a month or two since I've used him even as a joke. I love Sombra, but it's too soon to know how she will actually fit in the meta or even to risk picking her.
I've tried getting better at Rein to nail down a tank role, but he's not intuitive to me.
Was D.Va's self destruct shortened recently? It feels like it goes off superfast now.
For Rein, when learning him, just go as aggressive as possible and then dial it back. A good Reinhardt needs to be getting kills like the other tanks.
Name one other Overwatch character who looks more like they post on 4chan than Junkrat
Name one other Overwatch character who looks more like they post on 4chan than Junkrat
Not always. I'd focus on learning the RPS first, if you can get that down you're very far ahead.
91-65 record in quickplay with Zenyatta.. pretty happy with that considering I solo queue and have been put into so many losing matches and paired with some really horrible teams. Nothing is ever my fault!!!
QP does lead to some interesting compositions though that wouldn't fly at a higher skill level. Surprising wins with attack Torbs, no tanks, one healer, three healers, etc
I love killing Reinhardt as Zenyatta. If you miss a pin you get discorded and die. After that, DPS characters are the most fun to kill because the way some people fight Zen you can tell they're too overconfident.
I was playing Sombra little more these past 2 days and i have to say that she is very fun, like i said before, but she can also be very frustrating to play.
Sometimes i feel like she is powerful enough but sometimes i think that she is weak. I guess it depends on the enemy team lol.
I realized that you need to think before doing anything with her and don't rush. You must have your translocator ready or you will get destroyed no matter what. You also need to stay close to your teammates. She is very good "hit and run" hero, but it's hard to have final blow with her because of her weak SMG.
Imo. they should increase translocator duration from 15 to 20 or 25 or remove the cooldown when translocator is not used AND increase her SMG dmg little bit.
I still forget to throw my translocator to have for an escape plan before I go into the fray. It's only when I start getting shot I realize that I have no way out.
i always see charge happy reins in low lv plays when I play with a particular group of friends. Give me a smile in my face when I see charge happy reins on the enemy team because they get punish for it lol.You're talking about mind games right? At gold/platinum level, there are none. It's literally all about which Rein isn't stupid enough to overcommit because his team is not going to bubble/heal him or commit with him when it happens.
So many times a Rein will get a good pin on me but will die instantly because his Zarya/Ana doesn't follow up. It's so luck based and I'd be against it on defence because of the line of defence players make at this level.
At master level, I'm sure everything is dictated by which Rein is winning the 1v1 battle but I dunno about the lower levels. Maybe there is some pseudo mind games as well that's completely different to higher level play? I dunno.
back when I play tracer frequently and after the buff to zen's discord (the 50% dmg one) I get my face booted in. learned from my mistake to never get into melee distance for zen. which in turn teached me how to play a booting zen lol.I posted a Tracer gameplay vid the other day and a forumer said "you are way less afraid of Zenyattas than I am."
I am terrified of Zenyatta. Like New Soldier and McCree, that's one hero you have to approach like it's a sleeping bear. Give it respect. Stay away from the business end.
Edit (PS4)
So you're a new player for the mmr, nothing transfers from the beta. You're getting paired up against other new players.I played over 100 hours when I got into closed beta back in April, played a bit during May and didn't play again until a co-worker bought it for me for an early Xmas gift because I was busy playing the other Blizzard games and wanted to have someone to play with. I know what games that are close feel like, and I had way more of those in closed beta than I do now.
Alternatively, I could just be bad yes, but that should mean I should have some shitty opponents/godlike teammates right?
Was playing some Widowmaker the other night (actually got POTG with her, which I thought would be impossible) and was wondering why the cooldown on her grappling hook is so long?
I'm not sure why they chose to do that. I think it's like 12 seconds? What could it hurt if it was half that time, kinda like Sombra's invisibility? A lot of the time I needed to escape after being found and I had no ability to do it.
tfw you solo a widow from across the map as mercy
I am still amazed at the amount of anime fanart for Overwatch. Why does all of this exist. I know it's a great cast of characters but why is so much of the fanart anime style. That's one portion of the internet I will never understand. I realize I just EMP'd myself and am standing in front of a rocket barrage with this comment. No offense meant it just fascinates me!
I tried playing Tracer a bit to see if I can get good with her because of that video someone posted a little while ago and like... no. Nope. Never going to happen. Playing her just makes me angry and frustrated haha, not my style at all. I do like Sombra though, and it's a lot less disorienting playing her, and she has a somewhat similar role.
I'm in the same boat as you. I like Tracer's mobility and I know she can be good, but oh god I suck with her. I feel like I'm actively a detriment to the team whenever I try her so it feels awful.I tried playing Tracer a bit to see if I can get good with her because of that video someone posted a little while ago and like... no. Nope. Never going to happen. Playing her just makes me angry and frustrated haha, not my style at all. I do like Sombra though, and it's a lot less disorienting playing her, and she has a somewhat similar role.
That's a cool idea but yeah, probably way too OP. Combine that healer with a Mercy and your team will be ridiculously hard to kill.I was thinking whilst playing the other day if a Healer character could ever be implemented that couldn't heal characters at all when alive but could revive corpses.
Similar to the defibrilator in BF4, it could have a cooldown of like 8-10 seconds, whatever they use to revive their teammates can do minor damage to enemies or stun them then the secondary could be something defensive like a smoke grenade.
It'd probably be way too OP, no idea what the ultimate could be either.
Tracer requires a bit of effort to work
Tracer actually requires a decent team to work too.
I was thinking whilst playing the other day if a Healer character could ever be implemented that couldn't heal characters at all when alive but could revive corpses.
Similar to the defibrilator in BF4, it could have a cooldown of like 8-10 seconds, whatever they use to revive their teammates can do minor damage to enemies or stun them then the secondary could be something defensive like a smoke grenade.
It'd probably be way too OP, no idea what the ultimate could be either.
She's okay solo. I agree if given space she's absolutely absurd.
More people, especially tanks, need to learn how to take and control space better. It's getting kinda ehhhh sitting around in drawn out poke fights or watching tanks stand still all the time. Next big step up in online ladder will be the people who can do that well.
Has the lore even distinguished if there are both male and female Omnics?This game needs a female Omnic. Actually it needs more Omnics in general. Isn't there only like 2 right now?
maybe a 3v3 map with a hallway like choke with no flank routes. this way it force player to learn how to win in a controlling the choke
Man at Arms does Genjis Dragonblade + shurikens :0
This game needs a female Omnic. Actually it needs more Omnics in general. Isn't there only like 2 right now?
They should rip off Transformers and have an Omnic that can transform into a car and speed around the map. As a trade off it can't shoot anyone anymore but it can zoom around really fast making it hard to hit, but it has to rely on ramming into people to damage them. Also, people who aren't on the ground would probably be safe. I think it could be fairly balanced.
There are some bad players though. I kept dming and giving space for this mccree yesterday but he still managed to let the opposing pharah dominate the game. They complaint about my dva play but the only card or team got at the end was my dmg blocked card so, i dunno.
Though it did make me evaluate if it's better to make space by harassing as a dva or to stick with your team and protect them. I feel like it's harder to do the harassing route with a pharah.
Man, I wasn't expecting those shurikens to actually be throwable. A lot of the weapons in-gameare on the edge of being fantastical.Man at Arms does Genjis Dragonblade + shurikens :0
Kinda happy to be honest, gives me an excuse to actually play other games.This game goes into the toilet in the off-season. Playing today has just been a complete waste of time.