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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


But that's not how it works in reality, if you use your leap to engage you're pretty much already dead because it's not gonna be off cd when you need to leave since no one is supporting you, so you're forced to play super conservatively at the risk of not confirming the frag. Trading is almost never a good thing.

If you don't use your leap to engage you're playing the hero wrong, you need the damage and possible surprise factor. Why would you not have support? Ana can heal you from distance if you are smart with your positioning. I don't see how trading is bad especially if you get a support or offense squishy, 6v6 ---> 5v5 you made something happen hopefully allowing the team to capitalize.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Man, why is this game such a hit or miss experience? I either feel like I'm doing my job normally, or I'm endlessly annoyed at one of the game's MANY super annoying abilities. I went up against a good Mei yesterday, and I just wanted to shoot myself. I'm still not sure if I feel like I'm having fun or if I'm wasting my time.

I'm still low level so it seems like the teams I get matched into are just kind of bad at catching and stopping people who really need to be stopped immediately, like a flanking Mei, a well-placed Bastion, or a Pharah who is flying around. And I can do the same things as Bastion or Pharah myself too, because the other team lacks the same awareness to shut me down.

I think I'm also not good enough on Ana to carry the healing in a team, and found myself more effective on Mercy. And I don't even know if I like healing in this game, but I'd rather play a healer myself than trust someone else to play a healer (and probably just run off and not heal anyone).
Man, why is this game such a hit or miss experience? I either feel like I'm doing my job normally, or I'm endlessly annoyed at one of the game's MANY super annoying abilities. I went up against a good Mei yesterday, and I just wanted to shoot myself. I'm still not sure if I feel like I'm having fun or if I'm wasting my time.

I'm still low level so it seems like the teams I get matched into are just kind of bad at catching and stopping people who really need to be stopped immediately, like a flanking Mei, a well-placed Bastion, or a Pharah who is flying around. And I can do the same things as Bastion or Pharah myself too, because the other team lacks the same awareness to shut me down.

I think I'm also not good enough on Ana to carry the healing in a team, and found myself more effective on Mercy. And I don't even know if I like healing in this game, but I'd rather play a healer myself than trust someone else to play a healer (and probably just run off and not heal anyone).

Well, one thing to remember is that ultimately, you are just going to run into characters that are hard counters to the character you are playing. Who were you when you were getting wrecked by Mei? If you are someone who happens to be "weak" against Mei, then it comes down to a couple of options: change character to someone who "beats" Mei, have your team protect you and target that character (very hard to do, especially when you are low level and playing with randoms), or pay careful attention to avoiding that character during battle.


Overwatch did have a scoreboard way back then...... it wasnt cramped.

Also, people have created some of their own... this one isnt bad and its certainly a start id probably remove a few things from it myself but I would love to see something like this... considering Overwatch DID have a scoreboard in the past.


Honestly, if ultimate casts and best streak were removed, that'd be a pretty fantastic stat page.


From my experience, a healer can't carry a team.

Best carries are Zarya (well...used to be) and heavy hitter DPS.

Yeah Zarya isn't a hard carry anymore. As a D.Va main, Zarya barely bothers me now. Last season I started playing a lot of Zarya (had over 30 hours on her) but I don't even touch her anymore. The ult charge nerf and her own nerf just don't make her a must-pick anymore. I'd rather play D.Va and go harass S76.


the holder of the trombone
Ana can definitely carry a team.

I sometimes feel like I can, I sometimes feel like i can't tbh.

Like hoenstly if a team runs in together, even without co-ordination I can probably keep them up.

If like the Dva and pharah decided that the best thing they can do is sit on the point as the rest of the team is struggling to get through the first checkpoint it gets significantly harder.

Like fuck me why do people backcap so much this season? Go to the back sure, but shoot them at the back too, not just sit on it and expect the rest of the team to be ok walking through a meatgrinder without people to help out. Worst thing too is that Dva is really good at creating space in the meatgrinder but most fucking Dvas just fly to the back and do... nothing.

Just fucking go to the front, I'll throw down a grenade, it'll be fine.


