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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


I had a really good Symmetra in comp last night that knew exactly what he was doing and properly utilizing the Shield Generator for us. It was on Ilios too. We partied up after then then immediately got a 6-stack with a few Masters players in it that had Pharah. He switched but we still lost 3-1 on Nepal, lol.


I paid the 750 for holiday Sombra....guessing it'll be the only one I get out of a loot box now.

Hopefully I can get that 3000 gold Zarya emote and Zenyatta
Winston needs a bit more buff to his weapon damage and i think he'll be perfect.

Eh, his role is disruption and causing the team to scatter/capitalizing on people out of position. He doesn't really need more damage to do that well. Cleave damage of 60 per second causes people to disband very quickly. If you made it any more, Winston/Ana could actually solo wipe a team.

Like, people don't like this version of D.Va, but that version of Winston would actually be worse to fight imo.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Yeti sates me for now, but this is the ultimate Winston dream skin


*sigh* Think i'm done trying to be the guy that picks late so I can adjust to the team comp. Always end up having to heal, which I don't mind. However so often what happens is that my teammates are shit and can't kill anything. So it's just a cycle of me trying to heal, then dying eventually.

If I pick a zarya or roadhog, things usually turn around and we win or get close to winning...


Everyone's just fucking around in that mode. As such it seems like you have a better chance of winning on defense.

I think it's easier to win on Offense, because at least the payload provides some heals if you get unlucky enough to not have a support (plus people suicide off supports a lot in Mystery Heroes).

For Offense on 2CP maps, it seems like keeping your fingers crossed someone gets a Roadhog and can make a quick pick with him to be able to push.


Does anybody like the Mystery Heroes brawl? Every time I've played it my experience has been my team dies immediately, then the other team starts steamrolling because they're grouped up and actually have ults to use and then we lose. Just happened on King's Row where my team finally killed their team and forced them into new characters, only for my team to idiotically run to their spawn to try and spawn camp them and die immediately losing any advantageous defensive hold we had.

On top of that, had a match in the brawl on Hanamura where my team got spawn camped by two D.Vas, a Reinhardt, aMercy, and a Torbjorn and they all just panicked and died over and over again, nobody getting any kills (I had gold with 2) and it was the worst match I've ever played in Overwatch, probably.

Has everybody just forgotten how to play Overwatch at all? I still haven't done my placement matches but I think I might wait for the shininess of the winter event to wear off because I feel like a special brand of idiots are playing right now and I'm afraid of what might happen if I try playing comp.
I like it, but I feel it's skewed too much in Defense's favor too often. It's harder to make a push than it is to hold a position if the RNG is giving you less viable team comp. But it's gotten me to play a lot of characters I normally don't use and not feel guilty about being out of practice with them since it's such a wacky mode it's hard to take it seriously.
I think it's easier to win on Offense, because at least the payload provides some heals if you get unlucky enough to not have a support (plus people suicide off supports a lot in Mystery Heroes).

I've played a fair bit of Mystery Heroes, and it's definitely skewed towards defense on 2CP/Payload/Hybrid. Map design favors defense by default, and since ult resets on death, it is difficult to build up enough ult to break through.

It's not impossible as offense, of course. Sometimes you just roll a better team comp than they do and steamroll. But I've found defense to have a huge advantage.
I've played a fair bit of Mystery Heroes, and it's definitely skewed towards defense on 2CP/Payload/Hybrid. Map design favors defense by default, and since ult resets on death, it is difficult to build up enough ult to break through.

It's not impossible as offense, of course. Sometimes you just roll a better team comp than they do and steamroll. But I've found defense to have a huge advantage.

Defense IS at a huge advantage, that's not even up for debate, everyone and their mother knows it. The question then becomes, why don't they just run KOTH maps for mystery heroes? Just because it's a silly just for fun mode doesn't mean it's fun if you already know you're very likely to lose from the start if you're on attack.
Defense IS at a huge advantage, that's not even up for debate, everyone and their mother knows it. The question then becomes, why don't they just run KOTH maps for mystery heroes? Just because it's a silly just for fun mode doesn't mean it's fun if you already know you're very likely to lose from the start if you're on attack.

It has always seemed to me that the mode is offense favoring, as your comp is more dynamic. In modes where you can only lose 3-4 fights at most on defense, being more static in your comp means eventually they'll roll a counter (if not multiple). Defense is a no win situation: if they beat you the point is lost, but if you beat them they get to try a completely different comp to beat you with. You are more likely to not have anywhere near an ideal set up for defending, while even if their comp is bad they will be getting rerolls every time you beat them until they get the right comp for it.
It has always seemed to me that the mode is offense favoring, as your comp is more dynamic. In modes where you can only lose 3-4 fights at most on defense, being more static in your comp means eventually they'll roll a counter (if not multiple). Defense is a no win situation: if they beat you the point is lost, but if you beat them they get to try a completely different comp to beat you with. You are more likely to not have anywhere near an ideal set up for defending, while even if their comp is bad they will be getting rerolls every time you beat them until they get the right comp for it.

