One of my best zen games ever. Zen is such a must now with HP buff.
I know it's been said before, but Mei is so fucking good on defense in Hanamura. I played her for the first time in comp this season after asking for one and nobody picking her and holding the enemy team is like a joke. They have to seriously coordinate to get through.
Wow, that's pretty insane. Not one of their DPS thought "shit, this Zenyatta is doing pretty well, we need to take him out". Not even once lol.
Nice work.I had a pretty good weekend with Zenyatta too
I know it's been said before, but Mei is so fucking good on defense in Hanamura. I played her for the first time in comp this season after asking for one and nobody picking her and holding the enemy team is like a joke. They have to seriously coordinate to get through.
Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.Solo only. Mostly Zenyatta, Zarya, Lucio and Reinhardt (although I suck at Reinhardt).
I only feel comfortable giving a bit of advice on Zenyatta:
- he's great against most tanks because they are so easy to hit with his orbs
- he has great DPS for a support so you should help destroy Reinhardt shields quickly
- it the enemy team is running Tracer and Genji you should probably switch to Lucio or Ana because Zenyatta has a hard time surviving against them
- you should constantly be healing someone but you need to prioritize targets as well. Heal your other support, a swording Genji, a Reinhardt that is charging in etc.
- same with discord orb. Put it on someone as soon as they poke their head out. But try to prioritize targets as well; people that are out of position, ulting Genjis or Roadhoags.
- his ultimate should be used to counter enemy AOE ults. Like Genji, Zarya, Reinhard. Don't burn it just because Zarya or Reinhardt ulted half of your team, see if they actually have follow up. Use it to save yourself if your death would mean a lost teamfight.
Not sure what to say otherwise. There are probably some Grand Master players here that can give much better advice![]()
Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.
What happens is that whenever I pick Zenyatta, the other people in the team seem to go "oh, someone's playing a healer" and then go off and pick tank/dps and then I'm stuck trying to save everyone. Then I die because I have no idea how to play Zen lol.
Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.
What happens is that whenever I pick Zenyatta, the other people in the team seem to go "oh, someone's playing a healer" and then go off and pick tank/dps and then I'm stuck trying to save everyone. Then I die because I have no idea how to play Zen lol.
Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.
Sometimes I've played with a mei who wouldn't wall the entrance when rein shield was down...
Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.
What happens is that whenever I pick Zenyatta, the other people in the team seem to go "oh, someone's playing a healer" and then go off and pick tank/dps and then I'm stuck trying to save everyone. Then I die because I have no idea how to play Zen lol.
1496 transcendence heal last night... the 1.5k still eludes me. I got rapid discord but somehow don't have this, lol. I come close often.
Thank you very much. Just want to know one more thing. I'm not a very good fps player. Got ranked at 1600, so are there people here who'd be fine playing with someone of middling skills?
Is Zenyatta bad for solo healing? I was thinking that just the one healing orb isn't so great if you're the only healer on your team.
What happens is that whenever I pick Zenyatta, the other people in the team seem to go "oh, someone's playing a healer" and then go off and pick tank/dps and then I'm stuck trying to save everyone. Then I die because I have no idea how to play Zen lol.
Yeah, I'd totally be down to play with you in qp. I can't do comp with you, but I wouldn't have any problems doing qp and helping you out with things if you need it. Just add Bumbletron#1178. I usually get on sometime between 6-7 pm pacific.
Is anyone down to play some Quick Play or Competitive with me? I'm online right now, and I want to get to Platinum without much fuss.
How do you even remember these randoms' names? I forget them as soon as the match is over, even if they were toxic assholes during the match.
I also think, that if you're on Attack, Ana is possibly the better option coz of the ridiculous Ultimate.
Are there any other good OW streamers other than Seagull who don't constantly yell obscenities / dank memes / bullshit?
Why does playing Hanzo or Widow make people focus so hard on me? Its like I snipe them and they are after me. Its gets really bad If I flick kill them. Ive been solo ultd so many times because of it.
Why does playing Hanzo or Widow make people focus so hard on me? Its like I snipe them and they are after me. Its gets really bad If I flick kill them. Ive been solo ultd so many times because of it.
Does Seagull do that now? He didn't the last time I checked out his stream.Are there any other good OW streamers other than Seagull who don't constantly yell obscenities / dank memes / bullshit?
To be fair, that sort of thing is probably canon.I have stickybombed Widows and felt great about it.
I thinks it's just he's rarely on so that person wants someone similar.Does Seagull do that now? He didn't the last time I checked out his stream.
It would be depressing if he went full into the Twitch streamer stereotype.
Does Seagull do that now? He didn't the last time I checked out his stream.
It would be depressing if he went full into the Twitch streamer stereotype.
Why does playing Hanzo or Widow make people focus so hard on me? Its like I snipe them and they are after me. Its gets really bad If I flick kill them. Ive been solo ultd so many times because of it.
Yeah unless I feel like it was a duel and Hanzo/Widow were just better than me, gettin' killed by one always feels like bullshit. I came around a corner just in time to catch one of the shots you were spamming through a choke 100 yards away? Yeah F you.
I have stickybombed Widows and felt great about it.
How does Oasis work as a control point map? Are all of the games in the match gonna be played on the same map?
Are there any other good OW streamers other than Seagull who don't constantly yell obscenities / dank memes / bullshit?
Oasis has 3 parts like every other KOTH map.
2 diffferent Widowmakers in a row. First Lijiang (2.5 rounds and then someone on my team immediately switched to her after they went to Rein) then attacking Route 66.
If anyone wants to group up PSN - MG310
I have yet to find an OW streamer whose personality I can tolerate for as long as Seagull. Ster and Surefour are okay.Are there any other good OW streamers other than Seagull who don't constantly yell obscenities / dank memes / bullshit?
Back to where i belong:
Next goal: Platinum!
Mind if I join you on your journey?
If you are on PC and EU you are more than welcome.
Cool. I'll switch the servers to join you. My username is Blues1990#1733
Added you. But i am not playing a lot during one day. 2-3 sessions of few games.
Hi guys