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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


I know it's been said before, but Mei is so fucking good on defense in Hanamura. I played her for the first time in comp this season after asking for one and nobody picking her and holding the enemy team is like a joke. They have to seriously coordinate to get through.


I had a pretty good weekend with Zenyatta too



I know it's been said before, but Mei is so fucking good on defense in Hanamura. I played her for the first time in comp this season after asking for one and nobody picking her and holding the enemy team is like a joke. They have to seriously coordinate to get through.

Sometimes I've played with a mei who wouldn't wall the entrance when rein shield was down...

Wow, that's pretty insane. Not one of their DPS thought "shit, this Zenyatta is doing pretty well, we need to take him out". Not even once lol.

they couldn't even shoot pharah down...

I had a pretty good weekend with Zenyatta too

Nice work.
I know it's been said before, but Mei is so fucking good on defense in Hanamura. I played her for the first time in comp this season after asking for one and nobody picking her and holding the enemy team is like a joke. They have to seriously coordinate to get through.

She's amazing on Eichenwalde as well.

Also for you dirty D.Va pickers, on Hanamura point A defense just sit on that little ledge to the right of the door.

Shoot Rein as he walls the door, flank supports without leaving the safety of the door area.

Gotta watch out for Roadhog hooks, but anyone else trying to get in that way gets shut down hard.


Is anyone down to play some Quick Play or Competitive with me? I'm online right now, and I want to get to Platinum without much fuss.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Solo only. Mostly Zenyatta, Zarya, Lucio and Reinhardt (although I suck at Reinhardt).

I only feel comfortable giving a bit of advice on Zenyatta:

- he's great against most tanks because they are so easy to hit with his orbs
- he has great DPS for a support so you should help destroy Reinhardt shields quickly
- it the enemy team is running Tracer and Genji you should probably switch to Lucio or Ana because Zenyatta has a hard time surviving against them
- you should constantly be healing someone but you need to prioritize targets as well. Heal your other support, a swording Genji, a Reinhardt that is charging in etc.
- same with discord orb. Put it on someone as soon as they poke their head out. But try to prioritize targets as well; people that are out of position, ulting Genjis or Roadhoags.
- his ultimate should be used to counter enemy AOE ults. Like Genji, Zarya, Reinhard. Don't burn it just because Zarya or Reinhardt ulted half of your team, see if they actually have follow up. Use it to save yourself if your death would mean a lost teamfight.

Not sure what to say otherwise. There are probably some Grand Master players here that can give much better advice :p
Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.

What happens is that whenever I pick Zenyatta, the other people in the team seem to go "oh, someone's playing a healer" and then go off and pick tank/dps and then I'm stuck trying to save everyone. Then I die because I have no idea how to play Zen lol.


Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.

What happens is that whenever I pick Zenyatta, the other people in the team seem to go "oh, someone's playing a healer" and then go off and pick tank/dps and then I'm stuck trying to save everyone. Then I die because I have no idea how to play Zen lol.

In a "meta" game, yes - he's not enough healing. At my level (plat), he CAN work solo if the rest of your team knows what they're doin', and you get to save the day against wombo combos with your ult.


Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.

What happens is that whenever I pick Zenyatta, the other people in the team seem to go "oh, someone's playing a healer" and then go off and pick tank/dps and then I'm stuck trying to save everyone. Then I die because I have no idea how to play Zen lol.

Yes, he's the worst solo healer. He's there to compliment the other healer because he needs protection and can only provide limited healing unless he ults.

The best solo healer is Ana imo. Mercy is probably the easiest to play but Lucio is probably the best balance between ease/usefulness as a healer.


Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.

It's not ideal, I either pick Lucio (if there's 3+ dps) or Ana (2+ tanks) in that case. I do switch to Zen though if my team can't make kills


1496 transcendence heal last night... the 1.5k still eludes me. I got rapid discord but somehow don't have this, lol. I come close often.


Sometimes I've played with a mei who wouldn't wall the entrance when rein shield was down...

I didn't either, although it depends on the enemy comp. I was conservative with my wall and just saved it for whenever anyone poked beyond the choke to get a pick. I didn't have to work hard at all because the enemy team never picked Pharah and we picked their Genji whenever he tried the window (I just camped the scaffolding across the platform by the window and kept my ice wall aimed at the entrance while eyeing the window).

Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.

What happens is that whenever I pick Zenyatta, the other people in the team seem to go "oh, someone's playing a healer" and then go off and pick tank/dps and then I'm stuck trying to save everyone. Then I die because I have no idea how to play Zen lol.

Yes, Zen's bad solo healing. I mean, you might manage, if the enemy team sucks and you've got a bunch of self-sustain on your team, but you're warranted to ask in team chat for a second healer.

1496 transcendence heal last night... the 1.5k still eludes me. I got rapid discord but somehow don't have this, lol. I come close often.

Best used in those Grav Surge wombo combos. I got mine in a Grav Surge + Dragon Strike combo with most(?) of my team caught in the black hole. It took me a long time too, although not as long as Rapid Discord for sure.
Thank you very much. Just want to know one more thing. I'm not a very good fps player. Got ranked at 1600, so are there people here who'd be fine playing with someone of middling skills?

