Just got up to 2800. Do you rank up faster this season? Just a few hours ago I was at 2600.
Had a pretty good Mercy game on Nepal last night. Too bad they nerfed her POTG so much that I didn't even get a highlight for a 4 man res. The only thing that shut me down that game was me flying into some random ass Junkrat grenade.
Mercy on KotH isn't as bad as people think. Yes, you have more opportunities to get jumped on, but in my experience you can jump around a lot easier around the point. It wasn't my go to pick though, we had someone who insisted on running Pharah the entire match so I thought it might help.
Most Pharah players fly in without me anyway, or don't realize I have to heal the rest of the team on the ground too.
For the first few games yes.
What sr is this? Mercy on koth= auto lose in my experience. Nothing to do with the healing, you do 0 damage.
Can everyone whining about low s3 rating please just read this?
This is getting tedious already.
Did my placement matches. Went 7-3. Last game (which was a win) I won despite there being a leaver on my team.
S2 placement matches had 3-7, with all 7 losses having a leaver on my team.
S2 placement was in the 1600s.
S3 placement is 1100s.
Blizzard said they wanted more people in the mid to lower ranks.
I know, but already was in Silver. I lost 500 SR between the placements of S2 and S3 although I performed much better. Maybe it's cause I was playing mostly tank/support this time rather than a few matches as DPS.
Silver is part of mid to lower ranks.
I also don't really think your performance in placements really matters. IDDQD won only 1-2 of his placements and ended up at 4412 rank or something.
It doesn't make me feel any better because 1) I lost something like 700 SR from the END of season 2, which was my low point, and this sounds pretty drastic compared to the other reports of people being placed at or just under their lowest S2 rating; 2) if I lose the first few matches, which I've already started to do, then whatever "early season" boost Blizzard might have built in is gone; 3) I'm not saying the system is unfair anyways, I'm saying I clearly suck a ton (MasterOverwatch and Overbuff both say I'm in the bottom 5% of players or worse) so telling me the system is working as intended doesn't suddenly make me feel awesome.
Man...fuck Genji
A good genji user is impossible to beat. What can I do to counter him? Fucking jumping everywhere....
I know that Silver is part of mid to lower ranks. Which is why I'm saying that I already was in mid to lower ranks beforehand, so getting knocked down even further into Bronze seems weird?
Man...fuck Genji
A good genji user is impossible to beat. What can I do to counter him? Fucking jumping everywhere....
Well man someone has to be at the bottom, just focus on yourself I guess. In s2 did you happen to abuse the dynamic q? Alot of players did that and now its showing. The bronze ranks were virtually unpopulated last season.
Winston. The answer to any problems is always Winston.
As an added bonus, he shuts down any healer, sniper, or mobile hero like Tracer.
Winston. It's in the name.
Mei. Freeze his cyborg ninja-ripoff ass.
When more people are coming from the upper ranks towards the lower ranks, people in the lower ranks have to make space for the guys from the upper ranks.I know that Silver is part of mid to lower ranks. Which is why I'm saying that I already was in mid to lower ranks beforehand, so getting knocked down even further into Bronze seems weird?
Have good aim. Play Mccree or soldier, or use mei or winston. Also he is a flanker, flankers are extremely powerful if they catch you all by yourself. If you're with the team though, they become so much more useless.Man...fuck Genji
A good genji user is impossible to beat. What can I do to counter him? Fucking jumping everywhere....
So, I just played a match where my team steamrolled the front lines and took the first point.
One of the enemies quit, and the game cancelled out.
How is that acceptable? We captured the first point. It was fast, but why am I being screwed out of a win?
I have no idea how you'd abuse the dynamic queue (assuming that's what you mean?). I pretty much only solo queue, and it sounds like dynamic queue works against people like me.
Winston. The answer to any problems is always Winston.
As an added bonus, he shuts down any healer, sniper, or mobile hero like Tracer.
Winston. It's in the name.
Winston. The answer to any problems is always Winston.
As an added bonus, he shuts down any healer, sniper, or mobile hero like Tracer.
Winston. It's in the name.
Winston can take her down quickly if (IF) he gets the jump on her. Not a perfect counter, you're right, but he can get the job done.Winston doesn't counter a good Tracer at all. The only counter to a good Tracer is Mccree in my experience. Soldier is good against her, but not as reliable as Mccree.
It's true. I ended up getting really good with winston because i always See a Genji/Lucio combo on so many teams. It's just so fun to watch them jump around the payload trying to avoid the lightning as they slowly die
Finally! Thanks to the amazing Zarya on my team. It was comp too.
Wait a minute. I thought Sombra's hacking stopped in progress ults while they were happening.
Why didn't Sombra hacking an ulting Genji make him put away his sword?!
Bullshit. I wasn't even close to being placed where I was towards my seasonal rank from Season 2.To anyone who's upset about placement matches just remember; placement matches don't matter. You're going to get placed somewhere close to where your MMR rating is / what your end-of-season rank was last season.
Bullshit. I wasn't even close to being placed where I was towards my seasonal rank from Season 2.
How the hell is this a placement match jeesus fuck.
It broke my 7 game winning streak too. Final score 5-4, they took the last point with 30s left, we could have drawn.