Lmao, playing attack on anubis. Indirectly tell the widowmaker to switch so we can push properly. He actually does, we win the game within a minute after having bashed our heads against the point for 5 minutes
I was on a winning streak until the last match when I was grouped with a 4 man. Somehow I always end up the crap groups that don't communicate. 2 tanks (DVA/Win) that seem to think it's the supports job to defend the payload. -.-
So sick of getting matched up against entire pre-made teams in quick play.
My group of friends quit back to Dota so I have no pre-made anymore![]()
My group of friends quit back to Dota so I have no pre-made anymore![]()
My friends all play on PS4, but I play on PC. :x
Eu or Na?
Hey guys, I'm new to the game. Just started playing Ranked/Competitive. It's slightly frustrating playing with randoms, so how do I go about joining the Discord server?
I saw in the first post "Quote to see" but I'm sorry it didn't make any sense to me. My apologies.
Quote this post and you'll see a discord link in it. It'll be easy to find.
Thank you very much. Just want to know one more thing. I'm not a very good fps player. Got ranked at 1600, so are there people here who'd be fine playing with someone of middling skills?
A person name RonPaul2020 maining Dva.
As a Zenyatta main I'd like to add to not hestitate to kick Genjis or Tracers in their face, it is very satisfying. I find Zenyatta great to stay a little bit more back and provide fire support, I'm always throwing my orbs towards the enemy side, also when peeking corners or initiating a fight prepare your right mouse charge as you might get a lucky hit or a ton of damage on tanks in a second.
I'd like to add in not to ignore his alt fire. If you're coming around a corner towards a choke point, unleashing his alt on an unsuspecting Mei or Junkrat will land more kills than you think. Also, I've gotten so many kills this way as soon as the spawn door opens on attack, usually a spam Junkrat![]()
Someone named DeportSombra playing Dva.
How do you even remember these randoms' names? I forget them as soon as the match is over, even if they were toxic assholes during the match. I do remember someone called Genji, who was playing... you guessed it Genji. He got into a row with some other dude on the team and they started comparing their highest eliminations records and shitting on each other's play. I was playing Lucio (I think) and trying to keep these two jerkoffs alive while they were too busy trying to one up each other.
It's that ana is really good at enabling a lot of shitty plays.
Isn't that kinda what every healer is designed to do to a certain extent? The ideal situation would be taking so little damage that a healer is unnecessary. Of course, that's probably not even remotely feasible for a human to pull off regularly, but all that matters to me is being technically correct.
I have to say playing as support when your team sucks makes the game really boring.
I tried playing comp last night. First game. Played as Lucio. My team was utter crap.
I tried the heal best I could but, my God, my team sucked.
SO it was just me trying not to die and time passing.
I stopped after that first match.
I have to say playing as support when your team sucks makes the game really boring.
I tried playing comp last night. First game. Played as Lucio. My team was utter crap.
I tried the heal best I could but, my God, my team sucked.
SO it was just me trying not to die and time passing.
I stopped after that first match.
I've pretty much dropped lucio in favour of ana because of this, and also because ana is a crapton fun to play. I'd thought I'd move onto DVa because she was my main but a)people are instalocking DVa all the time and b)I'm super into playing ana nowadays.