It's much easier to snowball in favor of defense tho. If offense gets lucky, rolls a decent comp at the start, and manages to overwhelm the defense early and keep the momentum going, then yes, it could be over very quickly. But generally, it's easier to defend with attack heroes than vice versa, so the odds favor defense imo.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Arcade is definitely the most disappointing aspect of Overwatch for me. Mystery Heroes and Dotawatch are pretty lame compared to stuff like TF2's community modes like x10 mode and Randomizer.

I'd rather have some stuff that's completely batshit. Even 'Arcade' Arcade mode is pretty tame in comparison.


That feeling when you get 30 kills in a qp match and still lose. cause your team decides to overextend.

On a brighter note, my accuracy with roadhog hooks is getting much better...or my opponents are getting much worse.Not sure
I had a really good Symmetra in comp last night that knew exactly what he was doing and properly utilizing the Shield Generator for us. It was on Ilios too. We partied up after then then immediately got a 6-stack with a few Masters players in it that had Pharah. He switched but we still lost 3-1 on Nepal, lol.

We had a Symm on Nepal who refused to change at all. They didn't know what they were doing and even in spite of this we won 3-2. Symm is my favourite and most played and even I know when to switch. That game was a struggle.


the holder of the trombone
Hey reins, can you stop standing in a narrow choke on defense with no room for side stepping so you get charged instantly by the opposing rein?

I would really appreciate that.

Also fuck no Winston doesn't need buffs. Other characters need nerfs, if not the power creep will get out of hand.
If there is one thing I hate about big updates it's that comp invariably becomes a testing ground for people which is okay I guess since it has to happen somewhere but when a guy stays on Sym for both offense and defense when we are already having a tough time it's really annoying.

Sym seems like a good pick on Defense 2cp but only okay on Defense payload provided you can get a foothold and put your generator up. This guy was mostly frantically throwing shit up and getting it destroyed as we lost ground repeatedly since we had one healer and his ult wasn't ready.

Not to mention the guys who want to throw games/play characters they just unlocked skins on always seem to show up right after a update too.

Sigh, at least I only lost like 30 SR overall for the set of games I played.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Symmetra/Torb teams on defense right now is kind of weird. I just did it and utterly dominated with a loosey goosey team. Myself as Torb and our team as Torb/Symmetra/Lucio/Widowmaker/Genji/76. No tanks. But between shield generator and Torb armor, Lucio was practically a tank. That's where I had the super high HP as Torb also.

The thing is.. I don't know how 'viable' it is in higher level play. Symmetra/Torb combo is almost like Engineer stacking in TF2. At high level, it's a suicide but playing solo queue against solo queue, it can be a brick wall for uncoordinated teams. Which, Symmetra with teleport on the first point was already a potential solo queue killer. Though a Engi stack can be harder to break than a Torb/Sym as a solo team. The issue is that the vast majority of lower rank or QP players that spend all their time om playing flankers are REALLY bad at playing them as team players and instead just want to 1 v 1 and get fat kills. They'll try to fight Symmetra instead of blowing her teleport or shield generator up and getting the fuck out. This was on Hanamura and I left my turret in the same spot for almost the entire match, mostly near Sym's shield generator

I played Sym on Anubis and put the shield generator on the last point where I usuallly put the port. In that little crevice. And no one ever switched to Junkrat on the enemy team. Never, ever.

The sad thingi s though that I feel like Bastion is EVEN more unusable with Symmetra and Torb being so much more useful for holding a point.


If there is one thing I hate about big updates it's that comp invariably becomes a testing ground for people which is okay I guess since it has to happen somewhere but when a guy stays on Sym for both offense and defense when we are already having a tough time it's really annoying.

Sym seems like a good pick on Defense 2cp but only okay on Defense payload provided you can get a foothold and put your generator up. This guy was mostly frantically throwing shit up and getting it destroyed as we lost ground repeatedly since we had one healer and his ult wasn't ready.

Not to mention the guys who want to throw games/play characters they just unlocked skins on always seem to show up right after a update too.

Sigh, at least I only lost like 30 SR overall for the set of games I played.

