the holder of the trombone
Are the PC servers meant to be down or is it just me?
edit: nvm, just me.
edit: nvm, just me.
From what I'm reading placements are just effectively placebo now, considering what a shitshow they usually are, it makes sense. You just end up where you ended last week more or less, don't stress it too much and just play them to get it out of the way, you gotta climb.
Also really, do people expect big flactuations in personal skill after just 1 week?
I think it's just a little test of "are you an entirely different person from last season or just mostly the same?"
Ok, being a noob had some help from ISOM and WyndStriker (dont know if those are their GAF names) and managed to get 6 wins, 3 losses and 1 draw if I remember correctly.
Got 2427.
You need 3000 for a golden gun right? Dont know if I can reach that high.
What you got is SR.
The 3000 needed for the gun is CP, you get 10 for every win in ranked plus a certain amount in the end of the season, it varies according to your tier.
I feel like I see the sane confusion in any game with a ranking system.
Getting the same rank as you ended season 2 after your Season 3 placements makes perfect sense no? Your not going to be anywhat better at the game after the off season week?
I think people just struggle to accept in most cases they aren't as good at games as they like to think. And when their ranks don't reflect their own self inflated sense of skill they complain and whine.
This isn't directed at anyone here, just something I've noticed since the Halo 2 days of ranking systems and all the others over the years.
You are right though. I'd assume the win rate bring front and center is because it's an easy statistic to understand.It has more to do with the fact that the game shows your winrate across your placement matches as though it means something when it really doesn't. Moonmoon won like 2 matches and placed immediately in grandmaster, while some people won nearly all of them and placed in gold or silver.
But I think some people may be under the impression that it's supposed to a complete reset or something. It's really just more of a formality than anything else.
These placements are a sham. Your win loss doesn't mean shit, its primarily based off of what you placed last season. Just met someone who placed 3700 and only won 1 of their placement matches. for all those who tanked their SR on purpose at the end of the season lol.
Servers seem to be down for me on PS4.
Are the reports of a ton of plat players losing significant SR in placements this season true?
Good thing if so.
I don't think so. I think it's more gold players at least from what I've seen heard that are starting much lower than last season.Are the reports of a ton of plat players losing significant SR in placements this season true?
Good thing if so.
Out of our 5 stack yesterday 4 of us placed near or above their ending sr from last season. The four of us were plat/diamond. The gold in our team got placed in silver.Everyone is placing generally a tier below where they were last season. I believe they said it's because they don't want people placing higher than they should be, and if they keep playing, they should rise to their actual level after some time.
That's ridiculous. Totally not jealous.Carry me to top 500 this season pretty please with a cherry on top.
Btw, heads up PS4 players, trolls are on the loose. Torbs, Widows, and Hanzos everywhere. May God be with you.
I don't think so. I think it's more gold players at least from what I've seen heard that are starting much lower than last season.
I think for plat and above everyone's sr has remained the same.
Out of our 5 stack yesterday 4 of us placed near or above their ending sr from last season. The four of us were plat/diamond. The gold in our team got placed in silver.
Btw, heads up PS4 players, trolls are on the loose. Torbs, Widows, and Hanzos everywhere. May God be with you.
Ive noticed a lot of torb as well and don't think a single team that had him won though lolThere was an insane amount of torb tonight..
They don't really seem like trolling though.
There was an insane amount of torb tonight..
They don't really seem like trolling though.
So what you're saying is I can join competitive without a headset and not feel guilty?
I've played both past 2 seasons on solo queue with no headset.
I played primarily support and tank, did not play any competitive last season, went 4-6 and got a 1822 rank. I could definitely have played better, hurt myself trying to play the meta and taking Ana when I'm much better with Zen, didn't anticipate the immediate bump in competitive players ability to not shoot Zarya's bubble, etc.. However, I also basically carried my teams to three of the four wins with a Rein damage block card of one 16,000 on a defense map, a Zenyatta 49% kill involvement with four medals, two golds, and a D.Va round with a 16 kill streak, 32 total kills (gold medal there and damage, silver on objective kills) and won play of the game with her. The other win I had a solid Roadhog with 11:6 k:d, gold medal on healing somehow, and gold on objective time.Anyone know how supports are doing in placements? I've been seeing people saying they're getting screwed again
I've played both past 2 seasons on solo queue with no headset.
But I bet they had a lot of fun...Ive noticed a lot of torb as well and don't think a single team that had him won though lol
Well, he did get buffed.
So I was playing Reinhardt yesterday on Mysteries Heroes and I charged out of spawn to get back to the battle.
What a surprise when I saw that I killed a Sombra with that charge
On an unrelated note I'll be building my first gaming PC this weekend (my laptop just died) so I'll probably make the jump from PS4![]()
Not really, it exists for a reason. Obviously it's not the only important thing but it is a factor. We had a Junkrat last night who kept feeding Zarya charge and he refused to switch off even though every time I encountered Zarya she had 100 charge.The "meta" is like character tier rankings in fighting games.
Unless your attending tournaments and playing professionally it generally doesn't apply to you. The only time these things matter is when the best of the best are playing.
I main Pharah and have fun. Fuck the meta
Oh no I wasn't giving you shit for it, I was just confused why someone with so little hours in the game would like it enough to make an icon out of one of the characters ya know. Switching over makes sense thoI switched over from ps4.
Im level 344 on that account with 80+ hours on Genji
Not sure what any of that has to do with what avatar i have lol
Not to mention i had this after for a while after the Dragons short came out