This is largely anecdotal, at higher SRs, DVA barely ever gets any big plays.
D.va at low levels, and Soldier at high levels.
This is largely anecdotal, at higher SRs, DVA barely ever gets any big plays.
This is largely anecdotal, at higher SRs, DVA barely ever gets any big plays.
Oh yeah!
Have they been confirmed or are those your wants?
I'm just excited to finally have a new mei skin.
Mei's highlight intro is still the best thing from the halloween event though so I ain't too mad.
With several people data-mining from the recent patch (including a nice Christmas rendition of the Overwatch theme), it was shown that Torb is going to have one event skin, emote, and voice line, and with some artwork showing him as Santa Claus from a recent twitter post. So, yeah, a Christmas-themed event is coming to Overwatch. We just don't know when.
I was aware of an event but hadn't kept up with what skins were confirmed
Anyone know what the 300mb PTR update is?
why do people argue and call each other trash for an entire competitive match
And the people are so toxic about it, even at diamond/platinum levels. People need to stop pretending like they are gods gift to overwatch competitive gaming and like they never made a mistake the whole match
Is there anything better than sleeping a mercy who's about to fly in for rez?
"I'm the meta healer now! Me!"
Random pinning a mercy who's actually flying in for the res
We've had similar threads to this before but I just think it's insane how low the numbers for COD is on PC.
1,776 people currently playing on PC, with the peak today being 4,485. (So I guess it was probably in top 100 earlier?)
Interesting enough Black Ops 3 is on the top 100 (barely though) at 2,366 players and the peak at 5,294.
Most games tend to obviously go down in playercount than up as months go by, and I wonder how bad it might be to play IW next year when the season pass comes out splitting an even smaller playerbase in half.
So I wonder, could Activision do anything to make COD become more appealing on PC? I feel like the COD IW beta not being on PC was probably part the problem.
COD on PC getting all DLC for free would be great, but won't ever happen, but maybe if they drop the price of the base game, and even the price of the season pass, they could convince more people to play it?
Or even if none of that, day 1 mod support and/or server browser would make people happy.
What do you guys think? Is COD "doomed" on PC or could it be fixed somehow one day?
where do you see game populations like that?
With Soldier's buff I'm thinking COD is gonna make a pretty huge comeback soon
Right there.
Also Steamspy for games not in top 100.
lol. Sorry. I did in wrong place.
Any idea when Symmetra buff coming to the real game? I need it.
I'm in Gold right now and we just had a three-way argument that lasted through 5 out of 6 rounds on Volskaya .-. I don't know how we managed to tie it 5-5 when half our team was calling each other shit.
The next game I got this though, which is probably the best I've ever done as Reinhardt.
What are people instalocking in S3?
I don't think mei is supposed to be doing that much damage seeing as she should be freezing then killing peopleUh, 2K average damage is pretty low?
Unless you mean 20K.
I have 11K average damage on mei so far which puts me at top 3% on overbuff, which seems like a weirdly low number to be ranked that high up.
Soldier is my instalock. Last season I was mainly tank (Hog/Rein) and support (Ana/Lucio) but Soldier is straight STUPID right now and not having him on your team is such a mistake with how good he is atm.
I feel kind of bad since normally I don't wanna be that guy who instalocks DPS but I'd rather pick him and hopefully push people not to waste the slot on a Mccree/ Reaper duo or something which won't be as useful. Also feel like I'm doing pretty ok as him so far, 66% win rate, 3.6 kd, 43% acc, nearly 2k average damage, etc after almost 3 hours.
I don't think mei is supposed to be doing that much damage seeing as she should be freezing then killing people
like her icicle is obvs good at a distance cus it does a nice amount of damage but her freeze blaster doesn't seem to do that much & she tends to kill most people that get frozen, thus preventing her from doing more damage.
D.Va, S76, Anna, Lucio, Rein, Roadhog
Shit, that sucks for me since I'm only good with D.Va and decent with Soldier. I didn't even have to instalock her in S2 because no one cared for her.Soldier and DVa.
Quite a number also very clearly have never these 2 heroes all that much before this season.