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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


If someone refuses to switch off a character your best bet is to try and work with them instead of around them. For example if they just want to pick Hanzo and refuse to change, then having a Zarya to combine ults inst a bad idea. The issue then becomes dealing with other people who think they shouldn't have to switch because the one person doesn't.

No, I'm referring to people in the community that whine about people being toxic while they are being the biggest assholes in game.
Not sure what you mean by having to play random matches, but the only way to get better is to actually spend a considerable amount of time on every character and find those that actually click with you.
Also, use the training range to practice your aim on the moving dummies. I go back there every time I want to learn a new character.

I mean playing matches with completely random people. No one uses voice chat and the team composition seems to be a bit of a mess. I'd like to play with some people who understand the game and could give me helpful pointers.

I do use the practice range a lot. Currently, I use Reaper, Soldier 76, Bastion, Mei, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Mercy and experimenting with Zenyatta a bit. Since sometimes in random matches my team with go offense heavy (like 4 attacking heroes) or tank heavy I'm trying to have some heroes I can use to balance it out a bit,
I'm getting some slideshow frame drops on ps4 right now. Never seen anything like it.

To clarify, only when I charge as Reinhardt it seems. It's weird cause I just saw the opposing teams Rein charge and do a weird stutter too....


If someone refuses to switch off a character your best bet is to try and work with them instead of around them. For example if they just want to pick Hanzo and refuse to change, then having a Zarya to combine ults inst a bad idea. The issue then becomes dealing with other people who think they shouldn't have to switch because the one person doesn't.

the problem isnt necessarily switching or a certain hero pick... its them running off and doing their own thing and not grouping with the team. communication is big in overwatch you can beat a good team if you can communicate well


I've been playing a lot of Reinhardt this season. Going battle Rein is so fun lol. Glad I don't have to play Zarya anymore with D.Va buffs.


I mean playing matches with completely random people. No one uses voice chat and the team composition seems to be a bit of a mess. I'd like to play with some people who understand the game and could give me helpful pointers.

I do use the practice range a lot. Currently, I use Reaper, Soldier 76, Bastion, Mei, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Mercy and experimenting with Zenyatta a bit. Since sometimes in random matches my team with go offense heavy (like 4 attacking heroes) or tank heavy I'm trying to have some heroes I can use to balance it out a bit,
I know this isn't exactly the answer you were looking for, but practically my entire console OW experience is solo queue with no mic and team chat turned off. Using the emotes are often enough I find.

Quick play can be hit and miss, sometimes you get a group that wants to dick around and sometimes you get a group that wants to win. Just focus on improving your individual skill with your characters, that alone will make the biggest difference in beginning to mid level skill range.
I can't imagine how simple people think purposely throwing games is amusing.

I know, right?

We're on Lijiang, up 2-0.


We lose 2-3.

"Guess you guys couldn't win without me LOL"


That match was to get me back over 2400.

I queue again and he's on the other team, then he quits before the match starts.

My next match was also on Lijiang, we 3-0 because our team talks and plays amazing.

I'm currently at 2405, and too tilted to play anymore tonight. Only 100 from plat though, and on a weekend too.

No, I'm referring to people in the community that whine about people being toxic while they are being the biggest assholes in game.

Hanzo on Volskaya "Our McCree shouldn't be plat GG"

He and I have the same rank from season 2 and now.

He throws because he thinks our DPS doesn't "deserve" his current SR for whatever reason.

What the fuck is wrong with people.

I've been playing a lot of Reinhardt this season. Going battle Rein is so fun lol. Glad I don't have to play Zarya anymore with D.Va buffs.

I love Zarya but yeah, been playing D.Va, S76, Rein, Zenn, and Lucio mostly.

Love throwing people off with a calculated Rein charge.

People don't expect you to go ham.
Nearing Master with Rein now on PC. It's become much more apparent how it is almost a necessity to have a good dps/support player queue with you to get things done. Especially at these tiers where Rein shield evaporates in 2 seconds. Averaging around 30-40k damage blocked and 20-30 elims in a match today. Apart from that one 60 elim hybrid match with Winston.

The carry dynamic in this game is interesting to me, because while I don't doubt that dps players can carry a match (and I know some who absolutely can, and do so pretty consistently), there is still always the codependency required to enable and protect the carry. It's interesting to me, because as the matches start requiring actual thought, I am realizing that this is where the different roles really diverge.

DPS players go the path of carrying and being consistently better at being more skilled in aim than their opponents. They also need to be fantastic at making offensive calls and handling divers. Tanks have to be great at positioning and commanding respect from the opposing team, while also being skilled decision makers to know when to frontline, protect, or provide peel for the backline. And supports have to know how to keep themselves safe at all points while keeping everyone else on the team up.