Yeah, I'd totally be down to play with you in qp. I can't do comp with you, but I wouldn't have any problems doing qp and helping you out with things if you need it. Just add Bumbletron#1178. I usually get on sometime between 6-7 pm pacific.
Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.

What happens is that whenever I pick Zenyatta, the other people in the team seem to go "oh, someone's playing a healer" and then go off and pick tank/dps and then I'm stuck trying to save everyone. Then I die because I have no idea how to play Zen lol.

Zenyatta is a lot of fun to play, but yes, as some of the other people have pointed out, he's a bad solo healer. I think his role is actually to debuff opposing team, staying back and burning down the tanks while checking if your Harmony Orb needs to be placed on someone your main healer can't/isn't able to concentrate on. I'm very new to the game, but this is the conclusion that I've come to, based on my limited time with the game so far. I also think, that if you're on Attack, Ana is possibly the better option coz of the ridiculous Ultimate.

Yeah, I'd totally be down to play with you in qp. I can't do comp with you, but I wouldn't have any problems doing qp and helping you out with things if you need it. Just add Bumbletron#1178. I usually get on sometime between 6-7 pm pacific.

Great! I'll add you once I get back from work. 6-7 pm Pacific is my morning, so that works out well.
I enjoy playing support especially Lucio, but what happens like 80% of the time lately is I go Lucio, other support goes Zen but I feel that's too little healing power. So I go Ana instead and then the other support takes my Lucio. u___u
I mean it's a good combo and Ana is awesome but ye.
I also think, that if you're on Attack, Ana is possibly the better option coz of the ridiculous Ultimate.

The Zen vs. Ana pick should come down more to what you're playing against and what your team is having trouble with. If the enemy is trying to 3/4 Tank you, Zen is definitely the right choice. Ana typically gets the most value if you are running the Tanks. It's a minor trap that newer players fall into when they evaluate characters on Attack/Defense merit in a vacuum, especially support.


How does Oasis work as a control point map? Are all of the games in the match gonna be played on the same map?


I know this isnt possible but after getting paired up with complete morons, I wish there was an option to say "Hey i never want to play with this character on my team". Real tired of the shitty hanzos. Not sure why anyone would play him with you can just pick soldier and spray bullets to win.


Why does playing Hanzo or Widow make people focus so hard on me? Its like I snipe them and they are after me. Its gets really bad If I flick kill them. Ive been solo ultd so many times because of it.
Are there any other good OW streamers other than Seagull who don't constantly yell obscenities / dank memes / bullshit?

I find Surefour to be pretty funny the few times I saw his stream. He plays really well so that helps too. Harbleu is also cool.

I don't like Moonmoon as much.
Why does playing Hanzo or Widow make people focus so hard on me? Its like I snipe them and they are after me. Its gets really bad If I flick kill them. Ive been solo ultd so many times because of it.

Widow / Bastion illicit instant aggressive rage in literally every player.


Why does playing Hanzo or Widow make people focus so hard on me? Its like I snipe them and they are after me. Its gets really bad If I flick kill them. Ive been solo ultd so many times because of it.

People don't like getting sniped from across the map. A good Widow needs to be countered hard or a team won't even be able to do anything.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Are there any other good OW streamers other than Seagull who don't constantly yell obscenities / dank memes / bullshit?
Does Seagull do that now? He didn't the last time I checked out his stream.

It would be depressing if he went full into the Twitch streamer stereotype.


Yeah unless I feel like it was a duel and Hanzo/Widow were just better than me, gettin' killed by one always feels like bullshit. I came around a corner just in time to catch one of the shots you were spamming through a choke 100 yards away? Yeah F you.

I have stickybombed Widows and felt great about it.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Does Seagull do that now? He didn't the last time I checked out his stream.

It would be depressing if he went full into the Twitch streamer stereotype.
I thinks it's just he's rarely on so that person wants someone similar.


Why does playing Hanzo or Widow make people focus so hard on me? Its like I snipe them and they are after me. Its gets really bad If I flick kill them. Ive been solo ultd so many times because of it.

If I see a Widow on the enemy team doing work, depending on what role I'm playing, I'll switch straight to Dva specifically to counter Widow, even if the pick isn't optimal for my team (and this was before the more recent Dva buff).

Good Widows are devastating, and also really really annoying.


Yeah unless I feel like it was a duel and Hanzo/Widow were just better than me, gettin' killed by one always feels like bullshit. I came around a corner just in time to catch one of the shots you were spamming through a choke 100 yards away? Yeah F you.

I have stickybombed Widows and felt great about it.

I have gotten some pretty rage inducing shots ill admit so I do understand that. Getting killed by a Scatter shot outside in the open will never not be bullshit

Edit: D.va's are just evil. ugh


Are there any other good OW streamers other than Seagull who don't constantly yell obscenities / dank memes / bullshit?

MendoKusaii(although I'm not a big fan)

Those are the people I follow off the top of my head that don't really curse that much or use memes.



Oasis has 3 parts like every other KOTH map.

Oh, all the stuff I've watch only showed one part to it! And even the wiki page I read only mentioned one part. Cool

edit: after googling I see it. Weird it wasn't on the wiki or other stuff I'd seen.


Those days when Ster played tf2 ;~;

And if anyone even mentions tf2 ever he freaks out

I watched your other videos fam, those gta videos were 👌🏻 pls
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