🎄 C H R I S T M A S E V E N T 🎄
It seems that some people at Facepunch datamined some Chistmas stuff...
- There are 4 new map files, so we might get a PvE one and up to 3 themed maps like Hollywood during Halloween.
- Sprays, Voiceline, Victory Pose for Everyone.
- New Skin, Emote or Intro for: Widowmaker, Reinhardt, Mercy, Symmetra, Reaper, Sombra, Roadhog, D.Va, Ana, Soldier: 76 and Lúcio.
- These ones will have two of them: Winston, McCree, Mei, Pharah, Zarya, Tracer and Zenyatta.
- Torbjorn will have all three.
CtrlF "Genji"
"0" results
Genji: "My Christmas costume?
Cyborg Ninja"