That's what I like about OW. Being good isn't about how skillful you are at FPS games, but at how well you perform in your role. Like your dps is obviously carrying the game and winning fights straight up, but being good enough to protect them and support them to make those plays is, in its own way, carrying as well. Like, at this point, I'm okay with dying in a fight, and expect it as Rein tbh. But if I can keep up our dps to the point they can win the fight when I do so, I consider my job to have been done.

I just really fucking like that dynamic, as I don't think many other fps games have come close to doing something like that.


the holder of the trombone
Except when tanks and supports can start hard carrying as well.

Like roadhog is the most obvious example. Picks are so hyper valuable in the slow ult meta now and he basically gets a free kill every 6 seconds. Zarya used to be able to do that and can still do that to some extent.

Honestly, as ana your battles against a tracer or genji should pretty much be a 50/50. The best zens and anas do a fuckton of damage. I'm getting really good as a healer and securing elims somewhat consistently but I still need to improve my damage output.
So dataminers have found the following about the Christmas event:
It will have an event brawl ala Junkenstein and Lucioball.
It will have at least one map tied to it, most likely a decorated alternate like Hollywood during Halloween.
Every character will get a spray, a voice line and a victory pose; just like the Halloween update.
The following characters will get a skin, emote or highlight intro: Widowmaker, Reinhardt, Mercy, Symmetra, Reaper, Roadhog, Sombra. D.Va, Ana, Soldier 76 and Lucio
The following characters will get 2 out of a skin, emote or highlight intro: Winston, McCree, Mei, Pharah, Zarya, Tracer and Zenyatta.
And finally, Torbjörn will receive all 3 - a skin, an emote and a highlight intro.


ok something is going on in comp, i gain like over 70 sr in just two wins and that shot me to 3609.Pretty sure i'm not on a win steak, but what ever i take it.
ok something is going on in comp, i gain like over 70 sr in just two wins and that shot me to 3609.Pretty sure i'm not on a win steak, but what ever i take it.

People are claiming that SR is being inflated at the moment. It's like I get 40-50 for a win and lose 15-25 for a loss.

Someone is already at 5000.


People are claiming that SR is being inflated at the moment. It's like I get 40-50 for a win and lose 15-25 for a loss.

Someone is already at 5000.

but the real problem is that i'm playing with a friend and his only getting 20-25 per win and i'm getting like double what he was getting.
Except when tanks and supports can start hard carrying as well.

Like roadhog is the most obvious example. Picks are so hyper valuable in the slow ult meta now and he basically gets a free kill every 6 seconds.

Honestly, as ana your battles against a tracer or genji should pretty much be a 50/50. The best zens and anas do a fuckton of damage. I'm getting really good as a healer and securing elims somewhat consistently but I still need to improve my damage output.

But even Hog (who is a dps, not a tank in most people's eyes) needs protection though. Like if you run Hog without a tank that can protect him, he still dies way too fast. And Ana is a bit of a special case atm. Grenades are her body and sleep darts are her blood. As Rein/D.Va with her, I can invoke unlimited health works and win 2v6's.

IDK, until I hit a point where I can no longer protect my carry enough for them to do their job, I have a problem saying that I'm being carried simply based on the codependency of it all. I firmly believe there is no hard carry in this game, because it doesn't matter how much work you can put in if your team is dying due to their own lack of skill or they are not healing/protecting you. If that was the case, you wouldn't see pro streamers lose some of the matches they do. I've seen fights that should have been easy wins because S4 got a quad kill or something end up being a lost fight.

People are claiming that SR is being inflated at the moment. It's like I get 40-50 for a win and lose 15-25 for a loss.

Someone is already at 5000.

Seems to be like that in general. So in this case they are likely trying to get a bit more even distribution throughout those upper brackets as well. I don't think it's temporarily inflated per say, at least not as in the idea that it's a bug causing higher gains. It is just their attempts at creating a less concentrated distribution in certain tiers. The game is trying to get you to where it thinks you belong. It just happens that that hidden mmr may be actually inflated from where it had been in the past, but I'm pretty certain it's not a bug.


People are claiming that SR is being inflated at the moment. It's like I get 40-50 for a win and lose 15-25 for a loss.

Someone is already at 5000.

I believe Kaplan said it was going to be like that at the beginning of season 3 and your ranking would balance itself over time.


Zarya is still a good counter to D.Va even with the buffs. She just doesn't totally annihilate her anymore.