If you don't use your leap to engage you're playing the hero wrong, you need the damage and possible surprise factor. Why would you not have support? Ana can heal you from distance if you are smart with your positioning. I don't see how trading is bad especially if you get a support or offense squishy, 6v6 ---> 5v5 you made something happen hopefully allowing the team to capitalize.
Because solo queue. Everything that's not in your immediate vicinity doesn't exist.
"Hey, Zen, can I get an orb when I jump in?" "Why?"
I can't explain in the chat how the game works in every match.


Regarding Roadhog, I wonder if it would be worth exploring a complete replacement for the hook. Blizzard is willing to make fundamental mechanical changes to underperforming heroes (Symmetra's rework, Torb's auto-scrap generation), so why not to overperforming heroes too? Granted, simple tweaks -- like increased hook cooldown, more accurate hook targeting, etc. -- would be less disruptive and likely much easier to implement, but hey, let's put all options on the table. And deep down, I've never been happy that a one-hit-KO combo was included in the game in the first place, so there's also some bias on my part when brainstorming a potential solution.

For example, what if Roadhog threw a heavy net instead of a chain hook? The purpose would be to briefly stun and root a character in place rather than to reel them in. You could still play Hog as a big flanking beefcake and catch stragglers or pin them out in the open, but they wouldn't be forcibly pulled out of position, and Hog would have to make an extra effort to close the gap for his m2 (or even m1, depending on the net's range) to be effective. Meanwhile, the snared opponent would be able to retaliate, and if they're playing closely to their team, they won't be completely defenseless.


Regarding Roadhog, I wonder if it would be worth exploring a complete replacement for the hook. Blizzard is willing to make fundamental mechanical changes to underperforming heroes (Symmetra's rework, Torb's auto-scrap generation), so why not to overperforming heroes too? Granted, simple tweaks -- like increased hook cooldown, more accurate hook targeting, etc. -- would be less disruptive and likely much easier to implement, but hey, let's put all options on the table. And deep down, I've never been happy that a one-hit-KO combo was included in the game in the first place, so there's also some bias on my part when brainstorming a potential solution.

For example, what if Roadhog threw a heavy net instead of a chain hook? The purpose would be to briefly stun and root a character in place rather than to reel them in. You could still play Hog as a big flanking beefcake and catch stragglers or pin them out in the open, but they wouldn't be forcibly pulled out of position, and Hog would have to make an extra effort to close the gap for his m2 (or even m1, depending on the net's range) to be effective. Meanwhile, the snared opponent would be able to retaliate, and if they're playing closely to their team, they won't be completely defenseless.

At that point, you might as well create a new hero with that mechanic. A bounty hunter-type character would be pretty neat to have.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I was playing Ana and Zenyatta for the most part. Got wrecked as them. The team usually doesn't have the positioning or awareness to not get destroyed by flanks.

I had a few rounds as Pharah where I did okay since I always tried to target Mei down, but it wasn't enough to win. I played Bastion a few times and we usually won those because Bastion has the damage to cut down half the team if they don't expect you to be there.

I also need to be more discerning about how to use Ana's ult. There was one time I ulted a Reinhart... And then the Reinhart just kept walking slowly forward with his shield up. :( I'm also really bad at positioning or something too. I can be standing well back and trying to heal people from range and then some sniper on my team always gets in front of me and eats the heals that are intended for the frontline guys. Then the frontline guys die and I facepalm.
Another comp game, another junkrat main who will not switch off no matter what. They're like cockroaches. "But I have gold dmg!" no one cares, you're not contesting the point and the only reason you have gold is because everyone else is switching to try to salvage our shitty Comp BECAUSE OF YOU. And in the end I (D.va) still ended up with gold elims, damage, objective time and objective kills. Almost like medals don't mean shit.



Spend 2 hours playing competitive. Same rank as before you started. I just had so many games where players kept throwing with stupid picks.