SR will always drop around patch days. If you don't want to lose any it woul dbe better to go a week without it and let people tire themselfs out and realize a small buff doesn't push a character to S tier

HAHA, just punched a genji in face to kill him as hes whipping out his ult and about to wreck my team. get got so mad


I think they should buff him and i expect them to. Right now D.Va has jacked the dive slot. She can initiate and re-initiate quicker, Its far easier to survive while doing it (her K:D rate on PC is pretty good, on consoles its downright insane), and she does more damage. The only pro winston has over her is aoe damage and it goes through shields.

If I were to buff him, i'd focus on the shield so he can initiate and re-initiate quicker. I'd like to see it take more damage but the cool down is the key. At a whopping 13 seconds its really only there to buy a second or two for the jump refresh in a emergency situation or to secure a kill. Maybe back in the day when you could have 6 winstons dropping bubbles all over the place that might have been ok, but now it just doesn't make sense. It doesn't provide that big of a benefit to be so damn rare.

The problem's not Winston. As someone who also plays support, he does enough damage. I wouldn't change it (up or down).

If there's a problem, it's Dva. I'm of the opinion she was buffed too much in the last patch. I've said it before - I'd change some of that armor to health.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Winston is also great at picking on squishies

The issue is that with hero pick rates and Ana healing the only person that's squishy anymore is Winston.
HAHA, just punched a genji in face to kill him as hes whipping out his ult and about to wreck my team. get got so mad

I live for this kind of shit. Just stood totally still in front of a McCree as he was ulting as D.va with defense matrix up, completely shut him down, he dies, types "fuck you d.va" in match chat. Delicious.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yeah, Winston really doesn't need buffs. It's just a meta thing right now, he's bad to pick into triple tank because he doesn't do damage to kill them(nor is he meant to). If you leap on the supports the mlg pro ana just sleeps you and you're gonna die, but Ana is kinda a big problem in general.

Part of the reason Dva never saw play was similiar matchup things. Zarya was always good and dva was really bad to play into her, and generally matched up poorly against other tanks. Now they overbuffed her.
Symmetra/Torb teams on defense right now is kind of weird. I just did it and utterly dominated with a loosey goosey team. Myself as Torb and our team as Torb/Symmetra/Lucio/Widowmaker/Genji/76. No tanks. But between shield generator and Torb armor, Lucio was practically a tank. That's where I had the super high HP as Torb also.

The thing is.. I don't know how 'viable' it is in higher level play. Symmetra/Torb combo is almost like Engineer stacking in TF2. At high level, it's a suicide but playing solo queue against solo queue, it can be a brick wall for uncoordinated teams. Which, Symmetra with teleport on the first point was already a potential solo queue killer. Though a Engi stack can be harder to break than a Torb/Sym as a solo team. The issue is that the vast majority of lower rank or QP players that spend all their time om playing flankers are REALLY bad at playing them as team players and instead just want to 1 v 1 and get fat kills. They'll try to fight Symmetra instead of blowing her teleport or shield generator up and getting the fuck out. This was on Hanamura and I left my turret in the same spot for almost the entire match, mostly near Sym's shield generator

I played Sym on Anubis and put the shield generator on the last point where I usuallly put the port. In that little crevice. And no one ever switched to Junkrat on the enemy team. Never, ever.

The sad thingi s though that I feel like Bastion is EVEN more unusable with Symmetra and Torb being so much more useful for holding a point.

Yeah, sym by herself is completely viable, and will certainly show up this weekend for teams who have actually practiced with her. The exception would be if they are smart and ban her for this one due to some of her bugs. Torb you won't see so much, just because you lose enough dps by having sym, and you absolutely need to be able to get any damage you can. But even before all this you would see Envy run Hulk on Symmetra for certain points from time to time. You better believe he's ready to pull her out again.
How are solo queuers finding this season so far?

I haven't played since the last week of the last season but I've dipped my foot back in the water for the Christmas Event. It feels worse than last season but to be fair, I've only played a few hours. I feel like there's even more players who just don't know how to play the objective or don't stick together when needs be. I thought Overwatch would've been the type of multiplayer that eventually weened out the not so serious players and left the community with a majority of players who are competent teammates.

Been playing Mercy, Mei, Bastion and Pharah so far.


the holder of the trombone
Yeah, sym by herself is completely viable, and will certainly show up this weekend for teams who have actually practiced with her. The exception would be if they are smart and ban her for this one due to some of her bugs. Torb you won't see so much, just because you lose enough dps by having sym, and you absolutely need to be able to get any damage you can. But even before all this you would see Envy run Hulk on Symmetra for certain points from time to time. You better believe he's ready to pull her out again.

I honestly believe that she's going to be the anti-lucio on defense, which I'm kinda fine with honestly.
I honestly believe that she's going to be the anti-lucio on defense, which I'm kinda fine with honestly.

