the holder of the trombone
Shit, that sucks for me since I'm only good with D.Va and decent with Soldier. I didn't even have to instalock her in S2 because no one cared for her.
Instalock faster.
Shit, that sucks for me since I'm only good with D.Va and decent with Soldier. I didn't even have to instalock her in S2 because no one cared for her.
I'm offically 200 SR from plat .... yea I need someone to carry me now.Antiwhippy
Dude, you'll be carrying me, I'm like 360 away.
Sr gain is weird though. I thought I'd be out of the stage where they inflate sr gain by now but I'm still getting 30-40 per win and lose around 15 per loss.
Yeah, Mei is supposed to be getting a bit more damage than that. It depends on a few things but you can get that in a half if things go well.
Uh, 2K average damage is pretty low?
Unless you mean 20K.
I have 11K average damage on mei so far which puts me at top 3% on overbuff, which seems like a weirdly low number to be ranked that high up.
Oops, 16k damage, wonder where the 2k "damage done" figure in the Oversumo app comes from.Do you mean 2k average healing?
Yeah, in a good day I'd do around 17K damage or so, which is why I'm surprised that the ceiling is so low on overbuff.
Ah ok that sounds right lol. Still to be regularly hitting half my record damage output (33k game iirc) in non-KOTH or steamroll payload matches is pretty crazy to me.Oversumo does it per life.
Which isn't a bad metric to measure by, honestly.
Certainly better than the per minute thing masteroverwatch does which is like, what does this even mean?
1911...let's hit 2000 tonight.
Shouldn't have said anything.
Lost 3 straight
Just got 4 golds and POTG with Zenyatta in the last one.
yay finally got to diamond and got in the top 100 rank for Mei.
Life is now complete!
The funny thing is, playing as Soldier is whats gotten me to Diamond. I have a 70% win rate with him lol
The funny thing is, playing as Soldier is whats gotten me to Diamond. I have a 70% win rate with him lol
Don't understand why console players don't want Ana. Worked well the first round of King's Row and now the whole team is shooting at me shaking their heads.
Does anyone else that plays Tracer get shit for using her in comp more often than you'd expect, even if you're doing well?
I got asked if I was sure about the pick on koth, even though I was putting in work, and this isn't the first time I've been asked this. My friend's theory is that it's because they don't really see what I'm doing since I'm normally not with the group.
Anyone have good tips on how to counter Pharmercy? Just played a match where a Pharah single-handedly carried her team, and I couldn't do a whole lot when my ult is still charging because she had a pocket Mercy the whole time. Her rockets do so much damage now, especially with Mercy's damage boost.
I've actually been playing a good bit of Ana recently, and I know my usual team seems to enjoy having my Ana around. I don't know if Id particularly say my aim is good, so much as I know when to compensate for that in difficult times with a grenade.Ana is great in theory, but the person playing her needs to have really good aim to be effective. It's not that they don't like Ana, it's just that they don't trust you, and given the number of bad Anas I've seen, I don't necessarily blame them.
And the people are so toxic about it, even at diamond/platinum levels. People need to stop pretending like they are gods gift to overwatch competitive gaming and like they never made a mistake the whole match
This pretty much.
This guy on my team in a losing match on Hanimura last night got so tilted that he was actually shrieking in rage at this duo who weren't in team chat. All the more amusing because he was so pumped at the start of the match, telling everyone he was ready for "legendary" time.
The fact that his voice and accent made him sound just like Murray from Flight of the Conchords made it both hilarious and sad at the same time.
Dude claimed the Pharah in the duo on our team was dead weight but, honestly, I couldn't be sure (I also didn't have much sympathy since he insta-locked my beloved Zarya).
Irony is; the very next map on King's Row he was on the opposing team with his party against his former teammates, me and the duo. All the more satisfying when, not only did I out-Zarya him, but the supposedly 'bad' teammates did just fine.
This pretty much.
This guy on my team in a losing match on Hanimura last night got so tilted that he was actually shrieking in rage at this duo who weren't in team chat. All the more amusing because he was so pumped at the start of the match, telling everyone he was ready for "legendary" time.
The fact that his voice and accent made him sound just like Murray from Flight of the Conchords made it both hilarious and sad at the same time.
Dude claimed the Pharah in the duo on our team was dead weight but, honestly, I couldn't be sure (I also didn't have much sympathy since he insta-locked my beloved Zarya).
Irony is; the very next map on King's Row he was on the opposing team with his party against his former teammates, me and the duo. All the more satisfying when, not only did I out-Zarya him, but the supposedly 'bad' teammates did just fine.
I've actually been playing a good bit of Ana recently, and I know my usual team seems to enjoy having my Ana around. I don't know if Id particularly say my aim is good, so much as I know when to compensate for that in difficult times with a grenade.
If someone is hopping around it's usually much easier to hit with that splash than trying to hit a snipe.
People who pronounce the letters in D.Va separately
Dee vee ayy
Can we get a patch to make ana's hello emote more interesting?
What do you suggest ?
Anything but a boring ass salute.