One game we had a 3 man stack who immediately died on defence on Hollywood. They were pretty jovial in the chat but fuck you guys. I'm here to win. Not make friends. They do absolutely nothing the entire game and I have gold everything except healing as Rein. That's when I know my team is having a shocker. I ask if they can go Rein and I'll go DPS on attack. One of them goes Widowmaker and never kills their Pharah. I tried with Soldier but with pocket mercy and harmony, it was pretty difficult. But Widow just needs one shot and she couldn't land a single one. Then our Rein switches to Winston half way through the game and we make no attempts to push the cart because we don't have a Rein. Their excuse is that they were losing the Reinhardt battle lmao. So playing Winston into Dva, Zarya and Rein is definitely going to work...

Had to play Ana another game and our Junkrat didn't get a single kill all game. Just got gold damage which they kept going on about. Then they started spouting antisemitic hate.

Even my final game which I won. We steamrolled attack and then get steamrolled on defence because we apparently need to go bastion??? Finally manage to convince the DPS that bastion isnt going to work and they go with Pharah which ends up being enough to full hold second time.

Gold players aren't mechanically bad but they make such terrible decisions constantly that I don't know what I can do to carry them. I know I'm the same rank but I'm literally forced every game to plead with the team that we need 2 healers or 2 tanks and that they should stay behind the Rein shield instead of standing near enemy spawn.
Thanks for the games, was a good time. Kind of interesting to jump right into PC OW at Diamond+ even in QP. Trial by fire, I suppose!

Haha, like I said, it's all good. I know you aren't new to the game, but PC is a different beast entirely lol, so don't worry about aim and the like being harder at first. Sorry that one of our first games was a Korean Meta game for the other team. That's never fun to go through lol.

Gonna invite you to the actual OW Gaf discord as well, so you might be able to find more people as well, but you're always welcome to join us when we're running qp.

I just remembered the game has the kill feed disabled by default.

Waaaaait, I completely forgot that too. Who decided this?
our Junkrat didn't get a single kill all game. Just got gold damage which they kept going on about.

See? Like cockroaches.

Also funny moment, for the first time I had someone suggest 3 tanks "because it's the meta" so they landed on Winston, Rein and D.va (me) with no Ana. So I was like "uh you guys know the whole reason this meta works is Ana and Roadhog right, why don't we just go 2-2-2" and we did and won easily.
Gold players aren't mechanically bad but they make such terrible decisions constantly that I don't know what I can do to carry them. I know I'm the same rank but I'm literally forced every game to plead with the team that we need 2 healers or 2 tanks and that they should stay behind the Rein shield instead of standing near enemy spawn.

Right now there's nothing in this game that irks me as much as this.

When I see something like this I know it's a lost game, unless the other team is as equally as bad.


At that point, you might as well create a new hero with that mechanic. A bounty hunter-type character would be pretty neat to have.

Yeah, true -- a targeted, mid-to-long-range snare could definitely be the core feature of a new hero. But that being said, I would love to see Roadhog evolve, and replacing the hook with something that maintains flavor and playstyle while raising the skill ceiling and diversifying the meta would be really cool.

Maybe instead of a net, the hook creates a tether between Hog and his opponent, rooting the opponent in place (instead of reeling them in) for a few seconds after a brief initial stun -- however, Hog's movement is slowed for as long as the tether persists, which puts him at a disadvantage if he uses the hook in an intense firefight. At any time, Hog can dispel / break the hook, and maybe the chain itself has a health value and can be broken by enemies. The hook's maximum distance would be at an advantageous range for Hog's m2, so clever positioning would still result in reliable kills, but if Hog tosses a hook in a team fight, there would be a chance for coordinated opponents to break the chain before the finishing blow.

I've also wondered about adding utility to the hook, where Hog could pull friendlies from out of danger (thus giving Hog a more diverse toolkit than beefy DPS -- he's the only tank that can't directly help or shield teammates), but I imagine that would open the door to some grief possibilities. Then again, Mei's ice wall and Symmetra's teleporter can already be used for subversive purposes.

Long story short, I find Roadhog to be pretty boring and really powerful, so I'd love to see his role grow beyond a one-dimensional pick machine.
Roadhog is (mostly) fine. I would support either a larger global CD on hook, or some sort of "whiff punish" (maybe the hook has a higher CD if you whiff). But on the whole he's fine. People just get pissy because the hook looks weird sometimes.