I've been playing D.Va all weekend and I haven't really struggled against Zaryas in grandmaster. If you play smart she really can't kill you anymore as long as you can boost away fast enough.
So dataminers have found the following about the Christmas event:
It will have an event brawl ala Junkenstein and Lucioball.
It will have at least one map tied to it, most likely a decorated alternate like Hollywood during Halloween.
Every character will get a spray, a voice line and a victory pose; just like the Halloween update.
The following characters will get a skin, emote or highlight intro: Widowmaker, Reinhardt, Mercy, Symmetra, Reaper, Roadhog, Sombra. D.Va, Ana, Soldier 76 and Lucio
The following characters will get 2 out of a skin, emote or highlight intro: Winston, McCree, Mei, Pharah, Zarya, Tracer and Zenyatta.
And finally, Torbjörn will receive all 3 - a skin, an emote and a highlight intro.
The real question is who deserves a superb Santa skin. Roadhog or Reinhardt?
Now I see the payload skipping frames and when I die the camera just stays on me and doesn't show me my death. I don't know if my Ps4 is having an issue or if it's my network


ok something is going on in comp, i gain like over 70 sr in just two wins and that shot me to 3609.Pretty sure i'm not on a win steak, but what ever i take it.

I'm getting like 5-10 SR for each win. I've been going on 5+ game win streaks before I lose one too. I'm at 4272 SR right now though so I don't know if being at a high rank is causing that.
Winston better get a Yeti skin or we riot

It has to be The Bumble:

Because it fits perfectly with Bumbletron the Winston/Rein main :p


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I was playing symmetra and in the little chat thing it said

Symmetra: I voted for myself

That was the AI that was playing Symmetra. The bots will type that in chat when they actually vote for themselves.


the holder of the trombone
Actually speaking of DVa other than the korean skin, which isn't even a legendary one, she hasn't receive much love on that front either.

Meka suit that is a sleigh pls.

Or roll lunar new year with the winter stuff and give us hanbok meka.


°Temp. member
So I managed to gain 10 levels this weekend. Now just 3 more to hit lv 25 and try out some competitive stuff.
I am completely cursed this season. I think I have won 3 games and played I don't know how many. My teams are just so bad.

I did get my first ever team kill and as Reaper who I don't play that often. Felt good. We sill didn't even get to the checkpoint though. :(


Edit: YouTube don't like my weird 1440p.
Just played the worst game of Overwatch ever played. Our team lost both points of Volskaya with over six minutes left on the clock, then couldn't get into the first point on attack. We were the worst team ever.

I'm beginning to question whether I have some slow-acting brain disease that is causing me to deteriorate mentally.


I had a good time playing as Mercy earlier, and I did okay as... the big knight guy, I don't know his name. I unlocked a skin where he's covered in plants, it looks cool. But I'm still spending more than half the match time running from the spawn point to wherever, only to get picked off by someone before I get a chance to do anything. It's kind of frustrating because if you just keep dying, how do you learn? The AI battles seem to be too simple compared to what an actual human would do, so I don't know. I still like it, but I'm not sure I can hang.

Are you only playing vs ai? Definitely jump into quick play and start playing with other people. There is a hidden match making system, so you dont have to worry about other players being much better than you.
Definitely having a better run of games than last season, although every time I get close to Gold level, I manage to hit a loss or two that sends me right back down into the low to mid 1,900s. The way I figure it, I need to either get up to 2,000 SR or win 16 more matches to have enough to finally get a golden weapon. Either seems pretty doable.

I think one of the skills I'm finally learning is how to properly counter-pick. When the enemy team has three tanks... probably a good idea to switch to Reaper and do some flanking. Enemy team has a Widowmaker giving you issues? Switch off to D.Va and chase her down. Heck, I even had a semi-decent match with Genji tonight after a Torbjorn turret started giving my Pharah headaches. Getting a sense for what hero is needed to deal with the wall your team is running into is one of the main skills you need for this game, I've found.

(Which is why it sucks when I end up being the one stuck on Support duty. Seems like when that happens, we almost always lose.)


I enjoy playing support in OW but it's pretty hopeless sometimes watching your crappy offense teammates not play their role correctly. Defense on Gebralter, 4 offense and a Road as the only tank. That outcome was pretty much set in stone, I stayed on Mercy, kept the team alive while doing the damn DPS's job and picking the enemies standing right next to them that they could not seem to hit. We stopped the last check point but it was a hopeless team to take into attack.


the holder of the trombone
I had some really good games yesterday with triple tank + mercy and zen.

It's real suboptimal though, that's the thing. It just varies depending on the quality of teammates vs enemies, but I'd say if all things being equal that team would be screwed facing off against an ana just because of antiheal and also the fact that mercy can't heal 150HPS, which is why this comp works because nobody dies (unless you get ana nuked).

If I have a mercy on my team I'd be skittish going triple tank.
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