I'm okay with an anti-Lucio as well. I just don't like one with 120 dps, unlimited turret works, 375 bonus health to the team, and a 10 m vaporizing beam. The range is 7m but once tethered, extends to 10 m before breaking (as Anne found out in our 1v1).


How are solo queuers finding this season so far?

I haven't played since the last week of the last season but I've dipped my foot back in the water for the Christmas Event. It feels worse than last season but to be fair, I've only played a few hours. I feel like there's even more players who just don't know how to play the objective or don't stick together when needs be. I thought Overwatch would've been the type of multiplayer that eventually weened out the not so serious players and left the community with a majority of players who are competent teammates.

Been playing Mercy, Mei, Bastion and Pharah so far.

Well it's a game that just released a Winter pack of stuff and it's the holidays for a lot of teenagers and kids so this is the time where all the casual kids comeback to the game or even get the game. Now is the least opportune time to think you're going to get seasoned vets of the game as your teammates.


the holder of the trombone
Eh, I don't think S76 is that far from not being super crazy while still being a viable alternative to mccree. I don't think he's super crazy now, just slightly overtuned.


the holder of the trombone
His ult with the damage increase with how long it goes is definitely super crazy

It is, but it also really needs setup. It's not like the beyblade where you just throw nano on reaper and yolo, there are quite some ways to mitigate it. A good sound barrier will stop a naked soldier ult really. Dva cockblocks him entirely.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
For a game about all sorts of nationalities and even going as far as to not say 'Christmas' it's kind of weird that all the Winter skins are Christmas themed or nondescript(like Yeti, Shiver, and Frostbite)


These soldier buffs have too many people scared of my pharah not being up to snuff cant wait till thats over

she isn't, not with soldier and mccrees around. hell even ana's get in on the action. the boost increase was nice but what she needs is air mobility. with her speed it is way too easy to predict the trajectory of where shes going. Side to side boost in the air that take up fuel would help her immensely


just had a match where no one was pushing the payload because they were all afraid of dying. Hanzo, Lucio, Widowmaker, and Reaper did nothing. I as Sombra had to push it. This tracer was good but switched to Bastion so guess where he was. In the beginning Tracer and I killed 4 people but everyone else was near the bus (Widow and Hanzo were scoped up too smh).

Thank god the other team had some horrible aim or else we would have lost that. We didnt even have a healer until later now that I think about it.


she isn't, not with soldier and mccrees around. hell even ana's get in on the action. the boost increase was nice but what she needs is air mobility. with her speed it is way too easy to predict the trajectory of where shes going. Side to side boost in the air that take up fuel would help her immensely
In my eyes shes the only onw who flys so they should giver her some good flying

But going into comp theres too many soldiers and mccrees out there who dont have the aim necessary to kill me or other pharahs out there

Way too many soldiers out there just hearing hes good and not applying the work to get good aim at all


Losing 230 points over a day of playing is so stupid. There's only so much you can do in this game as one person. Getting people that won't even group up at a choke point for defense or people who refuse to run the meta, wtf can you do?

Getting a god damn Hanzo/Widow combo and me as the only tank in a game of Masters and Diamonds. I get punished severely for that, it's complete fucking nonsense.

Annnnnd Master no more, lol. Fuck this game.


the holder of the trombone
I don't think her gun needed the buff either considering her other buffs, but it's still a relatively weak gun. She's still pretty weak 1v1 unless she's facing off against a lucio or something. She's actually kind of a nightmare for lucio now. Can't boop her away out of microwave range.


Here's what I'm talking about, the dumbass widow was on the other team next round and just emoted the entire game. His team got decimated of course.

Blizzard has to implement some kind of reporting system on console.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Here's what I'm talking about, the dumbass widow was on the other team next round and just emoted the entire game. His team got decimated of course.

Blizzard has to implement some kind of reporting system on console.

It'll do the same it does on PC



What role do you play, mostly?

I used to try and fill in slots, but now I usually lock Soldier / D.Va unless specifically asked to play something else or they're taken.

My main point of advice is to take a break if you start to tilt. I've had games where I start to argue / passive aggressively talk over mic and instead I just say "hey guys I'm starting to tilt, gonna mute comms and just play my heart out."

After that, I just call it a break if I'm on a loss streak.

But other than that, learn how to pick to counter what's troubling your team most, and don't be afraid to lock into a key role if you know you can play it well.

Yeah, think I'll just start to counter more if we're really facing troubles. Doubt I'll solo queue for a good while though. I usually play Rein or Zarya. I'm decent with Soldier though.
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