If Roadhog fired a teleportation dart that teleported the enemy in front of him, we wouldn't see half the bitching we see now. But since it's visualized as a hook "pulling" the enemy in, we get the "BULLSHIT" in chat when the hook cleanly connects but chain clips through stuff.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Roadhog is (mostly) fine. I would support either a larger global CD on hook, or some sort of "whiff punish" (maybe the hook has a higher CD if you whiff). But on the whole he's fine. People just get pissy because the hook looks weird sometimes.

If Roadhog fired a teleportation dart that teleported the enemy in front of him, we wouldn't see half the bitching we see now. But since it's visualized as a hook "pulling" the enemy in, we get the "BULLSHIT" in chat when the hook cleanly connects but chain clips through stuff.
I don't think it's the animation that bothers me. I think I just dislike Roadhog because he's a tank who can oneshot people left and right with that hook. It's just an unusually powerful reward for one clean hit, especially when most DPS characters need to land more than one good hit to kill.


But that's not how it works in reality, if you use your leap to engage you're pretty much already dead because it's not gonna be off cd when you need to leave since no one is supporting you, so you're forced to play super conservatively at the risk of not confirming the frag. Trading is almost never a good thing.

I'm not a Winston player, but I've supported allot, and this isn't true. You use the leap to engage and you're supported by either/and Zarya shield with Ana healing. Leap in, lay your shield down, strike at their rear lines, and leap away once you can or to another position.

Winston's a hard dive hero though, and you should really only pick him if you have heroes on your team that can support him. Likewise, if you see your team going dive on the select screen, it might be best to back them up. Like, if we're on route 66 and I pick Rein and the other guy picks Winston, I'm liable to switch to Zarya because our synergy's terrible otherwise (and maybe my own awareness of how well the rest of my team synergizes relatively otherwise is limited >_>).

If you're not getting kills as Winston and not getting the needed support from your teammates, I'd switch off him.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I'm not a Winston player, but I've supported allot, and this isn't true. You use the leap to engage and you're supported by either/and Zarya shield with Ana healing. Leap in, lay your shield down, strike at their rear lines, and leap away once you can or to another position.

Winston's a hard dive hero though, and you should really only pick him if you have heroes on your team that can support him. Likewise, if you see your team going dive on the select screen, it might be best to back them up. Like, if we're on route 66 and I pick Rein and the other guy picks Winston, I'm liable to switch to Zarya because our synergy's terrible otherwise (and maybe my own awareness of how well the rest of my team synergizes relatively otherwise is limited >_>).

If you're not getting kills as Winston and not getting the needed support from your teammates, I'd switch off him.
Who should Winston try to kill when diving into the back? I have no idea how he works.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I don't think it's the animation that bothers me. I think I just dislike Roadhog because he's a tank who can oneshot people left and right with that hook. It's just an unusually powerful reward for one clean hit, especially when most DPS characters need to land more than one good hit to kill.

He's a tank in name only really. He has a huge hitbox and 600 hp but no damage mitigation or ways to prevent damage for the team. Rein has armor and a shield, dva has DM and armor, zarya has bubbles and shields, winston also is just a bunch of HP but has a deployable shield. Roadhog has a burst heal but it's bad to do in an active engagement and in general his health gets torn through since he's so big.

RH is a weird hybrid that basically works as a DPS.

Though compared to most DPS, Roadhog with a hook on CD is a pretty awful hero, his gun is pretty shitty with a small clip and a very long reload. He's basically gimped normally due to his oneshot. He can get the spacing and one shot people with his alt fire but that's more on the other person's positioning.

That's why if they end up nerfing anything I can't see what they would do except hook CD. But even small changes there would have a huge ripple on the rest of him.


I'm not a Winston player, but I've supported allot, and this isn't true. You use the leap to engage and you're supported by either/and Zarya shield with Ana healing. Leap in, lay your shield down, strike at their rear lines, and leap away once you can or to another position.

Winston's a hard dive hero though, and you should really only pick him if you have heroes on your team that can support him. Likewise, if you see your team going dive on the select screen, it might be best to back them up. Like, if we're on route 66 and I pick Rein and the other guy picks Winston, I'm liable to switch to Zarya because our synergy's terrible otherwise (and maybe my own awareness of how well the rest of my team synergizes relatively otherwise is limited >_>).

If you're not getting kills as Winston and not getting the needed support from your teammates, I'd switch off him.
That's my whole point. There's nothing wrong with Winston as a character but I can only use him reliably in QP because I can't play him like he's supposed to in solo queue comp because I'm not getting supported.

And it's not leap in->drop the shield. It's leap in->get a Zarya shield->soak up damage->drop the shield->do your thing->leap away because leap had the time to go off cd. That's just not happening though. If you try to do that against a regular comp the shield explodes in 2 secs average and everything is still on cd when you need to leave. So, basically, I dare to play Winston only in koth if there's a Lucio because he's forced to mitigate some of the damage I'm taking.
Who should Winston try to kill when diving into the back? I have no idea how he works.

I almost always run Winston when he is supported by a dps. Dive with them onto healers first. You should get at least the two of them before you have to bail. But most of the time if you take out the healers, you should be able to clean up and win the fight. When you dive, though, you need your other tank/dps/healers to push the enemy pretty hard as well. For a dive comp to work you need constant pressure coming from the front line as well as the divers, otherwise the whole team can just turn on you and you die.

Really, in general you need to have a very powerful frontline for any comp to work. In higher levels of play, poke comps just don't work. Reins have to be more assertive in their presence as a mainline tank, from my experience. If you don't command respect and hold that shield up as you keep moving into the enemy Rein's face, you'll likely end up losing the fight. When I'm running something other than Rein, I find that if I get a Rein that can do that, we can win pretty hard. You just need that front line pressure constantly.


He's a tank in name only really. He has a huge hitbox and 600 hp but no damage mitigation or ways to prevent damage for the team. Rein has armor and a shield, dva has DM and armor, zarya has bubbles and shields, winston also is just a bunch of HP but has a deployable shield. Roadhog has a burst heal but it's bad to do in an active engagement and in general his health gets torn through since he's so big.

RH is a weird hybrid that basically works as a DPS.

Though compared to most DPS, Roadhog with a hook on CD is a pretty awful hero, his gun is pretty shitty with a small clip and a very long reload. He's basically gimped normally due to his oneshot. He can get the spacing and one shot people with his alt fire but that's more on the other person's positioning.

That's why if they end up nerfing anything I can't see what they would do except hook CD. But even small changes there would have a huge ripple on the rest of him.

Personally, that's why I would prefer a change to how Roadhog's hook operates (what it does, fundamentally) rather than tweak its existing properties (how it does what it's already designed to do). Even with a longer hook cooldown, I find Hog to be pretty boring to watch and to play, even when he's played well. If you land hooks, you get instant picks. If you don't land hooks, you're next to useless unless you're within range of your m2, and then you're also getting instant or near-instant picks. There's clearly a skill range, because I've seen poor Hog play and great Hog play, but his current design is completely reliant on the hook+m1 combo. He doesn't offer anything else to his team, whereas other tanks can shield and deny incoming damage. To be honest, almost every DPS character has more diverse and interesting gameplay tools than Hog does, so if Roadhog is designed to be a beefy DPS, that doesn't really change my opinion on him.

Again, I'm usually opposed to one-hit-KO mechanics as a rule unless they have significant drawbacks, so that might be why I'm down on Hog. He's not easy to play, but he's too shallow for my tastes.


Right now there's nothing in this game that irks me as much as this.

When I see something like this I know it's a lost game, unless the other team is as equally as bad.

Same here

I try to be positive in the game so I don't want to say stuff like holy fucking shit get back here there's no reason to spawn kill fuck your healers and the point are back here get the fuck back what the fuck are you doing

If you're on defense the other team has to do the work to get past the chokepoint. Why would you go past the choke for them and give up your main advantage? You kill them, they spawn again right there. They kill you, you're miles away from the point for like 10 seconds. It's really almost never worth the risk. There's a height advantage on your side of the choke but some junkrat would rather go fight on the bottom of a hill and immediately get killed.
Road hogs hook should just have a few frames for people to use their abilities so it's not a one shot. Rein can shield, Pharah can rocket jump, reaper can ghost, etc, make it so roadhog has to strategically wait for you the ability you'd get away with to be on cool down before he gets a free one shot kill.


Road hogs hook should just have a few frames for people to use their abilities so it's not a one shot. Rein can shield, Pharah can rocket jump, reaper can ghost, etc, make it so roadhog has to strategically wait for you the ability you'd get away with to be on cool down before he gets a free one shot kill.

It's not "free" and he needs to have ammo in the small clip.
Just bought this through Battle.Net. I'm trying to install it, but the option isn't clickable and I get the message, "Sorry, you haven't been invited to play this game yet".
The text also makes it sound like the game is released yet or something
It's not "free" and he needs to have ammo in the small clip.
It's pretty much free unless you have a rock for a brain or you hooked a mei / tracer. He's not a attack character, if he's gonna one shot people there should be a lot more skill involved than there is as is. I hate the character but have been playing him recently because of how OP he is. It's just dumb he has a one shot that doesn't even make him vulnerable. At least rein has to pin with some sense or he'll just die. Make it so road has to hook with some sense.


Roadhog without his hook would be as boring to play as McCree. That's the reason he's so fun.

I'd rather it be replaced by something that adds strategy and diversity to his playstyle; I agree that removing it wholesale without a backup plan would make the character worse. The difference is that I find the current iteration of the hook pretty boring as-is, and since you mentioned it, McCree is the only DPS I consider equally as boring. The other DPS in the game have much more interesting toolkits than either of those two characters.

They're certainly effective at what they do, and I think it's important to have a character like McCree with a high skill ceiling; but even if the meta surrounding Roadhog is tweaked (lower burst healing from Ana, for example), there's just not much to the guy. If he's going to be classified as a tank, then I'd love for him to be able to do something that benefits his team beyond "gets picks". Similarly, if he's going to be a DPS, then I'd wish for him to be able to deal damage in an interesting way without one-hit KOs (including both hook+m1 and m2 at perfect range).



It's pretty much free unless you have a rock for a brain or you hooked a mei / tracer. He's not a attack character, if he's gonna one shot people there should be a lot more skill involved than there is as is. I hate the character but have been playing him recently because of how OP he is. It's just dumb he has a one shot that doesn't even make him vulnerable. At least rein has to pin with some sense or he'll just die. Make it so road has to hook with some sense.

It's balanced because his other abilities and large size make him for an easy kill if his hook is on cooldown.


Just bought this through Battle.Net. I'm trying to install it, but the option isn't clickable and I get the message, "Sorry, you haven't been invited to play this game yet".
The text also makes it sound like the game is released yet or something
What does it say on your https://"eu/us".battle.net/account/management/ page?
If you click on OW you might have a download button. (I'm assuming you already rebooted battle.net)

It's balanced because his other abilities and large size make him for an easy kill if his hook is on cooldown.
Roadhog takes a lot of fun out of the game, I'm just asking for an ounce of strategy to the character. They did it with mei for some reason. She turns ice and gets hit by like half the shots. Shits weird. I'd be fine with a 5 or 6 shot magazine if you nerf him the way I want. Since ya know, he won't be throwing the hook immediately off cd everytime now.


It's balanced because his other abilities and large size make him for an easy kill if his hook is on cooldown.

Really? He can one shot most heroes in a certain range if the player is good and deals high DPS at close range. I don't really see how he becomes an "easy kill". His high DPS is the reason why 3 tanks works so well.


From my experience, a healer can't carry a team.

Best carries are Zarya (well...used to be) and heavy hitter DPS.

Zenyatta can def carry if your team isn't complete shit (did it earlier, actually. xD), and Zarya could NOT carry a crap team even back in her pre-nerf hayday.
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